MahaYoshi 13 points ago +13 / -0

Is this another one of those “say something a little bit wrong intentionally so that it can draw attention to the thing that’s actually happening” moments?

MahaYoshi 8 points ago +8 / -0

It’s hilarious to see Reddit go full blown Republican military industrial complex. They actually think the Cheney endorsement is a good thing!

MahaYoshi 1 point ago +1 / -0

How thoughtful of Pfizer to unburden people by what has been.


MahaYoshi 3 points ago +3 / -0

Concord also very prominently displayed each character’s pronouns on the selection screen.

There’s another (somewhat smaller profile, but still worthy) failure too:

Dustborn, a game funded by foreign governments, in which you literally use words to hurt people, and learn skills like how to “cancel” your enemies, is also apparently in shambles with a tiny player base.

Not to mention Homeworld 3 having a garbage DEI story that’s been widely panned by everyone.

Of course, the mental gymnastics that gaming Reddit is going through to blame everything but DEI for the failure of these games is a spectacle to see. The HW3 subreddit was downvoting and banning people who blamed DEI, yet the overwhelming consensus was that the story was absolute trash written by amateurs. They just can’t quite put their finger on why it was so bad, but it was NOT because it was woke, of course.

MahaYoshi 3 points ago +3 / -0

Might not hurt to use the recipient name “Hunter Biden” while you’re at it.

MahaYoshi 2 points ago +2 / -0

The dude’s building a fucking bunker. He’s not sorry, he’s terrified.

MahaYoshi 1 point ago +1 / -0

She’s got some bangers I’ve listened to over the years, but for some reason I remember her being cucked at one point and never had a great impression of her. Maybe I got that wrong, or maybe she’s newly awakened?

Either way, the awakening has affected a lot of people in different ways, and I’m happy to have her along. The train keeps growing, there’s no stopping it!

MahaYoshi 3 points ago +3 / -0

So voting for Donald Trump causes COVID to kill you.

That’s the logical conclusion from the article, considering it starts by telling you the vaccine barely lasts more than a couple months, and that COVID is no longer as virulent or serious for most people, and then describes uneducated Trump voters as more likely to die.

MahaYoshi 15 points ago +15 / -0

I share your concerns.

But she’s so far proving to be an asset. And I trust her more than a very large number of supposed conservatives Trump had by his side last time, not the least of whom being Mike Pence.

I don’t trust anyone absolutely, but people can change and should be allowed to earn trust. But always with healthy skepticism.

MahaYoshi 3 points ago +3 / -0

Bear in mind, there’s a difference between the people doing the programming (the politicians, media, etc) and the people who have been programmed (but otherwise are decent people that think they’re doing what’s right, no matter how asinine).

The media has them afraid. Terrified, even. Assuage those fears. Be the positive comfort they’re looking for now that a part of their media comfort blanket is unraveling.

Also, always start by being genuine. I’ve found a lot of success lately by approaching people with genuine responses, even when they get combative.

For example, one discussion on Reddit, I defended Elon Musk for his community notes which have led to more educated readers, even when Musk himself gets noted. In response, someone called me a Nazi enjoyer. Instead of replying with something sarcastic like I normally would, I just replied with “I don’t like Nazis”. Genuine and to the point. It created a discussion that wouldn’t have happened otherwise.

Also, realize if things do get combative, calling them stupid or evil won’t win anyone over. A lot of times you can make the biggest point by leaving them having said the last, angry, rant filled word.

MahaYoshi 6 points ago +6 / -0

Seeing the same thing in Reddit comments.

Honestly it’s a bit frustrating that they couldn’t see past all the media BS about Trump to come to this conclusion. But in the end, however it happens, the more people we can wake up, the better.

MahaYoshi 21 points ago +21 / -0

Reddit comments have actually been kinda wild. The number of people I now see speaking up, saying they saw RFK Jr.’s press conference and agree with almost all of it, is way larger than I expected.

I still don’t like the guy’s gun control stance, but my gut feeling is that this guy is a very important piece to the puzzle, and is going to lead to some game changing things.

MahaYoshi 1 point ago +1 / -0

I originally read this as “Harris family reunion”.

I’m not so sure the difference matters.

MahaYoshi 2 points ago +2 / -0

I tend to agree, but at the same time, realize that places like much of Reddit is filled right now of pictures of Walz’s son tearing up out of “pride” for his father.

It’s a heartwarming story being shamelessly abused across all kinds of non-political subreddits to make Walz appear like a great, relatable, down to earth guy that we’re all rooting for.

We all know voting for someone based on his son being proud of him is moronic, and we all know how easily manipulated things like this are. But normies eat it up.

So looking for cracks in the facade like this does have value, if for no reason other than it provides a counterpoint to an otherwise inarguable “feel good” moment that’s likely total bullshit.

MahaYoshi 29 points ago +29 / -0

It took 3 whole years for the entirety of the left to stop responding to the mere utterance of Trump with shouts of “insurrectionist!”.

Even now, if you go onto the Reddit or Facebook battlefields and defend Trump’s policies, you’ll be met with a reminder that you “tried to overthrow the country”.

And yet it’s already like the assassination attempt never happened.

They are clearly terrified of it. This whole “weird” shtick they’re playing at is just playful cover to distance themselves from calling Trump Hitler and inciting and celebrating an assassination attempt.

Don’t let them do it.

MahaYoshi 1 point ago +1 / -0

I mean, I get it. I have a family member’s bank account set up with mine so I can quickly transfer money when she needs it, and it’s REALLY easy to accidentally choose another account from the little drop down box where you choose where to transfer the money.

I mean, I almost hit the “Zelensky” account from the drop down just a couple weeks ago by mistake. Now THAT would have been embarrassing.

MahaYoshi 2 points ago +2 / -0

This is all just a deflection from the fact that they’ve been inciting and cheering on assassination attempts.

The left knows how bad they look lately for jumping on the Hitler / Nazi rhetoric so hard.

So, they’re trying to memory hole their rhetoric for a bit with something benign and almost whimsical to give cover for their literal calls to arms over the years.

MahaYoshi 4 points ago +4 / -0

I have the same discussion. Constantly. Even with friends who are recent self-professed converts to Republicans because of Biden.

But it’s so hard for them to break from their programming. Media says there’s two parties, so for them, there’s two parties.

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