Fortunately, Lady Lindsay Graham has less and less influence in this tornado of the Trump administration. I think he's just trying to remain relevant in an era where he senses that his time is rapidly fading away. He is NOT in the inner circle of the Trump administration, and that must really hurt his narcissist nature.
I expect that very soon the likes of Graham, McConnell, Schumer, and all of the Old Guard will end ignominiously in complete irrelevance, either via retirement or the ravages of age. Their time is over and they don't know it... so many dead men (and women) walking in their ghost-like appearance, pretty soon they will go the way of Joe Biden and others who clung to a dying paradigm like a life raft, and no one came to save them.
I don't want Russia to attack Ukraine. I don't want anything bad to happen to the people of Ukraine, or anyone else for that matter.
BUT, there is not one damn thing in Ukraine that is worth one drop of American blood. We have no business going around the world getting involved other countries' bullshit.
I honestly think that Ukraine struck Chernobyl with a drone. I mean, Chernobyl was perfect because it is already quarantined, no people live there. I think they did so to blame Russia. Well, that's my thinking.
Why would Russia spend millions of rubles to put a containment lid over the reactor, then twenty years later start poking holes in it? Doesn't make sense, but if Ukraine does minimum damage to it, then they can blame Russia and fix the hole pretty easily. Why must the deep state continually show they are stupid. I thought they were the brightest people on earth.
Put a metal pot on his head with a bullseye and then we'll see if he has the stones to lead the charge. He'll lead from someone's behind. errr, I mean, he'll lead from behind.
Mr Graham is stating his idea, your title makes it sound like it is a done deal. Many congress members have ideas that do not align with the White House, but this one sounds like some fear monger in is trying to be raised.
To join NATO, a country must demonstrate a commitment to democratic principles, maintain a stable political environment, and have the capability to contribute to the alliance's defense. Ongoing conflicts can hinder these requirements
So an unelected dictator hardly sounds like a commitment to democratic principles. OK, let's read on:
NATO's Open Door Policy allows for the admission of new members, but it emphasizes that candidate countries must be stable and secure. A country engaged in an active conflict does not meet these criteria.
It almost sounds like Ukraine is ineligible to join nato. Although, that asshole rutte is no stranger in ignoring rules that don't fit him.
I like most of what I hear from Mark Levin, but he is fully on board with supporting NATO in regard to Ukraine. Personally, I think the U.S. should just let the rest of the world pay with their money, and their lives, to defend themselves, and develop their own resources.
The reason Warmonger Mark Levin opposed Matt Gaetz as Speaker, and wanted the Warmonger McCarthy to remain Speaker. He trashed Gaetz and his "bonehead" faction, a revolt in removing McCarthy.
Only thing that upset about russia ukraine conflict was my gravy train of vintage tubes and ussr electronics dried up overnight and when they were available again for sale it was almost 30x the price I was paying.
Lindsey really doesn't know what or who he is. The sooner the people who keep electing him figure it out the better. Maybe he won't be their representative.
Think of him more like John Bolton. A useful warmonger who won't hold final sway, but who intimidates the other side, whether just because he's that way, or because that's what Trump wants.
Why should our citizens die for this most corrupt kleptocracy on earth?
Fortunately, Lady Lindsay Graham has less and less influence in this tornado of the Trump administration. I think he's just trying to remain relevant in an era where he senses that his time is rapidly fading away. He is NOT in the inner circle of the Trump administration, and that must really hurt his narcissist nature.
I expect that very soon the likes of Graham, McConnell, Schumer, and all of the Old Guard will end ignominiously in complete irrelevance, either via retirement or the ravages of age. Their time is over and they don't know it... so many dead men (and women) walking in their ghost-like appearance, pretty soon they will go the way of Joe Biden and others who clung to a dying paradigm like a life raft, and no one came to save them.
Yup he's trying to look relevant to a group he made promises to
Hence Zekensky's BS narrative about Russia droning Chernobyl. Lindsay is on the kickbacks list.
I'm pretty sure he'll be on other lists as well. I bet we can see it on the 17th when Kash is confirmed.
Ukraine attacking chernobyl was the most painfully obvious thing I've seen in years. Not Suttle. 0 doubt it was Ukraine.
Someone needs to turn him off and on again.
No need to reboot. Shutting him down permanently sounds perfect.
Just off; no need to complete the reboot. Long time ago he seemed okay, but the blackmail must have become too much.
Batrys worn down…barely powering him…will begin corroding.
I don't want Russia to attack Ukraine. I don't want anything bad to happen to the people of Ukraine, or anyone else for that matter.
BUT, there is not one damn thing in Ukraine that is worth one drop of American blood. We have no business going around the world getting involved other countries' bullshit.
But, to be fair, without the US involvement this hole shitshow wouldn't have happened.
Haha —is he going to create a bill? Seems like an empty gesture.
such a puss. Lindsey can sit down and shut his smug ass the f up.
Does this guy think he’s president? Does he have any idea how universally despised he is?
Shut your cock holster, Princess.
Btw, if this isn't a violation of The Logan Act, then I don't know what is.
😂😂😂, I haven't heard that one in forever!
User name checks out.
This puffer is getting nervous.
You misspelled fluffer.
Dang it. Thanks for the correction! :)
He has had his way with the Neocons for so long he still thinks he matters.
I honestly think that Ukraine struck Chernobyl with a drone. I mean, Chernobyl was perfect because it is already quarantined, no people live there. I think they did so to blame Russia. Well, that's my thinking.
Why would Russia spend millions of rubles to put a containment lid over the reactor, then twenty years later start poking holes in it? Doesn't make sense, but if Ukraine does minimum damage to it, then they can blame Russia and fix the hole pretty easily. Why must the deep state continually show they are stupid. I thought they were the brightest people on earth.
Lindsay Graham the Cabals warhawk...pound sand don't speak for the people you turd
Send him First.
It's like this: BLAH, BLAH,BLAH. the end.
"We" whose the "We" Lindsey, you & the mouse in your pocket?
sindsley is a war monger. He should lead the troops
Put a metal pot on his head with a bullseye and then we'll see if he has the stones to lead the charge. He'll lead from someone's behind. errr, I mean, he'll lead from behind.
Mr Graham is stating his idea, your title makes it sound like it is a done deal. Many congress members have ideas that do not align with the White House, but this one sounds like some fear monger in is trying to be raised.
Flamboyant faggot acting out again... Put on some men's underwear with a clean crotch and STFU.
Hmm.. Let's see now.
To join NATO, a country must demonstrate a commitment to democratic principles, maintain a stable political environment, and have the capability to contribute to the alliance's defense. Ongoing conflicts can hinder these requirements
So an unelected dictator hardly sounds like a commitment to democratic principles. OK, let's read on:
NATO's Open Door Policy allows for the admission of new members, but it emphasizes that candidate countries must be stable and secure. A country engaged in an active conflict does not meet these criteria.
It almost sounds like Ukraine is ineligible to join nato. Although, that asshole rutte is no stranger in ignoring rules that don't fit him.
I like most of what I hear from Mark Levin, but he is fully on board with supporting NATO in regard to Ukraine. Personally, I think the U.S. should just let the rest of the world pay with their money, and their lives, to defend themselves, and develop their own resources.
The reason Warmonger Mark Levin opposed Matt Gaetz as Speaker, and wanted the Warmonger McCarthy to remain Speaker. He trashed Gaetz and his "bonehead" faction, a revolt in removing McCarthy.
Only thing that upset about russia ukraine conflict was my gravy train of vintage tubes and ussr electronics dried up overnight and when they were available again for sale it was almost 30x the price I was paying.
Lindsey really doesn't know what or who he is. The sooner the people who keep electing him figure it out the better. Maybe he won't be their representative.
Uh-oh!!! Who lit the Tampon in "Ladybug" Lindsey??
Seems like his "panties" got all twisted up trying to impose himself as POTUS???? WTF!!! Ladybug???? WTF are you dictating National policy???
Lindsey Graham is the boy that was shorter than everyone and constantly trying to be part of the big boy club.
Don't think I want a guy who likely quite literally gets off watching dudes kill one another having any input in such things.
Words from a man who likely has something [$$] to hide...
Has Graham gone rogue?
Think of him more like John Bolton. A useful warmonger who won't hold final sway, but who intimidates the other side, whether just because he's that way, or because that's what Trump wants.
Graham cracker ass cracker better settle down...
He's super DIRTY in every meaning of the word...
Graham and McConnell need to be primaried out!
Fuck You Lindsay Graham! No one elected you PRESIDENT... What, you afraid your funding will be cut off? you DICK sucking POS...
Lindsey went to the boarder with Trump right before he left office. Lindsey went to the Superbowl Game with Trump.
What is going on?
If...he's allowed that, but truth about where our money went is coming and I am pretty sure the American people will tell Zelinsky to pound sand.
Define “we”. Would it be the same as “their democracy”?
Definitions matter and “his” version of “we” ( globalists) is shrinking and panicking.