I'm not sure if I agree to this concept. An updoot regardless.
This feels more like the bully was kicked in the face and got a bloody nose for the first time. As such, said bully is now terrified of what the bullied can do to them.
Its just like the aftermath of coof scare, when all those media talking heads were begging for amnesty, realizing just what could happen to them if the other side got tired of being played.
That's a great analogy. Most bullys are chicken shits. When faced with someone who stands up to them, and beats them up, they whine and cry "unfair" . They run with their tail between their legs. It happens every time.
I just seen a clip yesterday where these two Basketball Americans ran up with a gun on some guy to steal his car. He punched the shit outta one of them, slammed them on the ground, and the little shit basically reverted back to puberty and starting squeeling while he friend screamed LEAVE HIM ALONE. The irony was fascinating.
LOL. That's exactly the way it goes. Reminds me of the ATF guy who tried to bully a homeowner and the cops came and ended up taking him down. He tried to bully them, and the next thing you know, he was a whining sissy.
the left is satanic. they worship the physical at the expense of the spiritual. to them, everything is brute force. that's why they use the phrase 'thoughts and prayers' as a euphemism for 'doing nothing'. because they place absolutely no value on those things.
even the ones who don't actively worship satan are still drawn to communism, which is based on these principles.
Well when you get into things like this people say things like “Aren’t we against cancel culture? Should we really use it against them?” This is an example of holding yourself to a higher standard than your enemies, but also, these people want you dead and your kids trans’d and wouldn’t hesitate for a second to do anything malicious they could get away with against you. So no, I don’t feel bad that people are trying to get people canceled for being disappointed that a former president isn’t dead.
He’s not exactly on the ball, but he has correctly identified that for the leftists, their politics have become their religion. They’ve tied their morals to their political ideology, and this dictates their lives. Everything they experience is viewed through the lens of whether that thing is politically correct, or if it helps their cause. Facts and reality take a back seat to propping up the narrative of their pseudo religion. To break free of this mindset, they literally have to deconstruct their morals and their entire identity. This is why it’s so hard, or even impossible for some.
Another way of putting it is that they are Authoritarians, they worship authority and experts and that means whatever is most popular (yet they say the word 'populist' with venom behind their words)
What happens when "The Authority" loses all of it? Their authoritarian followers freak out....who do we follow now? REEEE...."MAKE IT MAKE SENSE"
"YA"LL FIGURE IT OUT AND TELL ME WHO TO BACK" -- joy(less) reid literally said that
My cousin has been a bleeding heart loony lib for 30+ years. He's got a masters in English Lit and hasn't been able to keep a steady job for the past 15 years.
The night Trump first won in 2016 he posted some stupid s#|T hoping an assassin would take Trump out. I checked his twitter posts and he's been strangely quiet this past week.
The mind-blowing part that aligns with your comment is, he's always been fascinated with British royalty and even types out British vocabulary like colour and favour. He worships everything British and even had a British girlfriend who he met online that he was planning to marry. He called me in desperation one day begging for money to buy tickets to go confront her. Apparently she also had a French boyfriend at the same time.
Yeah many of them deep down inside want to be peasant serfs. Look at the way they make exceptions for the hypocrisy of their "leaders" like them all taking private jets despite preaching about muh climate change because they really do see these elitist scum as being more important than them.
Generally speaking, these people are the social losers of society.
They are the outcasts. That's why their "base" is a stitched-together quilt of weirdos.
Therefore, they grew up feeling powerless.
A taste of power reveals their true tyrannical hatred of regular people.
Once they get that taste of power, and see that their weird desires get traction and even turned into law, they start to believe they are the true heros of the world.
But now, the world is (once again) rejecting them for WHO THEY ARE, and that makes them completely unhinged.
It wasn't so bad when they were powerless, but once having tasted that power, they cannot cope with losing it to the social winners.
It's exactly what happens when you gas light all of liberals into thinking that literally anything and everything they do is holy, right, virtuous and worthy of applause without any putting in any effort other than the air expelled from their breath in them tirelessly repeating slogans without meaning
I see the continuing panic on the left since they realized the media lied to them about Biden’s health. Unfortunately, many have had cognitive dissonance since then. I see them going through all the stages of grief. Even to the point of saying they are sticking with Biden no matter what the rest of the Dems tell them. Once they fully realize the media lied to them about Trump they will be fully awake.
I wonder how many of them have been watching the RNC Convention with different eyes and how many of them will realize after Trump’s speech tonight that they’d been had?
Once they come to the full realization that there actually is a deep state trying to prevent Trump from the Presidency NCSWIC!
They're going to be completely lost, they require someone to govern them completely.
They run to Facebook and social media to decide how they should conduct themselves. They have accepted absolute insanity for a lil pat in the head by absolute monsters & others that mean nothing to them.
When they wake up and realize they injected poison into their babies because they are just followers and not the "leaders" they imagined themselves to be.
When their parents sicken and die and they are left as adult orphans in a world that is sick of their antics.
When they are forced to see themselves as they are and more importantly to them How the world sees them they will wither or shatter.
I tried to warn them, I tried and things have never been so complicated and difficult to deal with them. Because I was trying hard not to hate them, give them some Grace.
It's a different feeling that what I thought was hate tho. They are not my enemies, they are God's enemies and I hate them for what they've done, I hate them for not trusting God the tiniest bit.
Think of the Uniparty as a secret society.
Checks and safeguards positioned throughout world governments and NGOs.
Everyone lock-step for the greater good of the authority. They’re all minions to a greater power: POWER. Everyone is taken care of so that they are all willing to jump in front of the train for it.
They’re all constantly reminded of how they got where they are and what could happen should they forget. Global puppeteering at its finest.
But, “the system” won’t work without their thugs.
It will collapse as their base wakes up.
Cognitive dissonance has GOT to play a big part here, and that part isn’t played without declassification. The swamp is thick and must be drained before proper action is taken. It’s coming…
Q mentions early on how perceptions of crimes can be manipulated by news outlets.
What happens if data is exposed that breaks the law?
What happens if the data cannot be used to prosecute?
Don't underestimate how much they rely on external validation for their sense of worth.
I have a few crypto currency boards where I hang out that are inundated by radical leftists. I try to stay as neutral as possible while talking with them, but a recent experience really shocked me. When the shooting was first reported, they all jumped on the idea it was staged. (I was even able to engage with them to a small degree, because I happen to feel it was staged as well, just for different reasons than them.)
Yesterday, they were discussing how assassination attempts have affected presidents' popularity, and I pointed out that past attempts never had so many people that are skeptical the attempt even took place, so this time might be unique.
I was shocked when they all came back saying "no, any conspiracy theorists have changed their mind. Everyone knows the attempt was real."
I was dumbfounded. These people are so concerned about how others perceive them, they are such hopeless followers, that to a man they all dropped their belief that this was a staged attempt. Every single one.
I bring this up because if they even get a hint that their view is not the mainstream, they will go into a meltdown. They need continuous validation from society. If you take that away even a little bit...if you marginalize them in any way...they will scurry like cockroaches trying to find a new narrative that will give them the esteem they need to keep going. But they can't bring themselves to side with Trump supporters. So where do they go to get the daily validation they need if the leftist narrative collapses?
I don't think it is power. It is something much, much deeper. The same kind of brainless following that caused them to buy the deep state narrative at all, is now threatening to leave them without a source of nourishment for their fragile egos. And they are terrified of that.
Don't underestimate how much they rely on external validation for their sense of worth.
Oh, yes. Narcissists/sociopaths are like buckets with holes in them. There is no way to fill them up with anything good, so they demand more and more and more from the people around them - more attention, more praise, more strokes, more everything.
A normal person has self-respect and self-worth and self-esteem. Sociopaths do not - it's all external, as you said - and it's one of their hallmarks.
I agree it is not power. They concede any power and self sovereignty to the most convincing, coherent, authority message and image that does not deviate nor perturbe the accepted blob of common knowledge ("common knowledge" itself continually redefined in a closed feedback loop curated by social engineers).
In my own thoughts trying to reverse engineer this mindset, I can only think of a Venn diagram union of several channels and developments to make it inevitable. Of course Mockingbird Media is key in providing the details for what to believe. But minds fertile for Mockingbird messaging need to have been tilled a certain way. So for that I think the broader social imaginary is at work; specifically about this idea of assigning a higher value to identity groups over individuals. So for example, if an individual demonstrates critical thinking independent of or contrary to some top-down information messaging from some authoritative entity, to them this is a vice not a virtue. For them, the virtuous path is to maintain a coherent group identity, even if shifting and contradictory messaging is required to maintain it.
This is of course happening on a subconscious psychological level, but seems very real.
There's also the longer history leading to this The big trajectory seems to start with Hegel. TikHistory on Youtube has an excellent video breaking down Hegel's key ideas that shaped Marx and Socialism, and explains why the Socialistic intelligentsia since then tend to be intellectually incoherent and evasive about reasoning for their views. Recommended watch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6kzZoK5CtJ8
I wouldn't discount the fact that they are literally insane, as in an actual mental disorder. Add in the fact, the amount of drug usage legal and illegal amongst the left is astonishing.
They are. All you have to do is notice all the delusionary thinking, speaking, and acting. When delusions collide with reality (Titanic vs. iceberg), you get cognitive dissonance. The world, for them, is out of whack.
Oh please, they don't believe for a minute that a bunch of racist, misogynist, transphobic Republicans are more "holy" than them. They're in a tizzy because their President has been shown to be a senile old codger and they're worried they're going to lose power over it.
I'm not sure if I agree to this concept. An updoot regardless.
This feels more like the bully was kicked in the face and got a bloody nose for the first time. As such, said bully is now terrified of what the bullied can do to them.
Its just like the aftermath of coof scare, when all those media talking heads were begging for amnesty, realizing just what could happen to them if the other side got tired of being played.
That's a great analogy. Most bullys are chicken shits. When faced with someone who stands up to them, and beats them up, they whine and cry "unfair" . They run with their tail between their legs. It happens every time.
I just seen a clip yesterday where these two Basketball Americans ran up with a gun on some guy to steal his car. He punched the shit outta one of them, slammed them on the ground, and the little shit basically reverted back to puberty and starting squeeling while he friend screamed LEAVE HIM ALONE. The irony was fascinating.
LOL. That's exactly the way it goes. Reminds me of the ATF guy who tried to bully a homeowner and the cops came and ended up taking him down. He tried to bully them, and the next thing you know, he was a whining sissy.
Basketball Americans lol. I guess that makes me what? A Hockey American? Someone from south of the border? A Futbol American?
I’ve seen them change schools entirely.
the left is satanic. they worship the physical at the expense of the spiritual. to them, everything is brute force. that's why they use the phrase 'thoughts and prayers' as a euphemism for 'doing nothing'. because they place absolutely no value on those things.
even the ones who don't actively worship satan are still drawn to communism, which is based on these principles.
As above, so below.
The Greatest Trick ever Deceived .
Is the Lie…
Life is a test (Brothers & Sisters)
Basic 1nstructions Before Leaving Earth.
Both can be true at the same time.
Well when you get into things like this people say things like “Aren’t we against cancel culture? Should we really use it against them?” This is an example of holding yourself to a higher standard than your enemies, but also, these people want you dead and your kids trans’d and wouldn’t hesitate for a second to do anything malicious they could get away with against you. So no, I don’t feel bad that people are trying to get people canceled for being disappointed that a former president isn’t dead.
An honorable enemy deserves to be fought honestly. A dishonorable enemy deserves no such courtesy.
Indeed, the high road is not for dishonorable opponents.
Well said.
He’s not exactly on the ball, but he has correctly identified that for the leftists, their politics have become their religion. They’ve tied their morals to their political ideology, and this dictates their lives. Everything they experience is viewed through the lens of whether that thing is politically correct, or if it helps their cause. Facts and reality take a back seat to propping up the narrative of their pseudo religion. To break free of this mindset, they literally have to deconstruct their morals and their entire identity. This is why it’s so hard, or even impossible for some.
Another way of putting it is that they are Authoritarians, they worship authority and experts and that means whatever is most popular (yet they say the word 'populist' with venom behind their words)
What happens when "The Authority" loses all of it? Their authoritarian followers freak out....who do we follow now? REEEE...."MAKE IT MAKE SENSE"
"YA"LL FIGURE IT OUT AND TELL ME WHO TO BACK" -- joy(less) reid literally said that
They are followers. The left will soon put a replacement in front of them.
My cousin has been a bleeding heart loony lib for 30+ years. He's got a masters in English Lit and hasn't been able to keep a steady job for the past 15 years.
The night Trump first won in 2016 he posted some stupid s#|T hoping an assassin would take Trump out. I checked his twitter posts and he's been strangely quiet this past week.
The mind-blowing part that aligns with your comment is, he's always been fascinated with British royalty and even types out British vocabulary like colour and favour. He worships everything British and even had a British girlfriend who he met online that he was planning to marry. He called me in desperation one day begging for money to buy tickets to go confront her. Apparently she also had a French boyfriend at the same time.
Yeah many of them deep down inside want to be peasant serfs. Look at the way they make exceptions for the hypocrisy of their "leaders" like them all taking private jets despite preaching about muh climate change because they really do see these elitist scum as being more important than them.
we're in the suppository time, as some anons correctly predicted here on GA.W
Yup... bend over libs and try to breath through your nose 😂😂🤦♀️
Looking Glass 2012… Shut it Down. God Wins
Generally speaking, these people are the social losers of society.
They are the outcasts. That's why their "base" is a stitched-together quilt of weirdos.
Therefore, they grew up feeling powerless.
A taste of power reveals their true tyrannical hatred of regular people.
Once they get that taste of power, and see that their weird desires get traction and even turned into law, they start to believe they are the true heros of the world.
But now, the world is (once again) rejecting them for WHO THEY ARE, and that makes them completely unhinged.
It wasn't so bad when they were powerless, but once having tasted that power, they cannot cope with losing it to the social winners.
Damn. Thank you for that. Sharpens the focus of who and why they are the lefts weapon of choice.
Mindless drones made to feel like they are making a difference.
Yep. I've got co-workers and a few acquaintances who are exactly like this.
Replace "Holy" with "Non-delusional."
It's exactly what happens when you gas light all of liberals into thinking that literally anything and everything they do is holy, right, virtuous and worthy of applause without any putting in any effort other than the air expelled from their breath in them tirelessly repeating slogans without meaning
I see the continuing panic on the left since they realized the media lied to them about Biden’s health. Unfortunately, many have had cognitive dissonance since then. I see them going through all the stages of grief. Even to the point of saying they are sticking with Biden no matter what the rest of the Dems tell them. Once they fully realize the media lied to them about Trump they will be fully awake.
I wonder how many of them have been watching the RNC Convention with different eyes and how many of them will realize after Trump’s speech tonight that they’d been had?
Once they come to the full realization that there actually is a deep state trying to prevent Trump from the Presidency NCSWIC!
9/11 … Was the Wake Up … Alarm
For some oldsters it was JFK’s death. We know not everyone wakes up at the same time, but once they do they go down all the rabbit holes.
They're going to be completely lost, they require someone to govern them completely.
They run to Facebook and social media to decide how they should conduct themselves. They have accepted absolute insanity for a lil pat in the head by absolute monsters & others that mean nothing to them.
When they wake up and realize they injected poison into their babies because they are just followers and not the "leaders" they imagined themselves to be.
When their parents sicken and die and they are left as adult orphans in a world that is sick of their antics.
When they are forced to see themselves as they are and more importantly to them How the world sees them they will wither or shatter.
I tried to warn them, I tried and things have never been so complicated and difficult to deal with them. Because I was trying hard not to hate them, give them some Grace.
It's a different feeling that what I thought was hate tho. They are not my enemies, they are God's enemies and I hate them for what they've done, I hate them for not trusting God the tiniest bit.
Think of the Uniparty as a secret society. Checks and safeguards positioned throughout world governments and NGOs. Everyone lock-step for the greater good of the authority. They’re all minions to a greater power: POWER. Everyone is taken care of so that they are all willing to jump in front of the train for it. They’re all constantly reminded of how they got where they are and what could happen should they forget. Global puppeteering at its finest. But, “the system” won’t work without their thugs. It will collapse as their base wakes up. Cognitive dissonance has GOT to play a big part here, and that part isn’t played without declassification. The swamp is thick and must be drained before proper action is taken. It’s coming…
Q mentions early on how perceptions of crimes can be manipulated by news outlets. What happens if data is exposed that breaks the law? What happens if the data cannot be used to prosecute?
Don't underestimate how much they rely on external validation for their sense of worth.
I have a few crypto currency boards where I hang out that are inundated by radical leftists. I try to stay as neutral as possible while talking with them, but a recent experience really shocked me. When the shooting was first reported, they all jumped on the idea it was staged. (I was even able to engage with them to a small degree, because I happen to feel it was staged as well, just for different reasons than them.)
Yesterday, they were discussing how assassination attempts have affected presidents' popularity, and I pointed out that past attempts never had so many people that are skeptical the attempt even took place, so this time might be unique.
I was shocked when they all came back saying "no, any conspiracy theorists have changed their mind. Everyone knows the attempt was real."
I was dumbfounded. These people are so concerned about how others perceive them, they are such hopeless followers, that to a man they all dropped their belief that this was a staged attempt. Every single one.
I bring this up because if they even get a hint that their view is not the mainstream, they will go into a meltdown. They need continuous validation from society. If you take that away even a little bit...if you marginalize them in any way...they will scurry like cockroaches trying to find a new narrative that will give them the esteem they need to keep going. But they can't bring themselves to side with Trump supporters. So where do they go to get the daily validation they need if the leftist narrative collapses?
I don't think it is power. It is something much, much deeper. The same kind of brainless following that caused them to buy the deep state narrative at all, is now threatening to leave them without a source of nourishment for their fragile egos. And they are terrified of that.
Oh, yes. Narcissists/sociopaths are like buckets with holes in them. There is no way to fill them up with anything good, so they demand more and more and more from the people around them - more attention, more praise, more strokes, more everything.
A normal person has self-respect and self-worth and self-esteem. Sociopaths do not - it's all external, as you said - and it's one of their hallmarks.
Astute observation.
I agree it is not power. They concede any power and self sovereignty to the most convincing, coherent, authority message and image that does not deviate nor perturbe the accepted blob of common knowledge ("common knowledge" itself continually redefined in a closed feedback loop curated by social engineers).
In my own thoughts trying to reverse engineer this mindset, I can only think of a Venn diagram union of several channels and developments to make it inevitable. Of course Mockingbird Media is key in providing the details for what to believe. But minds fertile for Mockingbird messaging need to have been tilled a certain way. So for that I think the broader social imaginary is at work; specifically about this idea of assigning a higher value to identity groups over individuals. So for example, if an individual demonstrates critical thinking independent of or contrary to some top-down information messaging from some authoritative entity, to them this is a vice not a virtue. For them, the virtuous path is to maintain a coherent group identity, even if shifting and contradictory messaging is required to maintain it.
This is of course happening on a subconscious psychological level, but seems very real.
There's also the longer history leading to this The big trajectory seems to start with Hegel. TikHistory on Youtube has an excellent video breaking down Hegel's key ideas that shaped Marx and Socialism, and explains why the Socialistic intelligentsia since then tend to be intellectually incoherent and evasive about reasoning for their views. Recommended watch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6kzZoK5CtJ8
Replace holy with unholy.
Akin to taking a toy away from a Toddler.
I like this. Notable.
I wouldn't discount the fact that they are literally insane, as in an actual mental disorder. Add in the fact, the amount of drug usage legal and illegal amongst the left is astonishing.
They are. All you have to do is notice all the delusionary thinking, speaking, and acting. When delusions collide with reality (Titanic vs. iceberg), you get cognitive dissonance. The world, for them, is out of whack.
Oh please, they don't believe for a minute that a bunch of racist, misogynist, transphobic Republicans are more "holy" than them. They're in a tizzy because their President has been shown to be a senile old codger and they're worried they're going to lose power over it.
Maybe they are the 99% that would be in the hospital if they knew the truth. And 4-6% are the truly evil among them