Funny how the direction of the other crooked noses is the opposite of F#1.
The DS is stupid enough to think the public is that stupid. Okay -- their lemming followers are, but the rest of us see through all of their bumbling attempts to present impostors as the real McFetterman, braindead Joe, Killary etc
Looks to me, like 2, 4, and 5 are probably the same guy, has been in a fight where his nose got Broken, but not the same as 1, 3, an 6....
3 has a straight nose, ears are tight up against the skull, and doesn't actually fit in with any of the others....
6 has had his nose broken, but is also at the beginning stage of Cauliflower Ear on his right Ear, doesn't actually fit in with the others....
1, I can't tell if he's had a broken nose or not due to the light saturation in the picture, it blends the right side of his face too much and doesn't allow for Contrast....
Then you have to ask yourself why the 1st term junior Senator from Pennsylvania is so important he needs many different body doubles. Presidents? Yea. Senate leadership? OK. House leadership? Sure I guess.
But a 1st term junior Senator? Something is rotten in the state of Denmark.
This is one of the reasons I believe this is a MOVIE. Some of these people do not look much like Fetterman at all, but does the news media say anything-or anyone associated with him say anything? No. Why? This makes no sense to me at all except for the movie angle.
Of course I could be wrong, but it is so suspicious to me.
That's the puzzle. It's got to be a WH operation, but I keep thinking it's got to be more than just showing people that the dems will vote anything that has a pulse and no brain in.
There are enough similarities in the small details that if they weren't the same guy then they are likely wearing a mask - but if they're wearing a mask why don't they look more similar in appearance?
They do look quite different in general, but there are a lot of small features that are identical, which would be hard to reproduce with body doubles.
I only look at ears, they are as unique as fingerprints. Number one and number five have the same ears. No idea what's going on with the rest of them though. And same ears don't even prove it's the original Fettermen.
#1, 2 and 5 are at least somewhat similar... but 3, 4 and 6 are NOT EVEN CLOSE. WTF? How can sheeple not see this for themselves?
Remember when Uncle Festerman had a stroke, and his "wife" (handler) took off to Canada alone while he was supposedly in the hospital? Oh, sure - that's perfectly normal... said no one, ever.
Fake # 4 was the new improved Uncle Festerman released from the hospital after the stroke. By they time they got to fake # 6, they were not even trying anymore...
Not just his appearance changed. He apparently become more based and logical AFTER the stroke, stating he is not a progressive, etc. Yah, shure, yu betcha...
Now take this same concept and apply it to Hildebeast, and all the others...
Where would the find six actors who look and talk like Fetterman? The SAG only has so many members, plus who in their right mind would want to play him? That would be so horrible to be Lurch all day long.
Is everyone forgetting the neck lump on the original? It was fist size, and just to the right of center under his collar. Show me the lump, or a surgical scar -- that's the real Fetterman.
With Fedderman, Biden, Hillary and others photos from the past 4 years you have know we are being played or this is a movie of epic proportions right in line with any Cecil B. Demille classic!
Why is it no one in the media blinks twice about not only the appearance, but now his ability to articulate, when in the past he couldn’t put words in a sentence! Miraculous recovery for a stroke victim! Hu must be using those Med Beds! Even Greta, on Newsmax, says nothing about the change in appearance and demeanor.
4 has a more elongated facial appearance, I think. Creases in the foreheads and ears are different. He looks younger as the pics progress!
Camera focal length can makes everyone look different
Okay, but it doesn't break someone's nose in the opposite direction or shrink their ears . . . .
Funny how the direction of the other crooked noses is the opposite of F#1.
The DS is stupid enough to think the public is that stupid. Okay -- their lemming followers are, but the rest of us see through all of their bumbling attempts to present impostors as the real McFetterman, braindead Joe, Killary etc
One rival Dumbo
Looks to me, like 2, 4, and 5 are probably the same guy, has been in a fight where his nose got Broken, but not the same as 1, 3, an 6....
3 has a straight nose, ears are tight up against the skull, and doesn't actually fit in with any of the others....
6 has had his nose broken, but is also at the beginning stage of Cauliflower Ear on his right Ear, doesn't actually fit in with the others....
1, I can't tell if he's had a broken nose or not due to the light saturation in the picture, it blends the right side of his face too much and doesn't allow for Contrast....
Then you have to ask yourself why the 1st term junior Senator from Pennsylvania is so important he needs many different body doubles. Presidents? Yea. Senate leadership? OK. House leadership? Sure I guess.
But a 1st term junior Senator? Something is rotten in the state of Denmark.
This is one of the reasons I believe this is a MOVIE. Some of these people do not look much like Fetterman at all, but does the news media say anything-or anyone associated with him say anything? No. Why? This makes no sense to me at all except for the movie angle.
Of course I could be wrong, but it is so suspicious to me.
One or two looked like aliens.
Fetterman went into walker Reed hospital and came out a whole new man!
But what role do we think he is playing in the movie?
That's the puzzle. It's got to be a WH operation, but I keep thinking it's got to be more than just showing people that the dems will vote anything that has a pulse and no brain in.
Have no idea.
Same guy different camera. Lens aperture and processing explains it. Look at his eyebrow, smirk, smile, nose bridge... come on be serious.
I think you may be right.
There are enough similarities in the small details that if they weren't the same guy then they are likely wearing a mask - but if they're wearing a mask why don't they look more similar in appearance?
They do look quite different in general, but there are a lot of small features that are identical, which would be hard to reproduce with body doubles.
Thank you. Very tired of this RRS (Replacement Retardation Syndrome) giving our movement a bad look.
Absolutely not the same guy.
I only look at ears, they are as unique as fingerprints. Number one and number five have the same ears. No idea what's going on with the rest of them though. And same ears don't even prove it's the original Fettermen.
I look at the nose. Not the same. Whatever you said.
These are just different lenses. You can see the V shape furl in his brow on all of them.
You rock.
V shape is fine but nose different.
#1, 2 and 5 are at least somewhat similar... but 3, 4 and 6 are NOT EVEN CLOSE. WTF? How can sheeple not see this for themselves?
Remember when Uncle Festerman had a stroke, and his "wife" (handler) took off to Canada alone while he was supposedly in the hospital? Oh, sure - that's perfectly normal... said no one, ever.
Fake # 4 was the new improved Uncle Festerman released from the hospital after the stroke. By they time they got to fake # 6, they were not even trying anymore...
Not just his appearance changed. He apparently become more based and logical AFTER the stroke, stating he is not a progressive, etc. Yah, shure, yu betcha...
Now take this same concept and apply it to Hildebeast, and all the others...
Did you see someone who claimed it's the camera? Yeah. I might believe a rainbow unicorn
Where would the find six actors who look and talk like Fetterman? The SAG only has so many members, plus who in their right mind would want to play him? That would be so horrible to be Lurch all day long.
Number 3 looks like one of those bad actors in a porno - maybe the cable guy that shows up to a mansion full of women to "fix the cable".
I think there's only 3 of them.
Is everyone forgetting the neck lump on the original? It was fist size, and just to the right of center under his collar. Show me the lump, or a surgical scar -- that's the real Fetterman.
Oh. That's right.
The ears.
Actually!!! Holds up finger. They are all bald so they are all Fetterman.
That guy changes more than most Democrats change their underwear.
The last guy is less Neanderthal.
must be a popular model.
Which one? LOL
Teeth vary
Some looks similar, true
Do you know about Teresa Barnwell? I didn't until someone told me.
Look her up.
Oh yeah. I look at the cheekbones.
1 & 5
2 & 4
3 & 6
FETTERMAN has to be a WHat test case for how stupid or non-caring our OBSERVATIONAL skills are. My guess is shit.
6 degrees of Fetterman
I would like to see what a high end facial recognitions system says about these pictures!
In all 6 you can see similar two front teeth, nose bridge wrinkle, & forehead swoop wrinkle over left eye.
Be interesting.
I guess that means they can kill him off five times and we'll never know
Oh, we know. He isn't the same person
He has been one of the funniest ones to watch. Starting with the number 2 that came out of the hospital. No neck lump and could talk.
Yes. LOL
Is that right? Don't know much about him.
With Fedderman, Biden, Hillary and others photos from the past 4 years you have know we are being played or this is a movie of epic proportions right in line with any Cecil B. Demille classic!
Why is it no one in the media blinks twice about not only the appearance, but now his ability to articulate, when in the past he couldn’t put words in a sentence! Miraculous recovery for a stroke victim! Hu must be using those Med Beds! Even Greta, on Newsmax, says nothing about the change in appearance and demeanor.
I have no idea. Told to look the other way.
I thought we were up to "Fetterman 7.,2 The Great" lol