Like am I gonna get banned for posting this? Or do we actually have free speech on here because the answers we were looking for may have been difficult for some and inconvenient for others?
Thanks. This discussion might have been more productive if OP had included this link from jump, so people could better understand what they are looking at.
Your browser may not be working correctly if it's only displaying a single page out of a 126 page PDF file. Using your link, I'm able to open the archived PDF file, navigate to page 119, and see the screenshot OP posted. And of course, the original PDF on the website I posted works as well.
If you're browsing from a mobile device, you can still download the archived PDF from, open with a PDF viewer, and go to page 119. You could also try browsing from a private browsing window (quicker than clearing cache/cookies), as a quick troubleshooting step. Everything works as advertised on a desktop machine.
Animal farm, we all have to sign up for the draft and face death. But the precious jews get to be a protected class ( in secret). So my son is not as precious as your son. So my family line can be snuffed out, but the jews can protect their precious little boys. No wonder they look upon us as goyim. Sneering and curling their lips at us behind our backs. Death for you but not for me. Pieces of shit.
It really doesn't matter what is published by any group if no one is paying attention.
Turbulent times we are in and technology seems to be speeding it all up.
1.Goyim passionately fighting amongst themselves for not wanting to be lumped in with antisemites.
2. Holohoax as a religion rules strong.
3. Congress is prevented from establishing a religion, impeding free speech, The A-S law is unconstitutional.
It says "talmud" the talmud is the doctrine of the Ashkanzi jew. It distinguishes clearly who is addressed. Not sure the document is real how could we find out?
This is a mouse, not a marmot. It was meaningless.
Here is a SHORT list of American Jewish actors who were in World War II---Tony Curtis (Navy), Walter Matthau (B-24 bombers), Paul Newman (Navy), Carl Reiner (Army Air Forces), Rod Serling (Army paratrooper), Kirk Douglas (Navy), Lorne Greene (RCAF), Hedy Lamarr (invented spread-spectrum radio & offered it to the Navy), Phil Silvers (USO), Charles Bronson (Army Air Forces). Not to mention essentially the entire scientific staff of the Manhattan Project.
Yeah, just as, perhaps, they flew around like bats under the full moon. If you think you are going to "awaken" anyone by indulging in absurdities, you are quite mistaken.
I can post letters from the KKK in the south about "white supremacy" but that doesn't make all us white people racist any more that this "document" from and unhinged Jew make all Jews bad. The Deep State is the enemy and it includes Jews, Europeans, Americans, Canadians and every other country in the world. Crap like this only divides people. Might as well post a letter from a Black Power advocate about how all white people need to be killed. IMO
You’re a better poster than this, fren. Burden of proof is on the claimant, a picture by itself is poor proof, and not a single person in here should ordinarily jump to conclusions based on a claim where the source and veracity aren’t known to any degree.
It is fake, and it wasn't released. TinEye says it's at least as old as 2017, when TinEye started indexing. The fact that pro-Hamas shills are taking old fakes and presenting them as part of the JFK drops and DOWNVOTE-BRIGADING YOU for pointing it out, tells you all you need to know about where the "Da Jooz did JFK" propaganda is coming from.
Who says that it is fake? It looks real to me and matches the archives of population numbers before and after WWII according to ethnicity and race. The Jewish population actually increased by the end of the war, not decreased. (So much for that 6 million killed story). Whereas, the Caucasian races of the West and Europe lost millions fighting in WWII to defeat the Nazis and save the Jews. Seems like someone made out like bandits while others paid a hefty price.
Because it is collectivist to speak of them all as a stereotype. We don't pick out Italians, or Germans, or Japanese, or Russians as a people for objection and condemnation. You have a gripe with a particular person, bring it to them.
There was no Mussolini? There was no Hitler? There was no Tojo? There was no Stalin? At least their plans were out in the open, openly expressed, and put into action. Where is this plan, except in your imagination?
I notice you are not defending collectivism at all (it is actually indefensible) and are diverting the topic to your preferred collective enemy, "them."
If it is fake it is causing trouble for us all. Besides, and I am so tired of explaining this. The "Jews" are not the problem, just as the Americans, the Russians, the Catholics, or any other group of people are not the problem. We all are just trying to live our lives. But there are those who try to divide us and turn us against one another. There are those who do bad things in the name of others. And there are those, including many on this platform, who are giddy with every attempt at continuing this division and misdirection, In the name of "free speech".
I'm sorry, but a 80-year-old document from an unhinged Jew, even if it were real (debatable), makes no point at all.
The document is an attempt to convince Jews to not fight in the war. But they did.
In the 1940s, Jews made up 3.5% of the total population in the US. 16 million Americans fought in WW2, of which 550k were Jewish. 550k/16 million = 3.4%, exactly what you'd expect it to be if Jews participated in the war effort at the same rate of the rest of the population.
The notion that Jews found exemptions to not fight in WW2 at any rate above the rest of the population is historically inaccurate.
Just the fact that Jews of the WW2 era needed to be convinced and persuaded of what is in the letter shows that they weren't following it to begin with. Why write a letter to convince someone to do something unless they were doing the exact opposite?
I'm amazed at what little evidence Jew haters need to set them off. All the "muh Israel" posts in this comment section ... they weren't even a country yet (derp).
Again this is not an ALL Jew thing. It's really quite simple and if you would stop emotionally reacting to the code words Jew and Talmud. You would understand and be far more equipped to understand this war.
Just to be clear the Talmud is important. I didn't shame you with Jesus name. I reminded you that Jesus is watching. Truth matters. Broad strokes don't make Jesus happy. Let's get specific and bring these horrible people down. I am in no way saying there is not a synagogue of Satan nor that there are some Jews that follow the horrible parts of the talmud. Most don't and many don't even read it ever. At best pieces have come up. They don't sit around hating us.
Separate these two groups and let's bring the temple down. Until then you only show you are not properly understanding the battle. I love you fren and I love the zeal. This is a friendly re direct. ♥️😁🙏
Youre painting with just as broad of strokes in the opposite direction without any evidence. I point to the Talmud, you point to “no you don’t understand” with no information to contradict what I’m saying.
I appreciate the last 2 sentences of your post but I will not stop talking about this or asking questions. I would love for you to show me how I’m not understanding. Show me how the Talmud does not guide the leaders of all of this group. Myself and plenty of other people on this board can see clearly how it does guide them.
Ok this comment is a step in the right direction. Let's both work to ensure the conversation are loving and fruitful.
Jews are one people but get separated into many groups. Just like any group.
They don't have a Jew meeting where they all get together and discuss how to destroy us. The Talmudic denomination is the one you are referring to. The rest either don't even know what it is and follow Torah...or don't even really have a faith(secular) in which case the religious text don't mean anything.
Back to the Talmud. The exact % is debatable. I lean towards about 25-33 % if I guessed, fall under Talmudic(can safely say it's not 100%). Yet even that percentage doesn't contain 100% die hard radicals. Yet like you point out. There are enough for us to notice. These powerful people hid behind the title of Jew because they can. Yet God doesn't want the innocent ones to suffer while we point out the guilty. That's not of God. So each case needs to tie back to the actual group. The radical satanic evil ones are the ones we wanna take down.
Come to my church sometime and I will take personally show you the light within these Jews. They don't yet proclaim Jesus but u can feel the spirit moving and in time they to will bow. They shouldn't suffer for the actions of others. Love conquers a multitude of sin.
I am not asking you to stop talk about these things. Just to up your game and fully step into this movie. Pray on it please. God bless thanks for the honest dialogue
Like am I gonna get banned for posting this? Or do we actually have free speech on here because the answers we were looking for may have been difficult for some and inconvenient for others?
You shouldn't.
I'd imagine that's why we saving them for last. The Moab of moabs.
They’re not calling it “The Great Awakening” for nothing!
Mods are considering short bans for unsourced image posts like this, FYI Page 119
u/Redpilled2Depression u/BooniesRedneck u/CasuallyObservant u/Standingoak u/AmateurExpert
Thanks. This discussion might have been more productive if OP had included this link from jump, so people could better understand what they are looking at.
Even I didn’t have this link
Page 119? I only see one page in there, and it’s not this one.
Am I missing something?
Great digging all the same!
Your browser may not be working correctly if it's only displaying a single page out of a 126 page PDF file. Using your link, I'm able to open the archived PDF file, navigate to page 119, and see the screenshot OP posted. And of course, the original PDF on the website I posted works as well.
If you're browsing from a mobile device, you can still download the archived PDF from, open with a PDF viewer, and go to page 119. You could also try browsing from a private browsing window (quicker than clearing cache/cookies), as a quick troubleshooting step. Everything works as advertised on a desktop machine.
Figured that was probably it, thanks!
The dumb Goyim will fight while we profit. Rinse and repeat.
Jokes on them.
Lake of fire= You lose.
Jesus made them all retarded with the new covenant. Let them gain the riches of this world. They've lost their souls.
Well, so much for not generalizing. Looks like it really is "muh jews" after all.
Animal farm, we all have to sign up for the draft and face death. But the precious jews get to be a protected class ( in secret). So my son is not as precious as your son. So my family line can be snuffed out, but the jews can protect their precious little boys. No wonder they look upon us as goyim. Sneering and curling their lips at us behind our backs. Death for you but not for me. Pieces of shit.
So, at the bottom where it says “Anti-Defamation League, B. B.” - is that the source of the Special Notice?
B'nai B'rith
It really doesn't matter what is published by any group if no one is paying attention. Turbulent times we are in and technology seems to be speeding it all up.
Hence the ADL was created to threaten any who tell this truth or dare to go against anything Jews do, legal, ethical or not.
All heads of the fed have been Jewish as well.
See what's going on here. ...
1.Goyim passionately fighting amongst themselves for not wanting to be lumped in with antisemites. 2. Holohoax as a religion rules strong. 3. Congress is prevented from establishing a religion, impeding free speech, The A-S law is unconstitutional.
It says "talmud" the talmud is the doctrine of the Ashkanzi jew. It distinguishes clearly who is addressed. Not sure the document is real how could we find out?
I am pointing to the discourse in this thread, not the document. And you are right in pointing out the word Talmud is mentioned in the document.
I guess you would refer with Ashkanzi to Ashkenazis.
Who can even see this?
The ultra-Orthodox do this in Israel as well... but their time is up in Israel, at least:
This is a mouse, not a marmot. It was meaningless.
Here is a SHORT list of American Jewish actors who were in World War II---Tony Curtis (Navy), Walter Matthau (B-24 bombers), Paul Newman (Navy), Carl Reiner (Army Air Forces), Rod Serling (Army paratrooper), Kirk Douglas (Navy), Lorne Greene (RCAF), Hedy Lamarr (invented spread-spectrum radio & offered it to the Navy), Phil Silvers (USO), Charles Bronson (Army Air Forces). Not to mention essentially the entire scientific staff of the Manhattan Project.
Perhaps they served as agents.
Yeah, just as, perhaps, they flew around like bats under the full moon. If you think you are going to "awaken" anyone by indulging in absurdities, you are quite mistaken.
Talmud = Askan fake jews.
I can post letters from the KKK in the south about "white supremacy" but that doesn't make all us white people racist any more that this "document" from and unhinged Jew make all Jews bad. The Deep State is the enemy and it includes Jews, Europeans, Americans, Canadians and every other country in the world. Crap like this only divides people. Might as well post a letter from a Black Power advocate about how all white people need to be killed. IMO
I get a down vote for pointing out the truth! Kek
This seems fake man sorry. Why would they allow this to be released?
Looks real to me. Re your question, 'saving Israel for last, maybe??'
You can tell this is real just by looking at a screenshot? Impressive.
And likewise, you can tell it's not?
You’re a better poster than this, fren. Burden of proof is on the claimant, a picture by itself is poor proof, and not a single person in here should ordinarily jump to conclusions based on a claim where the source and veracity aren’t known to any degree.
Emotions off, autism on.
I'm not the one claiming to know one way or the other...
At the very least it was declassified 35 years ago. Was this listed as real from ADL or someone other group's propaganda ?
That’s a better question.
I’d still like one of the OMGJOOZ people in this thread to provide a simple hyperlink.
Don't hold your breath. But also don't be surprised when someone does.
No doubt.
All I’m saying is… if it’s there, it’s there, and show it, and if it’s not, it’s not.
Not a hard request for anyone who’s posting honestly.
What...they can't make a mistake?
It is fake, and it wasn't released. TinEye says it's at least as old as 2017, when TinEye started indexing. The fact that pro-Hamas shills are taking old fakes and presenting them as part of the JFK drops and DOWNVOTE-BRIGADING YOU for pointing it out, tells you all you need to know about where the "Da Jooz did JFK" propaganda is coming from.
Israel did do JFK.
Not saying that they didn’t have a hand in it, but have you seen the short clip where it looks like Jackie killed him?
No. Sauce is needed for such a claim. Post it or GTFO.
Ok, I watched this several times. I zoomed in and rewound it, paused it. My eyes see it, but my mind says no way. I’m also sharing this video that Scotty Mar made, it discusses Jackie O.
Who says that it is fake? It looks real to me and matches the archives of population numbers before and after WWII according to ethnicity and race. The Jewish population actually increased by the end of the war, not decreased. (So much for that 6 million killed story). Whereas, the Caucasian races of the West and Europe lost millions fighting in WWII to defeat the Nazis and save the Jews. Seems like someone made out like bandits while others paid a hefty price.
The Israel dick riders of course. They're going to be in for a huge surprise when the truth is dropped about them.
So is this fake or real ? If fake why is this anti Jewish shit allowed on this site?
This is a free speech platform. We can voice our opinions, pro or cons, right?
Why do you think the Jewish are not able to be spoken about except in a positive way?
No, it’s a research platform, and the mods have repeatedly stated recently that when making claims, provide the sauce.
Trump just released the JFK files, so where did this image come from?
A simple hyperlink will do. Are we out of sauce?
No, it's not. The mods themselves have clearly stated that this is not a free speech platform. Multiple times. Over the course of years.
Because it is collectivist to speak of them all as a stereotype. We don't pick out Italians, or Germans, or Japanese, or Russians as a people for objection and condemnation. You have a gripe with a particular person, bring it to them.
That's because they didn't have a grand plan for total world domination.
There was no Mussolini? There was no Hitler? There was no Tojo? There was no Stalin? At least their plans were out in the open, openly expressed, and put into action. Where is this plan, except in your imagination?
I notice you are not defending collectivism at all (it is actually indefensible) and are diverting the topic to your preferred collective enemy, "them."
If it is fake it is causing trouble for us all. Besides, and I am so tired of explaining this. The "Jews" are not the problem, just as the Americans, the Russians, the Catholics, or any other group of people are not the problem. We all are just trying to live our lives. But there are those who try to divide us and turn us against one another. There are those who do bad things in the name of others. And there are those, including many on this platform, who are giddy with every attempt at continuing this division and misdirection, In the name of "free speech".
This comment got downvoted…
sigh Welcome to the wilder side of GA...
“Can the feds, shills, and hate-mongers (I repeat myself) come out to play?”
I'm sorry, but a 80-year-old document from an unhinged Jew, even if it were real (debatable), makes no point at all.
The document is an attempt to convince Jews to not fight in the war. But they did.
In the 1940s, Jews made up 3.5% of the total population in the US. 16 million Americans fought in WW2, of which 550k were Jewish. 550k/16 million = 3.4%, exactly what you'd expect it to be if Jews participated in the war effort at the same rate of the rest of the population.
The notion that Jews found exemptions to not fight in WW2 at any rate above the rest of the population is historically inaccurate.
Just the fact that Jews of the WW2 era needed to be convinced and persuaded of what is in the letter shows that they weren't following it to begin with. Why write a letter to convince someone to do something unless they were doing the exact opposite?
I'm amazed at what little evidence Jew haters need to set them off. All the "muh Israel" posts in this comment section ... they weren't even a country yet (derp).
Again this is not an ALL Jew thing. It's really quite simple and if you would stop emotionally reacting to the code words Jew and Talmud. You would understand and be far more equipped to understand this war.
Just to be clear the Talmud is important. I didn't shame you with Jesus name. I reminded you that Jesus is watching. Truth matters. Broad strokes don't make Jesus happy. Let's get specific and bring these horrible people down. I am in no way saying there is not a synagogue of Satan nor that there are some Jews that follow the horrible parts of the talmud. Most don't and many don't even read it ever. At best pieces have come up. They don't sit around hating us.
Separate these two groups and let's bring the temple down. Until then you only show you are not properly understanding the battle. I love you fren and I love the zeal. This is a friendly re direct. ♥️😁🙏
Youre painting with just as broad of strokes in the opposite direction without any evidence. I point to the Talmud, you point to “no you don’t understand” with no information to contradict what I’m saying.
I appreciate the last 2 sentences of your post but I will not stop talking about this or asking questions. I would love for you to show me how I’m not understanding. Show me how the Talmud does not guide the leaders of all of this group. Myself and plenty of other people on this board can see clearly how it does guide them.
Ok this comment is a step in the right direction. Let's both work to ensure the conversation are loving and fruitful.
Jews are one people but get separated into many groups. Just like any group.
They don't have a Jew meeting where they all get together and discuss how to destroy us. The Talmudic denomination is the one you are referring to. The rest either don't even know what it is and follow Torah...or don't even really have a faith(secular) in which case the religious text don't mean anything.
Back to the Talmud. The exact % is debatable. I lean towards about 25-33 % if I guessed, fall under Talmudic(can safely say it's not 100%). Yet even that percentage doesn't contain 100% die hard radicals. Yet like you point out. There are enough for us to notice. These powerful people hid behind the title of Jew because they can. Yet God doesn't want the innocent ones to suffer while we point out the guilty. That's not of God. So each case needs to tie back to the actual group. The radical satanic evil ones are the ones we wanna take down.
Come to my church sometime and I will take personally show you the light within these Jews. They don't yet proclaim Jesus but u can feel the spirit moving and in time they to will bow. They shouldn't suffer for the actions of others. Love conquers a multitude of sin.
I am not asking you to stop talk about these things. Just to up your game and fully step into this movie. Pray on it please. God bless thanks for the honest dialogue
“Everything is under control, there’s nothing to see here!”
meanwhile the fireworks factory is on fire
Would you like to add more or just driving by
I trust Jesus will be my witness to anyone that wants to know the truth..your slander means nothing in the Larger picture. Only reveals the Heart.
No such thing as conspiracy theories. Only conspiracy facts.