Welcome to General Chat - GAW Community Area
This General Chat area started off as a place for people to talk about things that are off topic, however it has quickly evolved into a community and has become an integral part of the GAW experience for many of us.
Based on its evolving needs and plenty of user feedback, we are trying to bring some order and institute some rules. Please make sure you read these rules and participate in the spirit of this community.
Rules for General Chat
Be respectful to each other. This is of utmost importance, and comments may be removed if deemed not respectful.
Avoid long drawn out arguments. This should be a place to relax, not to waste your time needlessly.
Personal anecdotes, puzzles, cute pics/clips - everything welcome
Please do not spam at the top level. If you have a lot to post each day, try and post them all together in one top level comment
Try keep things light. If you are bringing in deep stuff, try not to go overboard.
Things that are clearly on-topic for this board should be posted as a separate post and not here (except if you are new and still getting the feel of this place)
If you find people violating these rules, deport them rather than start a argument here.
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In short, imagine this thread to be a local community hall where we all gather and chat daily. Please be respectful to others in the same way
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First! God Bless frens! Have a great day!
Now you get the honor of sharing your favorite verse
Here's mine...😺🙏
2 Chronicles 7:14
King James Version
14 If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.
This is one of my top as well. Such a powerful verse. So awesome to think about. Lord we cry out to you. Forgive us. Heal our land. Save our children. Return our men back to being men and woman to woman. Rise up you body. Amen. Love you sis
So powerful for me as well. Our Father sees our deep sorrow at our separation from him and our heartfelt attempts to follow His Path. He is Cleansing His World and we are blessed to witness it! Love you brother! 🙏🤍
My favorite of the popular ones Proverbs 3:5-6 "Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths."
I have many favs depending on the circumstance or how I'm feeling.
Such a great verse. Thanks for sharing.
Look at you. Just took part in your first ever "First Verse"
Who ever is first must share the verse 😉😁😎😜🫂
Kek very nice ring to that! It's a thing now.BB needs to put it in the header of the thread.
Yep it's been going on for over a year now. We are still working to get everyone on same page about it. So glad to hear you are learning about it and wanna play with us. Maybe BB will do that. I would love it but it's up to him. God bless.
Oh hey how can I pray for you today
Noted. Thank you.
To answer that feels selfish in a way and I just don't know. I can say for a few months I haven't spent much time reading the Word or even praying, so maybe a little nudge to refocus on what is actually important. Idk if that is an appropriate ask.
God provides. He knows all that you need. Give thanks even for things you don't have yet. He is your shepherd and He will make you lie down in green pastures and lead you by quiet waters.
Oh don't get that first frog in the pond shit started here! /s
Kek too late fren that ship done sailed
I ... finally got a pepe by my name! Woot woot!
A good end to the day!
I just got one too. What does it mean?
"A good billiard player is the sign of a steady hand and good hand-eye coordination. A great billiard player is the sign of a wasted youth."
It's kinda like that, but for GAW anons. Lots of time in the pond has made us superfrogs.
Reading your comment about pool made me think of my best friend Linda...beautiful girl but I suspect she is the reincarnation of Minnesota Fats
Hot dog! I'm a superfrog?
Congratulations froggie! ✨
Gratz fren!
Yay! Congratulations! ✨
Gratz! Still waiting on mine, but it's all good. I am used to being fashionably last kek!
Lol @ fashionably late. A peek at your scores says you'll be waiting a while, fren. Better start posting more.
Yeah, my heavy posting days are in the past. Baking full time and modding on one of the bigger OG discord groups back in the hay day of the drops was task enough. After Q retired I designated my attributes to affirmations and calling out fuckery. We all have different roles, mine are comment oriented at this point in the movie.
I'll post on occasion, usually just old bakes and psa's. Everytime I notice a relevant delta another frog has already beat me to the clock!
Lol. Yeah, some frogs are crazy fast.
🙏Prayer Garden Podcast EP20: Chris (Fat_Moco)🙏 https://youtu.be/lp2g5ZCHkbs?si=juVWeOo2dyGpv6GO
#VictoryGoingViral Hello! Welcome back to the Prayer Garden Podcast! On this episode we speak with my friend Chris. Chris shares his testimony how he has always walked with the Lord, even as a child, but how that can sometimes relate to feeling like the older brother in the prodigal son parable. We hear how Chris’ relationship with Christ has developed and matured over time, leading up to his recent revelation about the prophetic in our current age. Come and hear what God has revealed to Chris about healing our nation with the testimony of the saints and making America Godly again!
Thank you for tuning in! Together through Christ we have endless potential.
Email us! PrayerGarden22@Gmail.com
0:01 - Introduction
1:36 - Opening Prayer
3:03 - Bible Verse (Revelation 12:11)
8:42 - Announcements
13:05 - Beginning of Testimony (Childhood)
23:06 - The Search for Truth
27:17 - “Falling Short” Moments
33:00 - Ryan's Brain Fart Moment😂🥺😂
36:00 - Maturing in Christ; Outpouring of the Holy Spirit
45:25 - The Prophetic in Today’s Time
1:04:49 - Prophetic Application in “Real World” Settings
1:16:54 - Reawaken America/Victory Going Viral
1:28:47 - Closing Prayer/Remarks
Good morning beautiful patriots.
with cream, please.
Animal Antics: I Want To Play!
Kitten Hoping To Get Cuddles And Playtime Disappointed: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/6KQP4h00X0I
The Remember Your Name Game: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/pxYD2J396ws
Don't Wake Me Up To Play!: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/nEWqjAULnJQ
Build Your Own Cat Play Wall: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/bg4I_NtOshE
Clever Dog Makes A Game Out Of Theft: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/MYkg-9UkJbI
Snow Fight! https://www.youtube.com/shorts/RNdpzPNv1bw
Puppy Plays Copy Cat With Dog: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/bxY1e-KSG3k
Smoking Toy Addicts?: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/WL9nUja-vRU
Playtime For Birthday Dog: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/uOtpplw7AYM
Cat Dad Games?: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/tKayce4rhTs
Snow The Blind Dog Finds Cat Bestie: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/xgpv2HhJ7Aw
Favorite Verses: Romans 8 (Just read the whole chapter! My preferred version)
That little kitten that laid on the floor with it's arms straight in the air, lol. So cute.
Blanket pardon
No more 5A protection
Must testify and tell everything
Forced to admit your own crimes
Testimony is televised
No longer able to walk down the street
Well, again the meltdown continues. but its not only the libs.
So disappointing to see the reeeeing on the board because Comey's daughter is Joining the team prosecuting Diddy.
This is a long-term operation. Pieces being pout together meticulously. Not see the Epstein list?
Do you think there would be such interest in it if it was produced when the Maxwell trial took place? Don't you think that the MSM would have swept it all under the rug?
Now, the MSM has lost ALL steam. They have crumbled beyond repair. And even normies know or have heard now about the Epsein list. Our people, and others, have pushed this right to the fore. Think Kash, think Musk, think, well, everyone.
Don't forget you are in the midst of a war. If you aren't going to think like a solider, then don't even pretend you a warrior.
5G warfare requires 5G thinking. Did it not occur to you that there are reasons, important reasons, why the Epstein list has not been released?
How do you generate impact? How do you generate attention? The time is ripe.
Those who think that 'nothing is happening' are blackpilled. Those who think that nothing has happened, neither Trust Trump nor have taken any of the lessons that Q aspired to instill.
Timing is EVERYTHING in warfare. Learn our comms = learn to think in terms of intel warfare.
At this point I just ignore those who say "nothing is happening" and keep moving on. There is nothing else I can do. I see a leftie, I can atleast try to redpill them. I see a "nothing is happening", there is nothing I can do.
46 is a average between 45-47
46 = “Second term, which we kind of having now”
Recently had two family members with different medical issues. One with high blood pressure that won't seem to go down even with a good diet and prescribed medication. Doctor's solution was to double the medication. Not really working. The other family member has Parkinson disease. Both are non vaxxed and based. Any help or suggestions would be appreciated. Of course I understand all replies "are not medical advise." Thanks in advance.
Fren, it's rather late in the day and the new day's Gen Chat will be posted before long. Please be sure to ask again tomorrow if you don't get some good answers. I'm going to ask someone I know about Parkinson's and get back to you if she has any good info. I hope you get some help.
Thank you for your kind reply and suggestion.
I can do more research and get back to you in a few days. High BP: diet is going to help tremendously. More eggs, animal protein and fats, less carbs. You won’t find that info on gov food recommendations. I believe hawthorn helps with high BP. It’s considered the heart plant. Herbs that help the nervous system might be helpful for Parkinson’s. I eat carnivore diet and I think several months ago I saw videos saying it helped Parkinson’s. Research drinking vinegar with the mother (unfiltered) for BP. Don’t drink it straight the acid will harm the teeth. Can do vinegar and water. I like ginger and lemon with the vinegar.
Thank you for this information. There is so much government sanctioned medical misinformation, I just don't trust they have my family members well being at heart. I knew I could count on my frens here at GAW to help. Thank you for your input. I look forward to you research and will let my family members know this in the meantime.
Your welcome. FYI: natural medicine takes time because it heals the body. Unlike pharmaceuticals that only mask the symptoms. I try to use natural medicine however sometimes I do rely on RX, especially for pain. High BP could also be a symptom of another medication. Also stress and pain can cause high BP. I’ve had chronic pain over twenty years and at times it was very high when the pain got bad. I had high BP for many years and was on medication. Years ago I stopped the meds and just lived with high BP. Probably not smart! But eventually with diet and probably from one of many herbs it got normal.
I’ve lost weight and that’s helped. However many people who aren’t overweight still have high BP. If they eat processed foods that probably isn’t helping. Also so many foods are labeled “healthy” “heart smart” etc and it’s just marketing and lies. Seed oils are very bad, especially corn, canola, soy and palm. Then you got corn syrup, fructose and sugar (first two is sugar). Also artificial sweeteners and sweeteners from plants cause multiple health problems. It takes an education to understand ingredients. Basically if man makes it, it’s bad.
Can anyone tell me what this means? (And even if I wanted to use Google messages, which I'm suspicious of, how would I switch to that within my phone's text messaging?) Thanks!
Sorry, I don't know but I would guess it has something to do with your phone being now considered "outdated." Don't honestly know though.
It is pretty old
So is Stranger Things season 3 worth watching? My wife and I watched the first episode of season 3 and by this point it just seems tiresome. "Here we go again" kind of situation. Plus I'm afraid they're gonna make the one boy who got possessed in the second season gay or something. The teenage sex in the second season also made me a bit uncomfortable. I haven't seen any media involving that sort of thing since my sister watched 90210 when I was in high school. Just feels even weirder as an adult and as a father.
I’ve never watched it. I once heard a sex trafficking victim mention it and other TV series, said it’s a good example of real things that happen in that world. Something about it turned me off. Strange because I’ve always watched weird syfy things.
Been a few years (?!) now since I saw it, but it gets significantly darker/scarier from what I recall. Wife and I watched the first two seasons with our son and it was fine. Got 1 episode into season 3 and noped him right out of it. Too scary for him. Don’t think there was any gayness involved lol. It’s worth watching if you enjoy classic horrors like Nightmare On Elm St (it’s a definite nod to that series) and are invested in the story. It unlocks a lot about Eleven’s past. I don’t recall any sex either, but I could be forgetting, as I don’t recall any sex from season 2 either.
You watch TV? I don't own a TV and I rarely watch fiction on my laptop. I prefer to learn stuff. I like documentaries. Narate imasu.
I don't, really. I barely watch anything. I occasionally rent movies. I don't watch TV programs. I happen to have watched the first two seasons of Stranger Things (not through paying for a Netflix account) which started about a year ago. So... 16 episodes over a year's worth of time.
Japan, speaking to Greece 😂😂
You are both fine! Believe me 😁
I stopped after two. Got very boring
Question. Can a blanket pardon by a president for a government official stop a military tribunal?
Check out this post by u/blacksmith21
Noice redoot! Thank you smithy!
What's Causing These Weird Fire Burn Patterns in California and Maui? Forensic Arborist Explains
Last night I dreamt I was in Boston and sky was scary and dark and something big was coming there and I ran and woke up. Maybe something will happen in Boston?
Do your dreams often portend things to come? (And do you live near Boston?)
No I don't live in Boston and I hardly remember my dreams. But last week when I prayed I asked God for wisdom, courage, and ability to prophecy. So I thought maybe you know, this dream could mean something lol maybe I'm just being silly..kek
P.S I've never dreamt of Boston or know anybody from Boston so it's very odd.
That IS odd then. Hmm. Well, I guess we'll find out soon enough. It's interesting that Massachusetts was where the pilgrims landed and has so much history, but has gone so far to the left it's insane. I wouldn't be surprised at all if something big happened there soon! If it does, please be sure to make a post about it.
Yeah, weird and you're right, they went so far left it's sad. I was also thinking I bet nobody at GAW is living in Boston or MA, lol. I mean it's so full of lefties I doubt a singe person there knows of our existence.
I've actually seen some posters here say they're in Mass. Pray for them!
Which do you guys think sounds the best for the tail end of a business name?
That depends on what exactly you offer. Mowing if you mow grass and nothing else. Gardening, lawn and yard can branch out from just basic cutting grass. Also do an online search or maps search for similar businesses in your area. Keywords can make or break you. Especially with AI incorporated in every aspect of online searches. For example on facebook if I’m trying to find a page I already follow. The search can’t find it, yet AI is supposed to be smart. If I search online it takes me to Facebook page. I know google and Facebook are very bad but when looking for a business unfortunately they are essential. Many businesses make a Facebook page instead of paying for a website. (Only reason I have a no friends fakebook account, keep up with local happenings)
I like "mowing service." That way everything else exceeds expectations.
Gardening Service. Assuming you handle all aspects of gardening.
Yard or Gardening Service...good luck!
If I read the first two, I would think that was the entirety of what you offered. So if you offer more, like doctoring plants, cutting hedges, putting down mulch, planting new shrubs and trees, etc. I would suggest using Gardening Service. Just my .02 cents. Good luck to you.
Anyone here setup on, or buy from 17switch.com?
I'd like to check it out but creating an account isn't just signing up.
I'm thinking that when Trump takes office, and the economy starts booming (if deep state doesn't sabotage it), gold and silver will take a HUGE nose dive.
The value of gold and silver never really changes. Its the value of the dollar that changes and hence the apparent price of gold and silver.
When the financial system is cleaned up, and Fed is killed and all the cabal assets are seized, the value of dollar gets restored, which means the price of gold and silver will look like its done down to say early 1900s time.
However, everything else in the economy would also be revalued the same way, so the houses will cost what they were costing 50 years ago, your salaries will be revalued as well, so over all our quality of life will improve, but gold and silver will never lose value.