Welcome fren. I've been tied up all day and hadn't even heard this news until I saw this post with the photo so did some digging. In addition to the link I already shared, there's this one with more background on the story:
Clean with zero scorch-marks and with lots of straight and clean edges....
Someone either cut up a plane at the plane graveyard and spread them at the 'crash' site, or they found a listing for 'generic airplane wreckage' on Temu.......
also: the videos of it happening look straight up like a missile strike and like what you see in oodles of videos from Ukraine and other warzones..
This is also my conclusion after doing the same investigation. The sound is also key. It was definitely under power when it struck and it sounds exactly like a cruise missile. The engine pitch is quite low whereas a jet of that size at that speed would be a much higher pitch. If it were an aircraft operating under power, footage would show it's strobe lights and navigation lights regardless of it's speed, of which we see none in any footage. Conclusion is that it is a cruise missile of some sort. Cleanup team would've scoured the evidence for traces and replace them with aircraft parts. Sophisticated operation to say the least.
Also, I’ve been checking Spanish/Mexican news and they don’t seem to care about the little Mexican girl and her mom. I haven’t seen anything about them. I only know a little Spanish though.
Doubt that's snow. Probably fire/fuel retardant at site of impact. Per the other photos from the scene, doesn't appear to be snow on the ground anywhere
I don’t disagree with fireball. The picture posted on this thread has damage on the top of the sign and facing away from the camera. Of course that can photoshop or fake AI pics.
Right. Did it have wings, a tail, or people on board? It would help my confidence if there was just the smallest shred of an airplane in this picture. Did it vaporize on an atomic level, like on 911?
Some witnesses say there was an explosion on the plane before it crashed. At least one said it clipped a building on the way down. Quite possible that a piece of the fuselage broke off and landed away from the flames.
The Lear Jet shot out of the sky at full speed, like it had its afterburners on. Wait, do Lear jets have afterburners? Why do the videos show flames coming out of the engine? Can anyone calculate the speed of the Jet? falling out of the sky? Or was this impact crater caused by a missile that shot down a Lear Jet? So many questions from an average person.
I’m seeing evidence at least some of the videos showing the plane crashing are actually fake, like on 911. The plane is on a layer and it passes in front of objects close to it on the way down. There is some bullshit going on here
Someone should do the physics-math on what velocity a small mostly air and aluminium airplane(basically an airborne crumple-zone..) would have to travel at to make that crater(hint: it would not be subsonic....)
That doesn't look like the same sign, unless they replaced them all, or it has to do with perspective. The sign under Sprouts is totally different. The other signs have more "white space" to their sides than this one. Something isn't right...
...so I read further down on this thread. The one with lots of pictures. Looks like the Sprouts sign is laying on the ground, damaged, so perhaps they replaced all the broken signs with new ones this morning, which would make them all "look different".
Not saying we did it, but certainly smaller missiles are in existence that could give the appearance of being a small plane. With the exception of it's approach to the crash site.
Massive fireball. No damage to the sign? Umm...plane wreckage?
I just found this article which has a lot of photos from the scene including the one from the OP.
Looks like plane wreckage strewn everywhere
Thank you...more believable now.
Welcome fren. I've been tied up all day and hadn't even heard this news until I saw this post with the photo so did some digging. In addition to the link I already shared, there's this one with more background on the story:
All 6 people on board were from Mexico. Apparently one of the victims was a young girl who just received treatment for a life-threatening condition.
Clean with zero scorch-marks and with lots of straight and clean edges....
Someone either cut up a plane at the plane graveyard and spread them at the 'crash' site, or they found a listing for 'generic airplane wreckage' on Temu.......
also: the videos of it happening look straight up like a missile strike and like what you see in oodles of videos from Ukraine and other warzones..
This is also my conclusion after doing the same investigation. The sound is also key. It was definitely under power when it struck and it sounds exactly like a cruise missile. The engine pitch is quite low whereas a jet of that size at that speed would be a much higher pitch. If it were an aircraft operating under power, footage would show it's strobe lights and navigation lights regardless of it's speed, of which we see none in any footage. Conclusion is that it is a cruise missile of some sort. Cleanup team would've scoured the evidence for traces and replace them with aircraft parts. Sophisticated operation to say the least.
Definitely very fishy. The impact site doesn’t look anything like what you would expect watching the crash
What about the bodies? I have heard nothing about them.
No one on the ground was killed, apparently. Last I heard, 6 injured.
Also, I’ve been checking Spanish/Mexican news and they don’t seem to care about the little Mexican girl and her mom. I haven’t seen anything about them. I only know a little Spanish though.
What about the people in the plane?
Good point, I forgot about that.
That’s what I was thinking. They “salted” the crash scene with conveniently identifiable parts.
"Massive fireball. No damage to the sign?"
...I would definitely like to see the other side of the signage...
Me too. Would have thought it would have melted all plastic on both sides at a minimum.
"Me too. Would have thought it would have melted all plastic on both sides at a minimum."
...the laws of thermodynamics would agree with you...
I would have thought it would have melted the snow in and around the impact site!
"I would have thought it would have melted the snow in and around the impact site!"
...I couldn't tell from this photo...
...the area literally looked like it was swept clean...
Doubt that's snow. Probably fire/fuel retardant at site of impact. Per the other photos from the scene, doesn't appear to be snow on the ground anywhere
Remind me what flight 93 looked like again?
Cause this is noggin joggin.
You know, what with looking exactly the same and all.
Who’s shooting what at who from where?
"Im afraid the footage was lost for ever "
...filed under "Highly Probable"...
I don’t disagree with fireball. The picture posted on this thread has damage on the top of the sign and facing away from the camera. Of course that can photoshop or fake AI pics.
Happens around the same time as precision strikes in Somalia.
Right. Did it have wings, a tail, or people on board? It would help my confidence if there was just the smallest shred of an airplane in this picture. Did it vaporize on an atomic level, like on 911?
Here's some pics...
The explosion does not match the damage of the one pice of plane shown. It should have been burtnt at least.
Some witnesses say there was an explosion on the plane before it crashed. At least one said it clipped a building on the way down. Quite possible that a piece of the fuselage broke off and landed away from the flames.
The Lear Jet shot out of the sky at full speed, like it had its afterburners on. Wait, do Lear jets have afterburners? Why do the videos show flames coming out of the engine? Can anyone calculate the speed of the Jet? falling out of the sky? Or was this impact crater caused by a missile that shot down a Lear Jet? So many questions from an average person.
I’m seeing evidence at least some of the videos showing the plane crashing are actually fake, like on 911. The plane is on a layer and it passes in front of objects close to it on the way down. There is some bullshit going on here
It was a medical plane with a child on board on their way home after receiving their treatment.
Well, that puts it into a different perspective from what I have seen.
Maybe an American kid who got treatment in Mexico because it was not allowed by the American medical industry.
No. The Mexican transplant company runs medical flights in the United States
allegedly... trust nothing...
I think the snow is covering the wings, the engines, and the fuselage. I see black...that must be the box. 🧐😁😉
I think that might be foam. There was no snow there.
Someone should do the physics-math on what velocity a small mostly air and aluminium airplane(basically an airborne crumple-zone..) would have to travel at to make that crater(hint: it would not be subsonic....)
Are we sure this pic is the actual wreck site?
Was this after the wreckage was removed?
I'm sure it was. Here's a picture the night of and if you notice part of the sign has been taken down.
That doesn't look like the same sign, unless they replaced them all, or it has to do with perspective. The sign under Sprouts is totally different. The other signs have more "white space" to their sides than this one. Something isn't right...
...so I read further down on this thread. The one with lots of pictures. Looks like the Sprouts sign is laying on the ground, damaged, so perhaps they replaced all the broken signs with new ones this morning, which would make them all "look different".
Of course the first priority at that site would be to replace damaged signage.
"Was this after the wreckage was removed?"
...apparently so...
It's a far bigger hole than the 9/11 crater in the PA field.
a store sign 10 feet from the impact crater not burned and barely damaged and vehicles down the street burned completely... something ain't right!
"Massive fireball. No damage to the sign?"
I'm guessing that's where one of the engines impacted.
"I'm guessing that's where one of the engines impacted."
The top of the sign, and the other side?
"The top of the sign, and the other side?"
Perhaps, these latest aircraft crashes will be used to illustrate to the normies, that 9/11 did not go down as it appeared.
What is it about PA soil that insta-composts all traces of crashed planes?
Hmm... Maybe ISIS wasn't the only missile targeted site.
Not saying we did it, but certainly smaller missiles are in existence that could give the appearance of being a small plane. With the exception of it's approach to the crash site.
What is this, A PLANE FOR ANTS?!!!
72 hour rule.
I wonder how this compares to a missile strike, because it sure looked like a missile strike...