Mossad Agents doing "renovations" installed the explosives. Building 7 and the contemptuous admissions by the only person - Larry Silverstein - who had ever been paid out by insurance company twice for a terrorist attack. Silverstein actually used the term "we had to pull it" a demolition term. It couldn't have been more obvious. A missile hit the Pentagon, not a plane.
They dance again and the bombs should start raining down on them. Does this government have the balls to kick it off? Or do they just hide the truth like they did last time and attack another Arab country for them?
Looks like someone is downvoting comment sections on posts (probably handshake accounts). The Israel account is rubbing October 7 in the face of Hamas. They have a secular culture steeped in homosexuality, secular music, and dancing. They’re just trying to piss off Islamic extremists.
It’s not going to work. The people and the land will not cease to war and destroy each other in self-destruction. They all deserve it.
Starting to think what we're hearing about Space Force testing nuke sniffing drones (or using them for real) is the Sky Event we've been waiting for.
It relates back to Sum of All Fears, in that they might be looking for a device. Hope they find what they are looking for.
The reason this is all over the news/socials and gov't officials trying to claim mistaken ident -- they are trying to obfuscate the real reports/video. As they always do, trying to baffle us with bullshit.
The papal beast's pawn and fake Jews state of Israel stoaking the flame to further ignite hatred of the Jews in furtherance with the ultimate plan to resurrect the Crusades and Inquisitions and usher in a NWO and Nationalize "the Church" once again to be the open and tangible ruler of world government?
hit em where it hurts winn, hit em right in their Jerusalem Cross; one massive hit for each little cross and a Joe Rogan spinning back-kick for the big one; sternum crush!
9/11 2.0?
That’s obviously what it implies. I think we need more info on the poster.
Obviously, some people didn't make the connection.
Seems like a counter to wwg1wga.
Best analysis thus far of 9/11 lol
Mossad Agents doing "renovations" installed the explosives. Building 7 and the contemptuous admissions by the only person - Larry Silverstein - who had ever been paid out by insurance company twice for a terrorist attack. Silverstein actually used the term "we had to pull it" a demolition term. It couldn't have been more obvious. A missile hit the Pentagon, not a plane.
I showed family the missile and they staunchly denied and got angry
literally our first thoughts as well - 100%
My first thought also
The Five Dancing Israelis (Mossad) on 9/11
They dance again and the bombs should start raining down on them. Does this government have the balls to kick it off? Or do they just hide the truth like they did last time and attack another Arab country for them?
I've seen a lot more talk about the Liberty attack the last week or so. People are waking up.
It's still the same people financing both sides for profit.
dancing Israelis
It’s a reference to the Oct. 7th Nova Music Festival
Double meaning
Makes sense now.
Does anyone have video of the Israelis dancing?
I meant to say video footage of them dancing and cheering as they’re being recorded; not the reports about them
Came here to say the same.
For me, and I would imagine anyone who looked into the 911 inside job (mossad), it’s a clear reference to 911.
What’s a very popular costume in Isreal during Purim? Burning twin towers. Very tasteful.
One example, many have been Shoad…
They are threatening and mocking us, again.
Official Account for Israel
The implication is very clear. They are promising is precipice very soon.
Bring it on!
Looks like someone is downvoting comment sections on posts (probably handshake accounts). The Israel account is rubbing October 7 in the face of Hamas. They have a secular culture steeped in homosexuality, secular music, and dancing. They’re just trying to piss off Islamic extremists.
It’s not going to work. The people and the land will not cease to war and destroy each other in self-destruction. They all deserve it.
thats right my fren, we need to fight, and cant wait anymore, they are no match for world wide anon armies
That post is just an agitation of October 7 against Hamas. It’s like “Live Strong” and other catch phrases to express freedom.
Clearly a reference to the Dancing Israelis from 9/11.
Or the music festival?
May 11, 2024 plus exactly 7 months and 7 days after that tweet = Dec 18, 2024
Q370 Dec 18 delta. Do not forget, Syria fell on 12/8.
And each of these relevant post #s = 18 ⬇️
u/#q594 u/#q864 u/#q1737
Starting to think what we're hearing about Space Force testing nuke sniffing drones (or using them for real) is the Sky Event we've been waiting for.
It relates back to Sum of All Fears, in that they might be looking for a device. Hope they find what they are looking for.
The reason this is all over the news/socials and gov't officials trying to claim mistaken ident -- they are trying to obfuscate the real reports/video. As they always do, trying to baffle us with bullshit.
WWDA - What Would Deepstate Ado
Who Would Donald Axe? 🤔
When Woke Dudes Assemble? 🤣
Worldwide Web Destruction Activate? 🤨
Wondrous Whistleblower Dog Ashland! 👌
WorldWide Drone Attack
False flag incoming
WWDA We will destroy America
maybe this:
They're planning another art installation that kills thousands of innocents?
Lots of talk about the pentagon, irs, getting audited ... what happened last time Rumsfeld said trillions were unaccounted for?
The papal beast's pawn and fake Jews state of Israel stoaking the flame to further ignite hatred of the Jews in furtherance with the ultimate plan to resurrect the Crusades and Inquisitions and usher in a NWO and Nationalize "the Church" once again to be the open and tangible ruler of world government?
hit em where it hurts winn, hit em right in their Jerusalem Cross; one massive hit for each little cross and a Joe Rogan spinning back-kick for the big one; sternum crush!
Search for dancing Israelis 9/11
That looks to have been posted 2 months before the Trump assassination attempt in PA in July, any thoughts they may had been talking about that event?
What is their reasoning for attacking their only reliable ally?
2 Samuel 6:14
Maybe their costumes will be stadiums instead of twin towers.
...when God, not the Zionist, puts them back into the land...