If SADE had sex with a male horse, this could be the offspring! Sweetest taboo!!!
GooglePlayStore is a cess pit. Friend of mine downloaded a crypto wallet from there the other day. Installed it and it cleaned him out of £10,000 It was a fake.
I had £8000 at 20:1 in 2020. Im still fighting that. When I get paid I'll have some of your 4's
Would be very interesting to know how many gas/diesel powered vehicles there are on the planet and the repercussions should each & every one of those vehicles be replaced with electric vehicles. would we be living in one giant crater?
Agreed. We can't have it both ways, where the MSM are bang on the money sometimes when it suits us and completely full of shit when it suits us. The very fact that they spouting this tells me they're trying to appease the Disney/Netflix groomer-haters with this story, in a weak attempt to recoup some credibility. My fuzzy logic tells me they're full of shit 95% of the time and this is purely a cover for the real cause, being the vacseeeeeen!
video compositing. watch #7 THE KEY by AceBaker. A lot of people didnt agree with him or called hi this that & the other but theres some excellent stuff in that episode, especially pertaining to the cameraman of chopper 5 on the morning of 911 and his specialty, which is none other than video compositing [i.e. how to insert a plane into a video clip] https://www.pmjmp.org/post/9-11-the-great-american-psy-opera
Looks like crusty walnut sauce!!! HANG HIM!
Sniffing too much crack...... BUTT CRACK!!! lol
Is the 1766 address of the crash relevant? Seems kinda symbolic
Maybe #didntdiefromadverseeffects might be more sarcastic, but for normies who take everything seriously, they would get it trending FOR US!
Something to do with an AT&T/Verizon building being involved if my memory serves me right
Spending money to reduce inflation. Now there's an interesting concept
That will do the trick!!!
He's matured like a nice Gorgonzola!
Timing is everything. I'd GUESS it's all part of the plan
Wouldn't it be fascinating if DJT knew this moment would come, and deliberately left something lying around to be found
They might be angry about being mislead, but what if JFK was followed by Princess Di, followed by Tupac & Biggy, followed by Saddam Hussein. Then the people MIGHT think that its all a cover up by the MEDIA and in fact it's them to blame!
Is he going to run again; or is 2020 going to be fully exposed by then and awarded to the rightful president?
funny thing is, after she did ask, and got the response "Rock Banana", she turned to the guy and said "DUDE". I think she might be a little confused
Sorry my British sarcasm is becoming too convincing!
All bare-chested & shit! Would be EPIC!!