Title says it all, a child of mine has terribly sensitive skin. We have tried various things, mainly no fragrances, but wondering if anyone had any good outcomes from strickly natural solutions. Thanks frens!
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"Topical Ivermectin improves allergic skin inflammation"
Thinking this is where I am going. It sounds like the best, thank you!!!!!!
I have a friend who says it works for her. Ivermectin
I didn't know there was a topical version. Thanks for posting this. I'll tell my friends.
Horse paste is the topical.
Oh, lol. Thanks.
The Rx topical ivermectin is called "Soolantra". I have a friend who uses it for rosacea and says it works great.
Get off grains for a good while and see if it gets better. Nothing made with wheat flour or any other grain. No bread, pizza, crackers...nothing like that. Try it for several months if necessary to see a result. FiveDogs' reply on the carnivore diet overlaps with my reply.
Yep, eliminating all sugars and carbs can do wonders for eczema.
One thing about this boy, he is a protein eater. We don't do pizza and he really doesn't eat alot of the breads and things we have with dinner. We almost never eat out, as we don't live close to anywhere. But thank you foe the reply I appreciate it!!
Research the carnivore diet. Dr. Jordan Peterson and family have had excellent results. I believe he had eczema. Daughter has auto immune issues, and wife had a "permanent" injury heal away.
He is about the closest kid I have ever seen on a carnivore diet, no joke. Beef stew.....triples down on the meat maybe eats a carrots or two lol. But thank you!!
I second this. I’ve heard many carnivore stories and skin problems seem to go away. Since he already loves beef just eliminate everything else and see what happens. You can later try adding back items to test.
Good idea, it just hard not to have a "complete" diet.....however I think that is all bullshit anyways. Thanks!!
I used to believe the same complete diet thing too until I started really looking in to carnivore and how our ancestors long ago were eating.
Tallow is great!
Came here to add this. I've seen beef tallow cure eczema.
I have never heard of this I will look into it
Thank you looking into it!!
So I had eczema most of my life, due to stress.
Coconut Butter Oil changed that. Use some in your hand rub it until it melts then slowly work into the skin. A week later eczema is gone.
Friends daughter cured in a few days (she was being bullied) now is a beautiful young lady.
And diet, stop eating processed crap.
Coconut butter. It’s solid white and normally comes in jars. You can melt it in your hand, then it turns to liquid. I would avoid the oil, as this gives unscrupulous producers a chance to cut the coconut with some other crap.
Do you mean to say that you used it for just one week and it's never come back?!! Because that would be amazing. Almost like a miracle. Please tell us where you bought it and the brand you used. Thanks!
Yes it clears up after one week.
But I still use it as a moisturiser after every shower to this day. You can find it in any store in the oil or health food section, it’s not expensive.
It’s generally used for cooking as a healthy replacement for oils. Being Irish, I only cook with butter.
Alright, great info. Thanks. I have only ever seen coconut oil, so will look for this. Funny comment about the butter. :D
Yeah see the processed food thing, I would think is the problem. But we eat nearly zero processed food. We grow alot of our food and that we don't we have local places we csm track the history of our food. While expensive, we eat well. Thank you tho!!
Same here. Every year we grow more and preserve more. Back to basics.
Colloidal silver. Twice a day sprayed on the troubled spots is my suggestion. I've seen it clear away moles, severe pink eye, help clear sinus infections, help a wound that was down the bone heal without a single scar ...
Look up Institute Katharos Colloidal Silver 40 PPM
Silver is a natural anti-biotic, anti-viral, and even encourages nerve healing. I think it also naturally helps with inflammation.
The brand I mentioned is about the highest concentration of silver I could find that is also not overly expensive. It's billed as a skin product, but is no different than the silver billed as health supplements. We use it in nasal spray bottles to help prevent sinus infections (which USED to be a reoccurring issue for my daughter) and I often use the included spray bottle to put it into my mouth while inhaling sharply to get it to my lungs to help some with asthma.
You might also try goat milk soap with no fragrances or dyes or plain glycerin soap. The goat milk soap, I think, has some moisturizing properties while glycerin soap is about as neutral as you can get and still call it soap.
Switching to hypoallergenic detergents, if you haven't already, would be a good thing to do as some residue remains in the clothes and may agitate skin.
I came to this thread looking for something more natural for my son's acne.... This sure seems like it might be that thing!
Amazing how these threads gain traction!
Yep, we use goat soap and all detergents are hypoallergenic and no fragrances. But very much appreciate the comment!!
I second the topical ivermectin comment. It's very safe. I am not sure about eczema, but it got rid of my horrible rosacea very quickly, with no side effects or skin irritation. Worth a shot to see if it works for eczema too. I use the horse paste and just smear a tiny bit on the affected areas before bed about 1x per week.
Did it come back? Didn't think about topical,thanks for highlighting that
My last outbreak, I brought out the horse paste version of ivernmectin. Maybe 5 weeks ago or so. It hasn't returned. Worth a try!
Definitely thank you!
Nope, I just use it once a week and it keeps all the rosacea away. I can go longer without it, but my rosacea was so bad I just smear it on once a week anyway.
Soolantra is ivermectin for rosacea. Just buy horse paste I believe it even has higher percent ivermectin.
Yes, that is what I use. The horse paste is 1.87% ivermectin. Soolantra is only 1%, and without insurance it would be $500 a month. No thanks, I'll take the $7.99 tube of horsey paste that lasts forever!
No sugar or carbs, no fruit juice, add probiotics and florastor prebiotics, exercise, sunlight, Coconut oil,
Eczema isn't in the title, but it's on his list of many things caused by a lack of vit. B1
Edit to add, it's a Dr. Berg vid
Not sure if my cracked bleeding hands was eczema. But I had to stop putting sanitizers on my hands as was all the rage during the covid scare every time I touched something. And I started using gloves when I washed dished to further keep stuff off my hands.
Sounds like that was just from the alcohol and soaps pulling too much moisture out of your hands. I have problems most winters with my hands getting real dry when the weather turns real cold and dry.
Application of lotion is the best counter, as well as trying to avoid getting soap on the backs of your hands.
No we don't use sanitizers or anything like that. It's mainly his sweat that really bothers his skin. And my kids definitely don't wash their hands often lol, they country kids :) thank you tho!!!
Adding essential fatty acids to the diet cured my gson's excema
Interesting! Could you be more specific about what you used? Thanks.
It was my daughter's solutions. I'm not sure what was used. I suppose a supplement or perhaps increase in foods with high EFAs
Alright, thanks. If you happen to speak to her about it, please post what she did because a lot of people here could benefit. (If you're not too tired, that is.) :D Thanks, fren.
The "boy" is 18 yrs old now and was a walking experiment as a toddler in that my daughter tried everything. Can't recall the EFAs tho I believe it was likely an omega 3 supplement (drops) A couple of topical items - diluted ACV spray (stings but brings relief) , oatmeal bath and oatmeal lotions. Eliminating milk and anything with fragrance, especially baby wipes. Sorry I couldn't get you an "exact recipe" - best of luck
Alright, thanks.
Nice, thanks!
"Jojoba oil and borage seed oil have also been studied with promising results and appear to be as safe as a moisturizer. However, not all natural oils are good to use on eczema skin. For example, olive oil can disrupt the skin’s natural barrier when used as a moisturizer. This is likely because it contains irritating fatty acids such as oleic acids."
Read this first https://nationaleczema.org/blog/alternative-treatments-dr-shi/#:~:text=Jojoba%20oil%20and%20borage%20seed,acids%20such%20as%20oleic%20acids.
Shikai borage lotion is a staple in our house for eczema. Helped my hubby’s better than the creams prescribed that suppress your immune system.
keto diet for a few months....if that doesnt work full carnivore
He is close to it, we may try this route.
My wife had eczema for years. Completely cured by oral ivermectin, daily for about a week.
My kid is young, I have wondered if it's okay to give to a child?
They gave it to child leukemia patients with no ill effect. Large doses too
I am not a doctor.. That said, it didn't hurt my 6 yo granddaughter. Dose is by weight.
I watched a Dr. Say it is safer than Tylenol.
I would think most anything I'd, that shit is poison.
Ask your pharmacist if you don't trust your doctor. Maybe start with an extra low dose to make sure he can tolerate it.
Yall are always amazing, never ceases to amaze me how many of you comment and try to help. I cannot thank this community enough, I love you all!!!
Burdock. It's a common weed and I believe a topical application. I don't know how to make the paste from the leafs, but it works for my mom
Do not underestimate the healing properties of the sun for skin conditions. I have seen it work wonders.
Coconut oil works wonders on skin conditions. Tea tree oil as well
I have dyshidrotic eczema all over my body. I use turmeric as a paste. I sprinkle turmeric powder in a small bowl, add a few drops of water...enough to make a mud paste. Then I paint it on the arches of my feet and put on crappy cotton socks(they stain). I go to bed this way every night for about two weeks..by the end of that, my eczema is gone and will stay in remission for months. Simplest, cheapest solution I know of.
Vitamin A toxicity often results in eczema. There's a book called "Extinguishing the Fires of Hell" about it.
No, not that one the other one..........
It can be a life changer if there is a deficiency.....
My grandson has it. Has been controlled with oatmeal baths. Seriously.
Wondering if he gets enough salt in his nutrition.
Like others my go-to response would be to cut grains out entirely and go carnivore, but if it's more than that, I'd say his skin irritation reflects cellular dehydration. Eczema as I understand it means skin so dry that it cracks and peels. Lotions are the instinctive reactions, but you have to be careful because some are problematic. You want the ones with saturated oils.
You can drink lots of liquids, and it courses through your circulatory system just fine, but if the liquid doesn't have enough salt (OR if the blood is overloaded with something else like sugar or citric acid) the cells cannot absorb the water and they become dehydrated, and the liquid simply goes out the other end, wasted. That's why a hospital IV has saline solution not water.
I've had eczema on-and-off for years, never a huge problem, but I recently went carnivore + heavy sea salt for different reasons, and the skin on my hands and feet immediately improved, going from fairly dry to supple and younger-feeling. Took 2-3 weeks for me to notice, but I wasn't really paying attention. If you're interested I'll give you the website of the health guy I follow, who pointed me to salt and explained why it helps.
Or you could just limit other drinks and add in a lot of Pedialyte / Gatorade / salt for a few weeks and observe.
Lion diet! Its cured so many, psoriasis for me.
How old is your child? You might ask the pharmacist for pediatric antihistamines. I'm not talking about the topical kind but the ones you take internally for allergies like hay fever. Do not bathe them in hot water, only cool to lukewarm for brief periods. The heat might feel soothing and relieve itch but it causes loss of natural oils and leaves the skin dry and itchy. You might try a light coating of coconut or olive oil over the affected area. Only loose clothing, nothing tight that rubs.
Is your child allergic to any foods? Those can trigger eczema, especially acids in tomatoes, citrus fruit. Avoid all items that seem to make it worse. Some people find dairy a problem. Keep the fingernails short, otherwise scratching makes it worse. Other culprits can be shellfish, chocolate, peanuts, eggs, excess sugar.
If it gets too bad, the pediatrician will prescribe topical steroid creams. Most kids outgrow eczema but not all. Sometimes it continues into adulthood. New drugs like Dupixient are made for chronic eczema in adults but I don't think it's recommended in young children.
Also look for natural remedies and advice. Dr. Mercola is one source:
Yea, life long eczema sufferer here. I finally got rid of it a few years ago. eczema thrives on carbs and sugar. Cut all that from your diet, start a keto or intermittent fasting diet. Get plenty of sunlight and vitamin D3+K2.
Let me be clear, you need to strictly keep this up for about 6month to 1year, eczema is very stubborn.
Suggestion is to find an alternative practitioner that knows applied kinesiology and homeopathy to try and pinpoint what may be causing the problem.
Had a friend years ago who's toddler had horrible eczema. She had gone through all the traditional medical routes with no success. The practitioner she found was a homeopathic MD so he could write scripts if he needed to. The offending foods and other toxins were identified and removed. The eczema cleared up. The daughter was fine until she went away to college. We know how badly college students eat. She was not even halfway through her first semester when the eczema came back with a vengeance. It was so bad that she had to drop out of school and come back home. She cleaned up her diet along with a few other treatments for acute flareups and then she was fine again. Now married with a couple of kids and no eczema.
If you do not get some guidance on what is possibly causing the problem, everything will be a crap shoot randomly trying a bunch of different things to find what sticks. That is not good either. Besides eliminated offenders, the applied kinesiology also identifies what is beneficial. In addition there needs to be a comitant detox to get those pathways functioning well. Do some research on the topic and see if that could be an avenue you would be open to. But heads up, there may or may not be insurance coverage since it is operating outside of mainstream medicine. My friend had to pay for the care and she was a single mom, but she managed. Actually in the end she had spent more money going the traditional route than if she had gone nontraditional from the beginning. Good luck.
You could research MMS, there is a dermatological recipe you can spritz on skin. Also, I see people on social media say celery juice can help.
Edit: also ensure enough water/hydration and that the kiddo is “staying regular.”
Vitamin D tincture worked for my daughter.
My daughter dumped all commercial bath products for Borax. Has helped her sensitive skin tremendously. Actual eczema I can't speak to, but I can't see how it would hurt.
https://www.youtube.com/shorts/zh_vL4teABw https://www.youtube.com/shorts/xvAJGObefxQ https://www.youtube.com/shorts/37lNjFRL3is
These are three very short videos from Dr. Ken Berry. Watch them, they are only thirty seconds long, apiece. What he says is that autoimmune disease is caused by the diet you are consuming. Sugar and Carbs are the things that your body is reacting to. Cut out sugar and carbs and your body will heal itself. Try it for a week and see if it isn't true. Go on a Carnivore or Keto diet, very strictly, and you will see results. Hope this helps your kiddo.
Another suggestion is hypochlorous acid, which is antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory. You can buy a spray bottle on Amazon for less than $20.
Heavily used in wound care, hypochlorous acid cleans and disinfects as well as chlorine bleach but is as gentle to skin as water. The white cells in your body actually make this internally.
Coconut butter. It’s solid white and normally comes in jars. You can melt it in your hand, then it turns to liquid.
I would avoid the oil, as this gives unscrupulous producers a chance to cut the coconut with some other crap.
Nutrition is the most powerful cure for just about anything, for about 95% of the time, and when it's not enough you have moved onto cellular damage. This is where treatments like PEMF come in. But always start with nutrition. You have to be strict too, it can be "mostly there", it is an all or nothing situation. The bad things must be pulled out 100% before any healing will occur. There are many elimination diets to try, from whole30, to AIP, to Carnivore, sometimes we have to try them all, but what they all pull out is grains, legumes, and dairy, as well as ingredients people seem to ignore in most foods, like the dyes and preservatives, and then you have the pesticide sensitivities so the food sources need to be clean. It's not always easy but it's worth it.
Yes! I know someone who has had success with the carnivore diet. Cleared it right up, but it did come back when she went back to eating normally. Her brother also has it and says he has had a pretty good response from Biocidin, though he has to consistently take it.