Over 300 pages of evidence from the CDC show that vaccines cause autism
I recently received a treasure trove of electronic documents from deep inside the CDC. These documents have never been made publicly available.
The documents include voice-recordings, emails, hand-written notes, diagrams, and data.
The often repeated claim that “vaccines don’t cause autism” is quite simply inconsistent with this evidence which can be authenticated.
I am working with Trevor Fitzgibbon to pitch this to all the mainstream media so that I’m not talking to an echo chamber with this data. It is much better if we can get the blue-pilled media to red-pill their peers; it’s unlikely to happen any other way.
This is a huge scandal and our kids having been paying the price for decades all because the CDC doesn’t want to publicly admit they were wrong
I spoke with a top journalist at Inside Edition who thought that it’s one of the biggest stories of the decade. He said he would try to interest his friends at 60 Minutes and other outlets in viewing the data (the story is too big for IE).
I will keep you apprised.
" . . . all because the CDC doesn’t want to publicly admit they were wrong"
Well, and then there are all the vaccine PATENTS the CDC holds . . .
(Note: Some, but not all, of the vaccine patents listed in the above Search results are assigned to the United States' CDC).
This is unbelievably f'd up. Seriously.
Poisoning & corruption of innocence right out if the gate.
Think about that for a second...as if we don't have enough things against us to survive.
While patents do not guarantee an existence of a technology or product, I do wish we had strict laws (or Constitutional amendment) that prevented the U.S. government from holding parents and immediately vacated the ones that they do -- and for completeness' sake, not acknowledging the patent rights of other foreign governments either.
DOD, too ffs!
Should replace "wrong" with "complicit"
I got vaccines, I have high functioning autism. Coincidence? Not when you look at the data.
Well to say that they were wrong isn't quite accurate, because they did it all on purpose.
Intentionally, willfully and knowingly for decades...
They don't want to lose big pharma money
You think 60 Minutes ("brought to you by Pfizer") will run this story?? Are you out of your mind???
Or they don't want to lose their lives pissing off Big Pharma...
I use to watch Don Imus on Imus in the moring. For many years he said vaccines was causing Autism in kids. It was the first time I heard about Autism and the first time I heard the word Thimerosal used in vaccines causing Autism. https://youtu.be/JnEy3I4dvV0
Me too. And about that same time Jenny McCarthy was all over tv trying to make the case too, after one of her kids was vaccine damaged and was diagnosed w autism.
Punishment is coming soon.
I hope so, but they will have a really hard time piercing the immunity the govt gave them (probably at gunpoint or with huge cash payouts). It won't be quick.
Any (honest) scientist with shit for brains can look at the data and state jabs cause autism. Your control group is the Amish no jabs, and no autism. What changed in the late 80’s in growing media for propagating ‘antigens’ for jabs + adjuvants that are Designed to ‘excite’ the immune system? Growing medium is now human cells which cause all sorts of autoimmune diseases. Bioengineering - proprietary toxins that we don’t even know to test for. If we’ve learned anything from the c-19 bioweapon BS, it is simply DONT TRUST PHARMACEUTICALS. I’ve been trying to tell people - even dear friends with TWO autistic children - please stop jabbing. Do the risk analysis. Chances of dying of measles, mumps, tetanus is ridiculously low. Taking a jab is like Russian Roulette - one shot can change your life for keeps. (Left micro/molecular biology research & development because I hated most experiments) love one another 🙏🏼♥️✝️
For what it's worth, this opens up a very easy response from the lunatic left: "They're just not being diagnosed / not seeing doctors / not seeing the right doctors / etc."
A better control group would be comparing the rate of autism in the people who have been vaccinated and the ones who have lived the same length of time without any vaccinations.
It would be hard to argue data from that, but it must be done transparently in plain view of the public.
We all have that poison in us. I'm 43 and got all the childhood bs. I developed some very odd ticks and disorders in elementary school. I still have them. They came out of nowhere. Vaccines. I've done huge detoxes, fasting, heavy metal cleanses, parasite cleanses. I still have the problems. It sucks. Never been to a doctor. They will just say it's a man made disorder name and prescribe medication. I hate clothes touching my skin. I start ticking. I'm best in summer shirtless and shoeless. It's weird. My mom said she couldn't even bundle me up as a baby. I would scream.
I do find it amusing that they created their undoing: us.
There wouldn't be a legion of neuro-divergents heaven sent on bringing them down. On principle too, cause that's a problem in us.
Autists on both sides. It's just that our side prevailingly learned to live with our autistic issues or suppress them, and their autists have been wearing it as a girl scout badge on top of all of their other identities.
Their autists are addicted to Reddit and MSM headlines.
I think the biggest culprit in vaccine damage related to autism is the mercury in the form of thymerisol that breaches the blood brain barrier. This is what I’ve read in the past anyway.
It’s the aluminum too. And a small study was run that found 100/100 autistic children examined had THREE DNA profiles. The third? Aborted fetal cell lines took root and grew within their bodies. This might explain the level of mental illness & people coming out as gay/trans, they’ve got extra DNA screwing them up.
Yeah, I’ve read that too.
Just want to remind you Frens. This is NOT accidental, or oopsie, we f’d up. Those at the top knowingly, purposefully, design to do harm. Think about it; they Want to harm our children - abort them, transition them, 70+ jabs, poison them with toxins in food. We have to get that through our heads. They (evil) will Never admit, or apologize. Pray to God ✝️🙏🏼♥️
And then...
Because they are blood drinking devil worshipers. Stop playing patty cakes with the devil.
You can only say they were wrong if it was caused by unintended consequences. But the consequences werent unintended, these vaccines did exactly what the death cult wanted.
As much as I want to believe this, why is Kirsch posting a glaringly obvious A.I. generated photo of printed documents instead of posting the pdfs of the actual documents for all to see? Something here smells fishy. What makes him think the "blue-pulled media" will do anything other than suppress this info and play defence for their benefactors, big pharma, like they have always, always, always done?
All this time I thought Centers for Disease Control meant that they were protecting us from disease. Seems more like they meant they were spreading disease, a different form of control.
The # I've read is that 1 in 38 american children have autism. The # of required injections is somewhere around 72 now. Back in my day (born 1952) it was 2! I never heard of autism until about 20 years ago. It seemed non-existent back in my day...
This is not about being "wrong"! This is about knowingly commiting war crimes for monetary gain! These vaccines are actually biological weapons used against humanity!
It does for sure but it has an array of adjuvants too, fluoride and the effects of screen flicker and flashing imagery are just two of many that have not had any proper research into their effects on the developing brain, particularly the hippocampus and amygdala.
What's in Bobby's arsenal of docs?
Both of those networks recorded segments with RFK 15 years ago and pulled them before they aired. Please don't get your hopes up that either of those networks will ever let it air.