You may well be right. But I believe that all MAGA supporters need to take it seriously nevertheless. The Illuminati are desperate and enraged, and we dare not take the chance of ignoring threats to DJT, no matter how outrageous they may seem.
Ok, let's assume we take it seriously. How is that going to prevent Trump's plane being targeted for his assassination?
I think that it's actually detrimental to us that we're constantly being bombarded with all of these types of posts. Mental/emotional fatigue is a real thing.
There's only so much of this type of thing that we can hear without eventually going numb to it. It's the same thing normies experience. There's only so many times we can try to redpill them with this type of thing before they just automatically assume it's all nonsense.
I'm not talking about sharing things that have happened, and there are sources and other evidence to support whatever it is we're sharing.
I'm talking about all this fear-porn type stuff that has yet to happen, with little credible evidence to support it, and there being nothing we can do to prevent it.
Things that do nothing more than get people all outraged or scared about something. What practical purpose does it serve?
I think much of this type of post is done either for clicks, or to manipulate how people think, feel, and/or react.
If you're quick to become angry/afraid/sad/some other big emotion by a post (or speech, or article, etc...), there's a decent likelihood that you are being manipulated. Not always, of course. But it's likely enough that you should step back and question why you're having those reactions, and what the person/people provoking those reactions have to gain from your emotions.
Is HRC just a puppet and the goal is to take down her minders and the real kingpins?
HRC was a puppet but her strings were recently cut.
She's now on her own and fighting for her life.
So what if:
Did HRC have something to do with JFKjr's plane crash?
If so, would shooting at DJT's plane be beyond consideration?
Does HRC believe JFKjr is dead?
Is JKFjr about to make an appearance in the movie?
Do you believe in prophesy: (emphasis mine)
"My children, your government is responsible for countless deaths you did not even know about. The death toll will be revealed. Some that they thought were silenced are not. Some have been hidden from the establishment to help take them down. Since they no longer suspected these people were alive, they could do more damage to the establishment."
I read somewhere (maybe here?) that approximately 50 per cent of the population is on some sort of treatment for mental illness, so the number of "thinking people" is not what it could be.
Hmm. Do you think mental illness somehow affects a person's intelligence?
The majority of people who suffer from mental illness tend to have anxiety and/or depression issues. They also tend to have higher IQs than the average population.
There are many sayings about how the dumber you are, the happier you are. The whole "ignorance is bliss" thing.
After anxiety and depression, the other most common mental illnesses are PTSD, ADD/ADHD, and OCD. Out of those, ADD/ADHD are the only ones that might have the stigma of not being intelligent. But those that live with attention disorders suffer more from having too many thoughts, rather than not enough. Organizing those thoughts, and staying on task are the issues they face.
So...yeah. I don't think mental illness is the problem with this one.
I think being intellectually lazy is the problem. That's a whole different can of worms.
I'd definitely check into it! Contact Kari Lake for advice before you go to an attorney. Let me know.. I'm praying for you! 🙏
Just a thought...start documenting everything.
Get a calendar, notebook and video and keep a complete record. Encourage other neighbors to do so as well. Also back up all of your documentation!
Narcissists/sociopaths rely on lies, bribes and manipulation to stay in control of everyone else.
But when narcs/sociopaths realize that their bullshit isn't working anymore, they become enraged. That's because they don't have any other way to get people to do what they want.
You'll see that in individuals, like a family member who suddenly gets violent at home; you'll see it in governments and in entities like WEF who suddenly and viciously crack down on their people; and you'll see it in everything in between.
That's how you know you're dealing with a sociopath. And beware, because that's when they get dangerous.
Really? Some informant just happens to know this. Well if they had that information. Then trump has it and it's no longer a problem because trump has the resources to catch them all. Shame on Logan for even running her mouth on this. Wtf is the public supposed to do about it. I'll believe it if trump himself comes out and says it.
How did all the JFK Jr stuff even start in the first place? I really wish people would just stop making a huge deal out of this. I think it pushes normies away more than anything else.
Kind of sick entertainment that you enjoy. Let's just ignore the death of roughly half a million innocent people in DC itself, along with the million+ that live in its suburbs.
Sometimes I really have to wonder about the path some people are walking here. Because it sure doesn't look like the path Jesus is walking.
invade homes, kill the cartels and gangs helping them, kill the middle men, then go after them, very very simple. more guns on this block alone than the alamo. dare those fuckers to come this way
I hope his plane has some kind of emergency escape capsule, so that if hit with a missile, but not destroyed, he can enter it, and safely float to the ground. (if there isn't such a thing, there should be :) )
This would be horrible if they were to actually complete their mission. I surely hope Trump has some people on board-in high agencies (that aren't against him)-helping him with this threat. It is probably real and being acted on, at least parts of it, as we dialogue here.
Thanks for finding this from Lara Logan!
Fear porn. Learn to recognize it.
I mean, I get propaganda but they've also tried to kill him 2 times already.
They're a cornered animal, times are dangerous.
These are the same people that did 9/11, fake iraq war, false flags. I have no doubt they have this capabilityl I just hope he stays safe.
You mean 2 times recently...
So, Laura Loomer is lying or exaggerating in this case?
Yes, I'd rather have a Lara Logan looming over me than a Laura Loomer
"Fear porn. Learn to recognize it."
You may well be right. But I believe that all MAGA supporters need to take it seriously nevertheless. The Illuminati are desperate and enraged, and we dare not take the chance of ignoring threats to DJT, no matter how outrageous they may seem.
Ok, let's assume we take it seriously. How is that going to prevent Trump's plane being targeted for his assassination?
I think that it's actually detrimental to us that we're constantly being bombarded with all of these types of posts. Mental/emotional fatigue is a real thing.
There's only so much of this type of thing that we can hear without eventually going numb to it. It's the same thing normies experience. There's only so many times we can try to redpill them with this type of thing before they just automatically assume it's all nonsense.
I'm not talking about sharing things that have happened, and there are sources and other evidence to support whatever it is we're sharing.
I'm talking about all this fear-porn type stuff that has yet to happen, with little credible evidence to support it, and there being nothing we can do to prevent it.
Things that do nothing more than get people all outraged or scared about something. What practical purpose does it serve?
I think much of this type of post is done either for clicks, or to manipulate how people think, feel, and/or react.
If you're quick to become angry/afraid/sad/some other big emotion by a post (or speech, or article, etc...), there's a decent likelihood that you are being manipulated. Not always, of course. But it's likely enough that you should step back and question why you're having those reactions, and what the person/people provoking those reactions have to gain from your emotions.
Hmmm, numbers 9 and 3. 93? (emphasis mine)
Anonymous 11/05/2017 02:06:00 ID: cS8cMPVQ 4chan/pol: 148032210 Anonymous 11/05/2017 02:03:40 ID:yY946/MZ 4chan/pol: 148031978
So what if:
Did HRC have something to do with JFKjr's plane crash?
If so, would shooting at DJT's plane be beyond consideration?
Does HRC believe JFKjr is dead?
Is JKFjr about to make an appearance in the movie?
Do you believe in prophesy: (emphasis mine)
"My children, your government is responsible for countless deaths you did not even know about. The death toll will be revealed. Some that they thought were silenced are not. Some have been hidden from the establishment to help take them down. Since they no longer suspected these people were alive, they could do more damage to the establishment."
Julie Green, September 4, 2024
Q told us "disinformation is real" and "disinformation is necessary".
Q also told us JFKjr is dead.
Frens, the prosecution rests! Lurch is serving drinks in the bar and Thing is handing out cigars in the smoking lounge.
Good work Fester! 👏
Thank you. Just added supporting conjecture.
Another weird connection is "flight 93" in PA on 9/11.
I didn't need a false prophet to tell me any of that. Any thinking person could easily deduce it.
I read somewhere (maybe here?) that approximately 50 per cent of the population is on some sort of treatment for mental illness, so the number of "thinking people" is not what it could be.
Hmm. Do you think mental illness somehow affects a person's intelligence?
The majority of people who suffer from mental illness tend to have anxiety and/or depression issues. They also tend to have higher IQs than the average population.
There are many sayings about how the dumber you are, the happier you are. The whole "ignorance is bliss" thing.
After anxiety and depression, the other most common mental illnesses are PTSD, ADD/ADHD, and OCD. Out of those, ADD/ADHD are the only ones that might have the stigma of not being intelligent. But those that live with attention disorders suffer more from having too many thoughts, rather than not enough. Organizing those thoughts, and staying on task are the issues they face.
So...yeah. I don't think mental illness is the problem with this one.
I think being intellectually lazy is the problem. That's a whole different can of worms.
No, but their way of interacting with the environment and the people in it is skewed, sometimes badly. There is always a continuum.
There is no “JFK jr” when it was reported JFK had died recently. JFK jr is now JFK.
No, JFK Jr is still JFK Jr. You don't just lose your suffix because the 1st dies.
Much of history would be incomprehensible if people lost their suffixes because one of their elders died.
And how recently do you believe it was that JFK died? He would be around 107 now.
Also, remember was flight 93 downed in Schneksville PA.
Ohhh...good association there.
What airplane?
Death blossom? It seems like they are not even trying to hide their criminal activity anymore.
Whitehats need to kill all these bad actors immediately.
The Sum of All Fears, except for real
In my 60 some years I've never seen so much hate before.
This is a direct result of Obama, The DEMONrats, Republicans, celebrities and LSM.
None of these people have any conscience when it comes to murdering someone.
Dear God protect the Trump family.
Amen GG....
Thank you.
Bless you for all your great posts I read.
If this lady knows about this Im sure Trump knew about this weeks ago.
Correct Patriot, you can be sure of that.
I trust Lara Logan. She is a real journalist of the highest caliber.
Way to go Patriot Lady! Has your neighborhood been troubled with illegals passing through?
Oh great...POTUS can't get in fast enough! Relieved to know your son is there.
Can you and the other neighbors who live around this attorney's rent houses sue him for endangering all of you?
I'd definitely check into it! Contact Kari Lake for advice before you go to an attorney. Let me know.. I'm praying for you! 🙏
Just a thought...start documenting everything. Get a calendar, notebook and video and keep a complete record. Encourage other neighbors to do so as well. Also back up all of your documentation!
Be aware of the term "narcissistic rage."
Narcissists/sociopaths rely on lies, bribes and manipulation to stay in control of everyone else.
But when narcs/sociopaths realize that their bullshit isn't working anymore, they become enraged. That's because they don't have any other way to get people to do what they want.
You'll see that in individuals, like a family member who suddenly gets violent at home; you'll see it in governments and in entities like WEF who suddenly and viciously crack down on their people; and you'll see it in everything in between.
That's how you know you're dealing with a sociopath. And beware, because that's when they get dangerous.
Really? Some informant just happens to know this. Well if they had that information. Then trump has it and it's no longer a problem because trump has the resources to catch them all. Shame on Logan for even running her mouth on this. Wtf is the public supposed to do about it. I'll believe it if trump himself comes out and says it.
How did all the JFK Jr stuff even start in the first place? I really wish people would just stop making a huge deal out of this. I think it pushes normies away more than anything else.
Kind of sick entertainment that you enjoy. Let's just ignore the death of roughly half a million innocent people in DC itself, along with the million+ that live in its suburbs.
Sometimes I really have to wonder about the path some people are walking here. Because it sure doesn't look like the path Jesus is walking.
DC is ringed with radiation detectors. Also NNSA runs frequent sweeps over the city via helo. Would be hard to sneak one in.
invade homes, kill the cartels and gangs helping them, kill the middle men, then go after them, very very simple. more guns on this block alone than the alamo. dare those fuckers to come this way
I hope his plane has some kind of emergency escape capsule, so that if hit with a missile, but not destroyed, he can enter it, and safely float to the ground. (if there isn't such a thing, there should be :) )
This would be horrible if they were to actually complete their mission. I surely hope Trump has some people on board-in high agencies (that aren't against him)-helping him with this threat. It is probably real and being acted on, at least parts of it, as we dialogue here. Thanks for finding this from Lara Logan!