Stop stalling and just do it. I’m sick of watching the Rules for thee but not for me scenarios. Threats, intimidations, law fare and J6. Did the Republicans learn anything with the Biden coup and now WITHOUT Congress Biden has declared war on Russia? It’s about time these fascists learned that President Trump has a mandate by the People and they are sick and tired of being sick and tired watching as their country is torn apart.
Yep. The world deserves to know the truth. Do not use it for blackmail like they did. Just get rid of those who have been blackmailed. It's better for everyone.
I feel the same way. But I guess they are using it as leverage, and getting everything they can out of it, until Trump's cabinet is in place. Then crush them. We'll see what happens.
agree. then they openly talk about it, in front of us and act like we are deaf, dumb and blind. like oh, Ok, they didn't release info on Gaetz, so no, we don't want to find out about Swallwell and his Fang Fang Bang Bang and what he probably leaked to the CCP.
i don't care if it's bad against R or D. let it all out.
Hey Mike, how about release those 40,000 hours of J6 tapes that MCarthy wouldn't now that the Turtle isn't Senate majority leader, who was supposedly blocking the release to protect the Senate's Seargeant at Arms.
Stop stalling and just do it. I’m sick of watching the Rules for thee but not for me scenarios. Threats, intimidations, law fare and J6. Did the Republicans learn anything with the Biden coup and now WITHOUT Congress Biden has declared war on Russia? It’s about time these fascists learned that President Trump has a mandate by the People and they are sick and tired of being sick and tired watching as their country is torn apart.
Yep. The world deserves to know the truth. Do not use it for blackmail like they did. Just get rid of those who have been blackmailed. It's better for everyone.
Yup. Came to say this. Stop jerking around already. The American people have a right to know.
Period, Full stop. End of story!!!!!!
BOMBSHELL: the goalposts will be moved again in TWO WEEKS!!! kek
You'll NEVER BELIEVE the info I have............JUST TWO WEEKS!!!!!
I feel the same way. But I guess they are using it as leverage, and getting everything they can out of it, until Trump's cabinet is in place. Then crush them. We'll see what happens.
The reports must be released despite the Dems.
Time for scorched earth- do it.
Every time they don’t do as Trump tells them to do, he will drop another name along with some incriminating evidence.
Love how our elected officials get to decide what WE THE PEOPLE get to be informed about.
agree. then they openly talk about it, in front of us and act like we are deaf, dumb and blind. like oh, Ok, they didn't release info on Gaetz, so no, we don't want to find out about Swallwell and his Fang Fang Bang Bang and what he probably leaked to the CCP.
i don't care if it's bad against R or D. let it all out.
Right! Cause it's like they are covering up for them. Which in turn, makes them wrong doers in my opinion.
None of them are there legally anyways, Fraud vitiates everything.
Swallwell report ...we paid for it let it out.....Epstein client list is way overdue....We The People deserve to see all of it........
It is time to DECLAS all the things!
They've already done the damage; just release the hounds.
Just cold drop the entire enchilada
Regardless of Matt Release it All
Again, with all the threats if you got something then make it public!!!
Hey Mike, how about release those 40,000 hours of J6 tapes that MCarthy wouldn't now that the Turtle isn't Senate majority leader, who was supposedly blocking the release to protect the Senate's Seargeant at Arms.
You turds need to release the JFK & Epstein reports anyway.
Every time a GOP threatens its release I hate them more & more.
Swallowswell will be VERY popular in federal prison.
The fact that they are holding on to this information and not releasing it to the public is criminal
talk is cheap
Anybody smell popcorn?
They have the Epstein client list. The fact they aren't releasing it yet using it as leverage is a reason to get rid of EVERYONE in congress.
For four decades,I have contacted my Congress Critters to tell them they need to street fight just like the Dems. Took POTUS to flip their switch.
Eventually they have to be released anyways.
agree, and none of this 70 years from now stuff either.
I'd blackmail them with this and once all cabinet appointees made, release it anyway!
not releasing the epstein list is a crime against the American people...