The supreme court ruled that they have NO obligation to protect citizens. Protect and serve refers to the government. Their badges also remind me of a certain country....
I just says holding A sign or flag. Depending on the contract you'd sign if it's worded like that anything legally counts. Turn this into a MAGA rally.
I think this is the reason the stock market is crashing. You're going to see how many corporations were on relying on swamp contracts.
She also ripped off "Lady Gaga"'s persona.
You can use that TO plagiarize. Take what you want to copy and keep rewording and restructuring sentences and paragraphs until it won't raise a flag.
We'll know if the dam breaks when you see Pelosi short Pfizer.
I'm in NY.....
2 more weeks.
This happened all over the country. They did a land grab where I live for "green" industry. Now we have a chip plant and solar fields ON a wildlife refuge. FWIW they cut down thousands of trees.
That's the problem. The ones who won't comply won't comply and will shut down, leaving only the ones who do what they're told left. I thought farmers had more balls. We need more middle fingers instead of boot lickers.
Kids belong outside, not a government reeducation prison. I can't think of anything I learned in school that I wouldn't have eventually learned myself.
Shouldn't the Silverado be made in America?
Eminent domain China's and Bill Gate's farmland.
When you make it to Oregon and still die of dysentery...
This is extremely dangerous to our democracy.
The art of dominating a conversation.
$100 gold backed US treasury certificate.
Maybe parents should stop ceding the education of their kids to the government.
Florida land would go through the roof. It's land becomes an investment. You own something nobody can take away.
DOGE finds out we spent $50k on a fleshlight.
Can they fit a rope around his head?
Big Mike and Little Vlad.
Everybody buy one ounce of gold and break the system.
This is the 9/11 to bring in digital IDs.