All jews do. You're antisemetic if you call out their their crimes and degeneracy according to "God's Chosen".
And he media would never create a black sheep to cement the grift.
Duh jews, PERIOD!
"It's not treason if you win"
"Two more weeks" 😂
Shlomo sounds like a lemming
So is Lake.
They don't have a purified, isolated sample of the original supposed "COVID-19 Virus", so to think they have actually isolated and purified another strain of said virus, is absolutely ridiculous.
The "vaccines" are a depopulation agenda, period.
It doesn't make two shiny shits if they (pull back on the needle) or not, that's just bullshit.
🤣🤣🤣 They claimed the COVID-19 'Vaccine" was "Safe & Effective" too.
Like a broken record: "You won't get COVID if you take these "vaccines"......
They've got my support.
I wouldn't be bragging about it, "she" looks like a damn alien. That's probably what attracted Space Daddy.
You're not a security guard. Unless you were hired to protect crowds from an active shooter, this falls miles outside of your job description.
If they threaten you with termination, sue them. I'm sure you can find a lawyer willing to take that case on the ridiculousness of it alone.
At the rate America's going down there won't be a country to preside over by 2024.
Isn't the nuke briefcase generally shackled to the individual who is carrying it?
"Science" 🤣🤣🤣 They needed a Slide rule to figure that out?
Don't stop at the Statue of Liberty, nuke the whole damn city.
"They"? 🤔
Does he have a twin brother, because he doesn't look like a they/them.
8 Feet is plenty close enough to record the illegal practices of the U.S. Gestapo.
Now get out there and tase some old ladies for not wearing mask, you worthless Ass clowns.
There would of had to have been a first Holocaust to have a second one.