Something makes me think the top deep state players were dealt with already; he doesn't tell the enemy what he'll do in advance. I think it's the minions next! Going public with 2+ months to go? Top echelon threats must be gone.
Yes you are correct. This is not a secret. The video by Trump is laying out the pillars of Project 2025 conservative agenda that was released back in 2023 along with the video. It has been in the works for years and is a guide for a conservative executive branch to transform government and give the power back to Americans. It was spearheaded by the Heritage Foundation and a vast collaboration of input from across many conservative sources. This is not a Trump alone plan. He just happens to be the one that will help spearhead it into action.
This is what the left has been losing their minds over and they misinterpret its content to fear monger. They spread lies telling their base they will be rounded up and placed in concentration camps, that social security and medicare will be cancelled, mass executions will take place (although some may be deserving of such a fate), civil rights will be taken away, etc. etc.. Is is any wonder these lefties are in a state of high anxiety? The DS has no where left to turn but to rile up their base in order to create chaos by convincing their sheep that Trump and his administration are an existential threat. The DS is the target, not their brainwashed minions.
I wonder if he will eliminate the Senior Executive Services. They seem to be exempt from some types of oversight and are a possible repository of corruption.
The answer to your question is yes. In the video Trump is laying out some of the pillars of Project 2025 which is a guidebook for conservative governance. Project 2025
I am surprised that more are not aware of it. This has not been a secret. The left most certainly have been talking about it all over the place. They have used it to lie and twist its content in order to get their base in a frenzy of absolute fear and panic. This explains their melt down behavior over the election results because they truly believe the lies. If I were them, I would be in a panic as well. Thank God I am not. I can read.
Thank you for that link, I haven't seen it before. Lots of information here, so he was working on this during "the pause". I hope this stops the deep state from poisoning our air, water, food, medicine, our children and our minds. And I hope it brings justice.
One other item, Boss -- could you ensure that no one who holds dual citizenship from a foreign country can serve in Congress, the Senate or any other positions of power and influence within the government? Many thanks in advance.
Yes and smash the law that allows the government to propagandize it's own citizens.
And destroy the Fed and end fractional banking... and so much more.
Clean out all corrupt actors in our National Security Apparatus. Departments and Agencies that have been weaponized will be completely overhauled.
Reform FISA courts.
Expose hoaxes, with Truth and Reconciliation Commission to declassify deep state spying, censorship and corruption.
Major crackdown on leakers that collude with the fake news to deliberalty weave false narratives to subvert our gov and democracy. Criminal charges where possible.
Make Inspector Generals independent.
Indpendent Auditing system of intelligence agencies.
Move agencies outside of DC swamp (up to 100 agencies)
yes he should. i wish he would have done that in his first term. i know there is a reason for everything, but many normies have asked me why he didn't and i have no answer for them.
This whole time this Q movement has been about awakening the people to how badly they have been lied to and treated, so it doesnt surprise me it wasnt rescinded earlier.
It seems time and time again its been about optics.
Eg Why was BLM allowed to commit all their crimes with seeming immunity, while Jan 6ers so called insurrection has been dealt with so harshly.
The song used is also quite interesting. It's from the Dark Knight Rises Soundtrack. The first song in that album is called "A Strom is Coming." He used the final song in the album called "Rise."
The FBI should be abolished entirely. Secret police who are unaccountable (or with the potential to become unaccountable) means we're not a free country.
Moving agencies out of DC is huge. Decentralizes the government and injects it with local flavors. Spreads out federal wealth, jobs and salaries too. New efficiencies come with it, like Dept of Ag being in like, Idaho or whatever. Close to the people they serve.
Depending how large the dispersal goes it may very well shrink the city of DC, or balance CoL there.
This smells of Elon. He believes engineers need to be in the factories. Brilliant.
Washington DC is going to have a shitfit over this……
Liberals and independents should applaud the dismantlement of the DC swamp and the corrupt justice system all over the US.
It’s an older video, but that doesn’t make it irrelevant. The EO is interesting. Rouge bureaucrats. I, like others, want to hear more about the lying media. They are doing more damage than anyone imo.
It is difficulty to fully comprehend as it is still early. But if all of this passes that would completely transform the Republic to have the government work for the people.
Something makes me think the top deep state players were dealt with already; he doesn't tell the enemy what he'll do in advance. I think it's the minions next! Going public with 2+ months to go? Top echelon threats must be gone.
Yes, think of Q-post 369 (2017) about the ATL airport incident, where Q said they took out a "bishop".
The game has already been played and won and the deep state is still moving some last pieces around.
Q-post 4281:
How about a nice game of chess.
Objective [end]: checkmate king
Do you attack the king at the beginning of the game?
Do you attack and remove pawns first?
Do you attack and remove BISHOPs, rooks, knights next?
Do you attack and remove queen mid-to-end?
Is the game being played public or private?
Do emotions affect critical thinking?
Add: important king control pieces [elim rogue elements]?
Add: how do you set the stage [board] re: public opinion [optics]?
“At this time.”
The NSA has likely been weaponized against them...
this came out last year
Yes you are correct. This is not a secret. The video by Trump is laying out the pillars of Project 2025 conservative agenda that was released back in 2023 along with the video. It has been in the works for years and is a guide for a conservative executive branch to transform government and give the power back to Americans. It was spearheaded by the Heritage Foundation and a vast collaboration of input from across many conservative sources. This is not a Trump alone plan. He just happens to be the one that will help spearhead it into action.
This is what the left has been losing their minds over and they misinterpret its content to fear monger. They spread lies telling their base they will be rounded up and placed in concentration camps, that social security and medicare will be cancelled, mass executions will take place (although some may be deserving of such a fate), civil rights will be taken away, etc. etc.. Is is any wonder these lefties are in a state of high anxiety? The DS has no where left to turn but to rile up their base in order to create chaos by convincing their sheep that Trump and his administration are an existential threat. The DS is the target, not their brainwashed minions.
Project 2025
I wonder if he will eliminate the Senior Executive Services. They seem to be exempt from some types of oversight and are a possible repository of corruption.
The answer to your question is yes. In the video Trump is laying out some of the pillars of Project 2025 which is a guidebook for conservative governance. Project 2025
I am surprised that more are not aware of it. This has not been a secret. The left most certainly have been talking about it all over the place. They have used it to lie and twist its content in order to get their base in a frenzy of absolute fear and panic. This explains their melt down behavior over the election results because they truly believe the lies. If I were them, I would be in a panic as well. Thank God I am not. I can read.
The Keystone
Interesting take, I like it.
Y’all, time to start praying.
Down-syndrome-voter downvoted you. Fuck him! It's always a good time for prayer time!
Dated March 21st, 2023 on donaldjtrump … I wonder why the title states “just released”? Are we seeing these videos for the first time?
I’ve seen a few videos like this recently, as near as I can tell they are all coming from these pages titled “AGENDA47”
Thank you for that link, I haven't seen it before. Lots of information here, so he was working on this during "the pause". I hope this stops the deep state from poisoning our air, water, food, medicine, our children and our minds. And I hope it brings justice.
Dunno why they say just released...
I watched a bunch of these "shorts" last year in succession...
I recommend doing the same. They're on YT iirc....
The whole, diseased temple is coming down.
One other item, Boss -- could you ensure that no one who holds dual citizenship from a foreign country can serve in Congress, the Senate or any other positions of power and influence within the government? Many thanks in advance.
Yes and smash the law that allows the government to propagandize it's own citizens. And destroy the Fed and end fractional banking... and so much more.
Greatest President of all time.
Saving us from the brink of collapse. What a time to be alive.
I can't believe this is really happening.
And term limits for congress? How can't you love this.
Yuge! Historic.... but it was published in 2023 🙄
its a kinda in your face come play deep state message.
Now it looks like a movie to me. Stuff this good doesn't happen in real life! Wow.
LET'S GOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Some human pweece of shet downvoted you. Fuck you down voter! REEEE HARDER FAGGOTS. AMERICA IS HERE TO STAY FUCK YEAH 🍾🥳🎅🦀💲
It’s a patriot wishlist coming true
I love you all
John Brennan, James Clapper, Michael Hayden, James Comey…..
AND this is all before the inauguration! I think the STORM is just around the corner - if not already here 😳
Video is 1 year old no?
Nice!!!! Lord, please keep this man safe! Sincerely, guide his every move and protect him.
Wow. I can't love this man any more than I do. Praying for his safety
Term limits he said !! 🧐🧐 Will see what happens ! Man I hope !
Make the MSM tell the truth and not propaganda. Prosecute them if they spread false information.
Would have thought rescinding Obozos Exec order allowing misinformation being spread to the America people would be at the top of that list too.
Yeah, he changed the Smith-Mund act I believe. I may have mrspelled that! Keke
Thx for that. Couldnt remember what it was called.
yes he should. i wish he would have done that in his first term. i know there is a reason for everything, but many normies have asked me why he didn't and i have no answer for them.
This whole time this Q movement has been about awakening the people to how badly they have been lied to and treated, so it doesnt surprise me it wasnt rescinded earlier.
It seems time and time again its been about optics. Eg Why was BLM allowed to commit all their crimes with seeming immunity, while Jan 6ers so called insurrection has been dealt with so harshly.
despite it being from last year, still relevant now!
The song used is also quite interesting. It's from the Dark Knight Rises Soundtrack. The first song in that album is called "A Strom is Coming." He used the final song in the album called "Rise."
The FBI should be abolished entirely. Secret police who are unaccountable (or with the potential to become unaccountable) means we're not a free country.
This doesn't go far enough.
Huge!!! Promises made, promises kept........ No longer promises.... Actual events for his plan.....
God bless this man and keep him safe from evils harm!!!
219 seconds u/#q219
I wonder, what will be done about the treasonous MSM?
banning pharma advertising will hobble their scam, Truth Media platform will also cut into their margins.
Moving agencies out of DC is huge. Decentralizes the government and injects it with local flavors. Spreads out federal wealth, jobs and salaries too. New efficiencies come with it, like Dept of Ag being in like, Idaho or whatever. Close to the people they serve.
Depending how large the dispersal goes it may very well shrink the city of DC, or balance CoL there.
This smells of Elon. He believes engineers need to be in the factories. Brilliant.
BATMAN music!
Great, but a year old.
3:39 video u/#q339
I'm picturing that look of Han Solo in encased in carbonite, except good ole quickcrete would work fine and not have the re-animation concerns.
Washington DC is going to have a shitfit over this…… Liberals and independents should applaud the dismantlement of the DC swamp and the corrupt justice system all over the US.
It’s an older video, but that doesn’t make it irrelevant. The EO is interesting. Rouge bureaucrats. I, like others, want to hear more about the lying media. They are doing more damage than anyone imo.
They're controlled by the C_A.
Congressional term limits won't mean shit if he doesn't arrest and/or execute the trillionaire puppetmasters first.
Which he will, but I had to say it.
This is gonna be yuge.
It is difficulty to fully comprehend as it is still early. But if all of this passes that would completely transform the Republic to have the government work for the people.