Do folks really believe the group of young men Elon has assembled are finding all this graft and corruption amounting to trillions of dollars so easily?
I believe these guys are getting credit as the public face, but I think someone behind the scenes, likely a large group, has been amassing and analyzing the data to find this level of corruption, and they've been at it a long time.
This effort is just not like picking apples off a tree in my opinion. That is just the movie being played for Joe Public.
In my old job, I analyzed large volumes of data, and even with the tools we had something of this magnitude would have taken a lot longer. This level of data analysis might be possible with an AI, but it is not the effort of a handful of nerds in my opinion.
We have it all? They had it all long before this begin.
Remember those huge number of unexplained IP addresses that went live right when Trump left office?
Makes me wonder...
Hmmmmm, I almost forgot about those..... okay, I completely forgot about those.
Trump 2020: "We caught them all"...
DOGE is just a front operation!
Deuteronomy 31:8 - The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid, do not be discouraged.
Victorious warriors win first, then go to war.
They are using AI to map the entanglements. These kids are AI and software geniuses whose main directive is "read only". Thats why its so quick. They come in and map the payments and entanglements and get out. The amount of data is too big for a human to decipher and connect the dots. Not even a team of thousands with decades available to do the work. This is all AI algorithms and requires direct physical access.
The one kid whose bio I am aware of is the Luke kid from Univ. of Nebraska who came to fame by using an AI algorithm he developed to decipher the writing on scrolls burnt beyond recognition during the Vesuvius eruption that destroyed Pompeii and Herculaneum.
Think about it..... If they change one bit of information they officially "Tampered with the evidence" and could compromise any legal case, that tells me where they are going. I guarantee Law Enforcement is wherever they go supervising and logging chain of custody, filling out proper paperwork making it all good to go. That is probably why none of the Judges or congressmen are unable to stop them, they are under criminal investigation so there power is suspended. I don't think this can be done, but maybe If we are under military law. They might know this but they ain't gonna tell you are they.
Tech normies need to understand this better. The advent of AI in the right hands changes the entire landscape.
AI is now a weapon, and we can't ignore it lest the enemy outpace us in this particular arms race.
And like any weapon it is totally dependent on the intentions of the person wielding it, whether it is good or bad. The weapon itself is neither.
Military is the only way.
Retired military here. I don't care what the face of the woke agenda people in the military, like GEN Milley say. There are more of us in the military that backed Trump than the pedo Biden, evil Hillary, and heels-up Harris. I personally think the military intelligence community is a big part of this. They could do back door surveillance of the corruption. Just my take on it.
Thought about this yesterday. I concur.
I think the data was handed to them on a silver platter to begin sorting. Knowing Trump, the platter was probably gold.
Space Force. This is why they initiated. It.
I read the number of huys on the job is more like in the hundreds. But these young fellas were brought to everyone's attention.
Do you remember when the IRS said publicly that the installed AI software to find tax cheats? Well I imagine that was probably true, but much earlier than announced. I imagine after seeing the utility of AI, every government agency rushed to get it up and running on their platforms. Now think about "read only", if the DOGE team changes even one bit of data their whole CRIMINAL CASE would be compromised and the baddies would have a solid case for dismissal! The AI software is already installed on the government systems, so no criminal case will be compromised. Is the AI software !!!!! THE RED OCTOBER !!!!!! The ultimate silent weapon to nuke the Deep State! Run Silent Run Deep! Maybe they installed the the AI to "Hunt for the Red October" but the software they installed to look for it..... was the Red October. I imagine no one is let into these buildings because there is good federal agents all over the place, filing chain of custody reports, printing evidence, on the phone...... Hell the whole building is a crime scene so all internet would be shut down as not to corrupt the evidence. My God what if this is the ten days of darkness Q was talking about? The government employees are all working at home and not even required to show....... that would leave the buildings mostly empty. Is it possible teams have been in these buildings for months without anyone knowing, completely staffed by white hats building evidence? They could be on a floor completely unoccupied and come and go through tunnels leading to the parking garages? Could it be possible? Remember the videos of Washington being a ghost town? Could the work at home thing have been leveraged by the Q team to get the Baddies out of the way? Sorry frens I'm thinking with my keyboard, apologies. I swear Tom Clancy is still alive and writing the script.
This data must have been gathered already by AI and quantum computing, both of which is advanced way beyond what is public.
What's interesting, too, is that this "movie" involves young DOGE characters, young men, in a setting that will appeal to young men and women who grew up with movies with similar story lines, making it familiar and interesting to the generations of young people who will be both the beneficiaries and stewards of our reborn Country. It is almost as if they've been primed for this through Hollywood.
Within 14 days those kids uncovered all that shit ? Think about that for a second. This exposure has been planned for a min 4yrs
There have been people INSIDE the government who are Patriots and have been doing this research for a long time.
None of this diminishes my amazement for the ability of the mapping team. Of course Q knew. Extracting it for public consumption this fast takes a level of genius that leaves me breathless. God knows what He created and why.
I couldn’t agree more friend!
Yes of course... I've been saying this for weeks.
You know how when you're with your friends and you talk about humanity having the mentality of a 5 year old?
Yeah... It really do be like that
I have had the exact same thoughts. I read some forbes anti-these-teens article about their past and its not that impressive. They created a bunch of straw LLCs in their parents house and then created an online image gallery? Anyone can do that. Go to github, there's countless web frameworks and off the shelf galleries anyone can mod. There's now more open source off the shelf software than there ever has been, and in newer faster better languages too like python, go and rust. I came up in the era of php, perl, coldfusion, java and javascript. Javascript is now a hot mess pain in the anus to deal with, esp wrt testing; python is elegant, rust is hard but mastering it early will get you very far. It's all going to python and rust on the web. Python for web sucked for many yrs and is starting to get better, but the point is there are maany many talented full stack programmers in genx who have fixed many Musklike's shit softwares and we're all suddenly CHOPPED LIVER because you know there are these smart teens out of nowhere that are like super genii because they made an image gallery that is something like what we who build novel apps can do on an experimental code friday
I guess I should say they are fucking with datasets. Oh wow. Like fullstacks have never touched 10 different DB systems and spent a week optimizing our own complex sql queries....or messed with python pandas
You are correct, and very astute to point out.
It is a good reminder to us all of the effort that is been put forth by good people to get this done, and the thought put into the effort to bring us along.
I would say the patriots already have 100% of the Intel on all of them. If anything this is set up as bait to get people to flip on others first like. To have public opinion on the side of the Military when the hammer drops and the traitors bodies fall limp as the noose snaps their necks every few mins. Once people see why they don't have the free Healthcare they wanted was because they were defending the slave owners who kept them enslaved in the first place by sucking 99% of the wealth. I think most of the population will awaken and trump will be remembered for centuries, especially when he allows the true freedoms back to our nation from our constitution. Shall not be infringed!
There's a team of Highly skilled people working for DOGE along with AI-algorithm that broke into the firewall. I'm looking for that article.
I think most of the info they had already and much of it is a cover story to "How do you introduce evidence".
Try this one:
Thanks a whole brunch, it wasn't the one I was looking but this one So much better.
We have it all Q
Are you using AI? I think that's a big difference.
Imagine the baddies rushing to put AI on their government systems to screw us, but it was a double agent. AI 007
How do you introduce evidence?
The longer this goes on the more I believe the envelopes given at the funeral said" We have all the proof. "
So your saying Bill Balls is a white hat psyop? 😂
Same thing I said the other day. Someone told them WHERE to look!
I don't see how a handful of kids did it in two weeks. I bet there are hundreds of people invoved plus people embedded in the beaucracy and this was a multi year effort.
Remember when DOGE was interviewing people? Where are those people because these particular kids would have been identified separately, these wiz kids didn't just send in an application.
I think the quality of the AI is way beyond our imagination. However, I agree - they have been working on some of it for far longer.
They said they were using AI. Would this speed up the process?
Was just thinking this last night. They (military) knew the money trail map long ago! They couldn't just start cleaning house in 2016. The controlled demolition had to happen so the public wouldn't revolt. We had the boom economy under a seemingly hamstrung President, then the pause, and now it's time for Act III - MAGA.
Rubio spoke of USAID being without accountability to Congress before Trump's first term. I think Elon searched for kids with questionable online names to be the face of the operation just to embarrass and insult the leaches. I get the feeling they had this information for a long time
I absolutely do believe this team has/is doing this. They overnight mapped the Treasury (piggy bank) money flows. Where the money actually goes is the first and primary place to start, with a large portion of these “destinations” self incriminating. A great article on this was already posted here somewhere.
As they continue to make their way into other agency systems, much more will be revealed.
Unsung hero’s been marching through Mordor and only they know they are fighting the real battle. Salute to the all the Samwise hauling Frodo out there.