I use a mid-length bar, pulling 90 lbs. for 15 reps, then 15 at 85 lbs., then 15 reps at 80 lbs. Then rest and do it over again from the top. I was (unfortunately) listening to the vid on my second set of 90-pound reps and I don't stop for anything, even to shut up Schiff For Brains or the brilliant Bartender from the Bronx, AOC.
When is Adam Schiff finally going to be arrested and charged with drugging an 11 year old black boy and raping him at the Standard Hotel while in drag in 2018, and then finding he died during the rape from drug overdose?
Anthony Bourdain was staying next door and saw the chaos that happened afterward. Adam was found dead hanging from a doorknob by his bathrobe belt. That's quite a feat, considering Anthony was 6'4".
They're coming back around so the masses know who they are. I am of the mind that all those reeeing at Trump's appointments will soon be in the news being exposed for who/what they are.
This pedo Rothschild, is panicking that Kash Patel will exposed the Global child sex cabal. There is nothing the Rothschild family can do to stop Kash Patel. "Crime against children" SAVE THE CHILDREN!!!
Q drop No. 70055 "Adam Schiff is a traitor to our country
Q drop No. 230252 " Pedo ring human trafficking at hotel, Adam shiftys district, he knew, he's trying to cut a deal cause he's grass"
At this point, KA$H is just trolling the Schiff out of Adam and wearing away his time. He has only contempt for these treasonous deep staters. He’ll be confirmed one way or another. Then, the Interrogator becomes the Interrogated. 🤨
First off, the Capitol Police were the ones who initiated rubber bullets, pepper spray and beating with batons illiciting a fight or flight response. Interesting these Dems don’t and didn’t care about the incompetent people they gave a pass to in the Biden admission. I guess Schiff is being a hypocrite again, considering he was responsible personally for a couple of deaths in a hotel after his sexual antics.
Grandmaster Grassley: Okay ::cough(ass):: Schiffer your time is up. Btw just want to mention for the committee, I have some documents that were submitted here... pretty much says the cops fucking love this guy. Like, millions of cops.
I would have asked Shit for Brains thinks he belongs on the Intelligence Committee when he lied over and over about having irrefutable proof of Trump's Russian collusion.
Any that might lose will be recess appointed. Trump will not give them the satisfaction of fucking over his cabinet and second term. We win. They lose. Period.
The end was the best part - after telling Schiff his time was up, …”and I have letters representing 310,000 officers supporting Mr. Patel’s nomination…”, Sen. Grassley
This deserves to be an independent comment so it goes up with upvotes really quick and people can listen to the last 30 seconds. Best summary possible.
The icing on the cake was Grassley's little addendum at the end. So nice to see somebody turn Schiff-for brains' attempt at humiliating Kash right back at him.
I had to endure that for 15 reps of lat pulls at the gym, but stopped it as soon as I got through the set. I need ear bleach.
I use a mid-length bar, pulling 90 lbs. for 15 reps, then 15 at 85 lbs., then 15 reps at 80 lbs. Then rest and do it over again from the top. I was (unfortunately) listening to the vid on my second set of 90-pound reps and I don't stop for anything, even to shut up Schiff For Brains or the brilliant Bartender from the Bronx, AOC.
Some people watch the Super Bowl.
That thing looks like a puppy show.
Real men watch senate confirmation hearings.
I’d probably react like this too if one of the guys I was caught illegally spying on was about to become Director of the FBI 😂"
When is Adam Schiff finally going to be arrested and charged with drugging an 11 year old black boy and raping him at the Standard Hotel while in drag in 2018, and then finding he died during the rape from drug overdose?
Anthony Bourdain was staying next door and saw the chaos that happened afterward. Adam was found dead hanging from a doorknob by his bathrobe belt. That's quite a feat, considering Anthony was 6'4".
They're coming back around so the masses know who they are. I am of the mind that all those reeeing at Trump's appointments will soon be in the news being exposed for who/what they are.
(gets comfy)(popcorn)
The Standard Hotel is the least of Schiff’s crimes. He’s terrified of Patel as head of the FBI
This pedo Rothschild, is panicking that Kash Patel will exposed the Global child sex cabal. There is nothing the Rothschild family can do to stop Kash Patel. "Crime against children" SAVE THE CHILDREN!!!
Guess whose side God is on? Real retribution in real time is coming. He loves children, you see.
Q drop No. 70055 "Adam Schiff is a traitor to our country Q drop No. 230252 " Pedo ring human trafficking at hotel, Adam shiftys district, he knew, he's trying to cut a deal cause he's grass"
How come no one is calling out the demonrats for this obvious "Racism?"
They probably all do it too.
At this point, KA$H is just trolling the Schiff out of Adam and wearing away his time. He has only contempt for these treasonous deep staters. He’ll be confirmed one way or another. Then, the Interrogator becomes the Interrogated. 🤨
First off, the Capitol Police were the ones who initiated rubber bullets, pepper spray and beating with batons illiciting a fight or flight response. Interesting these Dems don’t and didn’t care about the incompetent people they gave a pass to in the Biden admission. I guess Schiff is being a hypocrite again, considering he was responsible personally for a couple of deaths in a hotel after his sexual antics.
Also, are these the officers who beat the two women to death or the ones who lied under oath.
That pencil neck needs a rope around it...
Sorry, listening to Schiff is way up there with watching The View.
SHIFFHEAD de Rothschild: "Waah! Look at them Mister Patell look at the CAPITOL police! Turn your head! Waaaaahh!"
Grandmaster Grassley: Okay ::cough(ass):: Schiffer your time is up. Btw just want to mention for the committee, I have some documents that were submitted here... pretty much says the cops fucking love this guy. Like, millions of cops.
How fucking embarrassing for watermelon head. He Schiffed the bed MAJOR on that one. Kek!
I would have asked Shit for Brains thinks he belongs on the Intelligence Committee when he lied over and over about having irrefutable proof of Trump's Russian collusion.
This schiff is a double. My guess is the original one is either in some prison cell somewhere, or has expired.
But will Kash be confirmed? We all know he's dirty as hell but it's the Rinos that always concern me.
Any that might lose will be recess appointed. Trump will not give them the satisfaction of fucking over his cabinet and second term. We win. They lose. Period.
I only lasted 4 min.
The end was the best part - after telling Schiff his time was up, …”and I have letters representing 310,000 officers supporting Mr. Patel’s nomination…”, Sen. Grassley
This deserves to be an independent comment so it goes up with upvotes really quick and people can listen to the last 30 seconds. Best summary possible.
Skip to the last 30 seconds, it gets good.
Ignore the screeching Zionist traitor.
Fuck this scum Adam Schiff
The icing on the cake was Grassley's little addendum at the end. So nice to see somebody turn Schiff-for brains' attempt at humiliating Kash right back at him.
Nothing he says is worth anyone's 8 minutes of time. That was a joke... right?
So painful to watch, all I could think of was hope Schiff gets exposed for everything he did.
I was personally hoping he was going to choke on his own saliva from all that screeching.... But that's just me. 😅😂
Little Adam Schitt is a tool.
Sorry, I cant listen to that POS.
Patel should have just smiled and winks at adam shit and told him that he knows why he doesn't want him to be the FBI Director lol