How everyone around the world who tries "Hershey's chocolate" all say it taste like PUKE. And they are right. Hershey found a way to use rotten milk in his chocolate before refrigeration was around. So all his chocolate has butyric acid in it, aka the puke flavor.
So European chocolate is SUPERIOR in every way to shitty American "chocolate product" because they don't use puke and rotten milk.
Ikea chocolate is SUPERIOR to anything made in America. It's smooth, creamy, Cocoa flavor, and probably way healthier.
I was just about to post a comment about the sour milk they use for Hershey's chocolate. Whenever I traveled over to Europe I would always make sure to try their chocolates from various areas, and was astounded at just how delicious and pure it was. Eating Hershey's gives me an instant headache and stomachache, but the European chocolate was like pure bliss.
Yup. Swiss/German ritter sport is one of my favorites. And they usually have it here in America
The Swiss, the swedes, etc make some of the best chocolate.
Our family always brings pounds of good euro chocolate whenever they come to us, or I go there and come home.
All brands of chocolate have toxic levels of lead and cadmium. The plant absorbs those heavy metals from the soil. Granted Hershey's is worse than others.
(May 8, 2023) Beware of Toxic Chocolate: Heavy Metals Found in Major Brands | Facts Matter with Roman Balmakov
If I remember right most of the cacao farms are in Africa which isn't exactly known for emphasizing health. Probably there because the labor is cheapest while having the right climate.
This exposes one of the reasons why people make fun of us. No, Nestle's is not intentionally "poisoning" its customers. The lead and cadmium is found in the soils WHERE CACAO IS GROWN, and concentrated by the tree in its fruit. Should Nestle's make a better effort in informing customers of the inherent risks? Perhaps. But that is much, much different than intentional harm.
Cacao only grows in certain places around the world. It is possible to try to source non-contaminated cacao, but those sources are not high producers. In the interest of homogeneity, cocoa manufacturers usually mix sources so that their product tastes consistently, meaning, cacao purchased from contaminated countries gets mixed in.
This is true with most “MuH hEaVy MetAlS” posts. It’s a natural process how the plant extracts from the soil. Unless growers are intentionally, or even ignorantly, increasing the metals in the soils, then I would consider it natural and an overreaction to highlight and complain about it incessantly.
I am not well versed on the subject and just thinking logically about it. Perhaps regenerative farming solves or helps this phenomenon. I don’t know. If so, then let’s educate and spread the knowledge. Either way the paranoia is getting ridiculous. Not all metals in your diet are poisonous, or even a bad thing. Iron, as an example. Maybe not considered a “heavy” metal but serves the purpose of an example.
You are right, a lot of people overreact through ignorance of how plants even grow. Also those who scream in Amazon reviews of "OMG this clings to the scoop and container it's got metal contamination!" Hey dipshit, any fine powder acts like that when exposed to electrostatically charged plastic in low humidity, use a metal teaspoon or drop a magnet in there and see just how "magnetic" it really is. It's amazing how many so-called anons don't even remember grade school science. Most of those heavy metals are not even magnetic to begin with.
If one eats chocolate from Lindt, to use an example, and then eats chocolate from Hershey, one will conclude that the chocolate from Hershey ... is not chocolate.
I just saw where you could mix it with cottage cheese and whip it and it tastes like mousse. I’m trying that in the near future. Protein and chocolate - win!
A lot of chocolate is like this almost all of them to varying degrees. But there are some brands that are better than others...but you have to do your research.
Kinda Funny JUST NOW right out of your whole life and everyone else lives until NOW when they been saying it You been eating the same shit your whole life, now all of a sudden OMG its POISION! :P HELP US ITS KILLING US JUST NOW MIND YOU!
I switched to carob 10 years ago. Initially, I thought "This doesn't taste like chocolate.", then I thought "This is far better than chocolate." It has a much broader flavor profile and does not just rely on sweetness.
And the chocolate is fake. Mockolate - no cacao at all in most products, labeled as chocolate anyway.
They are criminals.
Was literally talking to 7 friends last night.
How everyone around the world who tries "Hershey's chocolate" all say it taste like PUKE. And they are right. Hershey found a way to use rotten milk in his chocolate before refrigeration was around. So all his chocolate has butyric acid in it, aka the puke flavor.
So European chocolate is SUPERIOR in every way to shitty American "chocolate product" because they don't use puke and rotten milk. Ikea chocolate is SUPERIOR to anything made in America. It's smooth, creamy, Cocoa flavor, and probably way healthier.
I was just about to post a comment about the sour milk they use for Hershey's chocolate. Whenever I traveled over to Europe I would always make sure to try their chocolates from various areas, and was astounded at just how delicious and pure it was. Eating Hershey's gives me an instant headache and stomachache, but the European chocolate was like pure bliss.
Yup. Swiss/German ritter sport is one of my favorites. And they usually have it here in America The Swiss, the swedes, etc make some of the best chocolate.
Our family always brings pounds of good euro chocolate whenever they come to us, or I go there and come home.
And they put soy in almost 100% of it. Why? There is no soy in real chocolate.
It is really just flavored coagulated soybean oil.
All brands of chocolate have toxic levels of lead and cadmium. The plant absorbs those heavy metals from the soil. Granted Hershey's is worse than others.
(May 8, 2023) Beware of Toxic Chocolate: Heavy Metals Found in Major Brands | Facts Matter with Roman Balmakov
Report on toxic metals in 469 chocolate brands
Consumer Report on 28 chocolate brands
Very interesting. Thank you for posting. I did not know this.
Chocolove brand tended to have better numbers in dark chocolate from what I remember. That tends to be sold at more mid to higher end grocery stores.
The darker the chocolate, the more lead and cadmium tends to be in the bars
It makes sense. And is sad. Sigh.
If I remember right most of the cacao farms are in Africa which isn't exactly known for emphasizing health. Probably there because the labor is cheapest while having the right climate.
This exposes one of the reasons why people make fun of us. No, Nestle's is not intentionally "poisoning" its customers. The lead and cadmium is found in the soils WHERE CACAO IS GROWN, and concentrated by the tree in its fruit. Should Nestle's make a better effort in informing customers of the inherent risks? Perhaps. But that is much, much different than intentional harm.
Cacao only grows in certain places around the world. It is possible to try to source non-contaminated cacao, but those sources are not high producers. In the interest of homogeneity, cocoa manufacturers usually mix sources so that their product tastes consistently, meaning, cacao purchased from contaminated countries gets mixed in.
This is true with most “MuH hEaVy MetAlS” posts. It’s a natural process how the plant extracts from the soil. Unless growers are intentionally, or even ignorantly, increasing the metals in the soils, then I would consider it natural and an overreaction to highlight and complain about it incessantly.
I am not well versed on the subject and just thinking logically about it. Perhaps regenerative farming solves or helps this phenomenon. I don’t know. If so, then let’s educate and spread the knowledge. Either way the paranoia is getting ridiculous. Not all metals in your diet are poisonous, or even a bad thing. Iron, as an example. Maybe not considered a “heavy” metal but serves the purpose of an example.
You are right, a lot of people overreact through ignorance of how plants even grow. Also those who scream in Amazon reviews of "OMG this clings to the scoop and container it's got metal contamination!" Hey dipshit, any fine powder acts like that when exposed to electrostatically charged plastic in low humidity, use a metal teaspoon or drop a magnet in there and see just how "magnetic" it really is. It's amazing how many so-called anons don't even remember grade school science. Most of those heavy metals are not even magnetic to begin with.
Herpes bar ...
Pssssst...Hershey lovers...actual GOOD chocolate exists too.
Try some, and you'll never go back to the chalky bland feces that is Hershey's chocolate.
I haven't bought any since the whole HER/SHE woke bullshit. Go woke. Go broke!
Also, notice the All-Seeing Eyes behind them.
For those who think this is B.S., search "Hershey chocolate laced with lead and cadmium"
Wasn't Mr. Beast sued for the same thing?
If one eats chocolate from Lindt, to use an example, and then eats chocolate from Hershey, one will conclude that the chocolate from Hershey ... is not chocolate.
Hershey was a client of mine a year back, after seeing how they make their products I don't even want it for free.
Can you elaborate?
No because any further info could dox me or at least narrow down which contractor I work for.
Here RFKJr. talks about yellow dye in our food.
When I crave chocolate, I put organic cocoa powder in a bowl with almond butter, stir it, and eat it.
Sometimes, I add a little Grade A syrup.
Or, I mix it in coconut butter instead of almond butter sometimes.
It is like eating brownie batter, but is healthy.
I never thought of that, it sounds wonderful! Thanks for the recipe!
I just saw where you could mix it with cottage cheese and whip it and it tastes like mousse. I’m trying that in the near future. Protein and chocolate - win!
A lot of chocolate is like this almost all of them to varying degrees. But there are some brands that are better than others...but you have to do your research.
Hershey Been around forever, Ate alot of it and No Problems
Kinda Funny JUST NOW right out of your whole life and everyone else lives until NOW when they been saying it You been eating the same shit your whole life, now all of a sudden OMG its POISION! :P HELP US ITS KILLING US JUST NOW MIND YOU!
Yes. Our food supply is tainted in so many areas, so many products, and much of it intentional.
I'll stick with my Aldi brand chocolate (Made in Germany). Cheap and doesn't taste like shit.
I switched to carob 10 years ago. Initially, I thought "This doesn't taste like chocolate.", then I thought "This is far better than chocolate." It has a much broader flavor profile and does not just rely on sweetness.