This is nothing but an information piece. A hint, that I think was/is a Q phrase. "Saudi Arabia = Wonderland" - Q also, many times said we were watching something ...a "Show". . and said it more than once. For the past few years in my boredom I've began watching and noticing things. Things from - some may remember my reference from a tv show in 2002: The Dead Zone season 2 episode 14 in 2003- specifically talked about Covid and Hydroxychloroquine as the cure. The episodes name was "Plague" - there are many more, - if you want to know what "Wonderland" could additionally be referenced to : look at the tv show "The Blacklist": season 3 episode 4, titled "The Jinn" -it makes reference to a certain person hating his son for being gay so much, he had him castrated and began presenting him as his daughter against the childs own wishes. This child when he got older began a criminal enterprise specializing in fulfilling "Revenge tactics" -or the fantasy/wishes of his clients. Raymond Reddington refers to this enterprise and what this boy has done as being a product of the cabal and calls it specifically Wonderland.
This show has many references to things that we on this board know and recognize but this was one reference among many, that stood out to me and was wondering if any of you have noticed any content, tv, movie shows etc.. words/phrases/acts that go in conjunction with what we've been taught over the last decade, or close to it. Be it an old show or new. Are there any that you have recognized? For me, the hydroxychloroquine for the lung virus was it - until I saw this: Saudi Arabia being "Wonderland" - just as Q stated. It's not that we're living in interesting times. It's the fact we've been living in these hellish conditions and times and didn't even know it. With it being right in front of our faces. Sometimes a good 'movie' can provide a lot of truth and/or background. 'Official Secrets.' Relevant today?
Thoughts? 🤔💭
That some interesting finds. I don't watch much TV so I never would've seen that. I'm sure there's gotta be so many more.
I think one of the more interesting aspects in this phenomenon that is routinely overlooked is the possibility that sometimes these things are done by embedded White Hats...
Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, in his open letter to Trump (that Q posted) spoke about 'Brothers of Light battling the brothers of darkness.'
He explained that the "Brothers of Light" - behind-the-scenes - battled darkness on mankind's behalf for many centuries.
👆🏽 so many Anons never took this to its logical conclusion as it relates to the phenomenon commonly known as "predictive programming."
One 'Brother of Light' is the maker of I Pet Goat II.
If you watch carefully, look at who he depicts as the bad guys (bush/obama/communism/China/AI-serpent) and the good guy.
So many people scoff and say "cabal predictive programming" etc. but these people are thinking on a very shallow level.
Consider the points I made as to who he depicts as the good guys and the winners versus the evil Cabal losers.
Why would a 'black hat' make a film glorifying THEIR OWN SIDE being defeated?
I just dropped such a huge kitty here, You don't even know.
John, You make my brain🧠 hurt at times but I'll give it my best: as follows:🤞 Predictive programming is often understood as a concept where media—TV shows, movies, or other cultural artifacts—embed ideas, events, or outcomes into the public consciousness, potentially to desensitize or prepare people for future events. These examples, like The Dead Zone episode "Plague" (Season 2, Episode 14, aired July 13, 2003) mentioning hydroxychloroquine as a cure for a Chinese respiratory virus, or The Blacklist referencing "Wonderland" in connection to Saudi Arabia, align with themes Q has pointed to as evidence of foreknowledge or hidden messages. Q’s posts often suggested that certain events were scripted or signaled in advance, whether by malevolent forces or, as you propose, by "White Hats" (benevolent insiders). refill- vodka' time- brb - thanks for understanding. Ok, your key argument seems to hinge on reinterpreting this phenomenon: rather than assuming all predictive programming serves a "Black Hat" (evil cabal) agenda, you suggest that some instances might come from "White Hats"—those who are working against the darkness. You tie this to Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò’s letter to Trump, which Q shared (notably on June 6, 2020, per drop #4461), where Viganò frames the world as a battleground between "children of light" and "children of darkness." You extend this to argue that "Brothers of Light" might have been subtly influencing media to drop hints or rally support for their cause. The I, Pet Goat II example is particularly interesting to me. This animated show by Heliofant is dense with symbolism: George W. Bush morphing into Barack Obama, a serpent-like AI figure, and a Christ-like character emerging victorious. I still refer it as being labeled "cabal predictive programming" -some who see it as a boastful display of elite control. But your twist—asking why a "Black Hat" would depict their own defeat—suggests an alternative: perhaps the creator (a "Brother of Light") intended it as a subversive message of hope, showing the "good guys" triumphing over corrupt powers (Bush, Obama, communism, etc.). So, what’s the "kitty" you dropped? Of that I am not sure- you are quite cryptic and Do Indeed make one use their braincells, I could be wrong but this is what I read out of it: the hint that predictive programming might not always be a tool of the oppressors, but could sometimes be a weapon of the resistance—a coded message from White Hats to awaken or encourage those paying attention. You’re challenging the default assumption that all such media is sinister, proposing instead that some creators might be embedding truth to undermine the "evil Cabal losers" from within. it’s a compelling idea. If true, it reframes works like I, Pet Goat II or specific TV episodes as potential acts of defiance rather than compliance. The "White Hats" could be using the same cultural tools as their adversaries, but to a different end—planting seeds of awareness rather than submission. The logical conclusion, as you put it, is that not every eerie coincidence in media is a flex of power; some might be a wink from the good guys, saying, "We’re here, and we’re fighting." It’s a plausible theory, especially given how opaque the intentions behind art and media can be. The Dead Zone episode does feel oddly prescient—hydroxychloroquine wasn’t a household name in 2003, yet it fits neatly into later Q narratives about COVID-19. And I, Pet Goat II’s imagery does lean toward a redemptive arc, which clashes with the idea of a cabal gloating over inevitable victory. -that's all I can think of at this time. Thank you an awful lot John for giving me this to even think on let alone even try to solve. - I appreciate your input at all times in all posts. - much appreciated friend. Cheers and thanks again, 🍻
Very thoughtful analysis u/Tetartos_Ippeas
Did anyone notice the film runtime 7:28 = 17?
Or that the president that came after Obama, which frightened Obama, and was represented by a lotus? A lotus was Trump's gift to the pope.
Lotus = rebirth.
Or the White Rabbit just before the lotus?
Or how about the SKY EVENT at the end?
going back to study more now. many thanks again John and very much appreciated. if/when I figure anything else out, -you'll know. 👍🍻
u/JohnTitor17 I've decided either before I go to bed or tomorrow to just make a post out of this. I have literally blown my eyes from the stopping, starting and with me and math along with symbols and going back and forth so many times, really need to compile all my notes and just try to make it make sense that way, although I do not think most people will see what I saw, maybe though. This has utterly been mind melting and the see the birth, now, and awakening, something new... very relevant to today and our future or so I think. Either way. I will post when I can, either tonight again or tomorrow when completed. and in much better form/structure.
Awesome! Tag me or lmk when you make that post!
no problem and will do friend. and yes, extremely interesting. many thanks john.
Interesting... isn't it?
See how [China] (girl) gets taken out suddenly, by surprise? "(Think) Fireworks"
It goes deep frens.
21-28 week to remember?
"The Strike Will Be Fast."
I am sure there are many Q references that link to movies.
WWG1WGA comes from the movie White Squall.
Q mentions Iron Eagle, Godfather III, The Hunt for Red October. I always assumed the themes in these movies were playing out in real life.
Iron Eagle is about a young man who teams up with a retired Air Force Colonel to plan a rescue of his father who was taken as a prisoner of war in the middle east. Sorta like Trump did with the "Clam before the Storm" moment.
God Father III is about Micheal Corleone attempting to forget his past, turn a new leaf and save the family name. He borrows money from the Vatican Bank to start a family business and uncovers corruption and scandal within the Vatican involving money laundering, embezzlement, and ties to organized crime.
The Hunt for Red October is about the captain of a Soviet submarine who defects while trying to elude both the Soviet Navy and U.S. forces, in effort to reach America's shore to seek asylum. I think this movie reference connects back to Germany giving Israel 6 nuclear capable submarines. Israel claiming they would use the Sampson option if the safety of Israel was ever at stake. I assume when look for meaning, perhaps some these Israeli subs defected, informed government officials of the Sampson option and the US Navy began a mission to locate and destroy the other subs. There was a missile that was launched from Alaska waters, the intended target was Air Force One. The media called it a helicopter, others claimed it came from a decommissioned sub. I think it was from an Israeli sub. Israel knows their survival is at stake under Trump, according to them all options on the table. Saving Israel for last ties into this, you don't want to kick the sleeping bear to early in the game. Provide extra time needed to ensure safety for the planet before taking any action.
You have to wonder if US intel, CIA or FBI gave Israel Trump's flight path and flight details and this was the outcome. Perhaps this was a white hat mission designed to have Israel expose the location of their submarine and the Israeli sub was intercepted afterwards?
I remember that!
There was another missile launched from a submarine off the coast of California as well, back in 2010! It was clearly a threat and I remember the news varied from "it was just the US government testing" which was clearly a lie, to "it was china" but now I wonder if there was some sort of Samson related negotiation going on at the time.
excellent references and spot on as well. well said Jhartz. many thanks for what you've contributed to here tonight. very much appreciated friend! cheers 🍻
Very nice. Kinda makes you wonder about some of the dates mentioned in q posts (ie, 11.3 / 11.4) - could they also refer to a season 3 episode 11? (In addition to Law of War manual stuff). I think we are all in a different mindset compared to years ago, and we are more prone to pick up on narratives now than we were then.
I think "you" are exactly right. Excellently said and much appreciated Magpi'. 🍻
Thanks for bringing this up.
I don't have anything to contribute specifically regarding "wonderland" at the moment... but, there's certainly a long list of predictive "coincidences", pertaining to the ongoing narrative, like 911 etc.
There are many references and keys in the Stargate sg1 series that line up with Q drops. Several are matched up in the MJ12 PDF. Let discernment be your sieve. There are other non-Q keys there as well, such as the focus on an evil demonic force, the Goa'uld , that embrace "Egyptian" advanced technology and desires for conquest and enslaving populations. They're literally telling us that the evil cabal is "Pharaonic" - and if you follow that line, and observe the symbolism they have used from long ago to today, a picture emerges... one that's been right in our faces the whole time.
I'll check back later, as the comments may jog my memory...It seems to me that this inquiry would be ideally suited for AI given the fact that sifting through video is a tremendous task, that ai could evaluate and filter in short order. That is of course, if it doesn't filter the results for "reasons"...
reasons exactly. Why I don't exactly put my trust in it just yet. - as for what you said I absolutely agree and yes the mj12 pdf, my wife and I got several years ago. We've also studied at length Apocryphal texts : they seem to fill in the missing blanks and I can see exactly why King James did not want certain texts included in the Canon. The Books of Enoch are especially telling for us. Amazing to have had the very minutes, seconds, stars, months, seasons, realms of Heaven itself along with doors that when open both above and below "the waters" open up. I fear they've taken out too many things to dumb people down that would if it were to make it main stream would give people no other option than to realize "there is a God" and "our Bible is True." getting back to predictive programming, your idea of utilizing A.I. to sift the videos is an excellent one. Wish I'd thought of it before actually doing this post. lol Either way, -many thanks again for your opinions and information that you bring here friend. Don't be afraid to comment more if something else pops in your head. - very much appreciated TaQo 🍻
If viewed through the lens of taking what's written literally, yes would seem so.
However, when viewed as allegory and code, and you discover it gives instructions to those with eyes to see and ears to hear, how to meet the Christ within yourself - which has been hidden from those who would pervert or remove this information, which is still in there.
Agreed. Didn't want to leave you hanging-but just took my meds and am hittin' the sack, but will answer everyone back when we get up. many thanks for contributing to this post TaQo, as always, your input means alot - as does everyone elses', but you my friend are one of my favs, demented but still a fav. i'll catch you on the flip side friend. 🍻😴💤
LoL sleep well my friend.
Taken out or left in or out would all be as necessary for who/what ever.
Watch this :
If you question God's ability to communicate or The Force if you prefer because Nairobi Ben-Kanobi here clearly has had an epiphany . And given that:
"Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you." --Luke 17 :21 -1599 Geneva
he clearly wants individual communication.
Wonderland...Abdullah bin Abdulaziz Al Saud (1 August 1924 – 23 January 2015) Just coincidently died as our Trump journey was taking off and it is said alot of rabbits fell into Alice's world there. Sometimes it just is what it is , or rather was.
I totally agree with you about Stargate SG-1 being full of things that look very different to me now knowing what I know since Q.
Another series my mind keeps going back to because of the biological tech is "Dark Matter". Also a lot of MK-Ultra type stuff going on in that short-lived show. I think it was from the same folks who did SG1. Been quite a long while since I watched it but have been meaning to watch it again in light of what we all now know about the good and evil that has been going on around us that we didn't know to pay attention to.
agreed. they do it w/out us being aware- although now that we are somewhat awakened and aware- it'll make them harder to get there jobs done so far as trying to program us. Not gonna' be that easy anymore. Not with this many people waking up and noticing. especially just us here now talking about all of it. word spreads and when it does, it does not help the enemy out in this case, at all. good comment WTFChuck' - i appreciate what you had to say. 🍻
I think you are right in pointing to certain episodes and even movies.
Actually, Q mentioned specifically several movies:
I asked Leo to make me a list of reasons for mentioning a movie/ alluding to a movie (which Leo admits may not be comprehensive), the movie name + Q-post in which it appears:
basic questions:
Go to Leo, Perplexity, ChatGTP, or Grok. Play around with it.
u/#q1201 - Analyzing the themes of artificial intelligence and human evolution 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)
u/#q1202 - Discussing the idea of a robot uprising The Terminator (1984)
u/#q1203 - (no reason provided)
u/#q1204 - (no reason provided)
u/#q1205 - (no reason provided)
List continues
u/#q1231 - Analyzing the themes of artificial intelligence and human evolution
The Matrix Reloaded (2003)
u/#q1232 - Discussing the idea of a hidden agenda behind global events
The Matrix Revolutions (2003)
u/#q1233 - Comparing the movie's themes to real-life events
The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (2003)
u/#q1234 - Discussing the idea of a hidden agenda behind global events
The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (2001)
u/#q1235 - Analyzing the themes of loyalty and friendship
The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (2002)
u/#q137 - Analyzing the themes of chaos and anarchy
The Dark Knight (2008)
u/#q145 - Analyzing the themes of chaos and anarchy
The Dark Knight Rises (2012)
u/#q145 - Discussing the concept of a global economic collapse
The Dark Knight Rises (2012)
u/#q145 - Analyzing the themes of artificial intelligence and human evolution
The Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015)
u/#q145 - Discussing the concept of shared dreaming
Inception (2010)
u/#q145 - Analyzing the themes of rebellion and social commentary
The Hunger Games (2012)
u/#q145 - Discussing the concept of a controlled population
The Hunger Games: Catching Fire (2013)
u/#q145 - Comparing the movie's themes to real-life events
The Hunger Games: Mockingjay – Part 1 (2014)
u/#q145 - Analyzing the themes of war and sacrifice
The Hunger Games: Mockingjay – Part 2 (2015)
u/#q145 - (no reason provided)
u/#q232 - Discussing hope and resilience in the face of adversity
The Shawshank Redemption (1994)
u/#q433 - Discussing hope and resilience in the face of adversity
The Shawshank Redemption (1994)
u/#q236 - Predicting a false flag event
Patriots Day (2016)
u/#q350 - Discussing the concept of a simulated reality
The Matrix (1999)
Its fun. I focused Leo on 1203 - 1205. and asked it to come up with common denominators. Guess what it said:
I wrote:
So, now you see why the offered AI's are pure waste of time, except for learning howto. Once you are fine with that, move into downloading
and you can have your own AI working for you. Use a model that fits the available resources. i.e. if you have not a "nvidia card" present, your system will run on your CPU. If you have only a few gigs of ram, take a small model.Then feed it with q-posts.
You could also use this setup: docker first, then openwebui, download a model, and feed it, or even hook it up to the internet. Use your own brain, and question it thoroughly.
This response I can't say enough about but thank you so very much. This was obviously done in a manner that took both time and intelligence. I could write a thousand more words on with what you've written so far as how spot on you are and the connections you've made. Excellent tutorial and even great info out here for our anons on exactly what this means, with great examples and how to utilize A.I. including feeding your own as you've stated. - many thanks redtoe, - mean it 🍻👍
For instance:
{ "post_metadata": { "author": "Anonymous", "source": { "board": "/pol", "site": "4ch" }, "time": 1509223468, "id": 1 }, "text": ">>147005381\nHRC extradition already in motion effective yesterday with several countries in case of cross border run. Passport approved to be flagged effective 10/30 @ 12:01am. Expect massive riots organized in defiance and others fleeing the US to occur. US M’s will conduct the operation while NG activated. Proof check: Locate a NG member and ask if activated for duty 10/30 across most major cities.", "referenced_posts": [ { "reference": ">>147005381", "text": ">>146981635\nHillary Clinton will be arrested between 7:45 AM - 8:30 AM EST on Monday - the morning on Oct 30, 2017." } ] },
It looks maybe a bit weird at first. Locate "id". note the value of "text".
You could select copy all these posts, and paste then in wordpad/ kwrite/ leafpad or something, and save it in a folder as a q-posts.txt file.
Once you have your local instance of a model, say the Deepseek jailbroken unrestricted version (see happyface or Ollama website), you can feed this to your AI-model. Since it is text, it means a low space retention footprint. And, make up (to make things look nice for you) is not clogging operations/calculations
start asking questions you know the answer to. Compare it to what you see on screen as a response. Now, you may need to tweak that bitch, by setting:
But: nothing beats a good prompt. I know, you guys are all upstanding moral characters ..... but think for a moment like a bad ass.
What is black and White mail?
Or you could make that model into Thomas Jefferson, if you feed it the right stuff.
Enjoy, and be mindful of what you do.
Ive spent a lot of time recently due to circumstance with the TV on and me being a captive audience.
I found it odd that at the same time a girl disappears in Dominican that could very probably end up being a case of kidnapping and trafficking as a Jason Stratham movie begins to be promoted with themes similar to the older movie "Taken". I dont believe in coincidence. We know this shit happens worldwide with young girls being kidnapped right from the airport or their hotels and sold into sex slavery.
So when I began seeing the news items on this girl and seeing this trailer for Strathams movie beginning almost simultaneously, I took it as something like predicitive programming perhaps as a first step moving these ideas into the national conversation.
I'd say you did and thought the very thing that would be considered normal for someone in your shoes, especially after being exposed to all of what we were and still are being exposed to. You're going with your gut and I can read it in your words. You're not wrong. not one bit. many thanks friend for your insight and information shared here. -very much appreciated LongTimeListener' - i mean it. 🍻
I haven't watched TV since late 2020, but do recall, a few years prior, being able to stream Blacklist, my favorite show at the time, no commercials and in order, while recuperating from surgery at a friend's house. I vaguely remember the episode you refer to, enjoyed the Blacklist show despite it's sometimes gruesome nature. Overall, what struck me was that it seemed "real" - like the situations portrayed could be (and probably were) based on actual occurrences, things that were too heinous to be made common knowledge.
To a lesser degree, the Law & Order: SVU program had that same sense. There was an episode where MH takes a phone call from a little girl who happened to be a human trafficking victim, crescendoed into the end where they were able to save her in the nick of time after her abductor buried her alive when he realized the LEOs were onto him. It was a pretty good depiction of the kind of cruel malevolence and evil these beasts are made of.
Another one was Criminal Minds and they delved into psychology a lot in that show. I had to stop watching that one, much as I really liked it, as it seemed too real. At the time I had a hard time wrapping my mind around the fact that there were likely truly deranged individuals such as were depicted on that show, the evil under belly of society. That was in the pre-GAW days. Now we stare into the abyss daily.
As I said it's been a while since I watched TV so I can't dredge up too many specifics as they may relate to Q topics.
Edit: Elementary was another one that "connects" on several levels, another of my favorite shows. One episode had surveillance built into flying "insects", another had some kind of strange (hieroglyphics) comms being sent to criminals on their cellphones from shadowy overlords, another with an assassin who was skilled at making his hits look like accidents, etc.
well you did just fine with what you've said here and I very much appreciate it. as for the Now we stare into the abyss daily. Yes, 100% correct. It is hard to watch at times as well but just knowing this level of evil exists and what they do and with who- very hard to keep doing this every day. We actually take breaks and days off from all of it. It's so sickening I'm not sure how anyone 'could' deal with this on a daily basis.- and to think- we just thought we were watching a tv show. Unreal. - many thanks for your comment ThinQ. very much appreciated. 🍻
You would do better to decode
2.Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
Wizard of oZ about gold ? Oz = ounce
interesting. thank you for that. much appreciated.
I watch a lot of FOREIGN tv series and see WHat messaging on many of the more recent productions.EVEN if they are Qless they must be somewhat INFORMED.
I started watching TV more lately, and I pay attention to what my clueless sister finds interesting on Netflix. The Xanax documentary, Amazon one, The Crown. I would watch and just think - wow, they are educating people with these…
Yellowstone, Clarkson’s Farm. All educating the clueless about what our ranchers and farmers are dealing with as they produce food.
I definitely think you're right. How else drop the easter eggs in so many shows w/out knowing? wouldn't make sense, at least not to me. Think you're spot on with what you said. - many thanks🍻
January 3, 2001 (Sky One) Season4, Episode16 of Stargate SG-1 entitled “2010” (companion episode is ‘2001’ S5E10) lays out the whole “engineered virus able to target a specific genetic group” AND “a vaccine that sterilizes the population” for the purpose of longterm theft of land and resources via intentional depopulation. Vaccine is sold as “life extension” and “cancer cure” by an alien race to humans without disclosure of its true purpose. Brad Wright did both of those episodes as well as some other interesting ones.
SG-1 movie was in 1994 at the beginning of the 1994-2001 mini-awakening period, with the TV series running from 1997-2007. First episode 7-27-97 and last 3-13-07 (mini-awakening ended with 9-11-01, just over 9 months after this episode). Another mini-awakening appeared to occur around 2007, ending 7-14-13 with Smith-Mundt Modernization passage.
THIS is interesting. Thank you!
Several years ago, right after I joined GAW, someone posted a comic book from the 80’s/90’s that had pics regarding the “covid” virus and predicted it in the year 2020ish. I want to say I think it also had pics of the twin towers burning too. That had such an impact on me and I didn’t understand about the save feature, and have tried to find it ever since. I’ve done search here and internet searches. Does anyone else remember this?
As far as tv, I know the Simpsons have quite a few shows that predicted future events. Again, as far as tv, when I go to my son’s house to watch a movie they picked out…so many times I rolled my eyes and think …”you have know idea this is exactly happening today!” A year ago, they were not into politics (which I wasn’t either in my mid 40’s) but they are slowly waking up as I got them to vote Trump! DIL was some what liberal with teenage boys, but at least she voted the way my son did. My 20 rear old grandson was the only one in the house to stay up and watched the entire election night till 2am. So glad that his generation is waking up.
am VERY glad that generation is waking up, indeed. you're not wrong about the comic- it was The Revenge of the Living Monolith. Two others that stood out were "Uncanny X-Men #189" (January 1985) In this Marvel issue by Chris Claremont and John Romita Jr., Rachel Summers (Phoenix from the future timeline of Earth-811) visits New York City with teammate Magma. When she sees the World Trade Center, she experiences a telepathic flashback to her dystopian timeline where the towers are in ruins after a catastrophic event. While not explicitly shown on fire in the present, the imagery of their destruction is vivid in her memory, tying them to a scene of flames and collapse. and the second one which I checked was this: "Spider-Man vs. X-Force" (Spider-Man #6, January 1991) Written by Todd McFarlane and drawn by Rob Liefeld, this crossover features Spider-Man teaming up with Cable’s X-Force against Black Tom Cassidy and Juggernaut at the World Trade Center. Black Tom plants explosives that severely damage one of the towers, with flames and structural collapse depicted as Juggernaut rams through the wreckage. The fiery chaos atop the towers stands out as a pre-9/11 example. I know there are more, as I am writing this from bed right now I can't get up and look at my collection - yes, I was a comic book collector and yes, it paid off, especially X-Men 94 as well as Amazing Fantasy 15. No Action Comics #1 for me though - out of my price range - although the Amazing Fantasy has risen more than I ever thought possible. Either way you're right - this stuff is programmed into everything we see, hear and read from subliminal to actual backmasked tracks in audio, and probably using 440Hz instead of the 432 Hz, but that's a different story. Will take a closer look at the Simpsons and know there are many examples there and appreciate you bringing that one up for all of us here on this subject. many thanks to what you have brought to this conversation. you are very much appreciated as are your opinions as well. cheers! 🍻
Thank you for your kind compliment. I see the world so much differently in all aspects of life. At least we have a fighting chance to save it with Trump, his cabinet picks and the Grace of God.
You said it. 👍🙏
Please write more about the "using 440 Hz instead of the 432 Hz" when you have the time. I believe the change in frequencies has to do with the change in our world. We need to get back to pure frequencies to unlock our true potential. Remove the noise.
Indeed it does. We ourselves vibrate at a certain frequency. There is a lot more involved within this - I've read tons of things Tesla as well as others have put out and will most definitely post again with more info. Thank you for asking and for your concerns - they're very much valid. u/granan
How much did the so called "Cathedrals" and the bells that were removed have to do with the pure frequencies.
The 2003 HCQ one makes sense because SARS was happening at the time. SARS outbreak was 2002-2004 and both HCQ and ivermectin were discovered to be treatments for it.
Covid is the only other SARS virus ever discovered (and thats why both are probably weapons - nature hasn't released a solo virus like this before, and we are pretty late in history for that solo to get a sequel naturally)
anything naturally occurring cannot be patented. - Covid was several years before becoming a thing world wide. The demonic part is the who that patented it.
The interesting thing about that is US Patent # 7,279,327 B2 was filed in 2002 - meaning before the first SARS coronavirus in human history was ever discovered it had already been patented.
The second one ever discovered being Covid, I wonder if there are any related paptents equally suspiciously timed.
One thing is absolutely certain beyond all reason however: If a virus had existed in nature all along that was as rapidly infectious, capable of circumnavigating every part of the globe in 2 weeks, and prone to rapidly evolving new "variants" constantly as Covid... it would not have suddenly appeared all at once as only the second variation of its entire genetic heritage. It would have been referenced Biblicly throughout ancient writings and today there would be tens of millions of variations rather than only the two discovered since the genome popped into existence from nowhere in 2003.
Also despite various "omicron" etc variations claimed over the last few years no genetics have been published, and despite the 2025 flu virus shots supposedly being rendered ineffective because of interrupted funding thanks to efficiency office oversights those supposed variations did not require a whole new vaccine. Internal consistency was never part of that story, despite being an extremely important aspect of believable fiction writing. It's a shame Hollywood hates good writers so much they had to have a writers guild strike to call attention to how lazy and unbelievable the writing has become.
well stated and I agree on all points you made. couldn't have been said better. many thanks Toblathe.
I saw that there was a relatively recent movie (2019) "Red Shoes and the Seven Dwarfs", and wondered if the red shoe aspect could be significant.
as gross as it sounds, probably isn't far off if not connected period. good catch I'd say Phd'. 👍
As far as TV shows, I always thought Utopia (2020) was way underrated here. Season 2 was cancelled since the show was too over the target concerning covid.
"Utopia is a conspiracy thriller that follows a group of young fans who come together when they discover that the conspiracy in an elusive comic, Utopia, is real. The comic foretells the demise of humanity and the world as we know it, thrusting this group of underdogs to embark on a high-stakes twisted adventure to use what they uncover to save themselves, each other and ultimately humanity."
One other thing I feel is warranted to bring up, and that is LLM's are language models ....
Copernicus came out with a model of the solar system based on Galileo's. Yet, they were wrong as they did not explain the observed phenomena. There were slight anomalies that could not be explained. Why? Because their approaches were circular, meaning one center.
Tycho Brahe came out with a model that did a better job at some of these anomalies. The interesting notion here was a two center movement model.
Current models of the solar system take into account that the forces regulating the movement of heavenly bodies makes it more elliptical, or rather, 2 centered circular movements. Yet, the Brahe system stands totally discarded, and Copernicus' system as validated.
Whatever model you use, remain critical, and the more buzzwords are used, usually intentional language and phrases like: could have been, might have been, blabla, requires further scrutiny.
Language models are based on two positions: one and zero, and based on prediction of the next letter c.q. word or phrase, taken in a certain length of context. It is reminiscent of card counting at black jack.
I have a ton of things I could say on this both Biblically and involving math/physics as well. with proof - but hesitate to say due to "rules" and other things being looked at as 'conspiracy'- I wish I could say more. Either way, hey I wonder what NASA means in Hebrew? Just wondering. ...
See I always wondered about that. Are the TV shows Writers REALLY writers or some Govt Shadow Agents working in the "Mind Control" Department??
the movie 'Iron Sky' about a nazi base hidden on the moon since ww2 was suggested as having a lot of truth hidden in it. But replace the moon with Antarctica. (The female president was a Sarah Palin imitation meant to mock her basically as well) the sequel Iron sky - The Coming Race - has stuff showing hollow earth, and a prologue about aliens landing long ago and altering dna to create people etc. Also the aliens ingest a 'substance' that keeps them young. End credits show a communist settlement on Mars.
There is probably thousands of examples of predictive programing out there. Not from white hats but the bad guys showing 'this is what we are going to do and you cant stop it' kind of thing.
Someone posted the 5 min clip of show 'Utopia' with TDS enthusiast John Cusack outlining pretty much exactly the covid strategy. Also the new X-files with a Joel McHale clip doing much the same.
didn't know about the films you stated but yes, did indeed see the Utopia and X-files clips. I got a shit ton of info on Antarctica and it's real, but not allowed to talk about "conspiracies" here. otherwise I'd tell you alllllllll about things that people wouldn't even begin to believe let alone understand. btw, what's NASA mean in Hebrew? Just wondering cause I didn't know. 😏 many thanks Riggs and cheers! 🍻
The movie "Dave" was predictive programming.