And then after all that, where he gets half a million from Stormy, people still don't want him as their president? Liberalism is a hell of a mental illness, I tell you.
I get mine at
Yeah! That look that makes you want to get fed like a baby bird by him.
Happy Joe Biden Day!
I would take a bullet for Trump.
Oh man I hope so!
Can the roads be blocked? Surely a month or two will bankrupt them.
Damn, the DS sure is loading the board. White hats must have an assload of dirty laundry on these motherfuckers!
Still trans in my book!
I still see people alone in their cars, people walking alone, and people sitting alone waiting for a bus wearing masks here in south Dade County every day. Here's the kicker though; about 90% of them wear the mask just under their nose, making the whole thing pointless. I point them out every time and say, "That's a retard."
I remember seeing one for the first time when I was in elementary school about 40 years ago.
You mean someone actually defrauded the federal government? Color me shocked!
It's God, not god.
And The Message is actually turning people off making them become the very thing you're fighting against? WHAAAAAT?!?!
Yeah, I was like, "This guy again?!"
Good if true.
That's what the left thinks we do in secret meetings. If you listen to his words, he talks of acceptance, which is the primary rule for the left but only if you agree with them.
At best like every 50th Delbert comic would elicit a strong exhale through the nostrils. Hopefully the new freedom makes the comic more enjoyable. That would be lucky on Scott's part. Lucky but stupid.
I think he's about 8 feet 6 by now.
I'd even go so far as to say that he'd use a plastic straw!
Yes. If the government hadn't contaminated the water supply for 50+ years, we'd have flying cars by now.
That right there is the difference between a noob nooticer and a pro nooticer!
Yeah but listen... How can mirrors be real if our eyes aren't real?