Petition to stop calling it "raw milk" and start calling it "pure milk". The powers that be labeled it "raw" to make it sound undesirable. It's their little word games they always do. "Reproductive health" is another example of their little word games. So I petition to call it Pure Milk, unless someone has a better name?
EDIT: And I don't think we can just call it "Milk" because the general population thinks of pasteurized milk. We need to relabel it so people immediately understand that this is true, unadulterated, "Pure Milk".
"Natural" would be good too.
Good idea except that on food labels, “Natural flavors” is anything but natural. The fda could use their manipulated definition of “natural” for milk as well.
Once you realize "natural flavors" have something in common with the phrase "Stem cells", you start to not want ANYTHING to do with foodstuffs with that in the ingredient list. If you don't believe me, notice you can't get much of any processed food without "natural flavors" in it and start digging from there.
This is exactly why I went with "Pure Milk". Companies slap the word natural on their food packaging when it's anything but natural. But, I'm still okay with Natural Milk too.
uncooked milk
I came here to say this, "pure" sounds like we think they added something to it.
“We think”.. Dude, no. Just you. pure works fine too. Fren
Then walk around the grocery store asking for pure milk if you love it so much idgaf
Yeah "raw" just means unprocessed.
Like it.
Uh ----- milk
in lieu of pasteurized milk
^^^This. Milk or government milk.
technically it's milk or cooked milk (pasteurized)
The "Homogenized" process doesn't matter, you just shake it up.
The homogenized process is what mixes the puss produced by unhealthy cows back into the milk after it separates from the other processes. MmmmMMMM
Good point. Maybe "milk" versus "fake white stuff."
cooked milk
I've seen it referred to as Real Milk, which I always liked.
This is the best choice.
I like it. Pure sounds more unprocessed.
Great idea. Went to a pharmacy for last-minute Thanksgiving ingredients, and noticed that they had 2 full refrigerated doors labeled "dairy" but only a quarter of the space were actual dairy products. Fake "creamer," oat milk, margarine, plant-based whipped cream products ... it's ridiculous.
I like the word pure, but I think "natural milk" is a better fit and will be better understood.
Milk that hasn't been burdened of what has been?
Like "affair" is adultery, Lobbying is bribery, Gay is Homosexual perversion, need we go on?
Jibby jab is poison clotshot.
I refer to it as "real" milk. I also use "real" to describe food that is made at home from "real" ingredients. Any food from a package or restaurant is labeled "questionable" and the slop from fast food distribution centers are deemed "fake". Words matter!
Milk is milk until they start giving it these stupid names. Let's call it milk.
Good call, corruption of language is the camel's nose under the tent. Now let's replace "gender" with the original, non-ambiguous, and deterministic, "sex."
Here is a great resource:
It has a raw milk finder search. You first choose your state (it's a U.S. site), and it will list all the sources in your state. Then you can refine the search by entering a mile limit from your zip code.
Also, lots of good information about the health benefits of "Real Milk" (Raw Milk). It's been a game changer for my wife and me.
Maga milk to make you great again.
Yess :)
"Fresh" is the term I use for milk and also the eggs I raise. I eat a fresh egg everyday, crack it in a glass and down it goes. There is a health reason for the anti fresh egg propaganda as well.
As kids we called it real milk as opposed to storebought milk. But marketing has ruined all the words when it comes to food.
Love It.
I like pure milk. I think in the west coast, there was a time they were trying to change it to Eden Milk.
Original recipe milk
Classic milk
How about "Milk Classic"? KEK!!!
I like how you think!
By the same logic, let's all stop calling male tranny faggots 'her' and 'she' for the same reasons.
Unmolested by the food industrial complex...
No homogenized @ 600 fps
No pasteurized cooked to kill life force carrying enzymes etc
Pure milk it is, from hence forth.
Words are powerful! I still bristle when I hear people call the poison clot shots jabs or jibbyjabs. A cutsie way of minimizing the poison aspect of the injections making people feel more comfortable submitting to them.
Raw does have a negative connotation. A coordinated rebranding would go a long way towards combatting the false narrative against it.
We could call pasteurized milk "Rotting Milk" because without the natural enzymes and thriving ecosystem, it is literally a dying and rotting things that is a great petri dish for bacteria. We could also call pasteurized milk "Pus Milk" because up to about a fourth or so of it could be recombined puss which is produced by unhealthy cows.
There are strict testing standards for milk before it leaves any farm for distribution. One of them is any trace of infected milk from mastitis. The entire tank is rejected.
Farmers must adhere to these strict standards or they are shut down.
I've been referring to it as clean or nondamaged milk, and that seems to cause my circle of peers to question what they have been tricked into settling for all these years.
I also tell them that GOD promised the Israelites a land of milk and honey, not a land of pasteurized crud posing as milk and some yellow sticky goo posing as honey. : )
And the taste of Pure Milk is so incredible….such a shame it has all but disappeared for anyone living near the big cities.
Unprocessed or unpasteurized
The word "pure" is descriptive of the quality of the milk. and how was that achieved??? So, not a good alternative. I suggest "real milk", meaning milk that has not had many of its properties destroyed by pasteurization. It's real.
Nah. I'm not folding to them. Language is language. Raw milk is fine for my body.
Just call it real milk
"" calling abortion "reproductive health"."
Yes. I see that one all the time, and it pisses me off. If the leftards can't think logically, you'd think they could at least speak that way.
Just "REAL MILK" because this is what it is. Pasteurized milk is processed milk.
We could call it milk. And then call everything else.what it is. Pasteurized, skim, 2%, and so on.
No, it should be clearly labeled Raw Unprocessed milk. Just "milk" is not detailed enough.
“Live" or “fresh" milk would be better. “Pasturized" is killing off any live organisms and “homogenized” is mixing and blending the different milk and milkfats from different cows into a non-separating blend. It also allows them to hide pus within the blended milk. No thanks.