Gather Around newcomers to Q, and listen to the story of Snow White and the Clowns In America's seven dwarves
Those of you who remember the early days of q will know what I'm talking about, but for those who don't, enjoy this short tale of weaponized autism.
Back in November 2017, the early times of Q, when "breads" were being regularly baked every few hours on 4 chan, there were 7 accounts with distinct personalities that kept disrupting anon activity by forum sliding, shilling, and adding bollocks to the threads.
At the time few were really cognizant of the problem, just thinking "these are some annoying glowies". Little did we know just what these accounts actually were.
Q then began posting about "snow white" u/#q80
Soon after that, Q had to add the "trip codes" to their account in part because of them. u/#q128
3 days later, the anons worked out that there were 7 cia supercomputers that were named after the 7 dwarfs u/#q143
once the wider anon audience knew, the weaponised autism that is 4chan and 8chan began digging and found one of the dwarfs posting on the breads. They then broke it. Not joking. These guys drove the computer into admitting it was not a human at all. Once they got to one, they then started picking out the other 6. They all had their own distinct personalities, very much like the 7 dwarves in the fairy tale.
It took a while, and q had to go dark briefly on 8chan because the dwarves were apparently disrupting the q team somehow. never got clarity on this myself but the related posts are:
Q went dark for about a month on the issue, before posting that 3 of the dwarves were down in January of 2018 u/#q577
This effort allowed q to start shutting down the affected accounts and their associated machines, culminating in August of 2018 with Snow White 7 being shut down. u/#q2012
As an aside, they also started shutting down Corona 1, 4, 8 and 16 around the same time as the dwarves:
Whether these are coronavirus related was never made clear.
Here endeth the lesson
Post 128 in brackets...
[C] [i] [A] [is] [here] [p] [r] [a] [y]
I didn't even think to string together after CIA
I originally thought Q was so cryptic and difficult to understand and now I can’t believe I ever thought that. It’s actually straightforward but hindsight is 20/20. Hats off btw to the Anons on the board with the skills to find and take down the 7 Dwarves!
I’ve been here since the Start, as a young guy myself I’m not exactly versed or pro in one subject or another. So it is nice to be reminded of the FACTS and the glorious things we learned and went through with Q.
It would be great one day for one of them to release a book or movie that goes over every post. The context of the times, the little things Trump, Flynn, Assange and all were doing or saying at the time that lined up. All the insider knowledge Q was giving us of operations, broken down.
Maybe DECLASS wasn’t just related to Trump spying but ALL Declass we are seeing announced. I mean JFK, political assassinations, UFOS!?!
All that is going to take a system ontop of the media to go through and understand for any normal citizen. Like a Wikileaks.
THANQ OP - Remember posts Q made about EVERY INTEL agency foreign and domestic being present with Anons watching and trying to dig the drops!?!
The days of VOAT QRV being my first contact with these blatant paid agitators disruptors doomers disinfo agents right when we were AT OUR PEAK!?
(I’m also highly interested in knowing some more about Q digging into “first grab” accounts on social media like @SATAN @GOD and how we would be surprised to learn of some of the people behind the accounts, and were not just being used to openly mock religion, but also sending direct comms) (and who could forget the fact that their was an ENTIRE PRIVATE “ACCESS ONLY” UNDERGROUND TWITTER!?!? The crimes committed on that one platform ALONE….)
AND LETS TALK CRYPTIC… I JUST had this thought….. how cryptic and complicated the web of Q and Evil is…..
I mean the physical and digital battlefield and world affairs ALONE is a staggering amount of info only a Super Computer could grasp….
WHAT OF THE SPIRITUAL BATTLE…. Imagine what that looks like? Perhaps our brain interprets it to the best of our understanding while we sleep….
It is kind of hilarious to step back and realize that Q had the CIA, Mi6, Chinese, Iranians, and everyone else all intbhe same 4chan board as anons, all digging, shit posting, memeing, etc.
Full house.
They are all here.
Enjoy the show.”
Exactly ! When these Q post dropped I was thinking there is a fierce digital battle happening..
It would be fun to learn the exact locations of these systems. We're they in exotic locales, or were they right in your backyard? Next door neighbor, etc...
Hopefully some anon would reveal this for the world to see.
Thought if this drop reading the OP:
It wasn't straightforward when the digs and breads started. It was a mess. The dwarves and glowies made it a nightmare to trawl for data. With qagg and the like there is a lot more simplicity, but before those tools, it was absolute chaos.
There are still some mysteries unsolved in full I believe too. No one is 100% sure about Red October, Iron Eagle, and Godfather III in full to my knowledge. However, Alice in wonderland and snow white are confirmed items.
I remember it well. Fun times. I always figured the Coronas were CIA commsats.
That was my understanding as well - actually I thought they were spy satellites - eyes in the sky and secure comm links.
I did as well, Colt. Still do as there is good reason to believe the Q team was taking down CIA satellites:
Good link anon. Thanks.
Coronas were early birds, KH-11,12,13 Crystal is the later sat descendants. I wonder if there is a classified Corona program.
I always suspected "CORONA" had ties to some type of computer bug or virus system the DS has to cause major disruptions on a moment's notice, knowing how "they" love their play on words.
Never thought about it as commsats form though, what do you think?
Sun Microsystems comes to mind here ...UNIX... Tomcat...Apache
Think Unicos and/or Bell labs System V Unix driving the Crays with a bit of fortran and C... Funny - AI overview has an image of a Cray - I when describing Bubbles (Cray-2).
I find it interesting how "supercomputers" like Cray et al stopped being mentioned in conversation for at least the past 10-15 years. Now all of a sudden everything is "AI"...
I believe the captured dwarves are what DOGE are using, the couple of guys with military support and protection are onsite to get access to the local department file servers, then it’s uploaded to wherever the secure Q base is located.
Highly probable. I think they used space force assets to shut them down, but we probably will never know for sure.
Thanks for the explanation. I was never clear on what happened with the Snow White dwarves, but weaponized autism shutting down supercomputers is nothing short of amazing. It makes me wonder if this type of achievement led to DOGE staff recruitment.
I suspect it did. I found one Q post of a job offer (shown below). I vaguely remember another one, but can't remember enough key words to find it again. An anon had decoded, or figured out something, and Q said something to the effect of telling the anon that there was a job waiting for them because of their ability to make that connection. Wish I could remember the details and find the post.
Another time there was a Florida SWAT team member who was wearing a Q patch in photos with VP Pence. He was apparently not authorized to wear the patch with his uniform. He was disciplined, and Q posted this:
What's funny, is, the way it was written, all the anons on the board thought it was a direct job offer to them. And maybe it was. Plausible deniability, right?
Yes, I recall the job offer or the encouragement to anons but not in detail either. Now that you mention the Q patch, I remember that as well.
Anons that can hack 7 supercomputers would be an elite recruiting pool.
Also the same night the Q team hammered GCHQ Bude the British intel feed.
GCHQ = MI-6?
Gchq is the head. It's what controls mi5 and mi6 in the UK.
Wow, I vaguely remember that, but wasn't fully aware of what was going on at that time. Thanks for putting that in context.
Same here. So much I'm sure I've missed. Just glad I'm somewhat aware!
So long as it's 60% aware 😜
I see what you did there...
Here ... diagonally 😁
You are not alone in this thought.
Thank you for posting this! I was 3 years late to Q and I am always playing catch up!
Better late, than still in the 4-6% category!
Did you know the 7 dwarves were based on 7 demons?
Expand on this fren. First I am hearing of this theory. I am sure many here would enjoy learning this as well. Sounds interesting.
This sounds about right, a lot of those early tales had occultic meaning and embeds.
Thank you for sharing!
I remeber when "Q" was a "Fringe" conspiracy Theory. Zoom to Feb 2025,it seems it was not a Conspiacy theory but is rather true.
Thanks for putting this together. I wasn’t on the Chans much but was following the Q posts nevertheless from the beginning when a friend started posting them on FB. Probably as early as the end of October 2017.
Not being able to circumvent the Chans very well I must have missed all these computers being shut down. I had no idea what Q was referring to. Now I know.
I assume that Trump and Elon may well have been looking at a lot of this data at that time in order to circumvent the agencies they are now delving into with DOGE. And they were ready to start with DOGE right away bc of it. I wouldn't even be surprised if some of Elon’s autists came from the Chans.
High probability some are “former” Space Force military intel.
Great post u/Lupinate !
Our trips down memory lane are sure different than 2 decades ago. Good post OP.
Holy cow. You just explained a bunch of Q posts that few way over my head. I let a lot of this go by, thinking it was some communications I would never understand. Thanks!
Thanks for the description Lupinate! Now I better understand the Snow White comms. So much to learn.....
Thanks Lupinate for this helpful post. I appreciate it very much!
All shall be revealed...
From what I remember, they were 7 CIA satellites that were taken out of commission in one way or another.
“Corona” program from 1960s was “terminated” in May 1972, meaning it got repurposed and went Black. My opinion.
GR8 post
I remember just lurking at the time, but the way so many anons hopped in and started blowing it up was phenomenal. The plan was very well thought out.
Also thank the lord for qagg and the like. The amount of lost data on 4chan / 8chan beggars belief. All of the source images on those boards have been nuked. For newcomers to q, or old timers who used the boards back when Q was massively active, it is a serious blow. Trying to work out meaning from the threads that were done by anons back then today is pure nightmare fuel
Thanks for the trip back in time, Fren!
I’m confused, did Q or the anons take down the dwarves? Or, was it a combination? I guess I can’t understand how anons could have shut down a supercomputer. Thanks in advance!
Remember how Kirk and Spock used to drive evil computers insane by using logic against them? 4chan probably did something like that.
So did Q go in and physically secure the computers or did he use logic on the computers and it went in circles and shut itself down? If the computers were shut down, why didn't their handlers simply turn them off and hit the reset button? Then all they have to do is turn them back on and "unleash the hounds", again. What am I missing?
I suspect hacking and some kind of "poison pill" to make the information unusable, but of course I don't know for sure.
We only know they went offline. The how is relatively unknown (part of what stays hidden for opsec purposes).
Anons did the id'ing, q did the organising and wetwork, for lack of a better term
4chan convinced the AI dwarves that they were really female giraffes, necessitating the deletion of “PENIS MODULE” code lines 456799-523056. /s
Anons identified accounts on the boards that developed what I would call tells, but Q activated unknown assets to take them out.
I remember that those days there was an assumption that Pompeo task was to find the supercomputers within the clowns compartmentalized system. There was some kind of a raid. Those were the times we had hopes about him
It really makes you wonder Elon's possible involvement in this since the beginning. Would make sense.
BRAVO Lupinate! This post is a very vital piece of the picture, especially for those who weren't here during those early days. ✨👏
Will do one on alice as well soon. I never did find out what Godfather 3, iron Eagle, or red October were really about though. Not sure if anyone really locked those in properly.
Looking forward to it!
Useless background... The Seven Dwarves started as tape drive machines long ago
Oh good lord, that would make so much sense!