A Sharia City Near Dallas Texas. Yasir Qadhi Responds-—AND LETS TEXAS KNOW YOU CAN’T TOUCH HIM! (You can touch Jesus and be healed but you cannot touch this one)
🧠 These people are STUPID!
Islam is not compatible with the United States Constitution.
This (it is not compatible with any culture, not even its own)
You can't just build a city inside of the US and ignore the Constitution, Bill of Rights, and think it's going to work.
Feel free to worship the pedophile Muhammad if you want. But you're not coming in here and changing laws. GTFO
I know that.
Wake up!!!!!!!! This is a slow overthrow of the USA.
Islam views this as sovreign territory. Why would we allow an enemy to place an encampment within our own borders????????
Because Zionist Marxists have infiltrated and brainwashed millions of people.
Basically the UK playbook
Give it time, they will all be exported!
If you live around there, make sure you check it out.
We can’t have church bells ringing on Sunday morning cuz…reasons. But the “call to prayer” every day broadcast on loudspeakers is just fine.
I hear church bell.
Where do you live that doesn't allow church bells? Which city? I've lived a lot of places and have never heard anyone not allow those bells.
I’ve lived in big cities and small towns. I have never heard a church bell ringing on a Sunday morn. Ever.
Lots of stories online. AZ put a guy in jail for ringing the church bells.
I own two homes and can hear church bells on sunday at both. One is in downtown Arlington, the other is in rural NC.
Well, maybe it’s a west coast thing…no church bells.
This is happening in Michigan too. Give an inch, they take a mile. Look at Ilhan Omar. Those entering the country need to ASSIMILATE. We can not have little enclaves making and enforcing their own laws contrary to those in the Constitution. There can not be NoGo zones.
There is no such thing. This is why the founding fathers said that America is a nation of Europeans.
So many on here still don’t get that until all immigration is ended the west is done Q or not.
We have a major East Indian problem where I live. Same thing. They don’t assimilate.
I remember growing up when it was only whites and East Asians and everyone got along and talked to each other.
Demographics are destiny.
I would like to see what happen later. This is rather interesting.
If he's terror-linked, he needs to be deported. End of story.
Yes. I agree.
[they] will say and do anything to destroy Christian America, even if it means allying with the most extreme quasi-religious, political ideology ever devised by man.
I don't care what anyone here has to say about Islam, I've read the Qu'ran, the Hadith, and many of the proclamations from the Caliphs. Islam is extremist in origin, scope, and deed. There is no such thing as a moderate Muslim. A so-called moderate Muslim is only a Muslim that looks the other way when the terroristic enforcers act against non-Muslims. Most will tell you that they don't support some of the actions, but they do support the end goal of Islam - the conquering of the world under the banner of Islam. The rest will tell you that they wholeheartedly support the extreme tactics. To them, it is the "will of Allah."
It's why this political ideology is so at odds with Judaism (specificslly) and Christianity (generally) and why the Jews are the sworn enemy of Islam. BOTH ideologies preach the conquering of the infidels by any means necessary. It's why Islam works to subvert and destroy any society that isn't Islam. It's why Islam itself is at odds with Islam's many sects. It's why nothing but death and destruction follows in Islam's wake, and it's why the world is better off without Islam.
With Islam, "there can be only one."
Unless and until we are working going to truly call a spade, they will continue until either of two possibilities occurs, Islam conquers the world, or the world burns and humanity is extinguished.
A moderate muslim is only moderate while he’s a tiny minority inside a country they’re trying to conquer. Once backup arrives he stops being so moderate.
Give them no quarter here.
I think that something else will happen.
Proof will emerge that Islam was created for geopolitical reasons. It will be proven to be entirely synthetic.
And after a while, people will abandon it and may then be able to assimilate.
They'll sure be happier people.
The Zionists use the Muslims to kill Christians.
It’s happening in Syria right now.
I live in Muslim countries b4 and I don't like it. Least of all the 5 prayers daily. Sucks big time.
Okay boys, saddle up! Let's go play, Cowboys and Muslims!
This Is What Happens When You Invite The Enemy Into Your Home.
The enemy isn't stupid. They're using our laws, our culture, against us. They are not assimilating, they are creating Arabic-speaking enclaves, the pre-cursor to 'no-go zones' as described in various European news articles over the last ten years. They are slowly invading, not by immigration, but by out-birthing. Demographics don't lie. A sustainable population requires a minimum replacement birthrate of 2.1 annually. The average annual US birthrate is down to 1.6. The muslims in the US are averaging 5.0. They can't sustain themselves or support all the offspring on their usual business' and jobs, so your tax dollars, via welfare, allow them to continue breeding without limit. At least until the national debt system collapses. Then guess how they'll sustain themselves.
Critics will say welfare had a similar effect on the black population in the 70s, but it all settled down. There is some truth to that. But they were also American. Spoke English as the primary language. Invested in the system to grow. Muslims are not. They are balkanizing themselves away from the host culture, not unlike indian reservations. Deliberately maintaining non-English as primary language. They cooperate with 'outsiders' as needed, but growth is focused within the ever expanding enclaves.
Islam requires conquest for expansion. At first, gentle pressure, later, as their numbers increase, gathering political power used to threaten/coerce the normal populace, then when their numbers are sufficiently overwhelming, by force. Their religion specifically states its ok to lie to 'unbelievers'. Their religion allows for animal sacrifice. Their religion specifies killing those who renounce. Their religion bans alternate lifestyles.
The cultural cancer is spreading, literally expanding as you read this. Right now they have grown in influence in Minnesota and is growing in Michigan. The federal gov't is shipping them to all 50 states as we speak, setting down roots. Right now they are fighting with words, but that is changing. Dearborn is just the beginning. Muslims are an entity the leftist think they can control. Leftists will realize their mistake when they start getting tossed off rooftops. By then, it'll be too late.
It is still possible to reverse what is coming. The America I grew up in would have no problem doing what's needed to stop it. Not now though. Public corruption, out of control debt, biased legal system - this hasn't been the country I grew up in for decades. Today's America is too chickenshit to do what needs to be done. I'll be dead in the next ten years. At least I won't have to live through what's coming.
Maybe I'll be surprised.
taqiyya: islam's doctrine of deception
muslim takeover city council
leftists lose
animal sacrifice
fallujah rooftops
hunted down
uk becomes sharia (west)
Interesting read. Thank you so much for this info. You should post this so others will see. It's important.
It seems to me there are grounds to deport any naturalized citizens involved in this blatant disrespect of American legal superiority. Doing this violates the oath they took as citizens. They must be the test case.
I am not sure whether this is a test case or not but really blatant.
He must be out of his mind. He is gonna find out about Real Texas All these Anti Christ folk would be deported if it were up to me. Who are the politicians protecting this seditious thief?
Deported and if they refuse we need a final crusade.
Quite a few.
Need a list of the politicians.
Yes. I would like to know.
Thought Governor Abbott said no to their plans?
Read that too.
In 2017, Texas passed House Bill 45, signed by Governor Greg Abbott, which prevents state courts from applying foreign laws, including Sharia law, in family law cases if they conflict with U.S. constitutional rights or Texas public policy.
And another thing no foreign national should ever own land in any state.
no foreign national should ever own land in any state.
This isn't true. I know this is being implemented in AR because of foreign nationals buying the farm land but I am sure it's not true in all states.
This is one of the primary reasons we are supposed to have local militia's to protect our communities. The Framers of our Constitution understood the dangers that we would need to defend against, and this is one of them.
The U.S. Constitution is the one, and only, Supreme Law of the Land. Sharia law is not compatible, in any way, with the Constitution. In fact, the whole concept of Sharia law goes against the principles upon which our Republic was established.
We have allowed our government to severely hurt our ability to handle these matters, as intended by the framers of our Constitution.
We have no militia's left to speak of, thanks to our government villainizing them with their propaganda and false rhetoric. A gross violation of the prohibition of government infringement of our preexisting God-given right.
The solution, in my opinion? We need to seriously start considering forming local militia's in every community around America, just as intended by the founders of our Constitutional Republic. These would not be controlled by government, but could choose to assist government, if requested.
I am a firm believer in the fact that we all have a spiritual, moral, and personal responsibility to protect ourselves, our families, our property, and our communities from all threats.
Everyone should be armed and fully trained in the use of the weapons they choose to own and use. Everyone should have emergency plans in place for their households, and should be rehearsing these plans with their families to the point that if something were to happen, everyone knows their role, and what they are supposed to do in SHTF situation.
Taken to the next level, if you have good and dependable neighbors, is a neighborhood plan to coordinate defensive actions across larger areas of responsibility. The recent events in the Southeastern United States, as well as the cartel activity along our borders, should make it very plain why this would be a wise course of action, not only for defense, but for coming to the aid of our communities in times like these. We need to relearn what it is to be neighbors and build communities of people who care about each other and protect & take care of each other. Neighbors that have each others backs.
When seconds count, the government (including police) are minutes away. In events like this last hurricane, government is either absent, or if they do show up, dictatorial in their response. When tyrannical government is involved, they will be even slower to respond or help. Just look at how Biden & Harris handled the aftermath of the latest hurricane to devastate the southeastern United States, and their slow response to the cartel and foreign gangs committing acts of terror against our communities.
I believe that we should form local community militias as well as form regional militia networks in each state. These militias would train together on a regular basis. They would support each other to protect their communities and citizens from criminals, gangs, government tyranny, invasions, etc.
With the real threat of attacks on Americans, this is more important than ever. We are in more danger within our borders today than we have ever been at any other time in the history of our Republic. Not since the War of 1812, and the Revolutionary War, have we faced the threat of foreign attacks domestically, and within our cities, suburbs, and communities. By restoring our right to form militia's, we no longer have to rely on government. We can help ourselves, and our communities. Just as our Creator intended, as recognized by the framers of our Constitution.
Last, but not least, our government must repeal all unconstitutional laws targeting our right to form militia's, our right to bear arms, and our right to self defense.
I love what you are saying. Ever since I have moved to the south, I have learned to use firearms. It's a long shot but at least it is not so foreign to me like viewing it as a deadly viper. Our neighbors are all so good and cool and most of them know how to handle firearms. No militia yet but I am sure if we have any incident here, neighbors would be helping each other in no time.
What’s the difference between this political cult and the Branch Davidians?
Sharia Law is practice in many countries. Branch isn't.
The Branch Davidians were a cult that was not allowed to live as they wanted. Sharia Law is anathema to the US Constitution. It remains to be seen if the Islamic cult will be allowed to live as they want.
I hope not.
Which country or group is funding all if this?
Bet you Saudi is involve.
This is terrifying because my son owns 30 acres right up against where they are saying Epic City is planned. I just called him and we talked for about an hour and he told me he hasn't seen so much as a burka. They must be acting in silence from a distance!
Wow. Make sure he walks around and check.
This is what I posted on X: "Texans! Call Ted Cruz (202-224-5922) & John Cornyn (202-224-2934) NOW. Demand they investigate Muslims trying to build their own city in Josephine, TX. Protect our state!"
Amen. Please do.
Texas, I am surprised that you are letting this happen. Even the mayor needs to be sent to jail! These people have no fear in this country, and they certainly should.
Yes, I would not expect TX but Oregon or some dumb place like that.
How is a different system of law, completely the opposite of our Constitution allowed to exist in America?
Oh, He will be touched alright... and I am hoping it's spectacular too
Ain't nobody enforcing Sharia laws around here. They can enforce what they like behind their walls as long as no children are harmed. Outside of that. Good luck.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't the AG of Texas already shoot this down and say if they try to go forward he'd personally revoke all their permits under ground that they're trying to implement foreign laws unconstitutionally or something like that?
Either way I'm not worried about it. Once the welfare gravy train is over by the time DOGE is done and the cabal falls, pretty much all of these people will self deport just like the mexicans et al are doing right now.
The mexicans are panicking and self deporting now because THEIR gravy train is up, but soon enough all the "legal immigrants/refugees" and their spawn will self deport as well once THEIR gravy trains are up. Right now the illegals are being prioritized, but we'll get to these idiots soon enough.
In Texas?!?!?!
Ok, there have to be reasons politicians are protecting him. And I'm sure that the proper surveillance will reveal those reasons.
Please do something.
Since it came to light I'm pretty sure they'll run their mouths for a little then trump team will swamp stomp them.
Those protecting them need to be deported too.
No, they do not. They need to stand trial. That town is an insurrection, a rebellion, self declared enemies of the Constitution. If someone provided that town aide or comfort, they need to stand trial for it.
It's inconceivable to go to Saudi Arabia or Morocco and established a Christian town. What do you think would happen?
Cool, Wait until Texans come in with guns and see how long that sharia city lasts.
I would really like to see how they could do this. I am not far from Dallas.