I dont think any op like this will work. The People are hip to the game. Playbook known. The MSM propaganda machine is impotent. Fake News -- the greatest marketing campaign of all time. And probably the most important. We are already too far down the path to awakening for them to use any of the tools that pacified and gaslighted us in the past. They will never get the genie back in the bottle. Their lies and FF are called out in real time and the news spreads like a wildfire.
And there is a new sheriff in town and hes armed to the hilt with an army that numbers in the billions worldwide. Trump isnt just Americas Sword, Americas Shield, but the worlds. And people across the earth know it.
I think they are trumps and elon's drones. I believe Trump is using them to ensure a peaceful transition that he will not be spied on, by the Pentagon or government. While he's at mar-a-laga, the drones fly around bedminster and other military installations.
How could the government tell us what they're for? "Oh, we spied on Trump the first time so he's paying for his transition to be private this time and has droned up so that if we spy he can catch us!"
That's why they all know!
I also think they are white hat drones, but that doesn't mean that the black hats didn't have a drone plan for December or a UFO scare plan or even a radionuclear lock down plan
I think the white hats got there first and control the narrative now to their own timing.
The next false flag Anonymous 5/23/2022, 00:39:54 No. 92497
The next false flag will be centered on the premise of malicious interdiction of nuclear source materials. It will not involve a nuclear device or nuclear detonation but rather a radiological threat. Nuclear source materials will be deliberately leaked to target areas to inflict severe injuries through radiation exposure. The real number of casualties as a result of these attacks will remain very low. The purpose is to create a new method of restricting freedom of movement and new policies that will enable the government to continue its expansion of power. The media will display images of attack survivors who will have burns and lesions across their skin. Videos depicting overwhelmed triage centers with victims vomiting or otherwise unresponsive will be shared on social media. The threat of radiation exposure - an invisible enemy - will be used as the primary vector.
An application modeled after COVID contact tracing will be installed on every mobile device that uses iOS or Android. This application will serve to notify the user about “potential hazardous exposure” and recommend actions they should take which include voluntary exposure testing. Additionally, cellular carriers will roll out automated SMS alerts that will have similar functionality. This application will interface directly with the UICC on mobile devices. If the user does not have this application installed, network connectivity will be prohibited. New policy will grant governmental agencies further access to metadata and geolocation data on every platform. Included in these policies will be backdoor legislation that bans the use of end-to-end encryption. This legislation will be identical in nature to the recently introduced S.3538 EARN IT act.
These attacks will be localized to a specific region. Triage centers will be set up in the affected areas through the deployment of the National Guard and coordinating members such as FEMA. These triage centers will see moderate traffic. The narrative will continue longer than any possible threat. Despite offering no protection or even relevancy against a radiological threat, you will see another wave of people wearing cotton surgical masks in not just target areas but the entire United States.
There will be severe disruptions to the Internet through the use of addition rather than negation. Alternative sources of information will become overwhelmed with content generated by convolutional neural networks that support the narrative or use a carefully crafted opposition. Platforms that are incompatible with this system will be suppressed entirely on the infrastructure level. There will be organic service disruptions as a result of excess traffic.
Videos will surface showing these triage centers empty with the personnel staffing them idle. This will threaten the narrative. The control of information is required for the campaign to be successful.
The perpetrator will not be an Islamic-affiliated group or evil I.N.C.E.L. domestic terrorist. It will have no relevancy to the ongoing Ukraine conflict, but the blame will fall on all of these groups. The fog of war will surround information relating to the origin, and this will be intentional.
The real attacks will be psychological. Fear will be exploited. Just like with the manufactured response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
NNSA, working with federal, state, and local partners, to hold major radiological incident exercise in Austin May 16-20 https://archive.ph/olWos
No further forfeiting freedoms, like we allowed with 9/11. Fear or not, the answer is NO. Haven’t our governmental agencies, along with Congress, proved they are unworthy of our trust?
I saw that lousy Kirby guy on the morning "news" (ABC) and he sounded like such an idiot claiming that there are thousands of drones being legally flown all over the U.S., and that lousy Stephanopolis didn't even say "but the drones being observed are much larger than the legal drones you are referring to".
ABC had to pay 15 million dollars for George in his defamation suit.
George has taken down his Twitter account, probably so he does not misspeak ever again. Such a cushy resolution instead of getting fired for costing your company 15 million!
He'll still be blathering on the news making money.
This is almost the same playbook as the Obummer Netflix movie - LEAVE THE WORLD BEHIND.
"Videos will surface showing these triage centers empty with the personnel staffing them idle. This will threaten the narrative. The control of information is required for the campaign to be successful.
The perpetrator will not be an Islamic-affiliated group or evil I.N.C.E.L. domestic terrorist. It will have no relevancy to the ongoing Ukraine conflict, but the blame will fall on all of these groups. The fog of war will surround information relating to the origin, and this will be intentional."
They couldn't control the narratives, have failed miserably, therefore campaign will fail.
The fog of war has cleared up before it even began. We know It's the Obummer Soros WEF NWO UN people AGAIN! Now that the majority throughout the world have woken up to the bullshit covid plandemic, they'll also know this one is BS.
not all heros wear capes. not everyone can wade through all the fed fag boi shill garbage, that you have to go through to get to the info that your looking for at 4chan .
That may have been the plan in 2022. Whatever is unfolding now is shrouded in mystery, but team dark doesn't have the resources to make it so in just that way any longer.
As strongly as I believe in a positive outcome for humanity and the Earth, the danger right now is in the fact that these entities are so evil that they would literally destroy everything rather than give up the prize.
That means that we who anchor the positive timeline need to just keep doing that.
Literally won’t work. I’ll shoot a motherfucker if he tries to mask me or restrict my movements again, and so will millions of others. They wanna fuck around again they’ll find out quick.
the drones have to be government or private sector weapons developer, as i believe they have been flying in and out of restricted air space, a Cessna can't go into restricted airspace without f-16s being deployed with live ammunitions
FEAR! We are living in the most fear mongering time ever. And the main reason for this is there's is a lot of power and money available to individuals and organizations who can perpetuate these fears.
For mass media, insurance companies, Big Pharma, advocacy groups, lawyers, politicians and so many more, your fear is worth billions. And fortunately for them, your fear is also very easy to manipulate. We’re wired to respond to it above everything else. If we miss an opportunity for abundance, life goes on; if we miss an important fear cue, it doesn’t.
These are the wages of a 24-hour news cycle, social media, regurgitating constant powerful visuals and reminders of our own vulnerability to dangerous forces beyond our control.
Turn off the t.v, social media, listen to your favorite music and sooner or later it all disappears and you'll live happily ever after.
The black hats have probably been gathering a bunch of shit like this for years to spread it around…Sorry for the link to fake news site. I don’t know how to post this otherwise.
I think this one is important enough for a sticky
TLDR, this anon predicts in 2022 a dirty bomb scare as a pretext for another lockdown.
My own personal instinct is that the nuclear narrative for the drones is not the end of the story.
Public awareness of Project Blue Beam is at an all time high right now. MSM sources are now talking about it.
A fake alien invasion wont work if people are aware that its probably a fake invasion.
That's a clear win for the white hats!
Definitely. It could be a secondary reason for them being so obvious.
I dont think any op like this will work. The People are hip to the game. Playbook known. The MSM propaganda machine is impotent. Fake News -- the greatest marketing campaign of all time. And probably the most important. We are already too far down the path to awakening for them to use any of the tools that pacified and gaslighted us in the past. They will never get the genie back in the bottle. Their lies and FF are called out in real time and the news spreads like a wildfire.
And there is a new sheriff in town and hes armed to the hilt with an army that numbers in the billions worldwide. Trump isnt just Americas Sword, Americas Shield, but the worlds. And people across the earth know it.
Their time grows short.
Way good sticky decision. DS is running out of options, but they still have this one.
Thanks fren.
Good call. Thanks for keeping sharp eye out.
I think they are trumps and elon's drones. I believe Trump is using them to ensure a peaceful transition that he will not be spied on, by the Pentagon or government. While he's at mar-a-laga, the drones fly around bedminster and other military installations. How could the government tell us what they're for? "Oh, we spied on Trump the first time so he's paying for his transition to be private this time and has droned up so that if we spy he can catch us!" That's why they all know!
I also think they are white hat drones, but that doesn't mean that the black hats didn't have a drone plan for December or a UFO scare plan or even a radionuclear lock down plan
I think the white hats got there first and control the narrative now to their own timing.
What if Trump has been at Bedminster the whole time, making everyone think he's in FL? Maybe a reach.
Here's the extracted text from the image:
The next false flag Anonymous 5/23/2022, 00:39:54 No. 92497
The next false flag will be centered on the premise of malicious interdiction of nuclear source materials. It will not involve a nuclear device or nuclear detonation but rather a radiological threat. Nuclear source materials will be deliberately leaked to target areas to inflict severe injuries through radiation exposure. The real number of casualties as a result of these attacks will remain very low. The purpose is to create a new method of restricting freedom of movement and new policies that will enable the government to continue its expansion of power. The media will display images of attack survivors who will have burns and lesions across their skin. Videos depicting overwhelmed triage centers with victims vomiting or otherwise unresponsive will be shared on social media. The threat of radiation exposure - an invisible enemy - will be used as the primary vector.
An application modeled after COVID contact tracing will be installed on every mobile device that uses iOS or Android. This application will serve to notify the user about “potential hazardous exposure” and recommend actions they should take which include voluntary exposure testing. Additionally, cellular carriers will roll out automated SMS alerts that will have similar functionality. This application will interface directly with the UICC on mobile devices. If the user does not have this application installed, network connectivity will be prohibited. New policy will grant governmental agencies further access to metadata and geolocation data on every platform. Included in these policies will be backdoor legislation that bans the use of end-to-end encryption. This legislation will be identical in nature to the recently introduced S.3538 EARN IT act.
These attacks will be localized to a specific region. Triage centers will be set up in the affected areas through the deployment of the National Guard and coordinating members such as FEMA. These triage centers will see moderate traffic. The narrative will continue longer than any possible threat. Despite offering no protection or even relevancy against a radiological threat, you will see another wave of people wearing cotton surgical masks in not just target areas but the entire United States.
There will be severe disruptions to the Internet through the use of addition rather than negation. Alternative sources of information will become overwhelmed with content generated by convolutional neural networks that support the narrative or use a carefully crafted opposition. Platforms that are incompatible with this system will be suppressed entirely on the infrastructure level. There will be organic service disruptions as a result of excess traffic.
Videos will surface showing these triage centers empty with the personnel staffing them idle. This will threaten the narrative. The control of information is required for the campaign to be successful.
The perpetrator will not be an Islamic-affiliated group or evil I.N.C.E.L. domestic terrorist. It will have no relevancy to the ongoing Ukraine conflict, but the blame will fall on all of these groups. The fog of war will surround information relating to the origin, and this will be intentional.
The real attacks will be psychological. Fear will be exploited. Just like with the manufactured response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Thank you for this copy pasta into a easier to read format
No further forfeiting freedoms, like we allowed with 9/11. Fear or not, the answer is NO. Haven’t our governmental agencies, along with Congress, proved they are unworthy of our trust?
Most definitely they are not worthy of our trust.
Thank you for saying this. They have taken trillions of our dollars, and attacked us instead of defending us.
Seems plausible. We can only hope that public awareness prevents this from happening as Q suggests is often the case.
I saw that lousy Kirby guy on the morning "news" (ABC) and he sounded like such an idiot claiming that there are thousands of drones being legally flown all over the U.S., and that lousy Stephanopolis didn't even say "but the drones being observed are much larger than the legal drones you are referring to".
ABC had to pay 15 million dollars for George in his defamation suit. George has taken down his Twitter account, probably so he does not misspeak ever again. Such a cushy resolution instead of getting fired for costing your company 15 million! He'll still be blathering on the news making money.
Meanwhile, Governor Murphy's favorite gym remains open the entire time with all it's patrons attending daily unmasked.
This is almost the same playbook as the Obummer Netflix movie - LEAVE THE WORLD BEHIND.
"Videos will surface showing these triage centers empty with the personnel staffing them idle. This will threaten the narrative. The control of information is required for the campaign to be successful.
The perpetrator will not be an Islamic-affiliated group or evil I.N.C.E.L. domestic terrorist. It will have no relevancy to the ongoing Ukraine conflict, but the blame will fall on all of these groups. The fog of war will surround information relating to the origin, and this will be intentional."
They couldn't control the narratives, have failed miserably, therefore campaign will fail.
The fog of war has cleared up before it even began. We know It's the Obummer Soros WEF NWO UN people AGAIN! Now that the majority throughout the world have woken up to the bullshit covid plandemic, they'll also know this one is BS.
I wanna know whos scouring 2 year old 4chan posts 🤣
Kek. This is the best post I've seen today!
not all heros wear capes. not everyone can wade through all the fed fag boi shill garbage, that you have to go through to get to the info that your looking for at 4chan .
Can anyone verify the orig source?
4chan. lol
Interesting theory, and plausible. My gut says [they] are planning something worse than lockdowns though.
When was this originally posted?
23 may 2022
That may have been the plan in 2022. Whatever is unfolding now is shrouded in mystery, but team dark doesn't have the resources to make it so in just that way any longer.
As strongly as I believe in a positive outcome for humanity and the Earth, the danger right now is in the fact that these entities are so evil that they would literally destroy everything rather than give up the prize.
That means that we who anchor the positive timeline need to just keep doing that.
We'll be Golden...
Makes sense, they love their invisible boogeymen… but why now? Wouldn’t this bullshit have worked better for them if it was before the election?
I really don’t know.
Literally won’t work. I’ll shoot a motherfucker if he tries to mask me or restrict my movements again, and so will millions of others. They wanna fuck around again they’ll find out quick.
the drones have to be government or private sector weapons developer, as i believe they have been flying in and out of restricted air space, a Cessna can't go into restricted airspace without f-16s being deployed with live ammunitions
I agree with you, which makes things much more worrisome. What exactly are their intentions?
FEAR! We are living in the most fear mongering time ever. And the main reason for this is there's is a lot of power and money available to individuals and organizations who can perpetuate these fears. For mass media, insurance companies, Big Pharma, advocacy groups, lawyers, politicians and so many more, your fear is worth billions. And fortunately for them, your fear is also very easy to manipulate. We’re wired to respond to it above everything else. If we miss an opportunity for abundance, life goes on; if we miss an important fear cue, it doesn’t. These are the wages of a 24-hour news cycle, social media, regurgitating constant powerful visuals and reminders of our own vulnerability to dangerous forces beyond our control. Turn off the t.v, social media, listen to your favorite music and sooner or later it all disappears and you'll live happily ever after.
Interesting release of the movie Homestead as well…
Yup not gonna happen
The black hats have probably been gathering a bunch of shit like this for years to spread it around…Sorry for the link to fake news site. I don’t know how to post this otherwise.
Want to bump my thread from early October. What I saw that night was way crazier than any sightings of the last few weeks here in NJ.