Honestly, I think we've barely begun the "wakeup program" of this Show.
Important to understand.
Precipice means PRECIPICE. It may feel like "the precipice" for many, but there are too many ways to keep yourself asleep. The actual Precipice will be unambiguous. We aren't there yet.
A few people are scared, but we have not had an event that will really make people afraid.
We aren't there yet. When it comes, everyone will know it.
I really really am hating those words. A guy died that day. Movies imply entertainment. That goes out the window when people die. This sucks all around :/
So the theory now is "God protected Trump because of his relationship with God" so then is Corey's relationship with God somehow not enough to save him as well? This has been bothering me for quite some time...
Strongly agree it may be a lot of smaller events before the big one even. Diddy is waking up a lot of people, and Appalachia is waking up a bunch more......
Precipice means PRECIPICE. It may feel like "the precipice" for many, but there are too many ways to keep yourself asleep. The actual Precipice will be ambiguous. We aren't there yet.
No offense, but such ambiguity is the one flaw in this plan that I couldn't get over with. It allows for serious goal-post moving to explain away why the plan isn't working.
Everyone's starving and broke and the plan wasn't working? It is not the precipice yet.
WW3 is happening and nukes are flying and the plan still does not work? It is not the precipice yet.
You are dying of radiation poisoning and the plan still does not work? It is not the precipice yet, although it will not matter to you at this point.
One of the reasons why Jesus Christ is a gift from God and we know it is because it is well foreshadowed through out the Bible, with particularly specific details like a description of how will He arrive in Jerusalem and an accurate description on how He dies.
"We are not at the precipice yet" feels like a bad excuse like "Real Communism has not been tried."
Precipice will be ambiguous
When it comes, everyone will know it.
That is a logically contradictory statement: we do not know what is the Precipice is but when it arrives we all will know it, even though we do not know what it is actually is.
At this point, I will probably write down "ONLY AT THE PRECIPICE [moment of destruction] WILL PEOPLE FIND THE WILL TO CHANGE." as more of a proverb and/or a fact like "The sun rises in the east and sets in the west" rather than a foreshadowing of things to come.
The actual Precipice will be unambiguous. We aren't there yet.
My bad. I fixed it.
The entire purpose of the SCARE is to lead up to the Big Reveal. We must see who the Real Enemy is.
The "man behind the curtain" reveal in the Wizard of Oz would have been a meaningless scene without Toto. There have been hints and some barking, but we have yet to see Toto come into frame and physically grab the curtain, with teeth grabbing tenacity, leading to the Big Reveal.
It's a production. The ending will be scary, but it will not be ambiguous. The Show is being directed. Toto is the most important character. He will have his big scene, don't worry.
I hope that there is realization of N.C. Helene death toll being greater than the Twin Towers. Just like with most other conspiracy theories the facts about the "enhancement" and/or creation of massive weather events will be proven. Tip of the iceberg.
Meh...keep harvesting like Jesus said.. maybe to be awake politically you must first be awake spiritually?
If you don't see anything wrong w/ abortion, vaccine, gender mutilation, devil worshipping, freaky pedo & sex stuff, gay stuff, war mongering issues, human traficking, genocides, border crossers, cheating, censorship, dictatorship, and you still hate Trump for filing chapter 11 on his casinos or his mean tweets, then you will most likely choose the left path forever.
My wife damn sure is. She’s just ignoring all of it.
I’m SICK of all the pussyfooting around. It’s time to start dropping stuff that the sheep can’t ignore. I’M ABSOLUTELY FUCKING SICK OF IT! “Coincidences” only get us so far. STOP FUCKING AROUND!
I think there are definitely a portion of the "asleep" crowd that KNOW but mentally cannot process it (yet) and so they keep their heads buried in the sand. Think about all the things we know and have seen and discovered. It's been a drip drip drip over years. And it's hard to process sometimes. Just one bad thing out of so many bad things can break a person mentally. We are not all built the same. Especially when you consider man vs woman. Women are more emotional creatures and we have to process things differently.
The five stages of grief are denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. We're in the process of grieving for our country, our way of life, the friends and family who are still with us but NOT WITH us. Honestly, I'm probably still in the anger phase, even after all these years.
Every bad thing that drops sends little cracks in their psyches and those little cracks send out more cracks, like a cracked windshield over time that just keeps spreading. At some point there will be a complete shattering. I pray that these people don't become a liability at that point, vs becoming "one of us." Love her, pray for her, and everyone's mental health. We will all be very different when this is all said and done.
I never understood why it was always just "drip drip" and crumbs and clues. The reasoning I've always heard was "if you show too much information people will get scared," that too much information about what's going on is so heinous and heartbreaking that people will freak out.
Well then why the hell would we wait until it's an undeniable reality for even more people? Why risk more lives just to protect feelings of people who don't even know it's happening?
Completely agree the only thing I see is dead patriots and children and rich limousine liberals keep ignoring it and going about in their selfish existence.
Desmond Doss in Hacksaw Ridge - seemed like an anti-2A flick, but obviously there's stuff to learn in everything.
Once the IFF is figured out (Identify Friend/Foe) then there's a lot more clarity.
I've nearly turned red pills into a 2nd language. Just start dropping bombs wherever, whenever, and whomever is around. Just don't care who thinks what anymore. If I repel them with hard truths then good. They're prolly the type I won't gel with anyway.
At some point in time they will realize we were speaking truths to help mankind, not to target their feelz. Always be there to answer questions for them, but until then, I choose not to participate in their delusions. It's too obvious anymore, stupidity and cowardice are the only reasons left, and both deserve to be triggered and shamed. Some people can only be reached in this way.
We're not at the precipice yet... So there's PRENTY more to be woken up.
You have to remember... MOST are still clueless, have absolutely NO IDEA about what's going on, have NO CLUE about Q and haven't been paying attention OR participating here on GA.
PSA shot it's load too early... Settle down... You're getting too excited. 7/13 might have been YOUR scare event, but is wasn't "THE" scare event.
Even those who don't support or even like DJT are going to squirt their pants a little... It's gotta get WAY worse.
It's Sunday. Clean your piece(s)... and your shittin pants.
Yep. My brother and cousin, who are both very smart. Can't seem to pull their heads out of their asses about their hatred of Trump. Regardless of who the democrats run.
I can't help but think that the vax had something to with it. Let me explain...my ex husband was on the verge of waking up. He had gone through serious cancer treatment and when his doc recommended the vax, he took it and actually got pissed because I wouldn't. For a little while he lost his common sense, his gentleness, and his ability to discern. It's my OP ( for whatever it means) that the 19 vax broke something in people that has to do with them spiritually. My friends that I have tried to wake up (those that are vaxxed) won't listen or can't quite make the connection to truth. Maybe it's not that these people won't wake up, it's that they can't make the connections to truth at this time. I pray for miracles for them because they need it and we need them and they need us.
some say the vax (and maybe all vaccines) harm by hardening the pineal gland which is called the 3rd eye for a reason
just one of countless stories that can be found with a search:
I've suspected that for a long time. It's easier to see in young children. They seem to lose their brightness and vitality little by little in some cases and drastically in other cases after they have been vaxxed. Thank you for the info. I will read it.
Have you ever seen someone who is trying to shake off anesthesia, and freaking out in that weird space? That is what it will be like for those who haven't started the process yet.
It will be scary for them, they will kick and scream - but make no mistake, many still will be forced awake.
Rage about being unable to stop injustice and suffering
of the innocent is hell. It is where a lot of the despair of the both new and established red-pilled comes from. I did see something though that helps me, along with my unerring faith. And I believe it is reality... it is the Archangel Michael communications via hypnosis sessions that are happening. I debate with myself whether to post a link. It is well-past being time for mocking of anything that is guidance for humanity. If I receive any encouragement I will post a link to the most recent session. Anyone who followed the videos of communications between Megan Rose and Val Nek will recognize the theme of the session. As for me I say hallelujah and thank you Lord.
I'll keep shooting red pills until the end.
Then I will shoot some more......
It's not like I have anything more important to do.
Honestly, I think we've barely begun the "wakeup program" of this Show.
Precipice means PRECIPICE. It may feel like "the precipice" for many, but there are too many ways to keep yourself asleep. The actual Precipice will be unambiguous. We aren't there yet.
A few people are scared, but we have not had an event that will really make people afraid.
We aren't there yet. When it comes, everyone will know it.
For us that was J13. Literally a difference of 2mm would mean bye bye plan and thus well over the "precipice" and point of no return
I must be odd because that was the one thing that didn't scare me simply because I expected it and still expect more.
No, you’re not odd, you just understand what “watching a movie” means
I really really am hating those words. A guy died that day. Movies imply entertainment. That goes out the window when people die. This sucks all around :/
So the theory now is "God protected Trump because of his relationship with God" so then is Corey's relationship with God somehow not enough to save him as well? This has been bothering me for quite some time...
Strongly agree it may be a lot of smaller events before the big one even. Diddy is waking up a lot of people, and Appalachia is waking up a bunch more......
A thought about this precipice: Would it be one that the sheep can back away from in horror or one they can't avoid and topple over a cliff?
I think it must be one they can back away from as its said they will find the will to change after they see it, but if not?
No offense, but such ambiguity is the one flaw in this plan that I couldn't get over with. It allows for serious goal-post moving to explain away why the plan isn't working.
Everyone's starving and broke and the plan wasn't working? It is not the precipice yet.
WW3 is happening and nukes are flying and the plan still does not work? It is not the precipice yet.
You are dying of radiation poisoning and the plan still does not work? It is not the precipice yet, although it will not matter to you at this point.
One of the reasons why Jesus Christ is a gift from God and we know it is because it is well foreshadowed through out the Bible, with particularly specific details like a description of how will He arrive in Jerusalem and an accurate description on how He dies.
"We are not at the precipice yet" feels like a bad excuse like "Real Communism has not been tried."
That is a logically contradictory statement: we do not know what is the Precipice is but when it arrives we all will know it, even though we do not know what it is actually is.
At this point, I will probably write down "ONLY AT THE PRECIPICE [moment of destruction] WILL PEOPLE FIND THE WILL TO CHANGE." as more of a proverb and/or a fact like "The sun rises in the east and sets in the west" rather than a foreshadowing of things to come.
Agreed. The precipice will wake people up by being obvious and indisputable. Ambiguity would allow delusional people to stay in denial.
I meant:
My bad. I fixed it.
The entire purpose of the SCARE is to lead up to the Big Reveal. We must see who the Real Enemy is.
The "man behind the curtain" reveal in the Wizard of Oz would have been a meaningless scene without Toto. There have been hints and some barking, but we have yet to see Toto come into frame and physically grab the curtain, with teeth grabbing tenacity, leading to the Big Reveal.
It's a production. The ending will be scary, but it will not be ambiguous. The Show is being directed. Toto is the most important character. He will have his big scene, don't worry.
I hope that there is realization of N.C. Helene death toll being greater than the Twin Towers. Just like with most other conspiracy theories the facts about the "enhancement" and/or creation of massive weather events will be proven. Tip of the iceberg.
There was a Q drop stating people would need help and guidance in the future when everything gets exposed, and I don't think we are there yet.
Yea this is bullshit and looks like an op against us.
Meh...keep harvesting like Jesus said.. maybe to be awake politically you must first be awake spiritually?
If you don't see anything wrong w/ abortion, vaccine, gender mutilation, devil worshipping, freaky pedo & sex stuff, gay stuff, war mongering issues, human traficking, genocides, border crossers, cheating, censorship, dictatorship, and you still hate Trump for filing chapter 11 on his casinos or his mean tweets, then you will most likely choose the left path forever.
Don’t forget bribery and treason!
yep, add that to the list.
Don’t forget apocalyptic, doomsday, climate alarmism that never actually comes to pass!
war profiteering
This is true — you can’t always fix crap that’s really broken
My wife damn sure is. She’s just ignoring all of it.
I’m SICK of all the pussyfooting around. It’s time to start dropping stuff that the sheep can’t ignore. I’M ABSOLUTELY FUCKING SICK OF IT! “Coincidences” only get us so far. STOP FUCKING AROUND!
I think there are definitely a portion of the "asleep" crowd that KNOW but mentally cannot process it (yet) and so they keep their heads buried in the sand. Think about all the things we know and have seen and discovered. It's been a drip drip drip over years. And it's hard to process sometimes. Just one bad thing out of so many bad things can break a person mentally. We are not all built the same. Especially when you consider man vs woman. Women are more emotional creatures and we have to process things differently.
The five stages of grief are denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. We're in the process of grieving for our country, our way of life, the friends and family who are still with us but NOT WITH us. Honestly, I'm probably still in the anger phase, even after all these years.
Every bad thing that drops sends little cracks in their psyches and those little cracks send out more cracks, like a cracked windshield over time that just keeps spreading. At some point there will be a complete shattering. I pray that these people don't become a liability at that point, vs becoming "one of us." Love her, pray for her, and everyone's mental health. We will all be very different when this is all said and done.
The longer the drip drip and crumbs and cracks goes on, the greater chance innocent people have of becoming a liability
stay cool fren, we have to be patient for just a little while longer. hang with us and grab the popcorn.
I never understood why it was always just "drip drip" and crumbs and clues. The reasoning I've always heard was "if you show too much information people will get scared," that too much information about what's going on is so heinous and heartbreaking that people will freak out.
Well then why the hell would we wait until it's an undeniable reality for even more people? Why risk more lives just to protect feelings of people who don't even know it's happening?
It makes NO sense.
Completely agree the only thing I see is dead patriots and children and rich limousine liberals keep ignoring it and going about in their selfish existence.
Because people refuse to show them any proof
They deny it anyways cause it came from X not the Seattle Times
There hasn’t been any proof yet to deny, that’s the problem.
If you are not awake by now, you are in a coma!!!
… or an inanimate object.
Q#529 - 4-6% LOST FOREVER.
I see the 4-6% as the pigs that Jesus sent the demons into and then off a cliff.
Unfortunately much higher here in SoCal
What part? SD had some pretty based folks. Other areas not so much.
Pretty much all of it. You have some good pockets in oc sd and Bible Belt IE but that’s about it.
Washington State is the exact same bro. At least in Western WA. Eastern WA and Eastern OR are based.
What was it Desmond Doss said at Hacksaw Ridge? "Please God, just one more..."
Desmond Doss in Hacksaw Ridge - seemed like an anti-2A flick, but obviously there's stuff to learn in everything. Once the IFF is figured out (Identify Friend/Foe) then there's a lot more clarity.
very nice, ty.
Still red pilling, but don't argue anymore. At this point, can't fix stupid.
You cannot fix stupid
username checks out...
we are nowhere near 4-6% yet.
find your balance. spread truth when it makes sense, but don't stress yourself out about doing it.
I've nearly turned red pills into a 2nd language. Just start dropping bombs wherever, whenever, and whomever is around. Just don't care who thinks what anymore. If I repel them with hard truths then good. They're prolly the type I won't gel with anyway.
At some point in time they will realize we were speaking truths to help mankind, not to target their feelz. Always be there to answer questions for them, but until then, I choose not to participate in their delusions. It's too obvious anymore, stupidity and cowardice are the only reasons left, and both deserve to be triggered and shamed. Some people can only be reached in this way.
Lost a lifelong friend tonight. Guys an npc, spent the last 2 hours strawmanning me. Oh well i tried.
There are still people who can be woken up, but they are not worth it, sorry.
We're not at the precipice yet... So there's PRENTY more to be woken up.
You have to remember... MOST are still clueless, have absolutely NO IDEA about what's going on, have NO CLUE about Q and haven't been paying attention OR participating here on GA.
PSA shot it's load too early... Settle down... You're getting too excited. 7/13 might have been YOUR scare event, but is wasn't "THE" scare event.
Even those who don't support or even like DJT are going to squirt their pants a little... It's gotta get WAY worse.
It's Sunday. Clean your piece(s)... and your shittin pants.
Yep. My brother and cousin, who are both very smart. Can't seem to pull their heads out of their asses about their hatred of Trump. Regardless of who the democrats run.
I can just see the Babylon Bee headline now: "Democrats Tap Satan As Presidential Nominee, Polls Show No Change In Democrat Support."
Yup. My mother was fast asleep this whole time.
Today, she tells me to make sure to get her mail in ballot. She must vote Trump.
The remaining liberal/communists are not asleep. They are either Moronic or Evil or both.
Dear Lord, please let this be true.
-slowly puts down the cymbals- …. :(
I can't help but think that the vax had something to with it. Let me explain...my ex husband was on the verge of waking up. He had gone through serious cancer treatment and when his doc recommended the vax, he took it and actually got pissed because I wouldn't. For a little while he lost his common sense, his gentleness, and his ability to discern. It's my OP ( for whatever it means) that the 19 vax broke something in people that has to do with them spiritually. My friends that I have tried to wake up (those that are vaxxed) won't listen or can't quite make the connection to truth. Maybe it's not that these people won't wake up, it's that they can't make the connections to truth at this time. I pray for miracles for them because they need it and we need them and they need us.
some say the vax (and maybe all vaccines) harm by hardening the pineal gland which is called the 3rd eye for a reason just one of countless stories that can be found with a search: https://www.gaia.com/article/pineal-third-eye-chakra
I've suspected that for a long time. It's easier to see in young children. They seem to lose their brightness and vitality little by little in some cases and drastically in other cases after they have been vaxxed. Thank you for the info. I will read it.
I agree. more and more it's easier to pick out vaccinated babies. there's an emptiness in their eyes and a sense of them being drugged. it's so tragic
nope. i'm being even more open and getting less flak.
the world is changing from a bunch of agent smiths to a bunch of neos. just helping a little speeds the process.
I quit trying to wake people up long ago. Now they get to learn the hard way.
Have you ever seen someone who is trying to shake off anesthesia, and freaking out in that weird space? That is what it will be like for those who haven't started the process yet.
It will be scary for them, they will kick and scream - but make no mistake, many still will be forced awake.
Ok some examples please? Doomer
Thank you, I needed that.
Rage about being unable to stop injustice and suffering of the innocent is hell. It is where a lot of the despair of the both new and established red-pilled comes from. I did see something though that helps me, along with my unerring faith. And I believe it is reality... it is the Archangel Michael communications via hypnosis sessions that are happening. I debate with myself whether to post a link. It is well-past being time for mocking of anything that is guidance for humanity. If I receive any encouragement I will post a link to the most recent session. Anyone who followed the videos of communications between Megan Rose and Val Nek will recognize the theme of the session. As for me I say hallelujah and thank you Lord.