Welcome to General Chat - GAW Community Area
This General Chat area started off as a place for people to talk about things that are off topic, however it has quickly evolved into a community and has become an integral part of the GAW experience for many of us.
Based on its evolving needs and plenty of user feedback, we are trying to bring some order and institute some rules. Please make sure you read these rules and participate in the spirit of this community.
Rules for General Chat
Be respectful to each other. This is of utmost importance, and comments may be removed if deemed not respectful.
Avoid long drawn out arguments. This should be a place to relax, not to waste your time needlessly.
Personal anecdotes, puzzles, cute pics/clips - everything welcome
Please do not spam at the top level. If you have a lot to post each day, try and post them all together in one top level comment
Try keep things light. If you are bringing in deep stuff, try not to go overboard.
Things that are clearly on-topic for this board should be posted as a separate post and not here (except if you are new and still getting the feel of this place)
If you find people violating these rules, deport them rather than start a argument here.
Feel free to give feedback as these rules are expected to keep evolving
In short, imagine this thread to be a local community hall where we all gather and chat daily. Please be respectful to others in the same way
Remember everyone: those who think it's absurd to think that weather can be technologically manipulated and hurricanes can be used as a weapon are the same people who think that hurricanes are caused by cow farts and driving cars.
As for me, I have the theory that Swalwell farts are causing everything. Change my mind.
Puhffft... You Rang?
And people worry about nuclear war...
I have one of those cameras and never thought about doing that… why would I never think of that? Getting the FLIR now.
Don't forget the beans and overcooked hardboiled eggs...
Yanno - "jury duty breakfast" 😂😂😂
I don’t know enough about this subject to comment negatively or positively. I do think it’s not a coincidence two major hurricanes in a row happened. Last night I thought, I need to look at hurricane history, sizes and damage. I’m in NC & 57 I don’t remember hurricanes until Hugo around 88 or 89. We got out of school early sometime in late 70s due to flash flooding, I think it was tropical storm Daniel or something started with D. They have drilled global warming for thirty years saying it’s why we have tornadoes and hurricanes. I’m thinking they are just giving a blanket excuse so people don’t question it. My grandmother was born in 1914 and always talked about Hazel coming through and the it was calm in the eye. They didn’t know it was a hurricane until days later.
Some people are lost forever. It’s unfortunate, but true. They have given themselves to become a reprobate. That’s why we have to keep our minds clear and on Christ. He directs our thoughts and exposes truth to us.
But answer me this, why did Biden say that the govt can’t change weather but then asks for trillions to change the climate.
Wayback Machine is back up!
Thanks. That is a comfort.
Indeed. So many of us have archived much offline, but it's so handy having the live links.
Did anyone archive it before it went down?
Milton is currently over Disney World as a category 2, as I type. Look where MIckey is pointing.
Was there a tie between this and the archive site, too?
Pointing at 10 and 08
In memory of my Mom who passed on 10-10-2010...
Condolences, anon. May she continue to rest in peace and may her love and the love our Lord strengthen and comfort you daily. 🙏🏻✝️
Yes, they are! 🙏🤍
Sure would be a good time for a storm Tweet from Trump.
10/30 aka Devil’s Night, too. Thx for sharing.
Prophets have said to be watchful on October 31, so that works right into that. We have to be praying and interceding that the operation will be thwarted. God hears the cries of his children.
Ballot question: do u vote against everything related to the public schools?
Depends on what we're voting for or against.
There's a state school prop this year for me: If existent school tax budget should be available to private schools or not. I'm voting yes since most of the private schools in my state are Christian.
hey i called it. WHs knocked one of the most powerful hurricanes on record down to a normal one. https://greatawakening.win/p/199O1khxDw/x/c/4ZFB3ab4Sii
perhaps We 'power' the reality, and that's why Q mentioned the Matrix.
and why they call it weather 'forecasting'; to direct thoughts
and why Q asked 'what is a spell?'...
If they did this, it’s a damned shame the tragedy in Western NC couldn’t have been prevented.
Thinking about the Mickey Mouse watch posted earlier in the thread
"When you believe in a thing, believe in it all the way, implicitly and unquestionably"
Walt Disney said that..kind of seems like what anons will do even in the precipive
FAFO - Women feeds raccoons and hilarity ensues! 911: Hello, what’s your emergency? Woman: Help, I’m surrounded by over 100 raccoons!
911: ma’am how long have you been feeding them?
Women: Decades
911: WTF?
Good morning GAW family! Have a blessed day!
Blessings to you as well.
I watched the entire landfall, surge and wind yesterday afternoon up until about midnight, on YouTube, with Reed Timmer, chaser, pretty amazing and awesome, I never quite understood what a storm surge was and how it worked up until last night. In 1961, My Dad and I drove to Florida and discovered a little place called Clearwater Beach. It was undeveloped, the hotel was built around an old carasoul they had on the beach, it was closed in, rooms made with bathrooms of course, all knotty pine, in the center was a sweet little lobby with lamps and sofas. The town had an open restaurant with a counter, a drug store with beach things, and a few small beach souvenir shops. The town was full of fisherman, charter boat captains, and little stucco and cement homes. A lot of people made a lot of money draining swamps and removing the cypress groves, paving, building, paving , building. I don't know, it seems as if I wish I could go back in time. He moved down there in 73, Pinellas Co., and died in 86, I cared for him and rented a house in Seminole after that. I guess I hate development, as soon as I could I moved to live simply in the hills of Vermont, high and dry. It was such a beautiful place, but not for me. The storm was real bad, and will affect a lot of material loss. I am glad to see that the fatalities were low. Just rambling like boomers tend to do. Autumn has finally kicked in, we have not had a frost yet, but the woodstove has been lit for the season. God is Great and God is good, money will not get you into the Kingdom, but loving him will.
Trump warrents and stock up 17% at close today.
Just wanna thank all the prayer warriors - all my Florida people are safe, and some never even lost power!
just wanted to toss it out there...to check in from the kansas city metro area:
I've only seen one harris sign in a lawn. i think like oneeee bumpersticker too. but, i've seen several trump stickers and a couple days ago someone was driving down the main st in my cities business district (i'm in a suburb right outside of KC) with a big ass trump flag flying off the back of their car.
Trump media warrents up 17%
Seeing northern lights for the first is pretty amazing. My grandfather used to talk about them, wanted to since I was very little.
I found & downloaded all 7 US Patents that involve Weather Manipulation just incase they go missing off the US patents site.
FINALLY The most bastardized Scooby-Doo adaptation, Velma is CANCELLED!
26 days left.. wow.next 26 days will be the most important time in our history imo. Let's stay healthy and build up our faith..like Rocky Balboa :)
🫡 Ready and awaiting orders Bubbles! Where We Go One We Go All, with Christ our God.
whom do you fear more... satan, or God?
Wonder what "the hunt for" was removed means?
will shock the world. Diddly leading to Tom cruise? Tom being arrested would shock the -Hollywood- world.
Something tells me Tom is not in the same group
For 2 decades, the hubby and I theorize Tom Cruise joined or hid behind Scientology to get away from the Hollywood pedos/Satanic pedo cabal. We theorize this soon after learning about Bohemian Grove.Just a theory though
Hmm. The enemy of my enemy is my friend analogy. The truth will set you free is a biblical principle. -if- those in the Scientology are truly for going against the Hollywood and satanic cult… hmm.
It leads me to always ask the questions. When does procrastination turn into something of the value of accepting?
Man is free will until God deems them reprobate and when a man is reprobate they are free from the burden of humanity. Can a reprobate mind repent?
What is a doctor is a reprobate? A psychological doctor who serves those who believe they are good? The deepness of this sickness in the world is there.
Does the general public understand the Spiritual War going on?