Yep. Turbo cancer for the propagandist lying and baying during this interview that the shot was "completely safe and effective" and 90% efficacy. Remember these fuckin clowns during Covid? Sorry to hear about your turbo cancer, Drew
This man was so amazing...I listened to him early on in covid until he died. It was hard to know who to listen to when it all started (not that I would ever take a vaccine) but I am so glad I recognized him as a truthteller. He definitely was a martyr for truth...God rest his soul...what a great man. These people that pushed the vax are SO evil...
I was in my late 60's at the time. I had a 99.5% chance of survival if I got covid. I believe I got that survival % from the CDC own website. I knew then the covid scam was bravo sierra!
Yep. And I didn't know anything about Buttar until this post, so I did a quick search on him. The man is dead and the top search result links to wikipedia. And just read the first sentence. Not that he was "an American doctor born in the UK" or anything like that. Instant SMEAR. The first sentence:
was an American conspiracy theorist, anti-vaxxer and osteopathic physician.
Fauci gonna be dangling til dead. I think he needs the Keitel treatment (Nuremburg trials) OR torn limb from limb... EITHER WAY - he NEEDS to ( as do others) be made an example of. The population of earth NEEDS TO BE HORRIFIED at what they did and our right and just response(s) for those crimes and sins. For all of these beings - please pray for them as they are held accountable for their crimes against humanity and beagle puppies (sand fleas).
Sad but he was a valiant warrior against the devil's cabal. I would bet he is safe in God's hands now
Everything he said is spot on except: when he said that most that took covid 19 vaccines will be dead by 2025. 2025 is 24 days away & I doubt that it will be most. This again, proves, for me, that the white hats intervened.
I don't know about that. I just don't think we know what was in the shots yet. It could have been to make the the children of the vaxed be sterile? could have some control mechanism that has yet to be activated?..Or it could just be an installed kill switch that they can hang over our heads? Or it could have been just a gradual healthcare money grab doing what we are seeing it do now? Who knows for sure at this point? They don't want us to know for 75 years.
But we do know that most have not died by 2025 (Unless there are mass deaths the next few weeks) Also This doctor here says that the vaccines vary quite a bit, so we do know that.
It would be awesome if after Trump is sworn in, they come out with a detailed explanation of how they prevented mass casualties by swapping out saline for the "vaccines", to the maximum extent possible.
But if there had been no swap out, would the rise in all cause mortality have been 100%, 200%, or more? That is the question we will hopefully know the answer to soon.
Just as Kerry Mullis, the inventor of the PCR test (and on video saying the PCR test doesn't tell you if you're sick or in danger) died of a "stroke" in Oct 2019.
Indeed. And since all PCR is doing is making copies of the same strand of DNA and amplifying it each cycle, it'd make it appear as though a small amount of something is actually a lot more of something than it actually is.
Mullis was very outspoken against Fauci for many years, even going back to the AIDS epidemic (if there was one).
So I can see it now, little rat fink Fauci gets recruited into the covid scam, probably name drops his long time peer and biggest critic to take care of that little problem, and then corrupts Mullis' life's work to sell the covid scam.
I pray to Almighty GOD that CNN and other participating news stations will be shut down forever for pushing vaccines! Lives were destroyed because people thought they could trust the so called "news", I pray GOD's wrath will finally be poured out on the cabal soon. I did not take it, but I do happen to know some pretty wonderful folks who did. : (
He claimed he was poisoned with 200x the normal level in Oct 2021. But he doesn't die. No he lives. He loves for 19 months. During this time he doesn't seem to mention this poisoning for 18 months. And he provides no evidence. He is a Dr. He would know how to test for this poison. No evidence at all.
The interviewer is dead as well I believe. Just as Buttar said he would be soon, in the interview.
Yep. Turbo cancer for the propagandist lying and baying during this interview that the shot was "completely safe and effective" and 90% efficacy. Remember these fuckin clowns during Covid? Sorry to hear about your turbo cancer, Drew
Instead, it was 0% safe and negative efficacy.
Yep, what a home run product
Yes. Drew Griffin was his name. Dead of cancer that he didn't tell his coworkers about.
It's funny, this Deadline article doesn't mention the interview with Dr. Buttar. Odd.
This man was so amazing...I listened to him early on in covid until he died. It was hard to know who to listen to when it all started (not that I would ever take a vaccine) but I am so glad I recognized him as a truthteller. He definitely was a martyr for truth...God rest his soul...what a great man. These people that pushed the vax are SO evil...
I was in my late 60's at the time. I had a 99.5% chance of survival if I got covid. I believe I got that survival % from the CDC own website. I knew then the covid scam was bravo sierra!
Same. And that is what I responded with when anyone questioned me on my lack of a mask or vax. If it didn't shut them up it made them show like fools.
it is AMAZING how much and how boldly cnn has been lying to us for decades...
Once the initial mass exposure of pharma takes place we will see more of these news clips of media taking on an active role in the deception.
"We didn't know" isn't going to cut it this time.
Yep. And I didn't know anything about Buttar until this post, so I did a quick search on him. The man is dead and the top search result links to wikipedia. And just read the first sentence. Not that he was "an American doctor born in the UK" or anything like that. Instant SMEAR. The first sentence:
Wikipedia is as bad as cnn. They made sure to tarnish this man's work and reputation with nothing but hate speech. Pathetic
it is informational warfare after all...
He is one of many who lost their lives telling the truth. An unsung hero.
Fauci gonna be dangling til dead. I think he needs the Keitel treatment (Nuremburg trials) OR torn limb from limb... EITHER WAY - he NEEDS to ( as do others) be made an example of. The population of earth NEEDS TO BE HORRIFIED at what they did and our right and just response(s) for those crimes and sins. For all of these beings - please pray for them as they are held accountable for their crimes against humanity and beagle puppies (sand fleas).
Sad but he was a valiant warrior against the devil's cabal. I would bet he is safe in God's hands now
Everything he said is spot on except: when he said that most that took covid 19 vaccines will be dead by 2025. 2025 is 24 days away & I doubt that it will be most. This again, proves, for me, that the white hats intervened.
I don't know about that. I just don't think we know what was in the shots yet. It could have been to make the the children of the vaxed be sterile? could have some control mechanism that has yet to be activated?..Or it could just be an installed kill switch that they can hang over our heads? Or it could have been just a gradual healthcare money grab doing what we are seeing it do now? Who knows for sure at this point? They don't want us to know for 75 years.
But we do know that most have not died by 2025 (Unless there are mass deaths the next few weeks) Also This doctor here says that the vaccines vary quite a bit, so we do know that.
I think people will be dying from various ingredients from the jab for years to come.
It would be awesome if after Trump is sworn in, they come out with a detailed explanation of how they prevented mass casualties by swapping out saline for the "vaccines", to the maximum extent possible.
They didn't swap out saline for the vaccines. Saline doesn't create 40% rise in all cause mortality.
But if there had been no swap out, would the rise in all cause mortality have been 100%, 200%, or more? That is the question we will hopefully know the answer to soon.
So, you're saying just a portion of the total could have been swapped out?
That's what I've seen some people say, with talk about "bad batches" being the actual covid concoction, and other batches being placebos.
You think they let the real criminal mastermind prance around on television for years? Come on.
This is a long and dirty war. So many have given their lives to bring the truth to light.
Just as Kerry Mullis, the inventor of the PCR test (and on video saying the PCR test doesn't tell you if you're sick or in danger) died of a "stroke" in Oct 2019.
seriously. I've read that at a 40 cycle threshold you can find damn near anything.
Indeed. And since all PCR is doing is making copies of the same strand of DNA and amplifying it each cycle, it'd make it appear as though a small amount of something is actually a lot more of something than it actually is.
Mullis was very outspoken against Fauci for many years, even going back to the AIDS epidemic (if there was one).
So I can see it now, little rat fink Fauci gets recruited into the covid scam, probably name drops his long time peer and biggest critic to take care of that little problem, and then corrupts Mullis' life's work to sell the covid scam.
I pray to Almighty GOD that CNN and other participating news stations will be shut down forever for pushing vaccines! Lives were destroyed because people thought they could trust the so called "news", I pray GOD's wrath will finally be poured out on the cabal soon. I did not take it, but I do happen to know some pretty wonderful folks who did. : (
His family did not say he was murdered. Here's their statement.
No way to really know, but there you go. He apparently said he was poisoned. Perhaps his family did not want to add fuel to the fire.
He claimed he was poisoned with 200x the normal level in Oct 2021. But he doesn't die. No he lives. He loves for 19 months. During this time he doesn't seem to mention this poisoning for 18 months. And he provides no evidence. He is a Dr. He would know how to test for this poison. No evidence at all.
Red flags for me
"Gain of function research" = "How to kill the useless eaters."
Obvious that CNN invited him to do an interview for the sole purpose of gaslighting.
Too bad he was naive about why they wanted to interview him.
Everything the CNN narrator/interviewer said was false. Everything.
I'm sure it had the desired effect on the low information viewers who watched this disinformation piece.
"It would be laughable if it wasn't so dangerous."
Insert studio laugh track
We don't hate the MSM enough.
Thank you for the post OP. I didn’t know about either one of these people. Very sad. Cause of death "not disclosed" by the family. But he died days after claiming he was poisoned (according to some write ups)
Who did this Voice Over?
Troy McClure?