In a Financial Times interview conducted after the infamous JD Vance speech, a senior EU diploflaggot acknowledged that Europe now recognizes the USA as its enemy. " "This was a direct attack on European democracy. It is now absolutely clear that Europe is alone."
🚔 Crime & EU Burucrats 💸

fuck em, they can't survive without stealing our tax money
Maybe their recent “refugees” will come to their aid and join the euro army! That’ll happen right?!
“Refugees” rape the most.
Not sure about other things
Easy big boy - it's not the people - only their goverment
Now that Trump and team have ours going in the right direction, we can help them throw off their chains as well
This wouldn't be so hilarious if you fags weren't arresting people for posting shit online
I agree. It would be interesting to ask this no doubt career parasite bureaucrat one thing;
If America is the “enemy” and you can see a war with them in the future, who exactly is going to fight for this “European Democracy” you speak of?
Clowns are in such a bubble they have no idea how much we (European Citizens) hate them.
...or for silently praying outside abortion clinics. ...or for a heartfelt tweet. ....or for a host of made-up charges that are more Kafka than real offenses.
Or for silently praying inside your own fucking home if a stranger calls the snitch line and makes an accusation against you. Sounds kind of like Iraq under Saddam for some reason.
Did they learn nothing from Nazi Germany?
It looks like they learned everything from Nazi Germany.
No nation that kicks in the doors of lawful citizens to torment them for political reasons is ANY sort of democracy.. because with this terrorist authority you can then coerce voting outcomes via threats of torture, abuse, deprivations and death.
So these effete unrepresentative vermin are going to spin the FAFO wheel in earnest as soon as Trump has finished cleaning up shop domestically. And likely before then they will have their illicit financing all shut down and exposed to their citizens.
France does it with guillotines, Germans use firing squads, the UK can have their gibbets, it would be hilarious for the Italians to use concrete shoes, and I'd like to see the Nordic countries go back to axes. Let the expressions of EU culture shine strongest in the executions of their criminal leaders.
Can Vlad the Impaler be in the mix too?
Cant forget to tune into the Romanian version when things kick off! And by the shenanigans that are afoot, it may not be far away.. JD Vance was scathing.
In Nordic Countries, make the "Blood Eagle", great again!
and this is why constitutional republic > democracy
democracy is 2 wolves and a sheep voting for dinner.
I knew this, did you see the little commies in the audience acting all commie-like? I knew then that EU is toast.
They are alone because they became commies.
I wonder though how much us money flows to them and once it’s cut off how many propped-up politicians will be voted out. Hopefully Europe can become great again soon
They been sucking the US teat too long and are getting mad at being weane..d
A direct attack on globalism you mean. And yes you are alone.
Oh Really?
Ron White:
"Okay boys, we got the call. NATO - Shut it down."
There's PLENTY of us that didn't forget how you were complicit in stealing 2020...
u/#q1307 u/#q3074
Extra, from Q drop 1531:
Obongo addresses EU
Obongo tells EU, Americans are Too Stupid
European “democracy” means global elitists call the shots and go thru the motions of pretending they are representatives of their citizens. If they are alone it’s because they live in their own manufactured bubble and refuse to listen to reason.
If you go by the name: European democracy, well, it does not exist, simply because Europe is not a country. Then there is the EU,m which is a bureaucratic and technocratic system with some window dressing called EU-parliament, but these jokers have no real power or influence. Hence, no democracy.
Then there are several countries that profess to be democratic, but, simply institute policies no one voters has voted for.
Ergo: the diplofaggot is wrong in that sense.
If his conclusion that the EU is alone in this game, then by all means, yes, indeed. And rightly so. NO more piggy-banking. Cough up your own dough, dude.
What? You mean to say that there are hardly anymore taxes to be squeezed out of the population lest you increase taxation, and thus decrease the well-being of the citizenry? Ergo: loss of power?
Most unfortunate, indeed.
I read an article about Henry Kissinger by a FT journalist about 6 years ago & the author referred to Kissinger as a friend he has interviewed several times before. BTW Kissinger appointed Klaus Schwab & introduced Lady Rothschild to her eventual husband, just am few FYI's that tell you all you need to know about him & FT/
One thing Kissinger said in that though that I agreed with but from the opposite point of view: "Trump may be a figure that appears from time to time that marks the end of an age & get it to give up all its pretenses."
Yeah I heard that quote too. The interesting thing (to me, anyway) was the "time to time" reference. I've been a great fan of the book and concept of "The Fourth Turning." https://www.amazon.com/Fourth-Turning-American-Prophecy-Rendezvous/dp/0767900464
The book was published in 1997 and many of its concepts and predictions are quite astonishing.
I won't go into the entire theory here, it's WAY too complicated for this small space; however, the authors Strauss and Howe pointed out that at the end of each 20-25-year Fourth Turning (a period of "crisis") in the past, a "grey champion" arises to coalesce power around him and leads the society out of that "crisis" era into the next phase, a First Turning 20-25-year period characterized by relative peace and prosperity.
I sincerely believe that Pres. Trump is the "grey champion" of our age, and that the best is yet to come. The authors of the book predicted, with tons of data and historical precedence to back it up, that the current Fourth Turning would come to an end around 2025+/- and we're seeing this happen very suddenly with all the events in the news right now.
This Fourth Turning is coming to its inevitable close and people who don't understand that a new paradigm and a new First Turning is not just on the horizon, it's coming down the street with marching bands and Trump in the lead.
It's glorious to watch.
wow amazing!
Whadya you mean "now" recognizes? Europe has been against us privately for years, while publicly "supporting" us. Things will change only when we stop supplying them money and military protection. Soon, with any luck, they will have to pay their own way and defend themselves.
Let’s invade Europe and make them start speaking English
Game ON Pedofags! Tick Mother-effing tock...
Diploflaggot is an accurate descriptor.
Well, they should be alone. The tariff situation alone should make the US not stand with them.
They're so dramatic over there
You were alone the minute you tried to impose your bullshit tax on us a few years ago........(england)
From what I can tell, EU has no Democracy!
The EU has become the twin of the Soviet Union and the people of Europe must be liberated from the grip of the Oligarch puppets in Brussels.
Who is speaking for all of Europe? A German is my guess.
I would argue that "European Democracy" is an oxymoron.
Incorrect Europe has become our enemy. You took our money just like Vance said, then you used it to embrace the ideologies of our enemies. It's up Tokyo to break free of your money masters who control every aspect of your lives. If you are patient the u.s.a. will starve them out.
The ONLY reason why the are not Russian and Chinese today is because of The UNited States protection. FAFO.
The USA won't keep robbing their citizens to pay off their puppet politicians so we are the enemy.
They have been the blood sucking enemies of the American people all along, and it is high time we started treating them as such.
If we are the enemy maybe we should re-arm the native born of Europe and let them show the politicians who else is their enemy. America wouldn't have to lift a finger other than getting weapons in the right hands.
Nice bluff EU
“Democracy” LOL. Get rid of the stupid EU already, and let European countries go back to doing their own thing.
Also, stop importing all the low IQ people from Africa who aren’t trying to be Europeans. That’s not helping your “democracy.”
"European" and "Democracy" are opposite concepts these days.
Unless, of course, "Democracy" is taken to mean "Under Deep State control."
I think 🇺🇸 is an enemy to the ruling Cabal. These elitist working counter to their people’s benefits will not last long—freedom is contagious
Europe doesn't even have democracies at this point so....
This is all the deep state bolsheviks have left. And the only reason they have this is because there is no real standing army in Europe. The people will solve this in time...
Yeah the EU is totally alone except for all of the countries in it!