🤔 Trump: There’s something wrong with Kamala, I just don’t know what it is — But there is something missing, and everybody knows it!
Kamala You So Stuupid! Stupaiid!

No soul.
No brain either.
Came here to say this. ^
She’s a complete drunk moron! That’s what’s wrong with her! She’s a rap video party girl in a VP’s suit, nothing more. She slept her way up the ladder and has nothing else to offer but a good Hauk-Tuah job to move up. Dumb as dirt and just as easy to sleep on top of! 😂😂
I would not find it easy to sleep on top of her.... imagine the smell.
Perfect response, I ditto that!
deserves updooted to 17 !
That is very interesting
I also think , the phrase “missing” may mean ,, the real one, is missing !
Agreed he’s pointing to something along these lines. I remember at least one Kamala double that was used like 2 years back. Totally different teeth and eyes.
Yes I agree !
Sounds like a horror movie. Imagine you’re taken against your will and you have to watch your lookalike on tv, and nobody knows!
I could say Kamala doesn't have a brain, but it takes a special kind of smarts to come up with all those exciting word salads.
it takes a special kind of smarts to come up with all those exciting word salads.
It's not just harris, that's typical behavior of below average attorneys.
I would like to see the original speeches before they are given by our "esteemed" Vice Resident.
2 American parents
This ^
37 Q drops with “missing”…
90 Trump TS posts with “missing”…
Trump TS post - https://truthsocial.com/@realDonaldTrump/113221868432580917
On Qagg - https://qagg.news/?read=TT23199
She is simply a box to check... Anyone else but...
You could stop at the fifth word.
A brain lol
I think Kamala is a PSYCHOPATH. Or something along those lines. Seriously.
Her facial expressions during the debate literally brought back suppressed memories from the bitch clique I had to deal with in Middle School.
To paraphrase Dr. Seuss, perhaps her brain is 10 sizes too small.
A brain.
Perhaps she has had one too many covid shots and it's affecting her brain and soul less body.
Missing?? Substance. Authenticity. Honor. Empathy. Competence.
How long can the list be and where does it start? #1 Incompetent puppet is the most dangerous to The USA. harris Can Not 'run' a tupperware party and everyone knows it so the question is not harris but WHO Is in charge.
Personality...self reflection...an IQ above room temperature...
When I think about her, I think of the Scarecrow's song in the Wizard of Oz, "If I only had a brain."
A soul. She has none.
That marxist doesn't even like our country...
missing "i"
The lights on but nobody's home
"If I only had a brain."
An evil, soulless demon. Believe it.
The one now is not the original. How easily so many forget. Trump is reminding everyone.
Knee pads?
Having to remember all of your lines is tough work, especially when you're stupid.
It's the demon
There's no there there.
Who will get exposed first for the 'man' that each of them are?? Michael or Kamala (Kareem - I think the name is)??
His penis.