Trump walking into CIA and standing in front of their clown star wall and telling them what he thought of CIA, or walking in front of the Jews and telling them he is going to restrict usury?
Although he came in peace, I believe Trump called the crooked Jews out last night. It was his initial volley. There was that strange silence several times last night, like when he said only 40% of Jews are voting Trump, at this time, anyway. He then told them they should get their heads examined. Remember, Q said they were saving Israel for last. Is this the beginning of the end, for real this time? I’m hopped up on hopium! Edit: When I say “crooked Jews “, I’m referring to the ones controlling the money, not all of them.
Dumb question, but I can't help asking since things I've observed in my life don't add up.
We are friendly with a local family where only the father is Jewish. He's not going to the synagogue regularly, and they don't make a whole lot of money as they are mid-level techs in the medical industry. They don't like Trump and are totally absorbed by the bread and circuses of life.
These people somehow manage to go away on vacation often, be it for a weekend or a whole week just about every month. Both of their cars are newer than our 7 year old minivan. Ski trips, Hiking, Cape Cod, Florida, Cancun.
The dad's parents are very Jewish, but I can't imagine them financing all this.
We didn't take our kids on vacation this summer, (we really couldn't) with nearly $60k in credit card debt from regular expenses, I don't understand how some people make it work?
I have a relative that married into a jewish family. They are all very well off. They don't really show off their wealth , but they are rich. I went to their house about five or six years ago for thanksgiving, they all held hands and prayed for Trump to go to prison. They kept telling me that I had white privilege, I have toxic masculinity, and I need to live as a homosexual for a few years to see the world from a different perspective. I also remember getting preached that I need to be a global citizen.
I have never visited since and never plan to do so. It was all very alien to me. I was not raised like that.
They are nice people, they just think very highly of them selves and different than most Gentiles. They are very big into immigration, abortion, homosexuality, multiculturalism.
I was actually told that the American people are idiots, are too stupid to run their own lives, and that we need a one world government where unelected officials can tell us how to live our lives. These people actually think this is alright!
I’m pretty sure they’re not exercising usury. Something about this makes me suspicious but then again I’m suspicious of everything these days😊. Did you ever hear that Rabbi Finkelstein recording? He was being interviewed on the radio? years ago. I can’t remember the interviewer’s name. Among many worse things, he said that the Jews never pay retail for anything and they aren’t charged interest. I wonder what kinds of exchanges, if any, are made to reciprocate for this.
P.S. There’s no such thing as a dumb question here. The only dumb question is the one never asked. 🥰
I believe they have their own network of “lenders”. It’s something I should try to dig on. I’ve been swamped lately. I will see what I can find out and pass it on.
Thank you. I have a couple more acquaintances that live modestly but have all the nice things and trips. Most of their real estate records are public information so I'll check and see who the current lenders are for their mortgages.
Ha, I'm so glad to read this. There are quite a few people & parts of my town like this; I have no clue how these people finance their lifestyles. Kinda makes you little self-conscious / self-doubting, huh? :-\
Couple of my guesses:
You never know what goes on behind closed doors.
Those people you & I look at & wonder how they finance their fancy lifestyle, when it doesn't seem to add up; they could be literally living paycheck to paycheck, and up to their ears in debt (or worse) just to make it look like they're fancy.
Seeing as how their parents are jewish, there's very likely a trust fund or some sort of family money involved, I can almost guarantee it. Somewhere, somehow, they got major help from their folks.
That's one thing you gotta give the tiny hats; they really do stick together amazingly well.
I worked in big business for years. I won't mention the name of the company, but their initials are GE, if that helps. Ha.
One thing I learned is that things happen over night. Behind the scenes they can be changing the world but you won't know ANYTHING about it until BOOM, it's done and announced.
The world will change overnight. It's happening now, but we won't see it until it's done.
Trump's statements are hints of what's already done.
Usury has caused the Jews to corrupt the world and control it.
Hitler wanted to put an end to this usury and the Jews lied by saying that he wanted to put an end to all the Jews, when in reality he wanted to exterminate only the Jews who were usurers and who were contaminating all of Europe and expanding to the American continent.
Huh?!? More likely he was rounding up Jewish communist partisans that initially failed their communist revolution in Germany the way they succeeded in Russia. Plus, they often fought out of uniform, the LOW and GC are pretty clear about uniformed armed combatants.
I am not making excuses but Germany did have reason to dislike many Jewish people. It was Baron Rothschild who managed to organise the entry of the USA into WW1 in return for Palestine. It was a meeting at Versailles after WW1 that determined how Germany should suffer after WW1. Some say the negotiators were over-represented with Jewish people.
Between the wars, the German financial system collapsed. Loaves of bread cost trillions of marks. People were paid twice a day to keep up with inflation. Who ran German finances? The Jewish people came out and declared a business war on Germany in those years.
Was the Six Million holocaust number a fact or is there more to it?
The history of most German concentration camps was written by the predominantly Jewish Bolsheviks in the USSR after WW2 because they occupied those lands.
If Jews were expelled from 1020 countries over time then that is not all the fault of the Third Reich. What is the common factor?
As the six million figure is so prevalent in articles about Jews why should that particular one be believed? Was it ever meant to be an accurate figure or is it used in the same way we might say "five minutes"?
OK, there were concentration camps. Were they all death camps? Wasn't the famous chimney at Auschwitz actually built by the Soviets after the war? isn't there a sign at Dachau pointing out that, despite earlier thoughts, the showers were just showers? Isn't Zyklon B just used for delousing? My local hospital has cremation facilities but that does not make it a death camp.
How many died from Typhus rather than anything more sinister? How might you dispose of the many bodies after a Typhus outbreak?
All those pictures of starving prisoners, were they starved on purpose or was there just no food in the last months of the conflict?
Many of the camps were labour camps and the US backers of the Nazi regime benefitted from that cheap labour.
I try to keep an open mind. I understand that all generalisations are never completely accurate, however:
What is the common factor?
The people to be expelled must have been identifiable in some way. How else would you know who to expel? We know that money-lending practices have been deprecated since at least 750 AD in England so maybe that is why they were disliked. Money-lenders in the temple, anyone?
The six million is probably not accurate.
I agree but I think it is most likely too high an estimate. Did you not read the pdf I linked with many other references to six million? Were they all accurate or just that one? No, six million is a magic number to Jewish people. That is the number that have to die before they achieve their Israel.
Concentration/death camps?
All the ones with tattooed numbers survived. Famous "victims" like Anne Frank (whose father forged some of her diaries) died of typhus. How many died of disease or natural causes? None? All gassed? Really? Why is it that the famous death camps all were in the Soviet sector? Coincidence or propaganda from a Jewish-led organisation who were following ideas from a Jew? Bolsheviks and Marx.
Typhus is preventable.
If every preventable disease were actually prevented the world would be a better place.
dragooned into labor camps
I can see why Germany thought it had a "Jewish Problem." They lost WW1 because of Jews; they suffered draconian reparations largely because of Jews; they suffered a civil uprising after WW1 led by Jews; they had financial war formally declared on them by Jews. As now, their media, porn industry, banks, financial institutions are all run by Jews and the financial sector went to pot but Germany realised that usury was holding them back and diverting all the money into the hands of Jews. Maybe they thought that they would be better locked up?
And, if labour camps were so bad, why were American Jewish financiers happy to make money from them?
6 Million figure is a complete exaggeration. The so called homicidal death chambers never existed. All the people that died in the camps died from typhus, starvation, dysentery, and other causes. which probably amounted to a few hundred thousand, not millions like the holohoax purveyors claim.
Because the 6 million number was obviously exaggerated. There weren't even that many Jews in Germany at the time, and many had already fled with the rise of Hitler.
Since then they've already revised their numbers several times, and they keep bringing the total number lower. The official numbers now only show that it was somewhere around 4.5 million Jewish lives lost. Which is funny that they keep lowering it, why did they LIE to begin with?
The jews were sacrificed
The khazarians did the sacrificing
They sacrificed to Molech
For greater satanic power
Jews of today are more likely to be satanic, atheist and khazarian nevermind ethnic israelites of the levitical order. They reject christ, they're mostly.war mongers, they all benefit from usury and they follow the Talmud
They're as dumb n retarded as Muslims n Hindus imo
It's not subjective anymore. Ppl don't believe the stories anymore. You can ask for proof but the proof is that everything is a lie.
Even the term AshkeNAZI is suspect.
I don't think you or I know the motives of the German ppl in the 1930s and to just be like .... they're all racist Antisemites is silly. It's a silly argument. If you wanted to industrially exterminate ppl it would be done w a trap door and a giant meat grinder into the river.
There is a khazarian myth or their isn't? Is Ukraine khazarian? Are jews Ashkenazi, hasidic, orthodox, cultural, israeli, .. I'm just so tired if it.
Usury is ending. Cope harder
Dominance of us politics is over. Cope harder.
Degeneracy and the ppl that profit from degeneracy are criminal. It's ending.
Israel is running out of ammunition.
It's all over. The internet won't let us unsee what we've seen.
It's not my job to give you knowledge. You can either do your own research or keep watching your little hollywood fairytail productions and believe whatever makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
I have been wondering about the new economy. Will we get taxes paid back (another way to return the diamonds). How will interest work? Will there be a holiday from all loans? Let the Fed pay back everything... Not sure what will happen.
I think that's what's going to happen. 87,000 ORS agents and all that. Unfortunately no inside knowledge, but that sounds like a good start to me. In new, gold- or silver- backed dollars.
Look out, more assassins incoming. Status quo in their favor is what they want. Credit card companies will not be happy with the “temporary” lowering interest rate to 10%!
Yes but goyim have no money to love in the first place. All the real money rests with one group and one group alone unfortunately and many of them sure seem to love it.
Buddy .... you sound rich and you sound like you LOVE being rich.
Read Acts 5 if you need reminding about how not to give.
I don't care about your money tbh. I just think when the rich drive by the homeless on the way to their million dollar cottage in their 4th car that perhaps ppl need to reconsider what they do with their money.
Retain all your wealth. I promise you by the 3rd n 4th generation it will be likely squandered by your grandchildren. Huge inheritances is detrimental to society and ppl generally speaking. But you do you.
Money is not representative of time or labour.
Money is money and there's more money than food, and there's a lot of food.
Ppl are done w bosses. You sound like a capitalist boss that loves to see how little he can pay his employees so he can maximize how much he can "make" so he can pay usury loans on his 4th car and 2nd house while also claiming he doesn't "love" money.
Here's an idea.
Give away an asset greater than $10k to a stranger or someone you know that's in need.
Also repent for making usury payments and make sure you don't make anymore.
And if you can't then at least stop lecturing ppl about wealth, money management, banking and economic forms of government.
I don't owe or borrow money so quit bearing false witness and repent of that.
Remind me if King David was rich?
You are the one lecturing from an unbiblical position.
I'm asking you to back up your position with scripture.
Most of my giving is anonymous. Funding adoptions isn't tax deductible.
Oh and PS.... I was homeless over 20 years ago before I came to Christ. Recently God blessed me abundantly for saving the lives, jobs, and freedoms of countless Christians and patriots.
King David existed inside of a monarchy that also had a just and righteous king. It's not accurate to compare yourself to him. The Bible says it's difficult for a rich man to enter the gates of heaven. I'm not a rich man and that allows me carte blanche in my assessment of rich men.
Do you have interest bearing accounts?
Do you collect rent?
Do you have static revenue?
Do you exploit your workers?
Do you exploit your tenants?
Don't play word games with me. You're not gonna sit there and be like "I'm debt free" while you have accounts making interest. "I don't believe in usury" but does your company or companies in any form at all in any sense whatsoever have a loan with any bank or financial institution or provide assets for a financial institution to utilize?
You were a king but now you're working
Your employees were kings too but now they're were-a-king for you.
The fact that you even consider tax deductions is a barfable offense.
And again I say unto you, It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.
I didn't compare myself to King David you dishonest POS.
I gave you an example from scripture of how wealth isn't evil.... From a man "after God's own heart"
I'll end with a little lesson in scripture to mop you up and then we're done (or to put it more accurately, you are)
In Matthew 19:24, Jesus says: "Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God." On the surface, this statement seems to suggest a condemnation of wealth. However, a deeper look at Scripture shows that Jesus is not condemning wealth itself, but the dangers of wealth when it leads to idolatry, greed, and reliance on worldly things instead of God.
Here’s a broader case that Matthew 19:24 does not forbid Christians from being wealthy, supported by other Scripture:
Wealth is a Blessing from God, Not Inherently Evil
In Scripture, wealth is often depicted as a blessing from God, especially when it is used responsibly and in accordance with God's will.
Deuteronomy 8:18 – "But remember the Lord your God, for it is He who gives you the ability to produce wealth, and so confirms His covenant, which He swore to your ancestors, as it is today."
This passage highlights that wealth itself is a gift from God and can be part of His covenant blessings. God grants people the ability to acquire wealth, and it’s a sign of His favor when handled righteously.
Proverbs 10:22 – "The blessing of the Lord brings wealth, without painful toil for it."
Here, wealth is described as a blessing from the Lord, not something to be rejected outright.
Righteous People in the Bible Had Wealth
There are numerous examples of faithful men and women in the Bible who were wealthy and remained righteous before God.
Abraham – Genesis 13:2 says, "Abram had become very wealthy in livestock and in silver and gold." Abraham is one of the most important figures in the Bible, yet his wealth did not hinder his relationship with God.
Job – Job was one of the wealthiest men of his time (Job 1:3) and was still described as “blameless” and “upright.” When his wealth was taken, God restored it twofold, showing that wealth in itself wasn’t the problem, but rather how one responds to its gain and loss.
Joseph of Arimathea – He was a rich man and a disciple of Jesus (Matthew 27:57). His wealth enabled him to provide a tomb for Jesus' burial, showing how wealth can be used for good in the service of God.
The Context of Matthew 19:24
The context of this verse is the encounter between Jesus and the rich young ruler (Matthew 19:16-22). The issue here is not that the man was wealthy, but that his wealth had become an obstacle to following Christ. The man asked what he must do to have eternal life, but when Jesus told him to sell his possessions and follow Him, the man walked away sorrowful because he was unwilling to part with his wealth.
Jesus is teaching that wealth can become a spiritual hindrance when it controls one's heart. It's not the wealth itself, but the love of money that is the problem, as 1 Timothy 6:10 says, "For the love of money is the root of all evil." Christians are warned to guard against putting their trust in wealth instead of in God.
Christians Can Own Property and Employ Others
There is no biblical command that forbids Christians from owning property or employing others, as long as these are done ethically and with fairness:
Proverbs 12:11 – "Those who work their land will have abundant food, but those who chase fantasies have no sense."
This verse implies that working and owning land, a form of property, is wise and can lead to abundance.
Ephesians 6:5-9 – This passage gives instructions to masters (employers) and slaves (employees), showing that such relationships existed and were not condemned. Instead, both parties are encouraged to treat each other with respect and fairness. In today’s context, this can be applied to employers and employees.
Proverbs 13:22 – "A good man leaves an inheritance to his children's children, but the sinner's wealth is laid up for the righteous."
This shows that a righteous person may accumulate wealth and property to pass on to future generations, further confirming that having wealth and property is not inherently sinful.
The Purpose of Wealth in a Christian Life
The Bible teaches that wealth should be used wisely, for the glory of God and the benefit of others:
1 Timothy 6:17-19 – "Command those who are rich in this present world not to be arrogant nor to put their hope in wealth, which is so uncertain, but to put their hope in God, who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment. Command them to do good, to be rich in good deeds, and to be generous and willing to share."
This passage doesn’t condemn the rich but gives instructions on how they should use their wealth responsibly.
Acts 4:34-35 – Early Christians shared their possessions, ensuring no one was in need. While this isn’t a requirement for all believers, it demonstrates the importance of using wealth for the benefit of others.
Matthew 19:24 does not forbid Christians from being wealthy, but it warns against the spiritual dangers that can come with wealth if it leads to greed, idolatry, or self-reliance instead of reliance on God. Scripture shows that wealth is a blessing when used in accordance with God's will, and it is possible to be both wealthy and righteous. Christians are encouraged to be generous, ethical, and mindful of their spiritual priorities when it comes to wealth, property, and employing others. Wealth should be a tool for advancing God's kingdom, not an idol that competes with God for devotion.
Now go sit in the corner and think about all the stupid things you said.
Which one was more dangerous?
Trump walking into CIA and standing in front of their clown star wall and telling them what he thought of CIA, or walking in front of the Jews and telling them he is going to restrict usury?
I would say its the latter.
Mucho Grande' El Brassos Bollos!!!!!!!
Amen. Big as ever!
How does he walk?
With his massive balls in a wheelbarrow
Buffalo Soulja!
One step at a time, balancing them cojones carefully.
Don’t forget when he walked into the UN and said he was a nationalist. That was balls of steel!!!
Right after he pushed some world leader out of his way😂😂
I agree. They are the dangerous ones.
Definitely. Fuck with the people that Jesus threw out of the temple and they'll kill you.
Interesting how much information can be hidden in the silence, isn't it?
Although he came in peace, I believe Trump called the crooked Jews out last night. It was his initial volley. There was that strange silence several times last night, like when he said only 40% of Jews are voting Trump, at this time, anyway. He then told them they should get their heads examined. Remember, Q said they were saving Israel for last. Is this the beginning of the end, for real this time? I’m hopped up on hopium! Edit: When I say “crooked Jews “, I’m referring to the ones controlling the money, not all of them.
Dumb question, but I can't help asking since things I've observed in my life don't add up.
We are friendly with a local family where only the father is Jewish. He's not going to the synagogue regularly, and they don't make a whole lot of money as they are mid-level techs in the medical industry. They don't like Trump and are totally absorbed by the bread and circuses of life.
These people somehow manage to go away on vacation often, be it for a weekend or a whole week just about every month. Both of their cars are newer than our 7 year old minivan. Ski trips, Hiking, Cape Cod, Florida, Cancun.
The dad's parents are very Jewish, but I can't imagine them financing all this.
We didn't take our kids on vacation this summer, (we really couldn't) with nearly $60k in credit card debt from regular expenses, I don't understand how some people make it work?
I have a relative that married into a jewish family. They are all very well off. They don't really show off their wealth , but they are rich. I went to their house about five or six years ago for thanksgiving, they all held hands and prayed for Trump to go to prison. They kept telling me that I had white privilege, I have toxic masculinity, and I need to live as a homosexual for a few years to see the world from a different perspective. I also remember getting preached that I need to be a global citizen.
I have never visited since and never plan to do so. It was all very alien to me. I was not raised like that.
Glad you made it out alive! You might've been in greater danger if you stayed late.
😬 wtf? How nice of the hosts.
They are nice people, they just think very highly of them selves and different than most Gentiles. They are very big into immigration, abortion, homosexuality, multiculturalism.
I was actually told that the American people are idiots, are too stupid to run their own lives, and that we need a one world government where unelected officials can tell us how to live our lives. These people actually think this is alright!
“Nice” does not equate to “good”.
Very evil men can be “nice”, right up till they cut your head off.
Aka destroying anything native with everything foreign; child sacrifice; sodomy and equalizing differences to invert nature differentiating equality...
You were in the belly of the beast that night, and saw the true face of who’s behind our corrupt system.
Holy shit. Did you just stumble onto who is running the show??? They sound just like ol’ Klaus.
Behind closed doors Jews are not our friends. They’ll always consider us the “others”
Because we are. Praise God!
Should have told them to fuk off,for being that rude.
They're supposed to be family.
If they were family they would have been polite,expitaly since they are just meeting you.
Looks to me like they were trying to bait you.
They are asshole.
We have the same thing near us. Only one person in the house works a part time job, yet the can afford to travel, newish cars, etc. I don't get it.
OK, this is a less then serious post but, according to this website a $60k credit card debt could be racking up $834 per month in interest.
Someone is spending that money. Could it be your neighbour?
Good observation.
My wife is a magician with the 0% interest rate balance transfer offers. We have the debt but we keep kicking the can down the road.
That’s if you have a great credit score.
I’m pretty sure they’re not exercising usury. Something about this makes me suspicious but then again I’m suspicious of everything these days😊. Did you ever hear that Rabbi Finkelstein recording? He was being interviewed on the radio? years ago. I can’t remember the interviewer’s name. Among many worse things, he said that the Jews never pay retail for anything and they aren’t charged interest. I wonder what kinds of exchanges, if any, are made to reciprocate for this. P.S. There’s no such thing as a dumb question here. The only dumb question is the one never asked. 🥰
That was my thinking also, but how is it possible that a non-Jew working in the finance world wouldn't notice the loan without interest payments?
I'm not a finance guy so maybe there's special kick-backs that come back to them outside of banking system.
Read 1 Samuel 30:22-25. This may answer our question.
I believe they have their own network of “lenders”. It’s something I should try to dig on. I’ve been swamped lately. I will see what I can find out and pass it on.
Thank you. I have a couple more acquaintances that live modestly but have all the nice things and trips. Most of their real estate records are public information so I'll check and see who the current lenders are for their mortgages.
Excellent idea. Let us know what you find.
Ha, I'm so glad to read this. There are quite a few people & parts of my town like this; I have no clue how these people finance their lifestyles. Kinda makes you little self-conscious / self-doubting, huh? :-\
Couple of my guesses:
You never know what goes on behind closed doors. Those people you & I look at & wonder how they finance their fancy lifestyle, when it doesn't seem to add up; they could be literally living paycheck to paycheck, and up to their ears in debt (or worse) just to make it look like they're fancy.
Seeing as how their parents are jewish, there's very likely a trust fund or some sort of family money involved, I can almost guarantee it. Somewhere, somehow, they got major help from their folks.
That's one thing you gotta give the tiny hats; they really do stick together amazingly well.
This is like when Trump went in front of the CIA. Trump called out the bad actors and said he'd be back and take out their columns.
Exactly. I could almost feel the tension in the room last night. Same with the CIA encounter.
Wow! When he said this at a rally the crowd loved it. He got lots of This is very telling.
I worked in big business for years. I won't mention the name of the company, but their initials are GE, if that helps. Ha.
One thing I learned is that things happen over night. Behind the scenes they can be changing the world but you won't know ANYTHING about it until BOOM, it's done and announced.
The world will change overnight. It's happening now, but we won't see it until it's done.
Trump's statements are hints of what's already done.
And for once and FOR ALL the oppressed will be freed. Ascension. WWG1WGA 🙏♥️
—Miyamoto Musashi
Usury has caused the Jews to corrupt the world and control it.
Hitler wanted to put an end to this usury and the Jews lied by saying that he wanted to put an end to all the Jews, when in reality he wanted to exterminate only the Jews who were usurers and who were contaminating all of Europe and expanding to the American continent.
Huh?!? More likely he was rounding up Jewish communist partisans that initially failed their communist revolution in Germany the way they succeeded in Russia. Plus, they often fought out of uniform, the LOW and GC are pretty clear about uniformed armed combatants.
I am not making excuses but Germany did have reason to dislike many Jewish people. It was Baron Rothschild who managed to organise the entry of the USA into WW1 in return for Palestine. It was a meeting at Versailles after WW1 that determined how Germany should suffer after WW1. Some say the negotiators were over-represented with Jewish people.
Between the wars, the German financial system collapsed. Loaves of bread cost trillions of marks. People were paid twice a day to keep up with inflation. Who ran German finances? The Jewish people came out and declared a business war on Germany in those years.
Then we realise that Hitler attended a lecture on finance and he decided to change the direction of German finances when in power.
Now add in the questions we are not allowed to ask:
Just adding onto your points, check this out…
antisemite is a made up word, and if it was even a real word it should also extend palestinians (since they are semites) but it doesnt, cause, jews.
its literally a word specifically for the jewish semites, and its racist as fuck
I am not making excuses just stating facts.
If Jews were expelled from 1020 countries over time then that is not all the fault of the Third Reich. What is the common factor?
As the six million figure is so prevalent in articles about Jews why should that particular one be believed? Was it ever meant to be an accurate figure or is it used in the same way we might say "five minutes"?
OK, there were concentration camps. Were they all death camps? Wasn't the famous chimney at Auschwitz actually built by the Soviets after the war? isn't there a sign at Dachau pointing out that, despite earlier thoughts, the showers were just showers? Isn't Zyklon B just used for delousing? My local hospital has cremation facilities but that does not make it a death camp.
How many died from Typhus rather than anything more sinister? How might you dispose of the many bodies after a Typhus outbreak?
All those pictures of starving prisoners, were they starved on purpose or was there just no food in the last months of the conflict?
Many of the camps were labour camps and the US backers of the Nazi regime benefitted from that cheap labour.
This is all very true. This is common knowledge.
Oh boy I get to share this again!
I try to keep an open mind. I understand that all generalisations are never completely accurate, however:
The people to be expelled must have been identifiable in some way. How else would you know who to expel? We know that money-lending practices have been deprecated since at least 750 AD in England so maybe that is why they were disliked. Money-lenders in the temple, anyone?
I agree but I think it is most likely too high an estimate. Did you not read the pdf I linked with many other references to six million? Were they all accurate or just that one? No, six million is a magic number to Jewish people. That is the number that have to die before they achieve their Israel.
All the ones with tattooed numbers survived. Famous "victims" like Anne Frank (whose father forged some of her diaries) died of typhus. How many died of disease or natural causes? None? All gassed? Really? Why is it that the famous death camps all were in the Soviet sector? Coincidence or propaganda from a Jewish-led organisation who were following ideas from a Jew? Bolsheviks and Marx.
If every preventable disease were actually prevented the world would be a better place.
I can see why Germany thought it had a "Jewish Problem." They lost WW1 because of Jews; they suffered draconian reparations largely because of Jews; they suffered a civil uprising after WW1 led by Jews; they had financial war formally declared on them by Jews. As now, their media, porn industry, banks, financial institutions are all run by Jews and the financial sector went to pot but Germany realised that usury was holding them back and diverting all the money into the hands of Jews. Maybe they thought that they would be better locked up?
And, if labour camps were so bad, why were American Jewish financiers happy to make money from them?
Can you answer for this then?
You can’t click on a link retard?
Got it, you’re misdirecting the convo and refusing to answer to all the evidence to the contrary I’ve provided.
You’re full of shit and you know it.
6 Million figure is a complete exaggeration. The so called homicidal death chambers never existed. All the people that died in the camps died from typhus, starvation, dysentery, and other causes. which probably amounted to a few hundred thousand, not millions like the holohoax purveyors claim.
Because the 6 million number was obviously exaggerated. There weren't even that many Jews in Germany at the time, and many had already fled with the rise of Hitler.
Since then they've already revised their numbers several times, and they keep bringing the total number lower. The official numbers now only show that it was somewhere around 4.5 million Jewish lives lost. Which is funny that they keep lowering it, why did they LIE to begin with?
Define Holocaust.
Who was sacrificed? Who did the sacrificing? To whom was the sacrifice to? To whom was the sacrifice for?
Holocaust- the whole burnt offering.
The jews were sacrificed The khazarians did the sacrificing They sacrificed to Molech For greater satanic power
Jews of today are more likely to be satanic, atheist and khazarian nevermind ethnic israelites of the levitical order. They reject christ, they're mostly.war mongers, they all benefit from usury and they follow the Talmud
They're as dumb n retarded as Muslims n Hindus imo
Just sharing for everyone to check out
All true.
It's not subjective anymore. Ppl don't believe the stories anymore. You can ask for proof but the proof is that everything is a lie.
Even the term AshkeNAZI is suspect.
I don't think you or I know the motives of the German ppl in the 1930s and to just be like .... they're all racist Antisemites is silly. It's a silly argument. If you wanted to industrially exterminate ppl it would be done w a trap door and a giant meat grinder into the river.
There is a khazarian myth or their isn't? Is Ukraine khazarian? Are jews Ashkenazi, hasidic, orthodox, cultural, israeli, .. I'm just so tired if it.
Usury is ending. Cope harder Dominance of us politics is over. Cope harder. Degeneracy and the ppl that profit from degeneracy are criminal. It's ending. Israel is running out of ammunition.
It's all over. The internet won't let us unsee what we've seen.
Where are these written orders for extermination? I've been looking for decades and I could never find them. Please enlighten us with your knowledge.
Maybe you should look up the definition of holocaust. It would be nice if you understood the meaning of the word you throw around so freely.
It's not my job to give you knowledge. You can either do your own research or keep watching your little hollywood fairytail productions and believe whatever makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
Turn the glowing rectangular brain wash box off.
I haven't watched MSM Fake News in over a decade.
You are one strange person. You're free to believe whatever you want.
It appears to be a lifeform that insists that it is ethnically pure, not a war monger, nor a supporter of usury. It's very peculiar indeed.
PecuLIAR hmmmm.... these word games and riddles. 25 years of the internet and now i think we're finally able to throw out the junk ....
Show me the documentation of these exterminations
I have been wondering about the new economy. Will we get taxes paid back (another way to return the diamonds). How will interest work? Will there be a holiday from all loans? Let the Fed pay back everything... Not sure what will happen.
Compound interest made illegal. It is a depraved concept that awards theft.
I think that's what's going to happen. 87,000 ORS agents and all that. Unfortunately no inside knowledge, but that sounds like a good start to me. In new, gold- or silver- backed dollars.
lol very glad someone else posted this, had meant to do so myself.
Nice work, OP.
There is only one time that I know of Jesus going nuts and loosing his temper. It was when he saw what the money changers were doing in the temple.
u/#afraid u/#samuraipopcorn
Look out, more assassins incoming. Status quo in their favor is what they want. Credit card companies will not be happy with the “temporary” lowering interest rate to 10%!
Bankers got big toes it seems!
And Trump's wearing hammer shoes.
Something tells me that "temporary" cap will become permanent, and then eventually reduced to 0%. They've sucked enough blood out of us already.
Could have left America alone …
If money is the root of all evil and one group of ppl have most of the money .... something something logical conclusion
Love of money, is the root of all evil. Money isn't evil just like guns aren't, people are.
Yes but goyim have no money to love in the first place. All the real money rests with one group and one group alone unfortunately and many of them sure seem to love it.
The LOVE of money is the root of all evil.
You can have a lot of money without being evil.
If you don't love it then give it all away.... if was meant to be it will fly back to you and was always meant to be.
I'm tired of rich men saying they don't love money; are you sick of that too?
Excuse me what? Why would someone give away what scripture says they should leave for their family?
Show me ONE verse that says give away your money and it will come back.
This is so lme new age "universe" BS.
I'm sick of people like you thinking money is evil. Money is a representation of time and labor.
God frequently blessed hardworking and faithful people with money because they can use it for His glory and to help others.
You sound like a damn commie.
Buddy .... you sound rich and you sound like you LOVE being rich.
Read Acts 5 if you need reminding about how not to give.
I don't care about your money tbh. I just think when the rich drive by the homeless on the way to their million dollar cottage in their 4th car that perhaps ppl need to reconsider what they do with their money.
Retain all your wealth. I promise you by the 3rd n 4th generation it will be likely squandered by your grandchildren. Huge inheritances is detrimental to society and ppl generally speaking. But you do you.
Money is not representative of time or labour.
Money is money and there's more money than food, and there's a lot of food.
Ppl are done w bosses. You sound like a capitalist boss that loves to see how little he can pay his employees so he can maximize how much he can "make" so he can pay usury loans on his 4th car and 2nd house while also claiming he doesn't "love" money.
Here's an idea.
Give away an asset greater than $10k to a stranger or someone you know that's in need.
Also repent for making usury payments and make sure you don't make anymore.
And if you can't then at least stop lecturing ppl about wealth, money management, banking and economic forms of government.
All assumptions. You love making those.
I don't owe or borrow money so quit bearing false witness and repent of that.
Remind me if King David was rich?
You are the one lecturing from an unbiblical position.
I'm asking you to back up your position with scripture.
Most of my giving is anonymous. Funding adoptions isn't tax deductible.
Oh and PS.... I was homeless over 20 years ago before I came to Christ. Recently God blessed me abundantly for saving the lives, jobs, and freedoms of countless Christians and patriots.
Have a good day being bitter and envious.
King David existed inside of a monarchy that also had a just and righteous king. It's not accurate to compare yourself to him. The Bible says it's difficult for a rich man to enter the gates of heaven. I'm not a rich man and that allows me carte blanche in my assessment of rich men.
Do you have interest bearing accounts? Do you collect rent? Do you have static revenue? Do you exploit your workers? Do you exploit your tenants?
Don't play word games with me. You're not gonna sit there and be like "I'm debt free" while you have accounts making interest. "I don't believe in usury" but does your company or companies in any form at all in any sense whatsoever have a loan with any bank or financial institution or provide assets for a financial institution to utilize?
You were a king but now you're working Your employees were kings too but now they're were-a-king for you.
The fact that you even consider tax deductions is a barfable offense.
And again I say unto you, It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.
Matthew 19:24
I didn't compare myself to King David you dishonest POS.
I gave you an example from scripture of how wealth isn't evil.... From a man "after God's own heart"
I'll end with a little lesson in scripture to mop you up and then we're done (or to put it more accurately, you are)
In Matthew 19:24, Jesus says: "Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God." On the surface, this statement seems to suggest a condemnation of wealth. However, a deeper look at Scripture shows that Jesus is not condemning wealth itself, but the dangers of wealth when it leads to idolatry, greed, and reliance on worldly things instead of God.
Here’s a broader case that Matthew 19:24 does not forbid Christians from being wealthy, supported by other Scripture:
In Scripture, wealth is often depicted as a blessing from God, especially when it is used responsibly and in accordance with God's will.
Deuteronomy 8:18 – "But remember the Lord your God, for it is He who gives you the ability to produce wealth, and so confirms His covenant, which He swore to your ancestors, as it is today."
This passage highlights that wealth itself is a gift from God and can be part of His covenant blessings. God grants people the ability to acquire wealth, and it’s a sign of His favor when handled righteously.
Proverbs 10:22 – "The blessing of the Lord brings wealth, without painful toil for it."
Here, wealth is described as a blessing from the Lord, not something to be rejected outright.
There are numerous examples of faithful men and women in the Bible who were wealthy and remained righteous before God.
Abraham – Genesis 13:2 says, "Abram had become very wealthy in livestock and in silver and gold." Abraham is one of the most important figures in the Bible, yet his wealth did not hinder his relationship with God.
Job – Job was one of the wealthiest men of his time (Job 1:3) and was still described as “blameless” and “upright.” When his wealth was taken, God restored it twofold, showing that wealth in itself wasn’t the problem, but rather how one responds to its gain and loss.
Joseph of Arimathea – He was a rich man and a disciple of Jesus (Matthew 27:57). His wealth enabled him to provide a tomb for Jesus' burial, showing how wealth can be used for good in the service of God.
The context of this verse is the encounter between Jesus and the rich young ruler (Matthew 19:16-22). The issue here is not that the man was wealthy, but that his wealth had become an obstacle to following Christ. The man asked what he must do to have eternal life, but when Jesus told him to sell his possessions and follow Him, the man walked away sorrowful because he was unwilling to part with his wealth.
Jesus is teaching that wealth can become a spiritual hindrance when it controls one's heart. It's not the wealth itself, but the love of money that is the problem, as 1 Timothy 6:10 says, "For the love of money is the root of all evil." Christians are warned to guard against putting their trust in wealth instead of in God.
There is no biblical command that forbids Christians from owning property or employing others, as long as these are done ethically and with fairness:
Proverbs 12:11 – "Those who work their land will have abundant food, but those who chase fantasies have no sense."
This verse implies that working and owning land, a form of property, is wise and can lead to abundance.
Ephesians 6:5-9 – This passage gives instructions to masters (employers) and slaves (employees), showing that such relationships existed and were not condemned. Instead, both parties are encouraged to treat each other with respect and fairness. In today’s context, this can be applied to employers and employees.
Proverbs 13:22 – "A good man leaves an inheritance to his children's children, but the sinner's wealth is laid up for the righteous."
This shows that a righteous person may accumulate wealth and property to pass on to future generations, further confirming that having wealth and property is not inherently sinful.
The Bible teaches that wealth should be used wisely, for the glory of God and the benefit of others:
1 Timothy 6:17-19 – "Command those who are rich in this present world not to be arrogant nor to put their hope in wealth, which is so uncertain, but to put their hope in God, who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment. Command them to do good, to be rich in good deeds, and to be generous and willing to share."
This passage doesn’t condemn the rich but gives instructions on how they should use their wealth responsibly.
Acts 4:34-35 – Early Christians shared their possessions, ensuring no one was in need. While this isn’t a requirement for all believers, it demonstrates the importance of using wealth for the benefit of others.
Matthew 19:24 does not forbid Christians from being wealthy, but it warns against the spiritual dangers that can come with wealth if it leads to greed, idolatry, or self-reliance instead of reliance on God. Scripture shows that wealth is a blessing when used in accordance with God's will, and it is possible to be both wealthy and righteous. Christians are encouraged to be generous, ethical, and mindful of their spiritual priorities when it comes to wealth, property, and employing others. Wealth should be a tool for advancing God's kingdom, not an idol that competes with God for devotion.
Now go sit in the corner and think about all the stupid things you said.
If true, would you mind showing us the original clip with full context? We keep open minds here
Did you watch the livestream?
Then why are you here? We all see a pattern starting to form here...
You say you're here to give information, but all I see is you giving your opinion and misinformation.
Have a nice evening.
Have a good evening.
I did....OP isn't wrong. I understand where you're coming from but this isn't one of those instances.
nice try... thanks for playing. kek
Ok rabbi.
Sorry dude but your nuts...
I don't hate anybody. But I do dislike the actions of you bolsheviks and what you have done to humanity.
Yet you have no basis for saying the things that you do, but you do anyway.
See, two can play your game... bolshevik.
I think you meant to say "respectfully and with usury".