Leading Report
BREAKING: Trump has announced that he will deploy the US military to impose a full blockade on all Mexican cartel activity.
7:02 AM · Sep 7, 2024
Leading Report
BREAKING: Trump has announced that he will deploy the US military to impose a full blockade on all Mexican cartel activity.
7:02 AM · Sep 7, 2024
Oh good...and I mean this literally...get rid of the Mexicans who just want respect for their country. If they want that, just go home. Sick of them.
Talkin about those folks flaunting the Mexican flag every chance they get. like you love your country so much then go home. I'm of German descent but I'm rocking the red white and blue not the German flag.
They appear in any competition, their reason for wanting the win is to gain respect for Mexico. Every single time.
Yeah I see that shit out here in Chicago! It’s annoying!
Politicians in the Arizona House of Representatives:
Who gives one shit if some are unhappy. I want to see our good military and border patrol given the authority to shoot to kill everyone of these border trespassers. Anyone who is in favor of open borders, give them a one way ticket to another country chosen at random and let them find their own way in that country. See how many freebies they will get.
Indians. The Indians need to go.
At first I was like, "Seriously? They were here first..." Then I got you meant pajeets. 😂😂😂
And the feather Indians can't whine too much since they most likely conquered the land from others beforehand anyway
Many have no clue how many "black projects" are done on reservations... away from peering eyes of whitey and technically not on US soil...
They were not here first.
Yes thank you. The ones that have arrived in the last decade or so.
They are polluting the fuck out of INDIANA of all states for them to invade.
Dude don't lie... you still hang out at the that Pac-Man fever! 😁😁😁
The reason Texas wasn't overrun with Mexicans was because the Apachi kept them out. They hated mexicans.
The Comanche played a significant part as well.
It might have been the Comanche...something I read about some time ago so could have mixed up the tribes. Thank you.
Yes send all the H1B1’s back.
Next April could be very interesting?
Democrats and the CIA for one.
I’d imagine more than a few Libertarians will have a hissy fit to. Because Government doing anything is bad.
Or they’d be pissed they’d be sending Regular Soldiers instead of a backwoods Militia or the Club of White Collar Accountants that LARPs as a Militia on weekends.
As citizens of the US, take this with a grain of salt. The cartels have been embedding assets in every institution that matters. The indentured servants to the cartel who remain will still be leveraged to serve the cartel's interests or whoever "buys" their debts. Hopium yum yum, but don't sell your guns hun.
I take Trump at his word.
As do I, but context is important.
Gonna be awkward when they find out who is working with the cartels.
Half of Congress probably..
What 'Other' Country on Earth would NOT deploy the Military to defend their border against an Obvious illegal invasion?
Europe, pick one.
I agree. That is the difference in Freedom and communism.
I am so sick of seeing non-English speaking people at my shopping centers in droves.... paying with wads of cash. Go home!
Mainly hollywood, politicians, and other scumbags that benefit from it.
I have been saying it all along, it is easy to understand why hollywood has been the loudest when it comes to calling him a racist for this platform, it is because they wont get their little packets of fairy dust and their little boys/gild to touch.
I am going to love its exposure when it happens.
Just imagine... going to a big box store... and you've got the whole place to
Too bad he can't put a full military blockade on Wayne County Michigan, Madison and Milwaukee Wisconsin, Pittsburgh and Philadelphia pennsylvania, Fulton County and Cobb County in Georgia, Maricopa County in Arizona, and Clark County in Nevada for these elections.
In the ocean of information we need to be aware that there is no foundation. The boat itself -we as an individual along with those who see the storm have to be the foundation. This foundation involves doing moves and counter moves to keep the boat from sinking.
Perception is key. Those who do not see the ocean as raging will be more docile while the storm wipes them out. They will be on their gaming machine playing a game and the next moment washed away by this storm of reality.
The plan for evil to wipe out USA has been drawn. Many of those who we have been taught to believe are guardians of our safety have been turned ever so slightly by a deception even they did not see, but they see it now.
Trump is just ushering in the darkness faster in the hope more will be their brothers keep instead of happily jumping into the ditch.
The darkness does not panic. Those who make darkness their light are salivating over their upcoming power and fortune.
Who will win? Many who are blind may be blind until it is too late.
My prime example is 2-weeks to flatten the curve. Trump put his faith in people instead of kneeling to the evil emperor. This faith put back into people angered the emperor.
Just an fyi-emperors should never be angered. Let me make it more simple. Emperors should always be tried and it is when they become angered—they lose.
Both ways people prosper though. We call them rhinos because they fully believe they can control the emperor by needing and licking its boots, while Trump has allowed the people to see this boot licking.
2030 is coming in still and this election will ever so slightly readjust USA to be able to perceive this global new world order for what it truly is. I believe God allows mankind to usher in the true end times and we are riding this information war to show God if we are ripe or still want to grow….
An increasingly large portion of Afghanistan's raw opium crop is processed into heroin and morphine base by drug labs inside Afghanistan, reducing its bulk by a factor of 10 to 1, and thereby facilitating its movement to markets in Europe, Asia, and the Middle East through Iran, Pakistan, and Central Asia. Afghanistan has long had a history of opium poppy cultivation and harvest. As of 2021, Afghanistan's harvest produces more than 90% of illicit heroin globally, and more than 95% of the European supply.
There is no issue deploying the military to our borders to enforce them. The problem will be deploying our military internally to be used against American citizens.
There will need to be tight coordination and clear mission parameters if the military is used internally to deal with foreign invaders already entrenched internally.
I often wonder how planes get into the US loaded with drugs.
Couple of AWACs in the air on the border.
Fighter jets in the air
Unmarked flights told, land at point x or you will be shot down
No response shoot them down.
One part of the problem solved.
No mercy for drug dealers.
No go on shooting them down. Innocent people and all on the ground. There are other ways to take them out.
Will this be when he is in the WH or will it be immediately?
More details at
That leading report guy never reveals his sources.
Cruise missiles to cartel haciendas in mex and Honduras and alligators in Rio grande
Okay, so, Mexican cartel.....and how about Venezuelan gangs, and those from El Salvador, Honduras, Guatemala, and middle east terrorists, and good ole home grown anarchists etc etc etc...please our communities, save our country, save our homeland from those that would seek to cause us harm and destroy us. Please God, your will be done.
Annex Mexico. Clean it out.
I understand what you're saying, but I absolutely don't want Mexico!
I've been there.
It needs cleaned up to protect the US citizens from trafficking, both drug and human. Doesn't make sense for us to clean it up (and for free) then walk away. We need control of it, else, it will just regenerate the cartel leadership and be back in the same boat. If we make a deal to annex the country, will have all of our manufacturing plants that have fled to Mexico back in the US, will have a smaller land-border to protect, and a passport-free, safe vacation area for 'all'. Agriculturally, a big bonus to be had immediately. Once US money flows in there on a legitimate basis, things will clean up just by free-market forces alone. Better tourism, better food/water controls, more money from 'snowbirds' investing/moving down there, better policing if you don't have a DS/C_A Cartel defacto running the country. Because that is what is happening, regardless of whatever elections you have down there.
We should do Canada as well. Why stop at Mexico?
Baby steps. Canada isn't a free for all, yet.
I’ve been saying this for years.