If this was only coming from someone credible- not Stewie
How do you know this?
Reflection off a wet parking lot. Not a flood.
That means nothing. Waste of electrons
Maybe they were run through a sorter first? Easier to capture dupes and out of sequence ballots
Not a word of this is new information. Nothing to see here.
Noticed at the Alabama event DJT was backed by gold-fringed American flags. WHO approved that?
I’m betting the judge will keep the defense on a pretty short leash and cut off any attempt to bring all the voting irregularities in
There’s 6,000 troops stationed there. Maybe it’s for them
A plaid cowboy hat? Seriously?
Basically they wrap a rubber band around your dick and see if it enlarged while looking at KP. The machine measures and records the increase. Not too many guys will sit still for that
See below. Based on what I’ve seen and read, he’s a con man surfing on rumors and anecdotes about who he is/may be. It’s just my opinion, one among many, but he is just a little too full of it for my taste
Savin is a grotesque fraud who insults the integrity of Anons
Very informative. Thanks
I would be more confident if this was anyone other than Patel. He puts on knee pads when he’s within 50 feet of Mr. Trump. It’s embarrassing
Not to be a stickler but none of this ultimately happened. This is why the Normies chuckle at us.
Why the Environmental Protection Agency? Seems like an odd place for Top Secret docs
Realistically, how much more revealing do we need? Seems there’s been plenty already
It’s a birdhouse
I think it’s a pretty safe bet this is nothing more than a rumor. The House has more power than the Senate in a contingency situation
This is not directed at you personally: So what?
That is one dammed interesting declaration
Why did Trump say “I am not the President?”
Based on what the guys in the background are saying, this is before the ceremony
House GOP rules say people under indictment can’t hold leadership positions. That will have to change first.