I'm reminded of how the Killing Stone, meant to seal the Japanese yokai Tamamo-no-Mae, was found broken in half a year or two ago, leading some to believe that evil being was on the loose again.
The power of Japanese folklore is very strong. The government's decision to send Shinto priests to perform a ritual on the stone, despite it being a myth, shows a deep respect for tradition and cultural history. It's a "just in case" moment that beautifully illustrates how myths can still hold power in the modern world, not because people necessarily believe them literally, but because they represent something significant in the collective consciousness.There's something endearing and even comforting about acknowledging the old stories and rituals, even if it's just to maintain a connection to the past. It's a nod to the idea that while we live in a rational world, there’s still room for the mysterious and the unknown. After all, why not play it safe with a bit of ritual, just in case there's more to the story than meets the eye?
Do we have any notable gematria digs for this on a possible date of death?
The Queen was 1776 days after first Q post and 911 days after the start of the fake pandemic.
The Glorious Revolution (England) was the deposition of James II (and VII in Scotland) in November 1688.
If Charles were to publicly die on 24th October 2024 that would be 777 days after his mother and 1688 after the start of the fake pandemic (777+911)
EDIT: The Glorious Revolution was notable as being a bloodless revolution. James was succeeded by Mary II (Trump's mother's name) and husband William of ORANGE. 777 is a number associated with Trump also, so this date for Charles would be most auspicious.
"I for one, am gonna miss ol' King Chuck Sausage Fingers" - said almost no one, ever. His reign was mercifully brief, and uneventful. Long may he be not remembered, for anything, except those big flappy ears...
I think Chuck is going to have a very short tenure. I think Kate will become the Queen Regent for her kids.
I think the WHs are protecting her and her children.
You have a looong mod notes history with us. Would you like to make a post about this? Becuase I think you would like to make a post about exactly this
I know they're global, but didn't realize British royalty worked for them. I used to work for them many years ago. They have since lost a bunch of their US government contracts from doing some illegal salary loophole BS and getting caught for it. Huge DOL investigation. They had the 0bummercare website that they failed with as well.
Edit to add: they were over a bunch of immigration paperwork contracts.
everything’s in preparation for a Trump presidency. People are dropping like flies because they know it’s time. They have either made deals, or they’re going to go down hard. The people making the deals want to keep their reputations and their money for their families.
cue the networks. Maybe Chuckie's demise will cause the networks to break into the DNC feed and Cameltoe's speech? Don't want America to hear the laughing hyena sound like the fool she is. Charles to the rescue!
It is protocol that every monarch plans their own funeral and they see every detail exactly how it will be. It doesn't mean the person is in their death throws.
However we do know he has cancer.
But the process is protocol. You know exactly what your funeral will be like and what will be said....
This doesn't need to be so damn difficult. Just rent one woodchipper for the day. Funeral done. Hell, you don't even need to wait till he dies if you don't want to, just give him a quick trial and then step outside on the courthouse lawn for the funeral. The woodchipper will even pay for itself by saving on fertilizer costs for the lawn.
anyone attending this so called funeral should have their head examined. look what the 'royal's have done to Britain. i say good riddance and good day.
All that waiting for mother to move along. LOL
There is something rather ironic about him bidding all those years waiting to be king, only to get terminal cancer in his first year.
Our Lord and Saviour sure has a great sense of humour.
Our Lord and Savior has nothing to do with death. That would be the devil who kills. That's who Charles has been working for.
God sends the death angel not the devil. Our Lord and Savior has everything to do with life and death. He is the Prince of life.
Uh oh, we got a bad ass over here.
Royal funerals HUGE affairs. His demise might not occur for a looong time.
True. They've been planning his funeral itself for months now it seems. Old post from the board here from 3 months ago. https://greatawakening.win/p/17t1W6pew2/king-charles-not-doing-well-and-/c/
links to here April 2024 : https://www.yahoo.com/news/king-charles-health-not-good-181400560.html
Good memory and references.
Are we going to get a big dick mowed in the grass? ------ again?
Kek! I forgot about that until you mentioned it! Thanks cyber!
King-In-Waiting sounds like a way more fun job than most of us had all those years. Most of the benefits of the Monarchy with less of the "work".
17 updoots... not gonna touch it at the moment. Almost perfect! Thanks, fren!
Will he be buried next to jimmy saville?
On top of Savile. Thats how they get down.
IDK: isn't savile WAY too old for charles and vice versa?
They're pedos - probably homos too (ok, definitely) - but pedos first.....no?
Jimmy didn't care if his partners were dead or alive. It would be fitting
This is how you know Chuck was cut off from the elites--or is just not useful anymore.
If Chuck were still in their inner circle, they would have given him the cure that they've kept from us plebians.
They announced that they were going to treat him with potions , which is very bizarre
I'm reminded of how the Killing Stone, meant to seal the Japanese yokai Tamamo-no-Mae, was found broken in half a year or two ago, leading some to believe that evil being was on the loose again.
The Japanese government actually sent Shinto priests to do a ritual on the rock because of this.
I have to admit, I love that. "This is not real, but just in case..."
The power of Japanese folklore is very strong. The government's decision to send Shinto priests to perform a ritual on the stone, despite it being a myth, shows a deep respect for tradition and cultural history. It's a "just in case" moment that beautifully illustrates how myths can still hold power in the modern world, not because people necessarily believe them literally, but because they represent something significant in the collective consciousness.There's something endearing and even comforting about acknowledging the old stories and rituals, even if it's just to maintain a connection to the past. It's a nod to the idea that while we live in a rational world, there’s still room for the mysterious and the unknown. After all, why not play it safe with a bit of ritual, just in case there's more to the story than meets the eye?
Do we have any notable gematria digs for this on a possible date of death? The Queen was 1776 days after first Q post and 911 days after the start of the fake pandemic.
The Glorious Revolution (England) was the deposition of James II (and VII in Scotland) in November 1688.
If Charles were to publicly die on 24th October 2024 that would be 777 days after his mother and 1688 after the start of the fake pandemic (777+911)
EDIT: The Glorious Revolution was notable as being a bloodless revolution. James was succeeded by Mary II (Trump's mother's name) and husband William of ORANGE. 777 is a number associated with Trump also, so this date for Charles would be most auspicious.
That would be a nice October surprise.
Fantastic, thank you!
u/#q4281 u/#q523
Just a correction. Gematria is assigning numbers to letters.
Dude, OP missed the best part!!!! Check THIS:
Quite the Qincidence...
ETA: Crap...... I missed that this doesn't seem to be a Q drop.... sorry guys, not enough caffeine....
Cutting his nose off to spite his face because Schwab stepped down?
"I care not what puppet is placed upon the throne of England
-Nathan Rothschild, 1815
There are ALWAYS plans years ahead for such things as funerals and coronations. Relax.
Yeah, but they don't go and publicly announce it like they're wanting it to hurry up and happen.
I think everyone in the UK knows those things are continually ongoing.
"I for one, am gonna miss ol' King Chuck Sausage Fingers" - said almost no one, ever. His reign was mercifully brief, and uneventful. Long may he be not remembered, for anything, except those big flappy ears...
I think Chuck is going to have a very short tenure. I think Kate will become the Queen Regent for her kids. I think the WHs are protecting her and her children.
Kate Middleton is still ded
I don’t think so. I think she is in hiding.
All her "appearances" have been AI
You have a looong mod notes history with us. Would you like to make a post about this? Becuase I think you would like to make a post about exactly this
As of late that has mostly been true. For the one they used her sister who looks a lot like her.
HRH QE II did her best to keep Klown Chuck off the throne by living so long and not abdicating.
He's a complete fool & WEF puppet.
I'm not a big fan of the royal family to begin with but Willy seems to be level headed & cares about his kids: he appears to have a grasp of reality.
Don't be fooled. He has a cushy 'day job' high up in SERCO, like his dad.
Serco? The same Serco in the US that does government paperwork contracts?
Yes. They're very 'global'.
I know they're global, but didn't realize British royalty worked for them. I used to work for them many years ago. They have since lost a bunch of their US government contracts from doing some illegal salary loophole BS and getting caught for it. Huge DOL investigation. They had the 0bummercare website that they failed with as well.
Edit to add: they were over a bunch of immigration paperwork contracts.
Dude, OP; you missed the best part!!!!
everything’s in preparation for a Trump presidency. People are dropping like flies because they know it’s time. They have either made deals, or they’re going to go down hard. The people making the deals want to keep their reputations and their money for their families.
cue the networks. Maybe Chuckie's demise will cause the networks to break into the DNC feed and Cameltoe's speech? Don't want America to hear the laughing hyena sound like the fool she is. Charles to the rescue!
It is protocol that every monarch plans their own funeral and they see every detail exactly how it will be. It doesn't mean the person is in their death throws. However we do know he has cancer.
But the process is protocol. You know exactly what your funeral will be like and what will be said....
This doesn't need to be so damn difficult. Just rent one woodchipper for the day. Funeral done. Hell, you don't even need to wait till he dies if you don't want to, just give him a quick trial and then step outside on the courthouse lawn for the funeral. The woodchipper will even pay for itself by saving on fertilizer costs for the lawn.
You're welcome.
Ground Chuck. $3.99/lb. Kek!
Damn......THAT escalated quickly.... for people to even be talking about this, I assume that means the docs know he doesn't have much time??
Good riddance, paedo
anyone attending this so called funeral should have their head examined. look what the 'royal's have done to Britain. i say good riddance and good day.
Wasn’t the QEII funeral planned for decades?
Plans for royal funerals are always made many years in advance. Nothing unusual here.
We need the end of earthly kings. Only one KING in my book.