Believe it or not. The tipping point for me on Putin was back in Reddit days. I don't recall the exact subreddit but I was linked to it for one reason or another. It was predominately Russians that visited it. My mindset at the time was "Putin is a horrible dictator. A villain. Etc...". What I came to realize reading the comments, people didn't really view him that way that lived there. He was kind of a hero to them. Started doing my own research, watching speeches, etc... and was like. "wtf.... this dude sounds kinda based to me"
Technically they didn't "fire" him. IMHO, it's more insidious than that. This is 100% purely about trying to keep him under their thumb through the election. Keep him silent. He's still "under contract", being paid. They've taken his show away. They think they own him b/c he still draws a paycheck from Fox. They want him silenced and not speaking to the masses like he's doing.
Apparently, Roseanne Barr is launching a show in the same time slot & "The View" has been leaking viewers left and right. I was able to dig this up but not sure how valid any of it is.
I dont think you guys understand how huge this is. Sure, the writer isn't where we are......yet.....he's just beginning his journey. But giving credit to the Durham report and sharing it with their readers IS going to plant a lot of seeds. I've seen several other MSM news sources in the last few days come to similar conclusions.
Vice President material.