And from what I read Obama used it to extend the patriot act while he was in france. So does this get repealed too since obama was "out of the country", or is it a 2-parter where you also have to be mentally impaired like Biden as well?
Lets not forget either that the lone democrat who voted with us last name is GOLDEN.
You cant make this shit up.
So if you go back and look at the videos of trumps policy platform during the campaign he spoke about the American Academy. It will be the equivalent of a 4yr bachelors and he would make employers accept it as the equivalent. He said it would be free, and funded by EUROPE for the Ukraine fiasco.
I can't find the video on his campaign site, but if you google American Academy it speaks to funding from existing universities, not Ukraine.
Lol how many times I've called him 4-10-20.
Found it interesting that "Special Ambassadors" is an SA.
Had to look it up...she is 59! 59 is the 17th prime number and her birthday is 11/17/65. All very strong numbers. Go get em!!
Roll out the civil peace time flag!!
Archive offline too!!
119th congress 1/19
If i remember correctly its out of Orlando, Fl or the guy running it came from the Orlando Sentinel. It even says on its site its satire...
Real Raw News is not news.
When I hear "mike johnson" for some reason i think of elijah wood's character in the movie "sin city". Its that black and white look with those glasses in the movie.
I wanna say it was a Trump rally during the summer...(maybe before butler #1] ...where Trump callled out General Flynn and said "be ready, general".
He definitely has a role...just may be out of sight until things come into focus and he can take the stage at that juncture.
Whats sad is when you check the diversity/gender boxes their way....surprise you get a phone call and eventually a job.
I was thinking the provinces/territories get rolled back to "counties" and the overall country becomes a "state".
Dont forget McConnell being wheelchaired around a few days prior for his "health" issues. Its a checkmate!
Topics such as the Arctic you say. Interesting!
Wisconsin voter here and I agree with the steal of the senate seat here. The question that I am asking is why did Trump during rallies call Eric Hovde "central casting" 2 if not 3 times?
To me, Baldwin is a swamp monster and stealing for her feels like she's not allowed to leave the chess board yet. What do you guys think?
Dont forget the NFL darling Mahomes is a mirror and wears #15 + plays for K.C. or 11.3.
Voted Yesterday in Wisconsin!!
I live in Wisconsin and travel on all roads. Particularly country roads and i have seen more kamala signs this year (out in the country) in comparison to 2020 with Biden where I saw like a total of 2. Im thinking they are going to cry foul and day we stole the election when Trump wins in a landslide.
Im in WI and got it too. Except the guy's name was Greg. Lol completely made up if you got Andrew and I got Greg with the same picture. Lol.
I was there! Absolutely yuge crowd! Took 2 hours for everyone to leave the dodge county airport grounds. Easy 50k
I can't believe some kid would shine a green laser pointer at him around the 1:05 mark. For shame!
Digging into him the Q incidence I found was he bought Tomotley Plantation thats right next to Highway 17.