The H1B program is like a mature Operation Paperclip. The USA vacuums up all the smart people for the chance to get that really smart spark who can be any one of us humans on this planet.
On the othe side of that blade though are companies that see this food tray of really cheap really smart people the government put in front of them.
Over the top dominant handshake because macron tried to hold Trump's hand a few seconds earlier. =D
As EV's get larger they need more batteries to move the weight and soon will be aproaching if not exceeding commercial vehicle weight. Some of the Teslas on the road today weigh as much as an uloaded full size pickup truck.
It's cool to want to drive that innovation and make bigger vehicles, tougher trucks. On the other side of that is what that means when millions of vehicles are multiple tons heavier than they were a decade ago.
Some states tie registration to GVWR but I don't think that would offset even more wear and tear on road infrastructure than there already is. I'm all for daily driving a tank but hopefully this trend can innovate infrastructure as well.
It's a Japanese Type 03 Chū-SAM (
I can't help myself. I'm 90% sure this is a Japanese Type 03 Chū-SAM (
"In 2014, the JGSDF began evaluation of the upgraded Chu-SAM Kai, which uses improved sensor and networking features for better range and targeting of more complex cruise and anti-surface missile threats."
"Operational tests of the Chu-SAM Kai took place at White Sands, in 2016."
White Sands is a weapons testing facility in New Mexico. By road one would have to travel through Arizona to reach the nearest port. These wont fit in a C5 Galaxy
Licence plate looks similar to plates used in Japan for their defence forces. It does have a 'commie star" up front under the windshield that's a litte weird.
It's not uncommon to see chinese characters used in Japanese writings. Japan stole their language afterall.
At the end of the clip on what looks to be a hydraulic box that powers the whatever that crane looking thing is has Hiragana writing on it which would be very not cool in china. Remember china has a long standing grudge with Japan (Sino-Japanese war). There is no way china would run any of their stuff with any Japanese markings on it on display like that.
So I'm leaning more towards this is something the US has built/repaired for Japan. Or the US is importing it from Japan.
Every single modern car already has a "listening device" aslso known as a Microphone. This became a standard feature back when "hands free" was pushed down every ones necks.
Its original purpose was to allow drivers to manipulate functions of the vehicle with their voice. (ie Change radio station, Reply to a text or phone call, Dictate navigation instructions to navigation, etc)
In some vehicles this was a button press on the steering wheel, eventually it was just always on when the likes of OnStar and other vehicle monitoring services came out.
As most have already said this is not likely to spy on you, your cell phone does that exceptionally well already. I haven't had time to look over this "new" patent but I imagine if anything it is probably a new location in the vehicle for the microphone rather than a new conceptual ideal of voice recording.
So this illegal immigrant is currently in New York State. New York State has state wide motor voter law. Which is automatic voter registration when obtaining a state issue ID/drivers license. Additionally, New York State has made it extremely easy for illegals, non-citizens, and any one in general to get a state issued identification card or drivers license.
The caveat is that when filling out the license form, the applicant must tick a box afirming they will not vote in a federal election if they are ineligible. That is literally all that stops them from voting in a federal election.
Sadly there is no mechanism for any one to check this other than the state for potentialy lying on a state government form. As that form is not a federal form the federal government cannot get involved.
This is not unique to New York State or Blue states for that matter. Any state with motor voter laws will likely have this problem. Even if there is a state/county ID check, there is likely nothing on the ID that shows some one is ineligible to vote.
This is a common trend in social media now. It was a joke before with the saying "the average human has a 30 second atention span". It's becoming more likely real than joke. Videos that contain something else unrelated to the video get more clicks and keep people from clicking away because "there is something else to look at"
It also is a vector to cash in on viral or semi viral videos by altering enough of it to clear algorithms and claim fair use.
Often used in conjunction. A virual video or hot take will come out which is strong enough on its own, but then becomes amplified with the right tweaks like a silly background video or bouncing colors to keep people from clicking away.
I really want a steak right now and now I'm going to remember this stupid egg video for the rest of the day.
Normally a warrant is required to access banking details. There are other things the government can lean on as well to access bank accounts on a whim. One of them is notably due to the Patriot Act.
However these days government doesn't really need to directly access bank accounts anymore. There are many other metrics that can be utilized to discern what a person has, where it came from, and where its going money wise. Just a small but extremely common example flaunted wealth on social media, and obtaining retail information wholesale.
Buy a car with cash or bitcoin? It still has to be registered to drive on the road and title transfered. Then now they can monitor the person who sold it for wealth increase. Silly stuff like that easily tracked.
{sarcasm} I can't wait to see this all over the news oh wait {/sarcasm} ... Fox will air it once, not durring prime time, and none of the other televised news networks will touch it with a 10 foot pole.
Unfortunately the January 6th Event isn't news worthy right now. Maybe we'll see it when it circles back later in the year when they bring up hit pieces against Trump for the election.
Drip Drop I suppose
Sadly, the verdict doesn't matter so much for him. He will recieve no punishment, any and all fines he may be subjected to will be paid for by government (read: our taxes).
Going to go out on a limb here and guess the shots they gave half the world are going to make those that got it super susceptable to bird flu (among other things) all of a sudden.
Vote in person on Voting Day.
Keep pushing that Voting Day becomes a National Holiday no work no school (Notice how neither party push to have it be a holiday)
Would solve many but not all issues where people can't make it because of work or whatever.
So since Haiti can't solve its own problems ... ever ... likely going to see the US install a weak puppet leader in an isolated embassy to they don't get killed immediately. Then this puppet leader will rule poorly because nobody trusts them and of course ask for money and aid which the US will gladly supply.
Then this weak leader will fade into obscurity and all the money and aid will start to go missing and then the media will be talking about it again in a few years how dire everything is in Haiti.
I don't take phone calls, texts. or emails from any entity who claims to be from my bank. I will only answer questions, ask questions, or transact in person at a local branch.
I have a note on file with my bank also stating that so no actions are ever taken unless I am there in person. You'd be surprised how accommodating banks can be.
While it is a nice gesture, sadly any unfulfilled contracts will be replaced by immigrant drivers who will gladly deliver to NYC.
Shucks, should have fired some and reasigned most to some bullshit positions to phase them out over a period of time. Firing every one in one fell swoop will just create a bunch of angry people immediately with an axe to grind.
Social Security was the boomer trap, Social Internet is the zoomer trap.
Get every one addicted to the thing, then control the thing.
Awesome. It's really something hearing and seeing these old birds fly like its nothing; regardless of what nation it came from.
This particular plane appears to be operated by UAA (Ukraine Air Alliance). They appear to be a cargo airline service that is privately operated out of Ukraine. UAA's website appears to indicate they only have AN-12's. These AN-12's are surplus military planes from the USSR which is why they show up as "military" on ADSB sites. They even ran into issues flying in EU airspace since these planes are so old and many did not upgrade navigation or avionics until recently.
There is a "civilian" version of this craft, AN-10. I imagine it's too expensive to switch.
This particular plane , UR-CGV , has been all over. You can see here on Jetphotos all the places it has been as plane enthusiasts take pictures of it.
Ah I want to be really clear I use Fenben for my livestock chickens as a dewormer. So the dosage is very low either 5-10ml per chicken oraly or I may do up to 2 tablespoons in a large 5 gal waterer. For larger animals you may want to do a little more research on your end.
Fenben is marketed to different market segments and animals the "suspension" ratios from what I see is the same accross all products, its just that some products are designed or flavored to target a certain critter. For example the products for horses are usually sold in pre measured syringes or flavored paste to make administering easier. It's also included in food or treats and even in a large gallon size as a drench to just pour over the targeted critter.
Best of luck
I buy Fenben for my livestock at Tractor Supply as well. It's in the same area you would find the ivermectin. It is a milky liquid usually in 3-6oz bottles sold under the name of safeguard.
Arbitrary age limits sounds like a good idea at first but as we march on in time people are tending to live healthier longer. It could be a good indicator to some people and bad for others.
Intelligence tests are a good idea too on paper. But that could be abused as the people who set the standard for the test are the very people that the test would be meant for. Of course they would add loop holes and low bars to the tests.
Term limits would be better. But hopping every one just basically signs their own job security away is a pipe dream. Also, it could still be kind of abused by congresspeople doing even less work and concentrating all their time and money on insuring the correct replacement after their term.
Possibly combining term limits and ways to make recalls easier by both the people and the party might be a winning combination.
I'm not saying he's not a farmer. But when some one makes a video and says they are XY or Z and then busts out a statistic that sounds like its from a government website is highly suspect.
He's not wrong about the neglect and overcrowding in the massive mega farms though.
Chickens have a very sensitive repirtatory system combine that with the disgustingly close overcrowing situation most of these mega farms have and we end up with an environment primed for any sickness to spread like wildfire. The protocol would be to kill them all. If left alive there could be a possibility the sickness takes over at various rates and in the end they could still all die.
Could also try to treat them but that costs time and money. In the end they are food for us and it's faster to clean out the whole facility one time and start over.
Smarter farming practices, larger facilities with less overcrowding could also help. Though, when a farm is tempted with a larger facility they'll just try to maximize production in it.