Welcome to General Chat - GAW Community Area
This General Chat area started off as a place for people to talk about things that are off topic, however it has quickly evolved into a community and has become an integral part of the GAW experience for many of us.
Based on its evolving needs and plenty of user feedback, we are trying to bring some order and institute some rules. Please make sure you read these rules and participate in the spirit of this community.
Rules for General Chat
Be respectful to each other. This is of utmost importance, and comments may be removed if deemed not respectful.
Avoid long drawn out arguments. This should be a place to relax, not to waste your time needlessly.
Personal anecdotes, puzzles, cute pics/clips - everything welcome
Please do not spam at the top level. If you have a lot to post each day, try and post them all together in one top level comment
Try keep things light. If you are bringing in deep stuff, try not to go overboard.
Things that are clearly on-topic for this board should be posted as a separate post and not here (except if you are new and still getting the feel of this place)
If you find people violating these rules, deport them rather than start a argument here.
Feel free to give feedback as these rules are expected to keep evolving
In short, imagine this thread to be a local community hall where we all gather and chat daily. Please be respectful to others in the same way
It is the same person speaking. This guy... has the same mannerisms as Jeane P.
Same cadence, yes, though at first blush (I only watched a couple minutes of his briefing) he seems slightly more "genuine". With her, she has the presence of someone who is just there to shamelessly spew a BS narrative. MHO.
Did Trump just say... we didn't need the storm twice? At the beginning in PA?
Interesting website..... full of info?
Lots of documents. If someone could please check it out to see if it is legit.
u/bubble_bursts I just found this. Is there such a thing as cat comms? I'm not sure when this is from.
u/catsfive has all his paws in different meme boxes every day!
RFK Jr. now leading Harris hahahah. He's pulling voters from the dems!
i knew he would. his platform is largely run of the mill democrat with the exception of distrust of pharma.
I thought I saw an article on here about people that were coerced into taking the vaccines to keep their jobs, got a 1.5 annual salary settlement now I can’t find it. Anyone see it?
Found it!
The last couple of evenings I went to sleep with the 369 frequency playing off my phone. It really feels like it's making a difference. Has anyone else here practiced this frequently Therapy?
Making a difference in what way? How soundly you sleep? Your energy level or mood upon awakening? Keeping you calm or helping your creativity?
I've listened to various "helpful frequencies" during the day, never while sleeping, not sure I "connected" with any as yet, but you never know.
Try it. Your dreams might get better.
I’ve been having some crazy dreams lately. I have a grounding sheet, but I’m pet sitting right now and it’s at home. I’ve had some of the weirdest dreams in the last week just bizarre.
I have, I think it does, it's just that I cannot go to sleep with any background sounds that are not natural, like crickets or peepers or rain, I've tried, even the ones that are suppossed to put you to sleep. I have noticed that the 528 frequency that they have for dogs also relaxes me, lol. Woof woof.
Thanks for that frequency..
An update on my knee, for those that may care (and I don't blame you if you don't)... I had a TKR four weeks ago and recovery has been quite easy, for the most part. I can pin this to two things outright- first being my age and muscle tone and secondly, my obstinance. I refused to use it as an excuse to have others have to assist me. The first couple of weeks were more of a mental struggle as I had to rely on my husband (who was more than willing to help me) and had to use a flipping walker, which I hated. I was moved to a cane relatively quickly and didn't use it much. Balance and strength were already there, so I didn't even want to use it. My range of motion came back and I hit the goals early in PT. I am probably close to being released from it. I do think of PT being more like a personal training session than therapy. Though, I do have to rethink how I walk and consciously correct my step and that is the hardest part. I walked and limped for so long that I have to pay attention on how I roll my feet and such. Most of the swelling is gone. (The adhesives did cause a reaction to my skin. Should have known that was going to happen.)
Congratulations. I’m so happy for you that you had a successful surgery and that now your gait is more pronounced and comfortable.
I had foot surgery a couple years ago after limping and suffering for so long. I am so grateful I got it done finally. Well actually, I broke my ankle in Hawaii - I had to come home early and have my foot surgery. So God kind of made it happen. 😂😂😂
But my gait and my walk are so fantastic now. I can go everywhere, even hiking and stuff like that it’s fantastic.
Awesome!!! When I can sleep at night, I can tell a HUGE difference the following day.
the rethinking will become a muscle nerve memory soon enough, I found with my total hip replacement, I went through PT and did not keep up the excercises afterward though, and suffered through some contracted muscles in my leg on the side I had the surgery, I had become much less mobile for too long and the muscles seized up without my realizing it, so, years after my surgery I am doing the original excercise (when I make myself), I was never one to work out because I was already so physically engaged in my life with homesteading and walking etc, stacking wood, gardening, I did not think I needed to, well, this old dog needed to learn some new tricks. My knees are not great, but at my age I am not going through surgery again, it took me awhile to recover some cognitive issues from the general anesthesia
I hope you're doing well despite all that.
Thank you, I had the surgery at 68, I am 74 now, compared to others my age, I'm not too bad, the infrastructure is not great, arhritis, but everything else is well.
Raise your hand if you think it's suspicious that Boeing's Chicago zip code is 60606.
Ivermectin vs Hydroxychloroquine?
Getting ready to order one or the other from ivermectin.com but can't afford both. I'd like to have something on hand for the upcoming shenanigans. Probably going with hydroxy, but figured I'd get some input here before making my final decision.
i bought both..since they come all the way from India it's more worth it shipping wise. HCQ is more for lungs/ breathing, Ivermectin is for parasites. If you live in hot state w/ mosquitoes, maybe drink Gin and Tonic, they have quinine to combat those diseases.
Hydroxychloroquine is in a class of drugs called antimalarials and is also an antirheumatic drug. It works by killing the organisms that cause malaria. Hydroxychloroquine may work to treat rheumatoid arthritis and systemic lupus erythematosus by decreasing the activity of the immune system.
If I were you, I would be to order the hydroxychloroquine and then go to your local feed store and get ivermectin horse paste.
This is precisely what I was thinking. Well, except for ordering from Valley Vet!
Ivermectin is just $10 at Tractor Supply
Yeah, my first buy was from TCS but then couldn't find it in stock and since have been ordering from Valley Vet.
Healthy as horse as they say
Some of the reviews on TCS were funny when I first bought it from them!
Describing their "horses" that clearly weren't a horse from the context lol
Happy Hump Day Anons! Was just watching a podcast talking about the Pulse Nightclub shooting and mentioned heroic Dr. Matthew Lube and survivor Angel Colon.
I searched around a little for an article with both names but turned up nothing, does anyone have a link for such? I don't recall if I'd heard these names previously, but something I'd like to bookmark for my arsenal.
Not sure if you put this up as a joke but if not, look at their names and then look at Pulse Nightclub -- what kind of night club was it? Connect the two and then laugh! lol
Nope, funny as it is definitely could be a joke!
Podcast was NewsTreason on Rumble, Q News Review With Mike King. Forget which episode or I'd link it, but here's the channel:
Late night thoughts about this whole trend in which Dems are going around on social media saying “Republicans are weird”:
I think this is a clever attempt at deflecting responsibility for the assassination attempt on Trump.
For at least 8 years, they’ve been using violent, charged language to incite and justify an assassination (amongst other things).
Now that they’ve tried and failed, and been called out for creating this environment, they are trying to redirect to something light and whimsical.
So instead of Trump being Hitler and MAGA being the end of the world, now we’re all just “weird”. Can’t blame them for the rising temperature of the political climate, because all they do is call us weird, right?
Just one more way they take control of the language and avoid responsibility.
The people calling others "weird" are themselves doing Satanic pedophile shows. Just sayin'.
I was wondering why "weird" was trending on Truth Social. Thanks.
"Weird" just doesn't have the flair that "Let's Go Brandon" did.
Dems can't meme.
I think you're right. They're trying to change their tone. They surround themselves with cross-dressing child molesters and call us "weird." "Hey, don't mind this gross, bearded, fat man wearing a dress and clown-colored hair. No, Vance is weird."
There are two types of people
Those who know Q's got this
And those who say "No one is coming to save you"
Don’t forget those who say everything is fantastic
That too.
Just personally sick and tired of those who keep repeating "No one is coming to save you."
In fact, months ago, I made a topic asking how to counter that phrase, and got my thread deleted for being off-topic. Okay, fine, it kind of was, but I didn't know where else to ask.
I guess General Chat is as good a place as any.
Seriously 😳
Figures. so we can’t have discussion here now 🤷♀️. isn’t that what GAW is all about ?
General chat just doesn't get the traffic that NEW does. It's a shame when so many good posts (and your question is valid and Q related) get tossed and so much garbage, stays. Oh well.
Jesus saves dude. Of course its off topic. Is Q Jesus? Thats a clumsy assertion. Does Q know Jesus? Does Q+? This is painful. Who the heck is Q- is the real question. The failer who became the invisible apartheid to Q who is never revealed yet seems to do the boogeyman work. But isnt a white hat .but isnt a black hat. Therefore no one is coming to save you. Good grief.
Oh I got this one 😁😁
Can you disprove whomever is writing the Q-Posts is not Christ himself?
Let me also ask you this multi-part question: Whom besides Christ could possibly provide the Q-post typed 6-7 years of exact on time, to the person, to the date, perfect intel/information? And by what means could this type of information be actually acquired outside of divine intervention without destroying the time continuum, and how much data history do we have on those “possible” other resources?
Zilch! Haha God is so good nya nya
That’s why whom ever provided the Q-Post typist all that data is probably 99% Christ; with a 1% divided chance between Project Looking Glass and Remote Viewers.
I start of with this response:
"First of all no one owes you anything to save you. What have you done to believe that someone oughta come and save you?"
This will get them riled up and put them on the defensive and typically either they just get upset or they something along the lines of
To which I would continue with "Sure, the people who did this to us are evil and lets assume we had no responsibility in allowing them to get this far, tell me again, still, why do the good guys 'owe it to us to save us though?'"
No one has an answer to this. Let them ponder about it for a moment. Usually the anger turns into dejection and deflation.
That's when I would continue with my real answer.
People are waking up around us. No one knew what a Fed was let alone how they control the world, but now every other guy knows Fed and fiat currency and gold and silver. People would laugh when you mentioned Pedo blackmail, but now people know its real. Same with Satanism. We used to laugh about it but now we know its real and people believe in it.
You are only focused on fixing the problem, but fixing the problem wont help unless everyone fully understands what the problem is and thats where we are headed. When people fully awake, you dont need white hats to military to put an end to it. People will do it themselves and nothing can stop them. But for that, they have to fully understand how the evil works, and what powers we the people have been given by God and how to use it.
Do you think if there was no one trying to save us, people would be waking up to all this? Is it just an accident that all this is leaking into public?
At this point you have their attention and you got their brains working. Thats when you drive home the point that the first thing we need for our freedom is not action but knowledge.
In the end, if they still think "no one is saving us" then tell them that its their burden to bear and if they choose to walk around with their eyes deliberately closed, its their problem.
The goal was never to awaken everyone, regarding consciousness, "let those who have ears hear". It is understood by God that not all evolve at the same rate, we do what we can in our own circle of connection. All we can do is to get people thinking, that is what a good teacher does.As I have grown and aged, my circle has grown smaller to the ones who do want to expand awareness. I have suggested to people to be aware of the energy they consume from what they expose themselves to. To compare how they feel after something that is approved and sanctioned by God, and to what is not. Right down to the music that they listen to and what colors they use in their homes. We know that the closer the food we eat is in it's natural state as oppossed to overly processed food like substances that pass as food. That is a good start. We use the word "closer to God", but God is close in the natural world, and HE works through others in the terrible cities and corners of depravity. Still, God in Christ, who loves all, speaks in scripture of who is chosen and who is not. HE will not choose weak people, too weak to bare the truth, he will choose those who have ears to hear . And I think that burden is on us to discern who to help in their blindness and who not to help. God will save the world, but getting there is not going to be a carriage ride.
If he then goes "I ain't reading all that, I'm happy for you though, or sorry that happened," then he's a lost cause.
Yes, that meme pisses me off too. Lazy bastards.
Thats why the initial part which is short sweet and hits them hard.
Why does every election involving Kari Lake stop the votes at 67% and then take several months to count the rest?
Sad to see Jeff Bridges being a dork for Harris. I figured he was one of the few based Hollywood guys. Nuts.
31 is a mirror of 13 u/#q1331 u/#q1776 u/#q3568
Tribute...John Tooby (1952-2023) Tooby was known for his work with his collaborators to integrate cognitive science, cultural anthropology, evolutionary biology, paleoanthropology, cognitive neuroscience, and hunter-gatherer studies to create the new field of evolutionary psychology, toward the goal of the progressive mapping of the universal evolved cognitive and neural architecture that constitutes human nature and provides the basis of the learning mechanisms responsible for culture.
What Is Left Of The Mind
CLOTASTROPHE! Why is no one in Congress or anywhere in officialdom talking about this “GREATEST PUBLIC HEALTH DISASTER OF ALL TIME”???
Cancers with an Exceptional Cause...Epigenetic control of gene expression can switch on genes that push cell division into overdrive independently of genetic faults.
Why Can’t we Admit Age is a (Biologically) Meaningful Number?
Can AI Read Your Mind?
🎵🎶(A)I can read your mind...🎶🎵
I almost posted that song, (along with some sax 🎷🎷 emojis), in my comment! 😄
...great minds run between the same banks...
...doggy winks...
Its not a great song when you look at it closely. Its the all seeing eye of limited perpective with infinite cookable results.
It is a mean song of superstitious intent that leads one down a path devoid of natural life and embracing failure cunning and deceit. It shouldnt be celebrated and it should be in a museum because its an outdated way of conjuring spells via collective fear and its being used on you by those you trust the most. Careful who you follow!
Realize that Jesus loving gentlepeople are only cruxed and hexed ny their own intent and that any device may become a snare if one develops an attachment of under false pretense. The eye in the sky opens the door to paranoia which is the observation of fear without hear being present May the spirit cooking of fear flee the presence of God
Psalm 145:1-3
1 I will extol you, my God and King, and bless your name forever and ever. 2 Every day I will bless you and praise your name forever and ever. 3 Great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised, and his greatness is unsearchable.
A Song: https://youtu.be/TdqfAkHCZnA
My Morning Bible read included this...