A few days ago I posted that the Teamsters are polling their members to see who they should support for president. This is the result of that poll.
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Why in the fuck would a union ------ support the party that offshores their jobs?
Can someone please answer this for me......
Teamsters, and most other unions, are always left-leaning and always support leftist political candidates. I never understood it.
Unions are a communist idea to start with.
That's what makes this such a big deal. They rarely, if ever, endorse Republican candidates.
Here's a fun fact: May first (May Day) is International Worker's Day. Communists hold May 1st as a special day because that's the day Adam Weishaupt officially started the Bavarian Illuminati which eventually morphed into the Communist parties among other things.
Thanks for sharing about Weishaupt, I found this to be an interesting read.
If you have the time I highly recommend reading the book "Under the Sign of the Scorpion".
Thanks u/CrockOSuds 👈🏻
I read through the table of contents and that in itself points out so many interesting facts.
Here is a summary of the book for those who think they do not have the time to read it. Thanks for sharing!
**** I don't think I have time to read this summery ****
I was a member of a union. At least half of the membership were conservative in their leanings, but the union leadership were all liberal. Why was that? I will tell you from experience it was from the conservatives being so indignant over the "leadership" of the left, and so God-damned lazy, that they rolled over and let it happen, being content to carp about it---but not being willing to do anything about it.
We have seen the same thing happening in all of our social institutions: local governments, school systems, churches. The leftists are active and the conservatives are passive carpers. The schools are a sore point. Nothing is a greater target locally for conservatives than the schools. To whom I would ask, "Where the hell were you for the past 30-40 years?." Too fucking much complacency and consequent negligence. You ignore your garden for a large part of a century and you no longer have a garden, but an invasive jungle.
One of the reasons for this are conservatives don't believe government nor any organized group has the right to tell others how to live. No matter the size or scale, fundamentally that's what these groups do. Decides how it will be for everyone else.
Just as pedos flock to children. The liberal will flock to other peoples money, and levers of control.
But you are right that we must wake up to the fact, to protect ourselves, we must get involved. We got to get our hands dirty.
Well, there is the right to lay down the law against theft, assault, murder, and trespass. The border between law and freedom is delicate. The free market hinders no one's freedom, nor do contracts. There is little freedom if there is no obligation to fulfill bargains.
But getting our hands dirty cleans the soul.
Yep. The only thing Union did for people was slave them more and turn them into Communists plus their goal was to get money from the suckers (me/past tense though) who work for the governments of the world. Meaning they are bad to the core, they do not fight for nobody, they get people in trouble.
I can't help if you joined a bad union and did nothing to move it in the right direction. But your crummy experience is no argument against unions. Any more than the (true) claim that cities tend to be liberal in their policies and thus to be condemned. By that logic, we should not have cities?
I was in a union for about 40 years, becoming active on the heels of a righteous strike for a contract that was only a continuation of the previous contract. New management (from a merger, all of them Jack Welch followers) wanted to squeeze us. They figured we would whimper and go away. We struck for 40 days, innovating in the art of striking. Our members were designated to authorize delivery of airplanes, and while we were on strike, Boeing could not deliver airplanes to customers. They could build them (only the engineers and techs were on strike, not the factory workers), but they had to park them along the length of Boeing Field---where the whole world could drive by on Interstate 5 and see how the strike was going by the length of the parked lineup. And they were running out of apron space to do the parking. At some point, not far off, the Company would have to shut down the factories, which would be real pain. The Company caved and agreed to continue the contract.
In "peacetime," the union was pretty good at monitoring contract compliance and representing members in cases of discipline or contract violation. I can tell you that management has no regard for ideas that ordinary justice is built on.
The union had an arrogant, overbearing Executive Director (paid employee), who functioned as a dictator, with the elected leadership mainly as bribed stooges. The general membership were not happy with him, but there was mainly grumbling and no action. I and a half dozen others got together and formulated an opposing "party" and a political strategy to oust this tyrant. It took 5 years, 3 election campaigns, and thousands of personal dollars, appealing directly to the membership, for us to gain control of the Executive Board. We instructed the tyrant to heel, he laughed at us ("You'll never fire me"), and we indeed fired him at our next meeting. There was immense backlash, and we were ultimately recalled and thrown out---but there was no turning back. The dictator's henchpeople were informed that any attempt to reinstate him would be met by a popular movement to decertify the union. Ulp! Sorry, Charlie, you're in the can. (From this I derived my observation "You know who is in power by who can fire whom.") So, the moral of the story is that oppression can be dispelled, but it takes dedication and courage.
Unions are only an expression of the freedom of association for the purpose of collective bargaining. If you are opposed to that, you are nothing other than a tyrant. If you don't get what you want, look in the mirror and ask yourself whether you are willing to work for what you want. What we are seeing today in the clash between the Deep State and MAGA is only what happened in my union, on a larger scale. Does this mean we should abandon constitutional government, because it leads to a Deep State? Or should we realize that we have been gliding for generations and are now met with the result of that neglect and inattention?
I didn’t join these unions, I was forced to join these creeps good for nothing because the government got the money out of our paychecks want it or not. Thanks God DeSantis got rid of the payment that it was going directly from workers to these creeps. Now nobody wants to join in Florida. They are begging people to join them, no more money for them.
There can be bad unions and good unions, just as there are bad cities and good cities. The difference is the membership. If the membership are sheep, they will get sheared.
Ok. Got it. I will not be judging only because what happened to me. God bless you my friend.
Not in the least. It is the living demonstration of the right of free association and collective bargaining. Don't blame unions for the unbalanced legal situation created by government legislation (NLRA). Those doing labor or service have as much right to form a body to negotiate working conditions as any corporation.
The Communists (and Nazis) were so opposed to the independence of unions that they mandated that they should all be under government control.
If an individual worker is being treated unjustly by the employer (violation of contract terms), there is no one to defend him but a union.
Edit: free shit.
The people on top have agendas. They aren't elected. Same shit applies to unions. People paying dues get scraps
Union MEMBERS may be overwhelmingly for Trump, but I bet the "Union" will endorse Kamabala. Paid-off commies at the top.
Follow the money
Because mafia types have corrupted the Democrat party AND unions for well over 100 years.
I think the answer is there in your response.
The union bosses likely get big bucks from the dems to do so.
And forces car company's to make unsellable electric trucks
Way back in the day, I was in a union and the national reps would announce a vote for leadership positions coming up and later for a vote pro or con for a national strike. Our local reps held meetings with all of us to tell us whom we were to vote for, period. When I became outspoken about decisions being made, especially objecting to a yes vote on a strike, I was confronted in the lounge by two of the older reps and threatened. Soon thereafter, I found my locker was being accessed and my coffee cup would be filled with dirty cigarette butts when I'd come in to work in the morning. Both reps were cigarette smokers.
In another job where we had to pay dues to local and national organizations, the leadership at the top would tell us our dues were going to particular political parties. We never took a vote on who the money should go to or whether that was the best use of our dues. It was always to a candidate / party I did not support.
In another completely unrelated industry, in one of our regular weekly sales meetings, our sales manager had invited a rep from the United Way, which is a very political organization (in my opinion) that (back then) kept 95% of the money for 'overhead' giving 5% to the actual charity. And local politicians were on the payroll. I did not want my money to go to them.
The manager passed out envelopes with our names on them. They were different colors. He announced that one color showed you gave last year above a certain $, the next color was a donation below this $, and the next color showed you didn't give anything the previous year! It was clearly meant to shame and intimidate. He said for us to get out our checkbooks and put a damn check in it for United way and to have it ready and he'd get it from us. He went row by row in our meeting room to collect the checks. I handed him an empty envelope. I do not cotton to coercion.
It surely skews even more to Trump than that.
Wait till Nov 5 th. Everyone will wake up to the fact that elections can be stolen.
I agree. I think it’s going to get stolen again.
But the keyword is: "Allowed" to be stolen again.
Yes, exactly. I think there needs to be something like another stolen election to put a stop to this movie. Without a major event like a stolen election, if the normies (along with everyone else) find out that the Military (and to a lesser degree PDJT) were in control, they will wonder why it was allowed to go for so long. The slolen election needing to happen to trap all of the criminals can be used as somewhat of an excuse for the movie lasting for the whole “Biden” presidency. Otherwise if it just stops without a major event, the Military and Trump may lose support when they find out that the Biden administration was basically fake.
This whole thing has honestly never made much sense to me. I get a headache trying to understand some of this stuff.
The 2020 election was both stolen and the WHs were in control and we deliberately lost/"let" the liberals steal the election because it was supposed to wake the normies up to see how sketchy liberals are.
But even though we know that the 2020 election was allowed to be stolen, because that was part of the plan all along, and it had to be that way, (and we're reminded often that it had to be that way) we are still furious that the liberals stole the election, even though that is what was supposed to happen all along.
But at the same time, Trump is secretly still the President and/or the CIC. But the country going to shit with inflation and crime and the border was because Biden is a terrible President, but also probably not the President. Maybe.
And even though we lost 2020, or whatever it was that happened there, in order to wake up the normies, the normies are still not awake, so we'll need to let the liberals steal 2024.
And by letting them steal 2024, it will show everyone how sketchy the liberals are. Again.
So...yeah. I have a migraine now.
A lot of people have woken up. The steal had to happen in order to take down nazi ukraine and the coming draining of israel deep state. This can't happen under Trump as it'd be terrible optics.
This is the first time I've seen it claimed that the 2020 election was deliberately lost/stolen/allowed to be stolen in order to take down nazi Ukraine and the Israel DS.
I thought we were supposed to have a financial collapse where we went back to the gold standard, and we couldn't do that when Trump was president, because of bad optics.
Seems to be pretty important for Trump not to be involved in bad optics.
Also, is there any number or anything in mind concerning when enough normies will be considered woken up where we no longer have to wait around on them to wake up? How are we supposed to be determining that?
What is this, Zeno's Paradox? We must have a succession of stolen elections before more and more of the public see the right side of things? Meanwhile, the result of another stolen election could easily be a nuclear war in which millions die. I advise getting off the complacency train, where we look forward to ever more political disasters and think we are making progress.
Wait, wasn't that what 2020 was about? To show people all the sketchy shit going on?
Chew-Bakas Everywhere...
Yeah, and the controlling media told everyone it wasn't true and that Joe had won fair and square. So many dirty people were in on it, like Bill Barr and many RINOS who kept their seat, but lost the presidency for DJT.
That cannot happen this time! We can't let them steal it again. Dammit.
Yeah that was for us. 2024 is for the sheep to wake up
We weren't awake before the 2020 election?
If it happens again then I think it's time for us to attack our government directly.
Crazy how, even outside this poll, 1 out of every 3 Americans is a cuck
And so the Teamsters Union just came out and said they're not endorsing either candidate? 😆 Unions always support Dems, but they'd piss off most of their members if they endorsed either candidate! Love it!
Teamsters just came out and said they will not endorse a candidate. They are so biased and pissed that they are still refusing to endorse Trump based on what their members want.
You have to love that the ABC article says that Biden was beating Trump by 8 points at some undefined point in the past (while implying that it was aligned with this internal poll) while completely omitting the fact that Trump is handily beating Harris in their poll.
But Hillary wants to prosecute common people for posting misinformation.
Very nice win.
They haven't officially endorsed Trump yet but it could come as early as today.
Not yet - Sean O'Brien, the Teamsters president, just said they will endorse "no one."
Well, it's a start.
It's beyond imagination that anyone who actually wants to conduct business in this country and live in peace would even consider the apparent Kamala person as a viable candidate. It shows either true and absolute, willful ignorance, or complicity.
Aren't "Undecided" and "don't know" the same thing lol
they are learning
what kinda pedo truckers are voting for harris?
Who are the teamsters
One of the most well-know workers unions.
Thank you
moving and building shit
1 in 3 are still dumb as fuck
I love this
Oh look..."Undecided" + "Don't know" = 11%
Gotta keep that whole bs "undecided voater" bs in the narrative so we can pretend there are actually people with a pulse that REALLY don't know... GTFOOH
Oh... and fk unions... It's not 1934 retards. You scumbags are why actual working people have to pay one of you whores $100 to access the net at a trade show... because it really costs that much PER DAY. Assholes.
John L Lewis of the United Mine Workers was probably the last union leader actually elected by the membership. For the most part national union officials are elected by delegates appointed by the leadership. Most have never worked a day in the occupations they purport to represent. The teamsters have often been an outlier, endorsing Nixon in 1972, and Reagan in 1980. They have also elected dissidents to leadership positions on occasions. Not surprised to see the rank and file supporting Trump.
Damn, 30% are still retarded
A lot of union members getting out over this.
So they decided not to endorse. Clearly democracy doesn't exist In the union movement. Clearly a majority favor Trump.
He he he!
I'm surprised over 30 percent are idiots.