Bullseyed 1 point ago +1 / -0

It’s pretty simple human psychology, people feel safer knowing what to expect.

Here's the thing, the people who write that kind of psychology "research" are the same ones doing election rigging. They create such content for people like you to reference as an explanation.

It's why believing you have 400 gay child identities living inside you is no longer considered mentally ill. Because they just change the "psychology" book to claim such thing is normal.

Bullseyed 0 points ago +2 / -2

The devil's advocate (ha) side of that would be that more or less God says conflicting things. There are ways to rationalize some of the conflicts yes (love the sinner, hate the sin, etc) but in general divine inspiration has to be in part personal.

The idea is that while man got some things wrong writing down God's words, he got all the important parts in there. Who is to decide which are the wrong parts and which are the important parts?

In general you have to go with your own feeling, and assume God guides that feeling.

Bullseyed 6 points ago +6 / -0

Interesting huh that it goes "where two or three are gathered in my name" and doesn't mention "in a church" or "with a priest" or anything else.

Jesus would have his whip out if he generally saw churches in today's times.

Bullseyed 1 point ago +1 / -0

Owning/selling slaves has nothing to do with racism, though. The usage of slaves in the United States also had nothing to do with racism. White slaves existed in America too, they were just more rare because Europeans had generally evolved past raping and pillaging neighboring towns by that point in history, while Africa had not.

In fact slavery as presented by liberals disproves racism, really. Using blacks as slaves is an admission that they are genetically superior to whites for manual labor. Racism would be believing white men are smarter and better at manual labor than black men.

Bullseyed 5 points ago +5 / -0

Yeah I mean this looks like one of those panoramic shots where someone moved so they get clipped.

Probably the correct explanation.

Bullseyed 1 point ago +1 / -0

My cousin went to the funeral of a 45 year old friend last week. No one discussed how he died there. He was not into drugs or drinking at all. Of course, everyone suspected the vax. Interesting that people die now and friends and family aren’t even told how or why. That is just not normal.

Certainly possible, but I'd assume suicide. Possibly from lockdowns/inflation/democrats.

I have a coworker whose 20-something son died. He looked to be "emo" or "goth" in the pictures, so figured drugs or suicide. Could always be the jab.

Bullseyed 1 point ago +1 / -0

The entire food pyramid and everything you were taught about food is all as incorrect as global warming and COVID.

Eat leftover dinner at 10 am. Eat dinner at 5 pm. That's all you have to do.

Bullseyed 2 points ago +2 / -0

I don't know of the flu shot being MRNA in the past... but if something is up with the COVID jabs, gotta think the same will be used in regular flu jabs too.

Bullseyed 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'm really sick

hopefully my symptoms aren't too bad

Which is it? This sounds like a LARP.

Bullseyed 2 points ago +2 / -0

The general concept I recall seeing in Feb 2020 before everything blew up was that Chinese had been infected and traveled worldwide for Chinese New Year, spreading to many other countries.

Sept 2019 seems to predate that, though.

Bullseyed 3 points ago +3 / -0

So the link to the broadcast... but no english... so what'd they say?

Bullseyed 4 points ago +4 / -0

Another explanation suggests that "Ps and Qs" is short for "pleases" and "thank-yous", the latter of which contains a sound similar to the pronunciation of the name of the letter "Q"

is an English language expression meaning "mind your manners"

I've always heard it this way.

Bullseyed 3 points ago +3 / -0

just that labs are in important cities.

That was my immediate reaction to seeing it. But that doesn't disprove it, either. We know the research that created COVID also was being done with MERS, SARS and other viruses.

Bullseyed 1 point ago +1 / -0

"Speculation" hasn't been wrong a single time since COVID started, but you're probably right this time.

Bullseyed 3 points ago +3 / -0

Why do you think the 3 letter agencies always gave so many guns to people in South America? Waiting for something like this.

Bullseyed 1 point ago +1 / -0

the reason the Military asked him to run

Haven't seen this and assume web searches won't display it. Somewhere I can read more?

Bullseyed 2 points ago +2 / -0

"Unarmed" means "black" if you're a democrat.

Bullseyed 3 points ago +4 / -1

Hitler's campaign platform was literally "those bankers wrongly took everything from you and made you work for nothing, we're gonna get those evil 1%ers".

Bullseyed 2 points ago +2 / -0

Rarely do you hear about the gypsies, disabled, elderly, Soviet POWs, foreign political prisoners, or resistance fighters who were subjected to the same level of evil as the Jews.

Saying what you said there counts as "denying the H" in what the other guy is referring to.

Bullseyed 1 point ago +1 / -0

Agree, but also I'm unjabbed and had chest pain/trouble breathing at one point during this from stress. Am otherwise in great health.

Some of the stress being the whole living in a dictatorship after a stolen election, people being killed in the streets by BLM domestic terrorists, that sort of thing.

Bullseyed 1 point ago +1 / -0

Was thinking about this the other day. Waiting for the "this is why we have to stop climate change, because it will be worse!" thing.

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