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Election Countdown special! High quality wallpaper for your enjoyment.
Today's wallpaper is Checkmate
Bonus Second version
Bonus Spooky Version
Today's theme credit goes to u/Mary911
I finally went and voted on Saturday. I kept coloring in that circle under Trump over and over and over again. I wanted to make sure it was plenty dark enough to be read. I waited four long years to color in that circle.
The most important little circle/oval known to mankind.
Thank God it wasn't a chad
let's hope Dominion hasnt flipped it already xD
Yeah. . . I didn't have much confidence in my vote when walking out of there. . .
It's a paper ballot that you fill out like a scantron, but then when you're done, they have you insert your paper ballot into a "tabulator" which counts your votes. It's at that point that all my confidence in my vote is lost.
thats crazy cos here in the UK we just put the pen and paper ballot into a sealed box and then the election officials count it in front of a room of poll workers so everyone can see and its transparent, so our elections have quite a lot of faith to be fair. Mail in ballots are quite small scale so any fraud is too. Plus we have ID checks now.
Well, really what choice do you have?
I went from Wisconsin, where they have voter I'd, but machines
To Colorado where I can only vote by mail.
So much bs.
We HAVE to reelect Trump to fix this once and for all!!
What makes you think I "insisted"?
Same. And my stepmother just moved to Filton County, GA. She filled in rhe circle to vote against Fani Willus with such gusto she said she had to control herself to stay in rhe circle so it wouldn't be taken as a mistake.
Yo, thanks to everyone who responded to my rather petulant comment yesterday. :P
Today, I felt pretty embarrassed about what I wrote. Reflecting on how minuscule an issue it is when considering the larger picture, I felt downright foolish.
That said, in the moment, I did manage to temper my remarks to become a direct expression of what I was feeling rather than a pure whinge, which in the end, I think I avoided.
In response to the sentiments of the moment, some of you guys kicked in and helped an old soldier to acquire more helpful perspectives. I found it encouraging.
We all need encouragement at times. It's been a long war. I'm not embarrassed that I felt discouraged in the moment. Rather that I allowed my feelings to rise above what I think is the proper perspective: that there is so much more at stake - what we are all fighting for - than momentary feelings, and such feelings are very often simply a temptation from the other side to lose the right perspective, the one they fear the most: hope, faith and determination.
Even old soldiers get the blues. Now, it's time to make like the Champ, and
Fight! Fight! Fight!
I don't think anons spreading fake news is a small issue. Especially at this time with many more eyes looking into this. Spreading bullshit is the equivalent of friendly fire in this information war.
And Gen Flynn thought it was important enough to address directly. All anons should watch the Flynn video clip in this link.
I agree its not a small issue. But my being upset about it is. That's the issue I think I overemphasized.
The issue itself is def an important one. Friendly fire indeed. It's actually a significant problem.
It happens. We always bounce back though. We are in it to win it, fren! wwg1wga!
🇺🇸 https://img.buzzfeed.com/buzzfeed-static/static/2015-08/11/15/enhanced/webdr07/original-22121-1439322337-3.jpg
I agree! What a time to be alive! You are right, it's going to be a bumpy ride, but oh, what a ride! #GodWins
Just a quick rant.
I am so sick of seeing abortion commercials. First I'm just against it, and second it's no secret that it is a satanic ritual and one that is leveraged to desecrate gods holy creation, and to depopulate the planet.
But at a time when we are teetering on the brink of ww3, when we are involved in Israel's bullshit and Ukraines bullshit, when we fucked over Afghanistan, our economy is on the brink of collapse, cost of living is through the roof, cost of goods are through the roof, illegal immigration is through the roof....
... and half this country thinks that the most important issue facing the country is abortion is so fucking devoid of any basic rational thought and the fact that while all this other shit is collapsing the country you make it all about abortion.
Half this country lacks enough brain cells to be allowed to vote.
You know how to prevent drunk driving? Don't drink!!!
You know how to prevent becoming accidently pregnant? Use protection or don't have sex!!!
Yet we live in a society where using abortion logic, we should be able to drive drunk, get into an accident, decide you regret it, and get off totally scott free without consequence. And then be praised for your bravery and encourage everyone else to drive drunk, have Rallies around drunk driving, and make it your official election policy.
If abortion is your front and center voting issue. You are the problem.
Peanut Update:
There is a woman that people are alleging is the one who filed the complaint to the authorities.
Allegedly, she uploaded a video of herself, bragging about how she reported Peanut.
But when she found out that Peanut and Fred were murdered, she deleted her video and her social media account.
Now a friend of hers is trying to tell people that this woman is innocent.
They need video proof that she actually did brag about reporting Peanut to authorities.
This woman is also not denying that she did do what people are accusing her of doing.
Tornado just flew by about 5 miles away here in Oklahoma. It died out just after it developed. That pretty unusual for November.
Is everyone in the area ok?
People are ok,I few houses damaged.
Thanks to God! Glad you are ok!
Correction 10 people injured about 25 houses destroyed. I heard the sirens last night and by the time I pulled up the radar it was over. It was tracking a couple mikes to the east of me.
We get these so often it's not a big deal.
Isaiah 13:11 - I will punish the world for its evil, and the wicked for their iniquity; I will put an end to the pomp of the arrogant, and lay low pompous pride of the ruthless. https://www.bible.com/bible/59/isa.13.11
As if you don't have enough to ponder, have you ever heard of researcher Leuren Moret? I saw her long ago in an Alfred Lambremont Webre interview and thought her info on world conspiracies was fascinating. Just as I was wondering about her, up she comes in my feed with an 8 year old interview about the old Iranian bloodlines that led to the Italians, papacy, even the Talmud. And her website, though dated, is an amazing rabbit hole. Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9QbI5RPbHWo Website: leurenmoret.info
Showed up in my feed as well actually. Wild.
My Beloved Monster by Caleb Carr review – when a cat saves your life A superb meditation on animal companionship by a novelist whose pet helped him heal from trauma
Could Steampunk Save Us? A goofy-seeming sci-fi subgenre holds useful lessons about managing technology in an accelerating age.
The Worst Of Babylon Bee
Radicalized Squirrels In MAGA Hats Begin Uprising
Trump Projected To Win In 50-State Landslide After Appearing In Squirrel Costume
Harris Campaign Tells Biden He's Urgently Needed At Rally In Remote Region Of Antarctica
In Disgusting Call For Violence, Trump Says Politicians Should Stop Sending Kids Off To War
453rd Election Mailer Changes Man's Mind
Saturday Poem...William Butler Yeats - All Souls’ Night
David Von Pein's Old-Time Radio Channel
ready for smoke, sir!
I might have talked about Chess, but I never thought of making a wallpaper about it until you mentioned it, kek!
Another outstanding group of wallpapers! In the spooky version do I spy with my little eye a Pepe Pup on someone's lap? 💚
Yes! Its the "spy pepe" (I am assuming). The AI is getting super intelligent about the Q plan!
It is adorable! Thank you bb! ✨😺
Cheers fren. One more day to go. That was the fastest 30 days!
It was! Flew by and now we're spoiled!😸
Great idea Mary!
Tell them you already know the part about the clock
Anyone in Iowa? Have seen a BS media report here in Aus that it's gonna go blue.
What's the local opinion...anyone?
All based on a poll by Ann Selzer which seems a last hail mary after the "Trump wants to execute Liz" hoax failed. There are many folks who are proving that this poll is fake.
Yeah thanks bubble, I know the polls and media reports are predictably spewing their bile. Not long to go now...
just drove home from Milwaukee. across eastern Wisconsin & Iowa...still recovering from all the Wisconsin round-abouts😳
and I saw a lot of Harris Walz signs, especially in Wisconsin. there were also a lot of liberal radio ads aimed at young people. so to answer your question, eastern Iowa is much like eastern (edit; meant to say western) Wisconsin & Illinois. also the University of Iowa is there, so more diverse. it's a populated, blue area.
Thanks sue, greatly appreciate the feedback and report!
you're welcome, I also appreciate first-hand reports, love to share when I can.
A kamala rally involved an appearance by Hillary (11.1 or 11.2) so was that an actress or how does that fit hc being arrested?
If the Q drops are in reverse order like some anons claim them Killary would not even have been arrested yet.
If they try to steal it this time, will the military finally step in?
If they get away with it a second time, Q failed…
But I have faith in God and His plan. There must be a reason He kept Trump alive through the assassination attempt.
Apparently, there's a screenshot circulating on Facebook of the woman who reported Peanut to the authorities, in 2016 she posted on her Instagram:
Really... that's interesting
Love the wallpaper by the way!
Update on my son After two hospitals and an absolute HORROR experience with Gabapentin. We turned to ALA supplements and anti inflammatory foods. He is sensitive to opioids and the “neuropathy” is only treatable now with Gabapentin according to one of the best children hospitals in the country. That was literally the WORST treatment. The pain returned with a vengeance after 1 day off the IV ( the only thing we found that helped) only it came with anxiety and hallucinations. Nope no nope. We did learn his heart is good and his liver is good. That was the reason they wanted to put him on palatiive care originally. I am SO ANGRY at the system I could scream. One of the frens here has helped us far more than the doctors at this point. Not giving medical advice but if you are struggling with neuropathy or cholesterol look into ALA it’s a very low cost supplement but it has worked FAR better than anything we have tried. He is still hurting but not as badly or as often. I am looking into some other theories and possibilities for an explanation since this NOT just neuropathy. My favorite quote from last week (sarc) “ We don’t have a medication that matches these symptoms so we can’t treat this” ?????? This is where we are. Maybe discover the why and the treatment will be evident. I am terrified to do this on my own but since they literally just throw up their hands what else can I do. So I am leaning on God and trying to research as much as possible. Thank you all for the prayers. Truly I am beyond grateful
What a circus our health care system has become! Honestly Joan I feel God is directing your path out of the system. If ALA is working, go with it. Thank God his heart and liver are good!🙌 Thank you for letting us know what's happening. Blessings from! 🙏🤍
My mom said she tested positive for covid (she's had sinus draining and tons of pain from it so she took an at home test). I know these tests aren't reliable. But anyways, she has the ivermectin protocol ready to take.
She never took a jab, nor ever got covid. If anything it's a weak variant.
Yes...with the seasons changing sinus can be problematic... praying fren! 🙏🤍
Or it's just regular flu, the tests can't differentiate and a lot of people never really experienced a strong flu before and panic. It's that time of the year after all and even I was feeling really stuffy for a couple days for no reason then it cleared up.
Click, click Help!!!!!!!!
Not really friends.
I'm a God made optimist.
Grab some popcorn friends!
On a side note. We got our ballots for mail in to the post office and you better believe I am watching like a hawk.
Are you able to track them?
Just went today to early vote in person. Waited 2 hours in line. The first machine they had me use crapped out after I put in my blank ballot so they sent me to another which worked fine and printed my choices correctly, and no issues with my ballot being counted. Sheriffs were present and here photo ID is mandatory so I feel it should be pretty secure. However, out front there were Democrat recruiters and the Dem candidate for my district's congressman. No Republican recruiters to be seen. In 2020 my county voted over 60% for Trump, I can't imagine Kamala closed that gap any, however this year I hardly ever saw Biden signs but I've seen quite a few Kamala ones.
Who needs woodchippers? https://x.com/i/status/1852466973164064924
I was today old when I found out ivermectin is a type of antibiotic. https://www.nature.com/articles/ja201711
I've been really busy on other social media, posting and commenting about Peanut the Squirrel. It's such a great discussion topic, because it's hard for anyone to take the side of the Animal Control bad guys. And it appeals to animal lovers, regardless of if they are left or right leaning.
I don't know about the rest of the country, but here in NY, gas prices have dropped to below $3/gallon! Just in time for election day. Coincidence?
Everywhere except IL seems to get this cheap gas I keep hearing about.
I saw $2.71 today in NC. Agreed dropping prices attempt to get dem votes. Sadly many will fall for the BS because the news told them. My mil said, she despises Trump but voted for him. I asked why do you hate him. Because he says such vulgar rude things about people. My husband, who isn’t down the rabbit hole like me, said the dems talk way worse about Trump. I finally said we won’t ever agree on this! Funny my fil loves Trump. He got a MAGA hat & yellow vest just to take a picture😆
It's pretty amazing the variety of temperaments, political leanings, etc., that can occur in a family. I'm a huge "Trump the President" fan. I'm not a fan of his name-calling (I'm still amazed that he continues with it since it OBVIOUSLY loses him votes) but love almost all of his policies. I have a brother that is about as rabid a person can be with TDS. I have a very elderly mother who will always vote for Democrats, no matter what, but like many, are unable to say why. My father was a huge Democrat, but it was from JFK days. Unfortunately, that party changed slowly enough to boil the Democrat frogs without them realizing it. I just hope if Trump wins, there will be a major effort to get truthful news out, including open revealing of all the crooks and traitors currently in office.
It is crazy how people from the same family and upbringing can be so different in political beliefs. I don’t remember it being discussed in my family. My parents and grandparents voted but didn’t talk about the political scene. Times were different in 70s, for sure. That’s exactly what the government wanted.
Anyone whose vote he loses from his honesty is likely an idiot who fell for silver-tongued devils like Obama.
There are ways to behave in civilized society, and there are ways to express yourself when in the public eye. Unfortunately, Trump seems too proud to realize/accept that his name-calling costs him votes. He would lose ZERO votes if he found a better way to express himself. I don't know why this is so hard for him, and apparently some of his supporters, to realize. I didn't withhold my vote for him because of it, but I respect him less because of it. It is just childish. I'm in upper 60's, so perhaps you are younger and don't understand the points I am trying to make, but believe me, it DEFINITELY costs him votes, and it's not from people who are huge Democrat supporters.
According to dad my mom finally dropped this nonsense attitude after he got her to watch the Joe Rogan interview.
I’m glad she came around. I don’t expect it with many of my in laws. I’ve heard so many podcasters or Christian videos saying a large percentage of regular church republican members don’t vote.
mad how fast this has come around!
Could the ten days be between the 5th November and the following Friday and the we get a twee on the weekend of 15th? Perhaps 10 days of chaos
The "darnkess" being not knowing the results for 10 days?
Yes this was my thinking
Several frens are ordering meds to keep on hand. How long after expiration are you using them?
The goal of course is not to get sick at all, but it's hard to predict when they'll be needed.
I went to early voting a few weeks back and was in and out in 20 minutes. My wife waited until today and says she was there for nearly 2 hours.
I keep seeing ads that talk about Jeffrey Epstein and how trump was always seen with him. JE accused of many crimes, etc. It is anti-trump but it is bring up JE's name again. Interesting.
Oh so now they want people to know about Epstein after spending years trying to get normies to forget about him?