As you all know - it is difficult to find Made in America products for everything we regularly use. The key is for Americans to identify the gaps to start manufacturing these products here.
It is the perfect time to take advantage of the Small Business Administration which the President is revamping away from DEI clients and loans based on gender and race.
At least Mike Lindell is honest on the MyPillow website about which products are whole USA-made and which are imported or use imported materials. He's talked multiple times about how the equipment isn't even available in the USA anymore to make some things.
I'm old enough that I REMEMBER well when EVERYTHING was made in America. I have American made jeans in my closet - from the GAP!!! I kid you not!! I watched in dismay when suddenly, practically "overnight" back in the 90's everything came pouring in like a flood from China. All cheap throwaway crap. I could not understand what was happening, and I was NOT awake, so I trusted. I am beyond pissed off. That never had to happen, those bastards did this to us on purpose, and we HAVE TO CHANGE IT BACK no matter what it takes.
Yeah let's get the FED situation under control first, "made in america" is fine and dandy but I'm not paying over 100 bucks for a pair of jeans. That boils down to the American dollar not being worth a shit, let's fix that first lol. THAT'S WHY nothing is made in America to begin with.
100% agree, the part I worry about is our latest generation of kids/young adults/20s 30s. I have a construction company and only about one in 20 is worth a piss. They don't know how to work they don't wanna learn they can't show up on time. The good news is they always quit before I have a chance to fire them.
I remember a pair of Dockers jeans that I had that lasted nearly a decade before getting a hole in them. Last pair of Wranglers I bought (before I switched from jeans to cargo pants) had a torn belt loop within a couple months!
I believe there is a huge potential market for American made goods as at least half our people would choose such a product over china made. We will have higher quality and higher standards while avoiding dangerous elements because we care about our own people above profit. The American dream is at our front door step just waiting on us to open and join it.
Gotta start prioritizing quality over price, and sometimes quantity. Better for the environment, you enjoy a better product and if you're not a lazy or careless bonehead it should last you a good while.
I'm already a mimialist but I'm gonna put extra effort into buying well made products instead of cheaper junk.
I think the challenge is the "division of labor". It simply becomes more profitable to have some other country, like Mexico, farm all the food if we can instead build software for however many dollars more.
Only problem is, something like food is very necessary for life, and so if Mexico decided they wouldn't sell food to us anymore for some reason (in this scenario of dependence for food) then we would be hungry.
Thus it makes sense to pay more for food from a security standpoint, but you end up having to way overpay for the goods.
But something like "Made in China" electronic gizmos and widgets... it's less necessary for life, if they just decided to stop making them. So it can seem to make more economic sense to just let them manufacture them for cheaper, allowing us to do higher paying jobs here.
I guess it's a delicate balance question of profit versus security and independence at times
Time for us all to push local farmers to consider CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) as an operating model. It’s a win win for both the farmer and the consumer. They are very popular in VT,NH, ME.
Surely the other more temperate states could have an even more robust model?
I understand that there will be pain coming, but will the pain be any worse than the slow bleed we've experienced for the last 30+ years? Sometimes we have to rip the bandage away so a festering wound can get fresh air and light to heal.
I would rather pay more for products that are made in American by Americans, knowing that my neighbors are able to support themselves and their families, than seeing our money be sent to foreign nations. Especially those that are hostile towards us.
I saw on other social media platforms the lefties talking about how Canada will cripple our economy and gas prices will go through the roof without Canadian Oil… this morning Gas was $2.72, lowest in years… and usually the gas goes up at the very hint of trouble… I mean I know leftists are not great at analyzing events, but I didn’t expect we would this quickly
Gas has been going up here the last couple of weeks creeping up to 3.00 per gallon again. At the height of Biden's "I did this" we were paying $4.25. If we have to pay it until we become energy independent again, at least we know it wont be forever and the pain will be short lived.
Previous administrations have just printed money to be the instant hero but have only made the problem worse. He's a lame duck and just needs to do what is required to fix this mess so we can hold future administrations accountable
All neccessary yes. So many small business people have their life savings in their places. Praying that we don't lose more of them. Most are piling on debt just to stay afloat. Neccessary casualties? Let's hope not. I'll be pissed if that's the case.
People want change, this is what it looks like. We can either die slowly as a country, or change direction. America voted for real change. And your seeing it, live. Awesome to see.
I've been in US automation equipment & manufacturing for a long time. I've done what I can to stem the steady dissolving of our manufacturing base over the years, quite often resulting in being in the first round of layoffs whenever an "economic downturn" got scheduled. I got up, dusted myself off, & got right back in.
It was noticed that every product seemed to have an Achilles heel designed into it intentionally. Not by the majority of folks doing the manufacturing, but by upper levels that'll probably be found with links to team mason. For example, I had an electric shaver with a removeable cord that the connector failed on within a couple years. Got out the tools, hardwire soldered it, got another 10+ out of it. Plenty of other examples, just look around.
The point is, once we have the cabal out of the way (still going to take a while), we CAN start making items that are capable of working well into the next generation growing up. Especially with all the suppressed technologies held back from us (anti-gravity, 200mpg vehicles, teleportation and a host of other stuff previously considered "dream sequence" tech). Golden age is inbound, but there's still going to be bumps & hurdles to cross over a stretch of time. Hang in there.
Thank you uberlightbringer. I have a question: how difficult is it going to be to tool up for manufacturing? Is there old equipment that can be fixed and used?
I've tried to keep track of the glimpses I've seen on suppressed tech, and tucked them away for future use once we've done cleanup on aisle 17. I've also been making sure to keep any technical folks I know "in the loop" of what's going on, even though they may not be all in at the moment. Anyone with a bit of math and technical knowledge will have a slight edge on spotting the bullshit and be able to do a faster direction turn on manufacturing & processing changes.
I'd also like to think our military has a plan on a lot of things that need to happen in short order; they have "nation rebuilding" trained folks for guidance.
That being said, get the young-uns guided into the math & science stuff so they're ready. That background doesn't happen over night, although AI will probably be a big help.
If you can't live without Columbian coffee... then stock up now.
Personally, if Columbia or any other nation wants to cause problems for the USA... I have no issue with sampling the excellent coffees from other South and Central American nations, Africa or Asian coffees as well.
Who knows, we may find better replacement products and can simply abandon Columbia until they are ready to apologize.
I hope that all of those patriot coffee companies that have popped up in recent years after Black Rifle Coffee exposed themselves (CEO is a ex-CIA spook who slammed Rittenhouse) have been making preparations.
I stand by our president, Donald John Trump. I was listening to the Stephanopoulos show on Sunday, earlier today, and guess who was on: Chris Christy-still slamming Trump and: Rahm Emanuel-still slamming Trump, plus wasn't he involved in the Obama administration? Something to do with death panels when Obama was arguing for universal healthcare, I think.
Without some pain, there will be no gain. It will all be worth any temporary sacrifice we might have to make or endure. This nation, with Trump's direction, is going to be amazing. With that being said, I HOPE that as it gets better and stronger, that measures are put into place that we will never have to worry about being invaded with illegals again or being taken advantage of by other nations. That our borders will be hardened, our immigration policies are much more stringent, and our laws are enforced. We will make it a great nation, but we must make sure we can keep it a great nation.
That's' a reasonable question. I think the optics will be crafted such that the blame for the precipice all lands on corrupt Dems. Normies will see Trump pull us back from the brink. As to how declas fits in, it's anyone's guess but we know it's coming.
Maybe Trump will be using declas as a way to further corner the DS, putting them closer to the gallows or goading them to try for war. Which would trigger a very public storm.
Who's crafting those optics? Shows like The View and outlets like CNN & MSNBC still exist. I don't see normies tuning into the independent sources, left or right.
May not see it but it's happening. The View, CNN and MSNBC ratings have absolutely tanked since the election. I live in a rural town where you'd think Fox News would dominate, but people like Benny Johnson have become more popular.
As long as it's cheaper for businesses to have their products manufactured overseas, they're going to continue to do so. That's the entire reason why manufacturing moved out of the country in the first place. Businesses wanted more profits.
These businesses aren't going to hurt much from these tariffs. They'll just pass the cost on to us. It would have to be a pretty damn high tariff to make it more profitable to have their products produced here rather than overseas.
You can't force businesses to manufacture here. They'll just move their manufacturing over to some other country that isn’t being subjected to high tariffs. Most likely third world countries with poor human rights track records. Places that use child labor, along with forced labor.
I see a lot of people cheering over the idea of the US beginning to manufacture more of our goods, but right now, it's just a fantasy. Corporations aren't suddenly going to just abandon their never ending grasping at higher profits. It's not like people are just eager as hell to move their businesses back here. Go check out all the hoopla surrounding the Carrier Corporation and GE during Trump's first term in office, when they were pledging to move back here. People really should keep up with what's going on with things like that.
Not to mention the fact that we would have to basically build our manufacturing business from the ground up. Unless we're just interested in importing a bunch of foreign components from overseas, and assembling them all here and slapping a "made in America" sticker on it. Which is most likely the best that we're going to get. Because it would take years and years to build up an American based supply chain for products to actually be made here. From the screws holding things together to the microchips running them. And then when the next Democrat is in office and cancels the tariffs (or more likely when President Trump cancels them for whatever reason), it's going to go right back to the way it is now. And all this will be for nothing.
Because the root of the problem is not being addressed. Which is how extremely profit-oriented businesses are now. And there's really nothing you can do about that without being called a Communist because you're arguing against Capitalism.
So all this is pretty much just going to be a waste of time and money. Which the Democrats will never shut up about, seeing as how Biden/Harris was voted out because of inflation costs (among other things, but inflation was the biggie).
But, whatever. It's getting more and more difficult for me to bring myself to care. I'll be OK, financially. I'm young and can work from anywhere and have education and experience that are always in demand.
But considering how many people I've seen here talking about how they're broke and they can't afford eggs or their medications and they're already retired and living on social security or they're fast approaching retirement and still have no savings...well, it's going to really suck for them.
I would rather pay extra to have it made in the U.S.A., have quality control and be self sufficient. We can’t rely on other countries, who in times of war, may jack up prices astronomically or leave us in the cold (especially with steel and computer chips). I believe a law must be passed clearly stating where every product we buy states where it is produced or country of origin. It is hard to find these days and often it just says “imported”.
You all might be well aware how this all works, but fact is the normies who voted for him want their relief, now. They don't care about all of the intricacies.
Lol yep my liberal niece was talking about bugging out to Canada if the shit hits the fan here, all I could think about is she's in for a rude awakening and out of the pan into the fire.
I can only speak for myself, but I know any conversations I had with anyone voting Trump got a reality check. I made it clear to temper expectations. This country is in way to deep of a mess for Trump to immediately give us "cheaper gas & groceries". I was aware of potential tarriffs and had no problem with them. I don't worry about price hikes or shortages considering we've already been dealing with them. They were probably going to become worse, regardless of president.
The media will spin as they choose, but I saw the tariffs as a temporary punishment. Unless I've been getting bad info, if the countries get in line, he'll supposedly walk them back. I'm sure if Canada & Mexico actually secured the borders and tried to stop fentanyl and trafficking, these wouldn't be a thing. Regardless, I'm still tempering my expectations.
Same goes for deportations, funding, EOs, etc. At this point, it's all theater until I see actual results. We've been seeing some, but I'm not ready to spike a football just yet. I like to think Trump would eventually cut a deal with Lucy to allow him to kick it. Can't say the same for the opposition. Although, I'm confident if Trump & the GOP don't get it THE hell together in the next two years, Trump will absolutely be dealing with a DNC led House & Senate.
As you all know - it is difficult to find Made in America products for everything we regularly use. The key is for Americans to identify the gaps to start manufacturing these products here.
It is the perfect time to take advantage of the Small Business Administration which the President is revamping away from DEI clients and loans based on gender and race.
And when you do find something made in America, half the time it just means assembled in America with cheap foreign parts.
At least Mike Lindell is honest on the MyPillow website about which products are whole USA-made and which are imported or use imported materials. He's talked multiple times about how the equipment isn't even available in the USA anymore to make some things.
And it's the best pillow I've ever used.
Though I do still have to turn it over to the thicker side every so often.
Exactly! We gotta bring it all back here.
I like when I find American flags for sale and they say "made in China" on them
I feel like America is made in China at this point
I'm old enough that I REMEMBER well when EVERYTHING was made in America. I have American made jeans in my closet - from the GAP!!! I kid you not!! I watched in dismay when suddenly, practically "overnight" back in the 90's everything came pouring in like a flood from China. All cheap throwaway crap. I could not understand what was happening, and I was NOT awake, so I trusted. I am beyond pissed off. That never had to happen, those bastards did this to us on purpose, and we HAVE TO CHANGE IT BACK no matter what it takes.
USA made jeans! Jocko Wilink invested in these guys!
If they are good quality it might be worth it. But it's hard to blame someone who can get 5 Jeans at Ross Dress for Less for that same $99
Yeah let's get the FED situation under control first, "made in america" is fine and dandy but I'm not paying over 100 bucks for a pair of jeans. That boils down to the American dollar not being worth a shit, let's fix that first lol. THAT'S WHY nothing is made in America to begin with.
100% agree, the part I worry about is our latest generation of kids/young adults/20s 30s. I have a construction company and only about one in 20 is worth a piss. They don't know how to work they don't wanna learn they can't show up on time. The good news is they always quit before I have a chance to fire them.
At first I remember reading "Made in Taiwan" on my clothes in the 90s, eventually it all became China
I remember a pair of Dockers jeans that I had that lasted nearly a decade before getting a hole in them. Last pair of Wranglers I bought (before I switched from jeans to cargo pants) had a torn belt loop within a couple months!
I believe there is a huge potential market for American made goods as at least half our people would choose such a product over china made. We will have higher quality and higher standards while avoiding dangerous elements because we care about our own people above profit. The American dream is at our front door step just waiting on us to open and join it.
Gotta start prioritizing quality over price, and sometimes quantity. Better for the environment, you enjoy a better product and if you're not a lazy or careless bonehead it should last you a good while.
I'm already a mimialist but I'm gonna put extra effort into buying well made products instead of cheaper junk.
Whole heartedly agree!!
This is the way!
I think the challenge is the "division of labor". It simply becomes more profitable to have some other country, like Mexico, farm all the food if we can instead build software for however many dollars more.
Only problem is, something like food is very necessary for life, and so if Mexico decided they wouldn't sell food to us anymore for some reason (in this scenario of dependence for food) then we would be hungry.
Thus it makes sense to pay more for food from a security standpoint, but you end up having to way overpay for the goods.
But something like "Made in China" electronic gizmos and widgets... it's less necessary for life, if they just decided to stop making them. So it can seem to make more economic sense to just let them manufacture them for cheaper, allowing us to do higher paying jobs here.
I guess it's a delicate balance question of profit versus security and independence at times
Time for us all to push local farmers to consider CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) as an operating model. It’s a win win for both the farmer and the consumer. They are very popular in VT,NH, ME. Surely the other more temperate states could have an even more robust model?
I understand that there will be pain coming, but will the pain be any worse than the slow bleed we've experienced for the last 30+ years? Sometimes we have to rip the bandage away so a festering wound can get fresh air and light to heal.
I would rather pay more for products that are made in American by Americans, knowing that my neighbors are able to support themselves and their families, than seeing our money be sent to foreign nations. Especially those that are hostile towards us.
I'll take a little discomfort if the end is getting rid of unconstitutional income tax. Hope they get rid of the social security pyramid scheme too.
I'm stocked up on syrup. Let the war begin.
Vermont syrup is better...
I buy mine from New Hampshire... because screw Vermont poly ticks.
Vermont invented and has had constitutional carry since it became a state. There’s that...
aaaaand Popcorn 🍿…🤔
Yes! Pure Geauga County Maple Syrup.
I saw on other social media platforms the lefties talking about how Canada will cripple our economy and gas prices will go through the roof without Canadian Oil… this morning Gas was $2.72, lowest in years… and usually the gas goes up at the very hint of trouble… I mean I know leftists are not great at analyzing events, but I didn’t expect we would this quickly
We have oil in the US too.
More than any other place in the world- that we know of.
Yep we're just disincentivized and punished for using it.
Drill baby drill!! Cant wait until we don't need a thing from anyone else for our daily's
Gas has been going up here the last couple of weeks creeping up to 3.00 per gallon again. At the height of Biden's "I did this" we were paying $4.25. If we have to pay it until we become energy independent again, at least we know it wont be forever and the pain will be short lived.
that is hilarious!
Yep, Art of the Deal.
Previous administrations have just printed money to be the instant hero but have only made the problem worse. He's a lame duck and just needs to do what is required to fix this mess so we can hold future administrations accountable
All neccessary yes. So many small business people have their life savings in their places. Praying that we don't lose more of them. Most are piling on debt just to stay afloat. Neccessary casualties? Let's hope not. I'll be pissed if that's the case.
We're working for future generations. I think we can endure so our grand children will prosper.
Isn't great getting messages directly from the president without having to have a press conference? This is so cool.
The man took a bullet for us! I will gladly weather the storm, whatever may come.
How about No Sales tax on USA made products? Then people will start checking labels like mad
People want change, this is what it looks like. We can either die slowly as a country, or change direction. America voted for real change. And your seeing it, live. Awesome to see.
Kinda surreal
We have had four years of pain so why not?
I've been in US automation equipment & manufacturing for a long time. I've done what I can to stem the steady dissolving of our manufacturing base over the years, quite often resulting in being in the first round of layoffs whenever an "economic downturn" got scheduled. I got up, dusted myself off, & got right back in. It was noticed that every product seemed to have an Achilles heel designed into it intentionally. Not by the majority of folks doing the manufacturing, but by upper levels that'll probably be found with links to team mason. For example, I had an electric shaver with a removeable cord that the connector failed on within a couple years. Got out the tools, hardwire soldered it, got another 10+ out of it. Plenty of other examples, just look around. The point is, once we have the cabal out of the way (still going to take a while), we CAN start making items that are capable of working well into the next generation growing up. Especially with all the suppressed technologies held back from us (anti-gravity, 200mpg vehicles, teleportation and a host of other stuff previously considered "dream sequence" tech). Golden age is inbound, but there's still going to be bumps & hurdles to cross over a stretch of time. Hang in there.
Thank you uberlightbringer. I have a question: how difficult is it going to be to tool up for manufacturing? Is there old equipment that can be fixed and used?
I've tried to keep track of the glimpses I've seen on suppressed tech, and tucked them away for future use once we've done cleanup on aisle 17. I've also been making sure to keep any technical folks I know "in the loop" of what's going on, even though they may not be all in at the moment. Anyone with a bit of math and technical knowledge will have a slight edge on spotting the bullshit and be able to do a faster direction turn on manufacturing & processing changes. I'd also like to think our military has a plan on a lot of things that need to happen in short order; they have "nation rebuilding" trained folks for guidance. That being said, get the young-uns guided into the math & science stuff so they're ready. That background doesn't happen over night, although AI will probably be a big help.
If you can't live without Columbian coffee... then stock up now.
Personally, if Columbia or any other nation wants to cause problems for the USA... I have no issue with sampling the excellent coffees from other South and Central American nations, Africa or Asian coffees as well.
Who knows, we may find better replacement products and can simply abandon Columbia until they are ready to apologize.
I hope that all of those patriot coffee companies that have popped up in recent years after Black Rifle Coffee exposed themselves (CEO is a ex-CIA spook who slammed Rittenhouse) have been making preparations.
They grow coffee in Hawaii too. It's a lot better than the Colombian stuff.
Not sure how it's going to go with Hawaii. I saw a dig one time that the King there was forced to join the US at naval cannon point...
Kinda important to monitor and report the truth about how well reciprocal tariffs work.
Anybpain we get will never be as bad as what was coming with the reset.
The American tax payer has been paying the price for decades. So nothing new there. We will not even notice.
I stand by our president, Donald John Trump. I was listening to the Stephanopoulos show on Sunday, earlier today, and guess who was on: Chris Christy-still slamming Trump and: Rahm Emanuel-still slamming Trump, plus wasn't he involved in the Obama administration? Something to do with death panels when Obama was arguing for universal healthcare, I think.
Without some pain, there will be no gain. It will all be worth any temporary sacrifice we might have to make or endure. This nation, with Trump's direction, is going to be amazing. With that being said, I HOPE that as it gets better and stronger, that measures are put into place that we will never have to worry about being invaded with illegals again or being taken advantage of by other nations. That our borders will be hardened, our immigration policies are much more stringent, and our laws are enforced. We will make it a great nation, but we must make sure we can keep it a great nation.
We understand why the pain is part of the process. But, the normies are gonna go bananas. They are already a good ways there.
That's the plan, Stan.
Why though? I am curious how the optics of that benefit our side. I understand the rest of it and support it.
Maybe Trump will have something up his sleeve like declass about something big to appease normies.
That's' a reasonable question. I think the optics will be crafted such that the blame for the precipice all lands on corrupt Dems. Normies will see Trump pull us back from the brink. As to how declas fits in, it's anyone's guess but we know it's coming.
Maybe Trump will be using declas as a way to further corner the DS, putting them closer to the gallows or goading them to try for war. Which would trigger a very public storm.
Who's crafting those optics? Shows like The View and outlets like CNN & MSNBC still exist. I don't see normies tuning into the independent sources, left or right.
May not see it but it's happening. The View, CNN and MSNBC ratings have absolutely tanked since the election. I live in a rural town where you'd think Fox News would dominate, but people like Benny Johnson have become more popular.
Don't just produce here. Make them incorporate here too.
I just wish there was a sign for us to short short the pharmaceutical companies.
As long as it's cheaper for businesses to have their products manufactured overseas, they're going to continue to do so. That's the entire reason why manufacturing moved out of the country in the first place. Businesses wanted more profits.
These businesses aren't going to hurt much from these tariffs. They'll just pass the cost on to us. It would have to be a pretty damn high tariff to make it more profitable to have their products produced here rather than overseas.
You can't force businesses to manufacture here. They'll just move their manufacturing over to some other country that isn’t being subjected to high tariffs. Most likely third world countries with poor human rights track records. Places that use child labor, along with forced labor.
I see a lot of people cheering over the idea of the US beginning to manufacture more of our goods, but right now, it's just a fantasy. Corporations aren't suddenly going to just abandon their never ending grasping at higher profits. It's not like people are just eager as hell to move their businesses back here. Go check out all the hoopla surrounding the Carrier Corporation and GE during Trump's first term in office, when they were pledging to move back here. People really should keep up with what's going on with things like that.
Not to mention the fact that we would have to basically build our manufacturing business from the ground up. Unless we're just interested in importing a bunch of foreign components from overseas, and assembling them all here and slapping a "made in America" sticker on it. Which is most likely the best that we're going to get. Because it would take years and years to build up an American based supply chain for products to actually be made here. From the screws holding things together to the microchips running them. And then when the next Democrat is in office and cancels the tariffs (or more likely when President Trump cancels them for whatever reason), it's going to go right back to the way it is now. And all this will be for nothing.
Because the root of the problem is not being addressed. Which is how extremely profit-oriented businesses are now. And there's really nothing you can do about that without being called a Communist because you're arguing against Capitalism.
So all this is pretty much just going to be a waste of time and money. Which the Democrats will never shut up about, seeing as how Biden/Harris was voted out because of inflation costs (among other things, but inflation was the biggie).
But, whatever. It's getting more and more difficult for me to bring myself to care. I'll be OK, financially. I'm young and can work from anywhere and have education and experience that are always in demand.
But considering how many people I've seen here talking about how they're broke and they can't afford eggs or their medications and they're already retired and living on social security or they're fast approaching retirement and still have no savings...well, it's going to really suck for them.
I don't see why not; business was forced to manufacture overseas.
Ok. How were businesses forced to manufacture overseas?
I would rather pay extra to have it made in the U.S.A., have quality control and be self sufficient. We can’t rely on other countries, who in times of war, may jack up prices astronomically or leave us in the cold (especially with steel and computer chips). I believe a law must be passed clearly stating where every product we buy states where it is produced or country of origin. It is hard to find these days and often it just says “imported”.
I just want an electric tea kettle where the heating coil wont break after being used 20 times.
I hear you.
You all might be well aware how this all works, but fact is the normies who voted for him want their relief, now. They don't care about all of the intricacies.
They don't need to know what's going on in order to see the precipice when it comes.
Lol yep my liberal niece was talking about bugging out to Canada if the shit hits the fan here, all I could think about is she's in for a rude awakening and out of the pan into the fire.
I can only speak for myself, but I know any conversations I had with anyone voting Trump got a reality check. I made it clear to temper expectations. This country is in way to deep of a mess for Trump to immediately give us "cheaper gas & groceries". I was aware of potential tarriffs and had no problem with them. I don't worry about price hikes or shortages considering we've already been dealing with them. They were probably going to become worse, regardless of president.
The media will spin as they choose, but I saw the tariffs as a temporary punishment. Unless I've been getting bad info, if the countries get in line, he'll supposedly walk them back. I'm sure if Canada & Mexico actually secured the borders and tried to stop fentanyl and trafficking, these wouldn't be a thing. Regardless, I'm still tempering my expectations.
Same goes for deportations, funding, EOs, etc. At this point, it's all theater until I see actual results. We've been seeing some, but I'm not ready to spike a football just yet. I like to think Trump would eventually cut a deal with Lucy to allow him to kick it. Can't say the same for the opposition. Although, I'm confident if Trump & the GOP don't get it THE hell together in the next two years, Trump will absolutely be dealing with a DNC led House & Senate.
The globalists underestimate what we self-reliant Americans can handle.
I want everything to be made in the US but who's going to do it? Half of America is too lazy to work and the other already had jobs
Oh, I don't think it will be a problem; the lazy have no valid moral compass and most will come around quickly once the programming isn't reinforced.