... what is the purpose of attacking him with lawfare?
Warning: Pure speculation on my part.
First you build someone up and get them to release some interesting information. When a story comes along that the conventional media cannot suppress then you start to use people like Jones. You find him a witness to, say, pizzagate. You make sure that 95% of his story is correct but that last 5% is wrong and can be shown to be wrong. You get Jones to publish the story then you go after him through the courts exposing the 5% lie.
Now the other outlets decide to suppress any pizzagate stories they might have because they do not want to get sued like Jones.
Of course you don't want to really put him out of business because he is still useful. For instance, the Sandy Hook story refuses to lie down. Why not do the same again?
Even he is wrong about 5% of the story, there is still freedom of speech, so it really makes zero sense to use this as an avenue of attack against other conservative podcasters. It just exposes the censorship industrial complex, which is exactly what happened. That is a pretty convoluted plan to use Jones as an angle of attack.
You could say the same thing about every other thing the deep state does. EVERY THING - Could be done in an EASIER manner, But truth Subversion takes time.
Deep state has always used lawfare! White Hats will obviously use lawfare to get rid of control opposition! Two can play the game! Everyone who was not controlled opposition during their reign was taken out! How did this guy survive without military protection?
Oh, now I see. Um, I think the Winn was suggesting that not knowing that Q was been pretty clear about who and what Alex Jones was qualifies one as some sort of legume or fruit consisting of a hard shell protecting the kernel.
Believing in Q is way more out there than believing Alex Jones.
Have you read the drops? The stuff Q said was much more believable than at least half of all AJ content, however the media loved to strawman the two together
Hear hear. Alex Jones woke me up to conspiracy in this country. He woke me yo to the idea that Republicans and Democrats were working for the same people. If he’s controlled opposition, whoever controls him overplayed their hand. Alex jones helped save America whether he meant to or not. I’ll always be a quiet fan.
This was NEVER a consideration, the last 7 years, and the only reason some poeple are grabbing on to that now is because they think - have concluded - that Pompeo is dirty.
There is a post, which shows Pompeo's hands holding notes, which an anon queries asking if this is potus, given the ring, and Q replies, that it is Kansas. Run a search for Kansas on the map (aka the Q drops) and read them all in the context of each other.
It's 100% clear when you put all the Kansas related drops together, that "Kansas" refers to Pompeo. No serious student of the Q drop thinks otehrwise.
Going elsewhere with that is not "Q", it's "anons", and the reason why Q had to draw a distinction between Q and anons.
I get the temptation to go in such a strange direction, but it really fails logic, evidence, and critical and clear thinking.
human b
human a
human c
human d
human e
"but oh, oh, human d is actually a state that will do a (very minor) action against big pharma 7 years down the road"
Facepalm. Really.
(please feel free to downvote, frens, as I know that some people cannot stand to have their idiotic theories gainsaid or contradicted by rational thinking. Sorry to be harsh, but seriously. Facepalm. )
I feel like an old timer on a submarine and we just got a wave of new recruits who came in and think they know everything about the ship, but know nothing beyond a few training sessions, which they slept through 50% of 🙃
Sure, I had casualties. But never more than 80%. And, I completed the mission. I ruled that simulator. The simulator doesn't lie. I know more about this stuff than you old hasbeens.... (probably never even been in a simulator...)
I remember when the show supposedly was getting first shut down. There were so many people posting on PDW to try and raise funds for Alex Jones info wars. He was a Big time grifting! When will people learn that he is controlled opposition?
I don’t agree with what happened with the sale of his business at all. But there may be more behind the scenes than we know about. Don’t forget we’re watching a movie.
It doesn’t seem like it should be hard to take the position of, “the man has done a lot of good, and for many reasons, his word should never be taken as gospel.”
The second part of which also applies to all of us, self included.
Jones is a fighter and a stand up Human. I have been on this site from the start and prior to the first Q drop standing up with him. If, he were to go sideways or be in the wrong, I always said so. Again, pay attention, we have documents, nobody has to have an opinion. The documents speak for themselves. The only thing Jones has pointed out is that ' IF THEY DO THIS TO ME , THEY WILL DO IT TO YOU ' . . .
For those to be inserting ' speak ' or print of 'others' including 'Q' , just put up the documents. It is all legit.
The court docs, the challenges need to be put into a pool. Lets keep opinion out of it. Then let it all settle out.
The man has a HEART OF A LION and he has been in this FIGHT for 30 years.
It’s clear to me that the Feds are gaslighting. From the court system to the auction. I don’t understand how there could be any auction until all appeals are completed 🤷♂
BananaBlizzard 17 points 3 months ago +17 / -0
For those interested…check this video out…you will have to scroll through. Start around at 7 minute mark…Bill Cooper is talking at the 7 minute mark… https://rumble.com/v2k1nau-bb-grab-bag-2-bill-coopers-take-on-alex-jones-y2k-hysteria.html
Bill Cooper talks about Alex Jones shortly before his death. Watch this!!!
https://rumble.com/v1f7n4h-bill-cooper-talks-about-alex-jones.html?ysclid=lytdgkqfj2862456797 From the above…video…the summary…cut and paste… FYI
He sold us out on Sandyhook and the regime will be looking for a precedent so no one can question official narratives on the internet again. His lawyers didn't go against him or accidentally release records. This was all purposely done and Alex is in on it. Some people don't realize he puts on a good act. A controlled opposition will only speak 95% Truth. He will always steer a conversation away from Zionists and this is a Fact! If needed I will upload a video that shows he covers up for the Zionists
– Alex Jones was married to a Jewish woman named Violet Nichols, with whom he has three children.
– Alex Jones is funded by at least thirty-four(34) Jewish sponsors and advertisers whom financially support his radio show and websites.
– Alex Jones’ flagship radio station, KLBJ AM, in Austin, Texas, is owned by Emmis Communications, a media conglomerate based in Indianapolis, Indiana. The founder, chairman, president, and CEO of Emmis Communications is the Zionist Jeffrey Smulyan.
– Alex Jones’ radio show is broadcast on Sirius XM Radio. The chairman of Sirius XM Radio is the Jew Eddy Hartenstein. The CEO of Sirius XM Radio is the Jew Mel Karmazin. The President of Sirius XM Radio is the Jew Scott Greenstein. Of the six executive officers of Sirius XM Radio, five are Jews.
– Alex Jones employs a Jewish attorney named Elizabeth Morgan who is also employed by Holly Lev Bronfman, the sister of Edgar Bronfman, Jr. Thus there are only two degrees of separation between Alex Jones and the Bronfman family, one of the wealthiest and most influential Jewish Zionist families in North America.
– Alex Jones’ employee Molly Maroney, the managing editor of Infowars Magazine, is a former intern for Stratfor, a private intelligence agency based in Austin, Texas, which has been linked to the C.I.A. and Mossad. The founder and CEO of Stratfor is a Zionist Jew named George Friedman. Thus there are only two degrees of separation between Alex Jones and Stratfor.
– Alex Jones’ parents David Jones and Carol Hamman have been employed by the C.I.A. in the past. Alex Jones’ deceased uncle Bill Hamman was employed by the C.I.A. and U.S. Army Special Forces. Alex Jones’ cousin Verna Grayce Chao is currently employed as a C.I.A. contractor by Dell (previously by IBM). Alex Jones’ other cousin Buckley Hamman was one of the original founders of Infowars in 1995. Thus there are only two degrees of separation between Alex Jones and the Central Intelligence Agency.
Alex Jones’ father testified in court on Monday, April 24th, saying in part that he has made “millions of dollars” over the past several years creating front companies that contract business with Infowars. Alex Jones’ mother testified in court on Friday, April 21st, saying in part that Infowars is a “family business” and that she and Alex Jones’ father are both heavily involved in all aspects of the Infowars operation. Since Alex Jones has already stated in the past that both of his parents were/are C.I.A. operatives, these recent admissions from Alex Jones’ parents constitute direct evidence that Infowars is a covert U.S. Govt. intelligence operation.
Controlled opposition. Learn who you’re following and when you realize they’re all leading you astray. Turn to the ONE who won’t....Jesus
I am telling you this is a psyop, I don't believe the trial was real. Looked hokey. Still takes me back to 1265 about Flynn "lost house" etc. This is part of the movie, same with Rudy.
Alex had no issues with q,till general Flynn finally met him. Then it was instant q hate. To me that kinda felt like he had a talk and had to attack q for Flynn and trump to keep distance
The last 6 years are a blur so idk I also watched his show daily since 2013 . But it was when they first met and Alex was acting over the top to Mike Flynn then a little after that they have a interview. Then right after that Alex flipped and started attack q out of no where
Eye blinking is frequently one method of the nervous system to 'reset' in order to maintain a self-imposed deception. i.e. to tell untruths or pretend, but to 'self believe' the untruths so that they come across as true, and one essentially reimposes the lie over the mind that knows they are lies.
Not saying this is the case here, but it is certainly a thing.
Being over-the-top is another method of burying the reality but being too loud and too noisy. Like shining a super powerful flashlight on the page of a book so that the actual text on the page is barely visible, because the ambient light overpowers the light being reflected by the page itself, which is what allows it to be read.
When you know these things, the performance becomes transparent.
Personally, I think Jones may have been flipped during or after the Q operation. Flipped from Controlled oppo to become a controlled asset.
Very much so. He doesn’t really look like himself, but I’m not gonna say he’s wearing a mask. But if he was… You might blink a lot if it wasn’t comfortable. I don’t know. The whole thing is just SUS
ALSO - how come when I use an emoji here it changes it to a different one?
I gotta say the man has lost 30+ pounds the past couple months. As for the eye blinking… I take it nobody here has been in front of studio lighting for 10+ hours plus lack of sleep. Eyes are the first thing that dries out and blinking is nearly uncontrollable and unbearable. Poor guy was broadcasting nearly continuously all day. Notice in this video the lighting was dimmed? Eyes are probably burned out.
Naa, it looks to me like he has not had much sleep and has dry eyes, and has probably drunk tons of coffee and his voice does sound a bit dehydrated. He looks like he is super tired to me but still able to function at a high level.
Actually, that just reminded me.
I was training a team. And this one teammate (it turned out t get had a genetic defect which lead to this) broke their leg.
A few if us turned around and saw the bottom of their leg (a little above the ankle down) dangling limp and facing the wrong way.
It was grotesque and off putting.
But did I stand there and point 'eww nanny nanny pooo pooo you looked off putting" ?
No, I sprinted into action to get them help.
Did I treat them with dignity and care? Yes.
Your can make an observation, have a feeling from that observation, and yet push through to be compassionate/help/love etc.
That is conflating 2 very...actually 3 very different situations.
And making a false equivocation.
Yes, one can come across a mangled person from a car accident and find it off putting
at the same time you can have compassion for that person
In your logic means seeing and saying a truth negates the possibility of cutting slack or giving compassion. Bullshit. In the army you see all types of grotesque shit and still love your fellow soldier and further, have the honesty to joke about it later among one another (with the injured soldier and buddies).
Someone born with a birth defect could be off putting and that person can still be loved by the same person. Hell, the smell of a dirty diaper is off putting - that doesn't mean you don't love your baby.
Stop making this bigger than it is. Stop making it about you. And stop virtue signaling.
I have NOTHING to own up to or apologize for, I am not the one with a problem...
...But you do:
****My late spouse had a congenital birth defect in which her right hand was no more than a paw. It was traumatic growing up with that. She had to learn how to do anything dextrous (like writing) with her left hand. Adults were decent enough not to mention it in public. I can only imagine you would find that "off putting."
The fact that you brought up your late spouse's birth defect as an example of something you thought I would find off putting means that YOU conceptualized it as off putting. I may or may not find something I haven't encountered a off putting....but it looks like part of your psyche did.
I am sorry your spouse passed away and I am hopeful he had a great life full of love.
And yet, your emotions are not going to manipulate me on a truly innocuous observation and expression of a personal opinion.
Off putting. Off putting. Off putting.
And since you are so off-put by my opinion I'll allow you to have the last word.
I've got more interesting things to do than to coddle your feelings about my opinion of someone you don't know and who doesn't know you.
The hate on Alex Jones on this site is off the charts. Sad.
I don’t hate the man. I just think he’s controlled opposition. That’s all. Nothing to hate about.
If he is controlled opposition, what is the purpose of attacking him with lawfare?
Warning: Pure speculation on my part.
First you build someone up and get them to release some interesting information. When a story comes along that the conventional media cannot suppress then you start to use people like Jones. You find him a witness to, say, pizzagate. You make sure that 95% of his story is correct but that last 5% is wrong and can be shown to be wrong. You get Jones to publish the story then you go after him through the courts exposing the 5% lie.
Now the other outlets decide to suppress any pizzagate stories they might have because they do not want to get sued like Jones.
Of course you don't want to really put him out of business because he is still useful. For instance, the Sandy Hook story refuses to lie down. Why not do the same again?
Now that is some fair speculation. Thank you for taking the time to type that instead of ad hominen attack or say "trust me bro"
Even he is wrong about 5% of the story, there is still freedom of speech, so it really makes zero sense to use this as an avenue of attack against other conservative podcasters. It just exposes the censorship industrial complex, which is exactly what happened. That is a pretty convoluted plan to use Jones as an angle of attack.
It would be easier to do a thousand other things than this whole song and dance.
You could say the same thing about every other thing the deep state does. EVERY THING - Could be done in an EASIER manner, But truth Subversion takes time.
Deep state has always used lawfare! White Hats will obviously use lawfare to get rid of control opposition! Two can play the game! Everyone who was not controlled opposition during their reign was taken out! How did this guy survive without military protection?
Fake fight & optics. To generate confusion.
Or a really good actor
This is a Q board fucknuts. Q said AJ was MOSSAD
Bill Cooper said he was a fraud and a clown
And he's proven to be a retard and strawman for the world to attack truth seekers for decades.
He's most definitely government controlled misdirection.
The opposition also has access to read Q posts... just sayin
Yeah and they hated the anti-AJ posts because AJ was one of their most valuable assets. "Lead the opposition yourselves" or something like that..
Q said some disinfo is necessary.
If Q hadn’t parted ways with Alex, Q would’ve become synonymous with Infowars/Alex Jones. Obviously, the Plan couldn’t work that way.
I'm still going with bad actor
👏👏👏 Yes yes yes !
This is a Q board full of fucknuts?
<extra facepalm>
Allow me to grammarize the Winn's articulations:
This is a Q board, fucknuts!
Oh, now I see. Um, I think the Winn was suggesting that not knowing that Q was been pretty clear about who and what Alex Jones was qualifies one as some sort of legume or fruit consisting of a hard shell protecting the kernel.
Sometimes! Kek
The gripe is real and it goes way way back to early Q drops. He deserves it.
Believing in Q is way more out there than believing Alex Jones. If Alex Jones is controlled, then he is the greatest actor of all time.
Have you read the drops? The stuff Q said was much more believable than at least half of all AJ content, however the media loved to strawman the two together
Q is pretty clear about Alex jones but I also have a soft spot for the man since he woke me up with dark secrets inside the bohemian grove.
Hear hear. Alex Jones woke me up to conspiracy in this country. He woke me yo to the idea that Republicans and Democrats were working for the same people. If he’s controlled opposition, whoever controls him overplayed their hand. Alex jones helped save America whether he meant to or not. I’ll always be a quiet fan.
That’s what they’re counting on
Q also said "Disinformation is necessary". NOBODY on this forum knows the absolute truth about Jones.
I can live with that.
he's a curious unit, that's for sure.
maybe his attempt to hijack Q was simply opportunistic and ego-centric, made at a point where he really didn't know who Q was (how legitimate Q was)
Jerome Corsi, however, was clearly outed by Q as Mossad. Not sure how much that pertains to Jones.
Q was also clear about Pompeo. Trust Kansas.
We found trust Kansas may actually refer to the state of Kansas.
No, seriously. "we didn't"
This was NEVER a consideration, the last 7 years, and the only reason some poeple are grabbing on to that now is because they think - have concluded - that Pompeo is dirty.
There is a post, which shows Pompeo's hands holding notes, which an anon queries asking if this is potus, given the ring, and Q replies, that it is Kansas. Run a search for Kansas on the map (aka the Q drops) and read them all in the context of each other.
It's 100% clear when you put all the Kansas related drops together, that "Kansas" refers to Pompeo. No serious student of the Q drop thinks otehrwise.
Going elsewhere with that is not "Q", it's "anons", and the reason why Q had to draw a distinction between Q and anons.
I get the temptation to go in such a strange direction, but it really fails logic, evidence, and critical and clear thinking.
human b
human a
human c
human d
human e
"but oh, oh, human d is actually a state that will do a (very minor) action against big pharma 7 years down the road"
Facepalm. Really.
(please feel free to downvote, frens, as I know that some people cannot stand to have their idiotic theories gainsaid or contradicted by rational thinking. Sorry to be harsh, but seriously. Facepalm. )
I feel like an old timer on a submarine and we just got a wave of new recruits who came in and think they know everything about the ship, but know nothing beyond a few training sessions, which they slept through 50% of 🙃
Hey, I ran 50 hours in the simulator. I'm an expert!
How many times did you get your entire squad killed by the MSM? you don't have to tell..
Sure, I had casualties. But never more than 80%. And, I completed the mission. I ruled that simulator. The simulator doesn't lie. I know more about this stuff than you old hasbeens.... (probably never even been in a simulator...)
No we didn't Kansas = Pompeo is 100% clear.
The only question is, whether Trust Pompeo was disinfo or real.
Sorry, i reckon this is a comment by someone who doesn't know Q and was not hands on real time in 2018 when the Jones situation went down.
Those who lived through it know the reality. We lived through it in real time, and we know what happened.
Jones attempted to hijack the Q operation.
I remember when the show supposedly was getting first shut down. There were so many people posting on PDW to try and raise funds for Alex Jones info wars. He was a Big time grifting! When will people learn that he is controlled opposition?
IDC if he is a grifter. In fact...that only matters to folks like us.
The bigger picture is that he IS A VICTIM OF WEAPONIZED LEAGALISM and that can't stand period.
Do you know if the judge is Mossad? Maybe the judge is a patriot who doesn't believe the sale was just. Which, it wasn't. Period. Shill or not.
I don’t agree with what happened with the sale of his business at all. But there may be more behind the scenes than we know about. Don’t forget we’re watching a movie.
Oh for sure. I was just meaning no matter who, weaponizing the justice system is always also pointed towards us all.
Yes, yes it is - hopefully that won’t happen with Matt Gaetz AG.
His face is definitely looking weird in the video.
Thinner than last I saw, on top of the tics.
It doesn’t seem like it should be hard to take the position of, “the man has done a lot of good, and for many reasons, his word should never be taken as gospel.”
The second part of which also applies to all of us, self included.
I agree,
This guy is a scam!
You guys need to stop knocking Bill Hicks...
I mean Alex jones....
😂😂😂😂 They do look a lot alike
Jones is a fighter and a stand up Human. I have been on this site from the start and prior to the first Q drop standing up with him. If, he were to go sideways or be in the wrong, I always said so. Again, pay attention, we have documents, nobody has to have an opinion. The documents speak for themselves. The only thing Jones has pointed out is that ' IF THEY DO THIS TO ME , THEY WILL DO IT TO YOU ' . . .
For those to be inserting ' speak ' or print of 'others' including 'Q' , just put up the documents. It is all legit.
The court docs, the challenges need to be put into a pool. Lets keep opinion out of it. Then let it all settle out.
The man has a HEART OF A LION and he has been in this FIGHT for 30 years.
It’s clear to me that the Feds are gaslighting. From the court system to the auction. I don’t understand how there could be any auction until all appeals are completed 🤷♂
This whole drama is just setting another precedent. Precedent for media companies and having their assets seized.
https://greatawakening.win/p/17teSTAuO9/alex-jones-claims-he-was-involve/c/ BananaBlizzard 17 points 3 months ago +17 / -0
For those interested…check this video out…you will have to scroll through. Start around at 7 minute mark…Bill Cooper is talking at the 7 minute mark… https://rumble.com/v2k1nau-bb-grab-bag-2-bill-coopers-take-on-alex-jones-y2k-hysteria.html Bill Cooper talks about Alex Jones shortly before his death. Watch this!!! https://rumble.com/v1f7n4h-bill-cooper-talks-about-alex-jones.html?ysclid=lytdgkqfj2862456797 From the above…video…the summary…cut and paste… FYI He sold us out on Sandyhook and the regime will be looking for a precedent so no one can question official narratives on the internet again. His lawyers didn't go against him or accidentally release records. This was all purposely done and Alex is in on it. Some people don't realize he puts on a good act. A controlled opposition will only speak 95% Truth. He will always steer a conversation away from Zionists and this is a Fact! If needed I will upload a video that shows he covers up for the Zionists – Alex Jones was married to a Jewish woman named Violet Nichols, with whom he has three children. – Alex Jones is funded by at least thirty-four(34) Jewish sponsors and advertisers whom financially support his radio show and websites. – Alex Jones’ flagship radio station, KLBJ AM, in Austin, Texas, is owned by Emmis Communications, a media conglomerate based in Indianapolis, Indiana. The founder, chairman, president, and CEO of Emmis Communications is the Zionist Jeffrey Smulyan. – Alex Jones’ radio show is broadcast on Sirius XM Radio. The chairman of Sirius XM Radio is the Jew Eddy Hartenstein. The CEO of Sirius XM Radio is the Jew Mel Karmazin. The President of Sirius XM Radio is the Jew Scott Greenstein. Of the six executive officers of Sirius XM Radio, five are Jews. – Alex Jones employs a Jewish attorney named Elizabeth Morgan who is also employed by Holly Lev Bronfman, the sister of Edgar Bronfman, Jr. Thus there are only two degrees of separation between Alex Jones and the Bronfman family, one of the wealthiest and most influential Jewish Zionist families in North America. – Alex Jones’ employee Molly Maroney, the managing editor of Infowars Magazine, is a former intern for Stratfor, a private intelligence agency based in Austin, Texas, which has been linked to the C.I.A. and Mossad. The founder and CEO of Stratfor is a Zionist Jew named George Friedman. Thus there are only two degrees of separation between Alex Jones and Stratfor. – Alex Jones’ parents David Jones and Carol Hamman have been employed by the C.I.A. in the past. Alex Jones’ deceased uncle Bill Hamman was employed by the C.I.A. and U.S. Army Special Forces. Alex Jones’ cousin Verna Grayce Chao is currently employed as a C.I.A. contractor by Dell (previously by IBM). Alex Jones’ other cousin Buckley Hamman was one of the original founders of Infowars in 1995. Thus there are only two degrees of separation between Alex Jones and the Central Intelligence Agency. Alex Jones’ father testified in court on Monday, April 24th, saying in part that he has made “millions of dollars” over the past several years creating front companies that contract business with Infowars. Alex Jones’ mother testified in court on Friday, April 21st, saying in part that Infowars is a “family business” and that she and Alex Jones’ father are both heavily involved in all aspects of the Infowars operation. Since Alex Jones has already stated in the past that both of his parents were/are C.I.A. operatives, these recent admissions from Alex Jones’ parents constitute direct evidence that Infowars is a covert U.S. Govt. intelligence operation. Controlled opposition. Learn who you’re following and when you realize they’re all leading you astray. Turn to the ONE who won’t....Jesus
Thanks for all this information. I made a nice thread of Alex Jones for futurecopy paste.
I am telling you this is a psyop, I don't believe the trial was real. Looked hokey. Still takes me back to 1265 about Flynn "lost house" etc. This is part of the movie, same with Rudy.
Makes for good theater.
Nice one.
Alex had no issues with q,till general Flynn finally met him. Then it was instant q hate. To me that kinda felt like he had a talk and had to attack q for Flynn and trump to keep distance
What year? I know you're not talking about 2021 at J6..
The last 6 years are a blur so idk I also watched his show daily since 2013 . But it was when they first met and Alex was acting over the top to Mike Flynn then a little after that they have a interview. Then right after that Alex flipped and started attack q out of no where
I'm pretty sure Flynn never met with Alex until 2021. But Alex tried to take over Q in 2018
Eye blinking is frequently one method of the nervous system to 'reset' in order to maintain a self-imposed deception. i.e. to tell untruths or pretend, but to 'self believe' the untruths so that they come across as true, and one essentially reimposes the lie over the mind that knows they are lies.
Not saying this is the case here, but it is certainly a thing.
Being over-the-top is another method of burying the reality but being too loud and too noisy. Like shining a super powerful flashlight on the page of a book so that the actual text on the page is barely visible, because the ambient light overpowers the light being reflected by the page itself, which is what allows it to be read.
When you know these things, the performance becomes transparent.
Personally, I think Jones may have been flipped during or after the Q operation. Flipped from Controlled oppo to become a controlled asset.
Oh, FractalizingIron, despite your true and factual information it looks like (sung in the fashion of MJ's Smooth Criminal):
"You've been stuck by...
You've been stuck by...
A Down Tooter"
This column is being haunted by a rapid down tooter who seems to be obsessed with defending the honor Alex Jones- peace be upon him.
Peace indeed! And blessings!
You know...I kind of had a flicker of that thought during J6 when I saw him on the mega phone whipping up the crowd...
Very much so. He doesn’t really look like himself, but I’m not gonna say he’s wearing a mask. But if he was… You might blink a lot if it wasn’t comfortable. I don’t know. The whole thing is just SUS
ALSO - how come when I use an emoji here it changes it to a different one?
Interesting. I usually notice more stiffness around the mouth in a mask/latex face, but you're right.
...he does seem off.
I think my thought of that was drugs...but that might be too obvious of a suspicion.
But something is sus, fo'sho.
Definitely could be drugs. Would not be shocked if he was on some type of amphetamine.
I gotta say the man has lost 30+ pounds the past couple months. As for the eye blinking… I take it nobody here has been in front of studio lighting for 10+ hours plus lack of sleep. Eyes are the first thing that dries out and blinking is nearly uncontrollable and unbearable. Poor guy was broadcasting nearly continuously all day. Notice in this video the lighting was dimmed? Eyes are probably burned out.
Naa, it looks to me like he has not had much sleep and has dry eyes, and has probably drunk tons of coffee and his voice does sound a bit dehydrated. He looks like he is super tired to me but still able to function at a high level.
Actually, that just reminded me. I was training a team. And this one teammate (it turned out t get had a genetic defect which lead to this) broke their leg.
A few if us turned around and saw the bottom of their leg (a little above the ankle down) dangling limp and facing the wrong way.
It was grotesque and off putting. But did I stand there and point 'eww nanny nanny pooo pooo you looked off putting" ? No, I sprinted into action to get them help. Did I treat them with dignity and care? Yes.
Your can make an observation, have a feeling from that observation, and yet push through to be compassionate/help/love etc.
That is conflating 2 very...actually 3 very different situations. And making a false equivocation.
In your logic means seeing and saying a truth negates the possibility of cutting slack or giving compassion. Bullshit. In the army you see all types of grotesque shit and still love your fellow soldier and further, have the honesty to joke about it later among one another (with the injured soldier and buddies).
Stop making this bigger than it is. Stop making it about you. And stop virtue signaling.
I have NOTHING to own up to or apologize for, I am not the one with a problem...
...But you do:
****My late spouse had a congenital birth defect in which her right hand was no more than a paw. It was traumatic growing up with that. She had to learn how to do anything dextrous (like writing) with her left hand. Adults were decent enough not to mention it in public. I can only imagine you would find that "off putting."
The fact that you brought up your late spouse's birth defect as an example of something you thought I would find off putting means that YOU conceptualized it as off putting. I may or may not find something I haven't encountered a off putting....but it looks like part of your psyche did.
I am sorry your spouse passed away and I am hopeful he had a great life full of love. And yet, your emotions are not going to manipulate me on a truly innocuous observation and expression of a personal opinion.
Off putting. Off putting. Off putting.
And since you are so off-put by my opinion I'll allow you to have the last word.
I've got more interesting things to do than to coddle your feelings about my opinion of someone you don't know and who doesn't know you.