The more i hear raw milk bad, and the Amish are healthy... the more I think we should be drinking raw milk. Think of all the good enzymes and bacterias we are missing
Lord Rothschild stood up twice to make a speech in the House of Lords. Once on the creation of israel and another to promote pasteurization of milk. Make of that what you will. Me when I heard that I started drinking raw milk.
Altho I agree with you , I think we need to still be open to the idea that perhaps it’s a legitimate trap. We know deep state is capable with psyop. Perhaps Covid was a psyop so that we fall in the trap when there is a true deadly pandemic. Ftr im not taking any vax regardless.
Trying to hide the JAB, JAB, effects on the population. Bird flu is Trying to be used to hide all the SUDDEN. We know you ass clowns poisoned the people and the population. Fuck you, you assholes. Sorry not sorry.
I can't get raw milk around here. Everyone who produces it is sold out with loyal customers. Tougher to get than local college season football tickets.
At this point their terrible, tyrannical approach to the first shutdown attempt will cause a massive defiance among most populace. Whatever treatments, policies, cures, or inoculations they roll out will be met with severe (and rightful) skepticism.
I'll just warn you guys thinking about trying raw milk... it's going to absolutely RUIN conventional pasteurized milk for you! I'm so thankful to have my own cows and my own beautiful raw milk.
Also, all that comes into my head when I see that lame dude's name is Dr. Dingleberry.
What that means it's supposed to sure sound terrifying! He could almost ramble a serious of big words with a scary tone and people would understand he's an expert and that they should be terrified.
The more i hear raw milk bad, and the Amish are healthy... the more I think we should be drinking raw milk. Think of all the good enzymes and bacterias we are missing
I agree, it's way too convenient that raw milk is a boogeyman when it comes to bird flu
My wife and I started drinking it exclusively as our only milk and it has been life changing.
This site has a lot of good information and also a source finder.
Thanks for the link.
I found a place about 40 minutes away from where I'm moving.
Thank you for this info ,, and good for you !
Lord Rothschild stood up twice to make a speech in the House of Lords. Once on the creation of israel and another to promote pasteurization of milk. Make of that what you will. Me when I heard that I started drinking raw milk.
This 👆🏻
Man I love this place! Your comment is like you are reading my mind but expressing it better than I would!
Feigl Ding. Feiglding. Sounds like a Mel Brooks character.
The Bullshit Flu has arrived.
Another flu over the cuckoo's nest
The Combine always wins.
Or at least tries to do so.
Along with another wave of deadly fake news
Always, the War Against Raw Milk continues.
Here goes another round of:
Altho I agree with you , I think we need to still be open to the idea that perhaps it’s a legitimate trap. We know deep state is capable with psyop. Perhaps Covid was a psyop so that we fall in the trap when there is a true deadly pandemic. Ftr im not taking any vax regardless.
Raw milks benefits scare the evil cabal.
I've had bird flu. I shit eggs for a week.
Hard-boiled or scrambled?
Right on time for election season.
They are pathetic.
They can go fuck themselves with it.
Now I want to go get some raw milk
Trying to hide the JAB, JAB, effects on the population. Bird flu is Trying to be used to hide all the SUDDEN. We know you ass clowns poisoned the people and the population. Fuck you, you assholes. Sorry not sorry.
I can't get raw milk around here. Everyone who produces it is sold out with loyal customers. Tougher to get than local college season football tickets.
They are just throwing shit at the wall to see what sticks at this point.
Meaning if it’s legit, it’s been tweaked so much in a lab to be deadly enough to mandate mail in voting.
At this point their terrible, tyrannical approach to the first shutdown attempt will cause a massive defiance among most populace. Whatever treatments, policies, cures, or inoculations they roll out will be met with severe (and rightful) skepticism.
Cry wolf long enough then when something does happen, you have sent the people you serve to their grave. Pure evil!
I'll just warn you guys thinking about trying raw milk... it's going to absolutely RUIN conventional pasteurized milk for you! I'm so thankful to have my own cows and my own beautiful raw milk.
Also, all that comes into my head when I see that lame dude's name is Dr. Dingleberry.
Raw milk is delicious. It makes the whole milk you buy in the grocery store taste like 2% milk.
Interesting, the Chinese one is using Bill Gates' same tone and inflections for sounding authoritative whilst spouting complete bullshit
Here we go again. Right on cue.
Ok got it. Don’t drink raw milk from chickens. Very bad 😂
Bahahaha 🤣🤣
"'s 50% mortality among those who we detect it."
"If this truly jumps into humans and spreads human to human we're in deep trouble."
OK... so which is it? Has it jumped into humans and you see a 50% mortality?
Or it hasn't "truly" jumped into humans yet... and you are full of B.S.?
What that means it's supposed to sure sound terrifying! He could almost ramble a serious of big words with a scary tone and people would understand he's an expert and that they should be terrified.
What does a flu that’s supposed to come from birds have to do with milk that comes from cows? Raw milk must be a superfood or something…
Exactly! They think we’re as stupid as they are! 😂
Fake and ghey.
They’re working overtime to make that jump. Bet on it! Fuckin faggots!
lol. uh huh
What's this got. To. Do. With milk?
TOTAL fuckn bullshit!