All of these agencies that were wasting our tax dollars are getting X'd (see what I did there?). Does anyone else think that this is going to be bringing a massive amount of wealth back into our pockets?
I mean, last time Trump was in office we saw checks given out to the American people. Do you think this time will be the same, if not better?
It feels like we're on the precipice of a new era for America, and personally I think that the "Golden Age" that is coming may truly be a wonderous time.
What do you think?
I don't think we'll get refunds but I think taxes will go away. And wages will go up. And mothers will be able to stay home again and fathers will be able to afford big families, again. That's what I am hoping for.
That's real wealth there, younger pedes...
Forget the exotic cars and all that horseshit. Been there. Family & kids is your TRUE wealth.
Unless you are rich, inflation doesn't really help you. If you have a lot of stocks then yeah you'll get very rich. but many are over leverage and have no money to invest and their house /bills are taking up more of their budget... not looking good for most people unless they reset the system and go back to a constitutional currency.
Prices should go down also.
Hmmmm. What if every time DOGE saves us a $100B, then Trump sends taxpayers a check?
And an angel gets its wings.
Maybe hope that he can bolster the worth of dollar instead, so that what you are getting now will become worth more, and make you richer that way?
Maybe start to back the currency with something solid again. Fiat money doesn't seem to be all that reliable, and can lose its value a bit too easily from what I understand, if mistakes are made with handling of the markets.
Idk for some reason I never received the last $1400 stimulus check...
Or, we reduce the debt by 100 billion every time DOGE saves that.
It starts out by reducing the deficit. It would be awesome if we reached a balanced budget by the end of the year.
I might have a heart attack lol.
we should get all the taxes we've ever paid back on whatever monthly basis wouldn't crash the economy. And never pay them again.
I think if his tax cuts pass and they stop taxing social security I will feel a bit wealthier. When the checks start coming for punitive damages for bank interest fraud, covid fraud, over taxation, etc. we indeed will be rich. Maybe not Elon rich but maybe Pelosi rich?
I’m weirdly reminded of the Val Kilmer movie The Saint. People in Moscow are literally freezing to death while the gangsters have a massive amount of heating oil hidden beneath the city.
I have a feeling all the while Americans have been struggling the government gangsters have hidden more wealth than people can imagine.
If you can find it anymore, sorry lost the links. There was talk of quintrillions hidden in the Vatican. I know that sounds kooky conspiracy, but has anyone ever thought about where all these trillions have gone for decades? Not to mention hundreds of billions before that? If, and that's a big If, there is that much stollen to be repatriated, how in the world could it even be given back to the the rightful owners? The people. It seems there would too much money, everything i feel would go up in price to match all this newfound wealth. I have no idea how it all could be introduced back into pockets and the economy.
Maybe that’s the purpose of the Sovereign Wealth Fund POTUS floated. Repatriate wealth without flooding the economy with cash.
"WE WILL MAKE AMERICA WEALTHY AGAIN" -Trump said that at the end of every rally.
We just don't know how, yet. I personally can't wait!
I'm not expecting anything, but the reality is we've been abused psychologically, poisoned, and robbed by criminals masquerading as the government for many years.
Class action lawsuit anyone?
White collar crime in this county is out of control.
Corporate lawyers have killed more than any petty thief. This is why the mafia got into politics and business.
Q liked class action lawsuits.
I’d be happy to see the Federal Reserve gone and no more income tax.
As a senior citizen I’m not making any more money so it would be nice not to have to pay taxes on my Social Security.
I’m right there with you, fren.
I would just like to have the money Chelsea Clinton got, that would be all I need, thanks! Oh I wonder if she paid taxes on that money??
Well..IF you are over 40...Half of your life and $ has been stoLLen from you..Hopefully that accounts for something. (IF Not) at least we can live in Peace and Prosperity.
Sovereign wealth fund. All of the confiscated assets plus all of the other government assets will be added to this fund to distribute dividend checks, potentially, to We The People. I would be happy with abolishing the income tax to get started.
I wonder this as well….. but no expectations at this point. Just observing.
If there's enough money floating around "free" to even consider sending out checks, I'd MUCH prefer using it to eradicate the debt and shore up Soc Sec. But I'd also like a law passed making it IMPOSSIBLE for Congress or anyone else anywhere to touch it. Any interest earned would be ploughed right back into it. That's how it was supposed to be set up.
I'd rather see general raises to Soc Sec before worrying about mailing out checks. My aunt gets around $1000 a month on Soc Sec. Her 401K is now gone after the previous 4 years so she has only Soc Sec to live on. Many are in her shoes, or worse. I pity those who have to rent a home. With rent what it is now, idk how anyone on Soc Sec or disability can afford to keep a roof over their heads.
Just off the top of my head 🙈
As an Irish Slave I would like my restitution
They've been stealing from the entire world. Should put a lot of wealth back in everyone's pockets. I'm sure they will find a reason that can't happen.
I think after the market crashes, and inflation is squashed, it'll be tough few years, then smooth sailing.
I think you will find the first year or 2 will not be because alot of stuff is going on. Before they can give money out to people they have to pay the deficit.
But fraud vitiates EVERYTHING. Just something I keep in mind.
I think we will see a phased in elimination of federal taxes as things progress over the next 4 years. May take into the Vance Presidency to achieve complete elimination.
Watch the Federal income tax rate drop below California's income tax rate.
Checks go only to people who pay their income taxes properly. You have not paid any income taxes in the past 5 years, you get no funds. Except American children
Keeping more of our income once federal taxes are eliminated and with sound government policies improving supply to pre-Biden levels, we will be living more comfortably than ever. MAGA!
BTC Nesara would be cool, why settle for a currency that has built in inflation. Vs a currency that was built for anti-inflation.
Or gold; BTC is easier to distribute and has a great 10yr chart.
People will point out the dips and pullbacks and not know it was a fire sale.
I think Trump has already done a lot to show he intends to get government spending under control. That's good. However, I haven't seen him do anything to indicate how or when the job market is going to be repaired, nor what his plans are for the currency reset. In fact, the only thing he has said is hugely negative, in that he supports Elon and Vivek in continuing the H1B program which takes jobs away from Americans.
So I'm withholding judgement on when this is ultimately going to leave all of us better off. Or how much more pain we are going to be forced to endure before things start getting better. It is way too early to celebrate in my opinion. We haven't yet seen the precipice, and the economy could get substantially worse before things improve.
So far, his plans seem designed to improve the lives of billionaires and large business owners. That may eventually trickle down to the rest of us, but I wouldn't count on a direct stimulus. That seems a bit far fetched based on what we've seen so far.
We are going to have a WAY short workweek without bogus taxes, inflated housing costs, inflated energy costs, and corrupted medical care.
I just wonder what it is going to do to the employment figures.