That's fair. I do understand that and I question too, but I stand by my notion that this one is a bit out there. I absolutely could be wrong but I'm probably not going to chase this rabbit. At this point in time, it is not really a concern for me with everything else that's habbening. It is however an interesting thought.
baseballs origins are not that important in the grand scheme at this time but from what I have seen there is no denying the symbology and numerology involved.
Both were probably founded together. Freemasons, according to their "Bible" ("Morals and Dogma") equate Jesus, Moses, and Mohammed. That alone should tell anyone, at least any Christian, they should have nothing to do with the organization.
Lost me immediately when the poster credited Abner Doubleday with the invention of baseball. It's Alex Cartwright. Honestly, for every valid conspiracy, there's always some "her der birds are not real earth is flat" complete retard who has to say the stupidest shit for clicks.
wow.... someone needs to take a break and get some fresh air outside.... extreme "stretches" such as this make anyone who spreads this look like a looney toon!
-now do pin-ball... then do hair-ball (cats must be evil, too) .....
---reasoning such as what the poster presented is akin to the covid tests.... stretch the testing far enough to get your "false positive"
Some people will make the same claims about the Q operation without researching further, the use of symbology and numerolgy plays a vital role in "this thing of ours" as well.
Wow! I wasn't expecting this! So much of what is around us is tainted. The monuments, George Washington, the Statue of Liberty, and even the way Washington DC streets are laid out in the form of an owl show the Satanic symbols.
Mark Dice has a book where he shows where the Satanic symbols and words were etched in the Stature of Liberty, and the Washington Monument. And now, Baseball, which we encouraged our boys to start playing at an early age. The US is know for Baseball and Apple Pie. Please, Please don't say our Apple Pie is Satanic!!!
Baseball fields are fan-shaped with uneven outfield walls so they could fit into a street corner.
Doubleday was at West Point, not Cooperstown, when he supposedly invented baseball. He didn't know a baseball from a kumquat.
The man who should REALLY be credited more with inventing the sport is Alexander Joy Cartwright--and even then, baseball has no singular point of origin like basketball does.
81 games on the road? Baseball seasons used to be as short as 30 games, and for decades were 154 games.
Roger Maris had an asterisk on his home run record for 30 years because the season had been extended to 162 when he set it.
Next I bet he's going to call pinball machines' fan layout Masonic (Attack From Mars, Medieval Madness) because fan-shaped.
No idea about all that. Ty is a distant cousin. He was my (white) grandad's cousin. They were born the same year. I'm 71 and and my great-aunt had pictures of Ty and my grandad taken when they came in from hunting one day. I do know granddad wasn't a Mason.
There is so much mathematically wrong with this, it's hard to find a point to begin with. Unfortunately I have to go tutor my students beginning in 40 minutes. If I still see this when I get back, I will make a point or two.
I think it's "ball" because of the small spherical object they play with.
Nice noticing. I think that makes you anti-Semitic, or something...
Utter nonsense.
I could write a cool story too.
The origins of baseball are pretty well documented.
History is but fake news in the rear view mirror.
Sometimes.... I know my History. What I did yesterday is not fake news, but I could make it so.
Simply saying that much of what we THINK of how certain things happened end up being different that how it REALLY did.
That is why I LOL'ed at the assertion that "baseballs origins are pretty well documented" Substitute the word baseball for WW2, 911 truths, etc etc
Maybe they are as described BUT if I have learned anything as an ANON its to question everything.....
That's fair. I do understand that and I question too, but I stand by my notion that this one is a bit out there. I absolutely could be wrong but I'm probably not going to chase this rabbit. At this point in time, it is not really a concern for me with everything else that's habbening. It is however an interesting thought.
Fair enough and I agree that
baseballs origins are not that important in the grand scheme at this time but from what I have seen there is no denying the symbology and numerology involved.
I think this is a stretch. Fun thought exercises in thought but I think it's really far out there
I tend to "grain of salt" with stuff like this. Very difficult to validate this variety
I always say that. If I truly believe it. I always tell people i share with. Always a grain of salt.
Would you say it's a ... 7th inning stretch?
Fuckin Ayyyyy. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Hold on i need to catch my breath 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Okay that was a good one fren :) you made my day with that one thank you 😁
Say it ain't so Joe.
LOL!! This story is a bit of a stretch. You can find Masonic means on a can of tomato sauce if you try hard enough.
7th inning stretch?
I am curious... when was Freemasonry hijacked by the cabal? Has Freemasonry always been evil? And, what percent of Freemasons know that it is evil?
Both were probably founded together. Freemasons, according to their "Bible" ("Morals and Dogma") equate Jesus, Moses, and Mohammed. That alone should tell anyone, at least any Christian, they should have nothing to do with the organization.
George Washington wrote a letter about the masons being infiltrated so that far back.
I have been asking this question as well
We need answers
That is a BIG question. Start digging and set aside a week or two of reading kek
Always. Since the beginning. Mackey will provide insight here
You're killing me Smalls.
Lost me immediately when the poster credited Abner Doubleday with the invention of baseball. It's Alex Cartwright. Honestly, for every valid conspiracy, there's always some "her der birds are not real earth is flat" complete retard who has to say the stupidest shit for clicks.
wow.... someone needs to take a break and get some fresh air outside.... extreme "stretches" such as this make anyone who spreads this look like a looney toon!
-now do pin-ball... then do hair-ball (cats must be evil, too) .....
---reasoning such as what the poster presented is akin to the covid tests.... stretch the testing far enough to get your "false positive"
Some people will make the same claims about the Q operation without researching further, the use of symbology and numerolgy plays a vital role in "this thing of ours" as well.
Wow! I wasn't expecting this! So much of what is around us is tainted. The monuments, George Washington, the Statue of Liberty, and even the way Washington DC streets are laid out in the form of an owl show the Satanic symbols. Mark Dice has a book where he shows where the Satanic symbols and words were etched in the Stature of Liberty, and the Washington Monument. And now, Baseball, which we encouraged our boys to start playing at an early age. The US is know for Baseball and Apple Pie. Please, Please don't say our Apple Pie is Satanic!!!
Here is a little longer and detailied exploration of the topic
Baseball fields are fan-shaped with uneven outfield walls so they could fit into a street corner.
Doubleday was at West Point, not Cooperstown, when he supposedly invented baseball. He didn't know a baseball from a kumquat.
The man who should REALLY be credited more with inventing the sport is Alexander Joy Cartwright--and even then, baseball has no singular point of origin like basketball does.
81 games on the road? Baseball seasons used to be as short as 30 games, and for decades were 154 games.
Roger Maris had an asterisk on his home run record for 30 years because the season had been extended to 162 when he set it.
Next I bet he's going to call pinball machines' fan layout Masonic (Attack From Mars, Medieval Madness) because fan-shaped.
Simple things are not complicated.
it's all bread and circuses anyways
No idea about all that. Ty is a distant cousin. He was my (white) grandad's cousin. They were born the same year. I'm 71 and and my great-aunt had pictures of Ty and my grandad taken when they came in from hunting one day. I do know granddad wasn't a Mason.
FUCK IT! I don't care still my favorite sport
Been studying blavatsky and her students "order of Christian mysticism" for decades. This author doesn't understand the theosophical society...
There is so much mathematically wrong with this, it's hard to find a point to begin with. Unfortunately I have to go tutor my students beginning in 40 minutes. If I still see this when I get back, I will make a point or two.
ALL top-tier sports are rigged.
That said, the shape of the field is kinda...given that ALL other team-sports have managed to play on a rectangular field....
Now do Foot Baal, Basket Baal, Tennis Baal, Whiffle Baal and male baals OH SHIT!