Chemtrails don’t sit right with me now that Trump’s in office. I was hoping he would halt that at the get go. What’s the reason for them to continue. Does he have the power to stop them immediately?
I thought so also, but he has been signing a ton of EO's since the 20th, and probably more important things. Hopefully he or RFK jr will get it taken care of soon.🤞
On wednesday morning I went outside at 7:15 am and the fuckers already had three lines sprayed and were working on the 4th. It was in the 20's and yet not even cold weather seems to stop these fuckers from spraying their shit.
...yeah. And it is crazy to me that people think they are all contrails. Contrails disappear may 50feet behind the plane. Chemtrails legit stay up for hours. When I grew up the skies did not look like the marks in a cutting board.
Yup anyone who thinks they're just contrails is either a disinfo plant or truly needs to spent more time outside. The chemtrails around here cover the entire sky in a grayish brown haze.
My biggest fear is the lefties will think he manipulated it or made up all the declas he’s going to reveal and we will be playing this long game all over again. They hate him so much they won’t believe anything he does or says during his term and here we will all be blindly following thinking it going to get better like we have been for years. With all do respect, there’s the slightest possibility he’s one of “them.” I’m not dooming, I swear. Just being logical and not 100% following any one thing because frankly, none of us really know what’s going on.
I think back to 2016, Trump said he was going to defeat ISIS and Al Qaeda. There was no denying the world got a lot more peaceful after Trump came to power. That's how I knew he was the real deal. So I think people will see in a year or two, hey, no wild fires since Trump got to power. Hmmm... Even the slow kids eventually learn to put two and two together.
As Melania turns toward him at a key point, it almost looks like she wants to hold him back from spilling the beans…… as in ‘not quite yet time for a reveal’.
Do you guys smell that?
It's the sweet sweet smell of vindication.
I suspect whatever it "got hit with" doesn't work as well in freezing conditions as we see over most of the country. That's a welcome coincidence.
Define countermeasures.
Remember when Trump dryly said a few years ago "it's gonna get colder… You just watch"
Let's see how long the unusually cold conditions over 90+ percent of the country last. That weather could be saving our asses from sophisticated deep state fire bombing.
Wish I would have seen your comment before I doomed about the chemtrails still happening under Trump administration. This is a possibility as to why they are still occurring. Thanks anon.
+1 u/5DWeBe
Good Anons are able to change their mind (or be patient) upon hearing new information.
It's even more noble to be able to 'change your mind' (for lack of a better term) on a topic you are passionate about.
This is an extremely good quality anon.
GAW is a digital soldier Boot Camp run by the white hat military.
Chemtrail conversation on here is largely for verboten. Why?
If we trust those running GAW, then it stands to reason that there is some good reason why they wanna keep conversation to a minimum about it just for now.
More will be revealed in due time.
Even during his inauguration speech, he said something about how many of the people in the room no longer had homes, and then said that’s “very interesting”.
The “very interesting” part really stuck out to me.
Maybe DEW weapons do not work well in humid climates but Maui counters that hypothesis. But that town in Maui had building there that were made of wood as a tourist attraction and they were bone dry....
Why? Cause people will get pissed off to find out it was our own government? Or the world getting even for the crap our government has done in our name?
We had a fire (Border 2) down here in San Diego that just started yesterday and almost simultaneously, several chemtrails appeared to add to the smoke.
True, before the fires they really covered the skies. Since, I’ve seen ZERO Chen trails.
Except for one morning a few after they were out. I was guessing it was for the inevitable rain after fires for mudslides we are getting tomorrow through next week. Spot on.
IMHO, "what hit it" was/IS a combination of Direct Energy Warfare and weather geo-engineering.
The skies above ALL of Commifornia are riddled with chemtrails.
Odd, though, all chemtrails have disappeared up here near SF ever. since. DJT. was. Inaugurated.
Go figure....
Probably why its so cold lately
Yeah it's freezing here in Az
He did say it was gonna get colder.
After the big snow fall down here in the south, the next day we had blue skies, later in the day we saw chemtrails. They just can't leave it alone.
More chemtrails? "They just can't leave it alone."
Lord, hear our prayer.
Chemtrails don’t sit right with me now that Trump’s in office. I was hoping he would halt that at the get go. What’s the reason for them to continue. Does he have the power to stop them immediately?
I thought so also, but he has been signing a ton of EO's since the 20th, and probably more important things. Hopefully he or RFK jr will get it taken care of soon.🤞
I had three chemtrails this morning...
omg. arrrrrgh. I'm so sorry.
Let us pray that VERY SOON this sh*t in the skies will E.N.D. forever.
On wednesday morning I went outside at 7:15 am and the fuckers already had three lines sprayed and were working on the 4th. It was in the 20's and yet not even cold weather seems to stop these fuckers from spraying their shit.
...yeah. And it is crazy to me that people think they are all contrails. Contrails disappear may 50feet behind the plane. Chemtrails legit stay up for hours. When I grew up the skies did not look like the marks in a cutting board.
I hate them. I truly hate them.
Yup anyone who thinks they're just contrails is either a disinfo plant or truly needs to spent more time outside. The chemtrails around here cover the entire sky in a grayish brown haze.
Howdy neighbor :)
HUGE amount of chemtrails today over Orange County, specifically Yorba Linda and Brea.
can confirm..YL has been hit hard last 4-5 days..I always know when the wind gets whippy and the air is hot..
Goodness gracious great Biden chin balls of fire! 🔥
Trump on the LA fires: “It looks like something hit it. And we won’t talk about what hit it” #ArsonIsNotClimateChange sauce
We need some disclosure soon.
It's coming...POTUS is planting the seed in normies' minds
Yep, this will probably work something like this:
My biggest fear is the lefties will think he manipulated it or made up all the declas he’s going to reveal and we will be playing this long game all over again. They hate him so much they won’t believe anything he does or says during his term and here we will all be blindly following thinking it going to get better like we have been for years. With all do respect, there’s the slightest possibility he’s one of “them.” I’m not dooming, I swear. Just being logical and not 100% following any one thing because frankly, none of us really know what’s going on.
I think back to 2016, Trump said he was going to defeat ISIS and Al Qaeda. There was no denying the world got a lot more peaceful after Trump came to power. That's how I knew he was the real deal. So I think people will see in a year or two, hey, no wild fires since Trump got to power. Hmmm... Even the slow kids eventually learn to put two and two together.
I think so too.
As Melania turns toward him at a key point, it almost looks like she wants to hold him back from spilling the beans…… as in ‘not quite yet time for a reveal’.
Do you guys smell that?
It's the sweet sweet smell of vindication.
I suspect whatever it "got hit with" doesn't work as well in freezing conditions as we see over most of the country. That's a welcome coincidence.
Define countermeasures.
Remember when Trump dryly said a few years ago "it's gonna get colder… You just watch"
Let's see how long the unusually cold conditions over 90+ percent of the country last. That weather could be saving our asses from sophisticated deep state fire bombing.
Great comment to many coincidences for sure !
Waiting for spacetard to toddle in...
Wish I would have seen your comment before I doomed about the chemtrails still happening under Trump administration. This is a possibility as to why they are still occurring. Thanks anon.
+1 u/5DWeBe
Good Anons are able to change their mind (or be patient) upon hearing new information.
It's even more noble to be able to 'change your mind' (for lack of a better term) on a topic you are passionate about.
This is an extremely good quality anon.
GAW is a digital soldier Boot Camp run by the white hat military.
Chemtrail conversation on here is largely for verboten. Why?
If we trust those running GAW, then it stands to reason that there is some good reason why they wanna keep conversation to a minimum about it just for now.
More will be revealed in due time.
Trump knows something.
Even during his inauguration speech, he said something about how many of the people in the room no longer had homes, and then said that’s “very interesting”.
The “very interesting” part really stuck out to me.
Full link.. Fast forward to 6:40 minute mark
Timestamped @ 6:35
Appreciate that .
You got it fam
That's what it looks like. But there wasn't a bomb this time. TECHNOLOGY
Los Angeles before and after fire:
Thanks for the info. Looks like a very deep rabbit hole....
Looks like C5 lost on this one lol. You can't ban it if Trump is talking about it!
We don't know what Trump is talking about. He didn't say explicitly.
In other words: “it looks like it was nuked.”
Trump doesn’t like talking about nuclear attacks.
Roger that. Looks like it got Hiroshima'd.
I read that reply also and it could very well be the case let's see what happens..
Tastes like Mountain DEW
I have waited ..... decades...... for this!!
...and nothing is stopping it from continuing to hit which it is still doing.
Maybe DEW weapons do not work well in humid climates but Maui counters that hypothesis. But that town in Maui had building there that were made of wood as a tourist attraction and they were bone dry....
👽? 🤔🍿
That was incredible to hear.
but isnt it time to start talking about it?
Why? Cause people will get pissed off to find out it was our own government? Or the world getting even for the crap our government has done in our name?
Arsonists hit LA.
We had a fire (Border 2) down here in San Diego that just started yesterday and almost simultaneously, several chemtrails appeared to add to the smoke.
Excuse me Mr. President but why the hell won't we talk about it? We need to talk about all of it
True, before the fires they really covered the skies. Since, I’ve seen ZERO Chen trails. Except for one morning a few after they were out. I was guessing it was for the inevitable rain after fires for mudslides we are getting tomorrow through next week. Spot on.