Narg 1 point ago +1 / -0

No way.

Of course, I said that before the 2020 election.

But if things get WORSE than they are now after THIS presidential election, America may never recover. FREEDOM in the world may never recover. We're already so deep into corruption and evil and Marxism and everything else that opposes freedom and decency that I have to work at it to believe America will recover to a reasonable baseline in my lifetime.

And that's not even mentioning the millions of people who have outright DIED or been maimed or injured permanently from the jabs and from other things that should never have happened. THEY'RE not coming back or getting back to full health. Those millions who were bankrupted or lost their life savings and homes MIGHT in some cases recover, but millions of people won't be made whole again no matter what. The kids who were conned into "transitioning" also come to mind. Likewise, the millions of veterans who have died or been injured in one way or another fighting the Military-Industrial-Complex's aggressive wars, when they enlisted (or were drafted, as in the Vietnam war) and told they were protecting America.

WORSE after the election?

God, I hope not.

Narg 4 points ago +4 / -0

It won't just be the Muslims -- the freaking United Nations plus the Chinese, the cartels, and others have been building foreign military-age male presence here in the US for months and even years.

It is building to something BIG, and soon. Take this seriously.

We've been seeing this in the news and here on GA for some time now. Here's a post with multiple references from earlier today:

From https://greatawakening.win/p/17rSeYP1xA/the-us-has-been-infiltrated-with/

In addition to the links and their descriptions, the post includes this:

• And from a member on this board: 'NeverStopBelieving' who said this: "IT'S TRUE. I’m in San Diego, there are really nice hotels with restaurants and pools and they are fenced off with green mesh over the fence for privacy. There are makeshift shacks near the beginning of the driveway where you once drove up to check in. They have armed guards. You can’t get in. Buses pull up constantly with strong-looking men. You can see all this from the hill across from the freeway." "There are thousands of guys being brought in to several different hotels, there are no woman or children. They are constantly loading and unloading buses. Buses of guys leave going God-knows-where as new buses empty off new guys. It happens constantly. It is common knowledge here. It’s even been on local news. Of course, everyone thinks they are just migrants coming for a better life. B.S.! They were brought here for a reason and it’s not a good one for America!"

Narg 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yep. As Smedley "War is a Racket" Butler pointed out decades ago, that sort of thing is a big reason we HAVE the gigantic military that we do, "projecting power" every damn where on Earth.

Narg 4 points ago +4 / -0

Destroying large swaths of property and killing large numbers of people in order to steal land or something else of value?

Seems like a lot of that going around lately.

Narg 2 points ago +2 / -0

Islam is a scheme for violent takeover of the entire world, disguised as a religion.

You can find examples of people of almost any major religion using aggression against others, but Islam has aggression baked-in, with murder of infidels and the violent takeover of entire nations (often after long periods of infiltration, building a population base) not merely advocated but REQUIRED by scripture in the Koran. Many Muslims are decent people who disagree with the harsher aspects of Islam -- just as most Christians (not to mention Christ Himself) and Jews disagree with the Old Testament's instruction to stone adulterers to death -- but a large and growing percentage of Muslims are in fully on board with the violent removal of infidels from this world and their replacement with fully Islamic society.

"Love thy neighbor" is the commandment that Jesus gave his followers. Islam's core teaching is very different.

From They Must Be Stopped: Why We Must Defeat Radical Islam and How We Can Do It by Brigitte Gabriel:

The initial Islamic war Mohammed declared on the infidels -- the original Islamic war -- has reemerged and is ramping up its attacks on freedom-loving people. As I recounted in my book Because They Hate, while growing up in Lebanon I witnessed and experienced the horror and terror this neo-jihad wreaks on civilians, nations, and societies. After having lived in a bomb shelter for seven years, and having seen most of my childhood friends killed by Islamic militants . . .

Another book that provides a chilling view of the nature of Islam is

Heretic: Why Islam Needs a Reformation Now by Ayaan Hirsi Ali

So, is the Cabal using Islam to help take down Western Civilization? Yes, of course.

Is Islam trying to take down Western Civilization regardless of the Cabal? Yes, of course.

Each assumes they will come out on top when WC is vanquished.

Narg 2 points ago +2 / -0


Includes a nice list of OTHER things Kamala has been tasked with; nothing new to us on this board but seeing them all together like this put a smile on my face:

This new office can be added to the list of other tasks with which the vice president has been charged. That includes voting rights, the U.S. southern border, abortion, artificial intelligence, water policy, promoting child tax credits, COVID-19 vaccine education, heading the National Space Council, expanding nationwide broadband access, union labor expansion and stopping online harassment. None of those portfolios show progress.

That last sentence should give you a clue as to why Harris running this “office” is a good thing for us: She isn’t getting anything done. Nothing is happening on those other fronts, and it’s likely that she’s going to be completely and totally ineffective with gun control just like she is with everything else.

Narg 8 points ago +8 / -0

Maybe because I admitted my own mistakes in believing George Bush and the rest of our government's perpetual lie machine

It's that, the human element and the acknowledgement that you made a mistake and now regret your former opinions and actions (implied; voting etc), which probably opened your friend up to change.

Logic means almost nothing where feelings are involved.

Narg 4 points ago +4 / -0

Islam is a scheme for military domination of the entire world camouflaged as a religion.

Narg 7 points ago +7 / -0

The Cates brothers, Brent and Brian, consistently put out positive, intelligent commentary from an awake-not-woke point of view. Their frequent mention that NCSWIC and the basic humanity that comes through in their writings always improves my mood, and both do a good job of guiding the reader through the reasons why the mainstream propaganda in a particular area is (often hilariously) wrong.

You may want to pick and choose among their columns before sending a given link to a particular friend or family member; not everyone is open to hearing truth about every topic.

by b472113
Narg 2 points ago +2 / -0

Well, she's apologizing for "discrimination against the unvaxxed" but says nothing about the evil of forcing "vaccination" on people or about the horrors of the bio-weapon jabs themselves, and the deaths and injuries they have caused and are still causing.

Narg 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's ALWAYS about Power over others.

Those who WANT to push others around at gunpoint are the bad guys, no matter what their forward-facing ideology is.

Of course, throughout history, conflict has often been between two groups that BOTH want to be tyrants, and most of the People are fooled into cheering on and working for the side with the better propaganda. Meet the New Boss; Same as the Old Boss.

Hopefully, the Great Awakening will be a break with that tendency.

Narg 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thanks for including the Yandex.com reference -- I did the search you suggested in both Yandex and in Qwant and the difference was startling. Yandex results began with this:

Israel Created Hamas to Avoid Peace - henrymakow.com henrymakow.com›israelcreatedhamastoavoid.html The emergence of Hamas was not what Israel wanted at all. Trying to rewrite history and claim that Hamas was created by Israel is bizarre.

Ron Paul: Hamas was created by Israel and... - Revolver News revolver.news›2023/10/ron-paul-hamas-was-created-… Published 23 minutes ago 23 minutes ago “Hamas, to my great regret, is Israel’s creation,” Avner Cohen, a former Israeli religious affairs official who worked in Gaza for more than two decades, told the Wall Street...

How Israel created Hamas – David Icke davidicke.com›2023/10/09/how-israel-created-hamas/ Published yesterday yesterday Hamas was able to capture several villages under Israeli control as well as make off with Israeli soldiers as prisoners.

Qwant results began with this:

washingtonpost.com › ... › worldviews › wp › 2014 › 07 › 30 › how-israel-helped-create-hamas How Israel helped create Hamas - The Washington Post How Israel helped create Hamas. By Ishaan Tharoor. July 30, 2014 at 12:31 p.m. EDT. A picture taken along Israel's border with the Gaza Strip shows the sun setting over the Palestinian...

vox.com › 2023 › 10 › 7 › 23907323 Why did Hamas invade Israel? - Vox World Politics. Why did Hamas invade Israel? The assault on southern Israel exposed the reality of the Palestinian conflict. By Zack Beauchamp @zackbeauchamp [email protected] Oct 7, 2023, 1:10pm...

theintercept.com › 2018 › 02 › 19 › hamas-israel-palestine-conflict Blowback: How Israel Went From Helping Create Hamas to Bombing It To be clear: First, the Israelis helped build up a militant strain of Palestinian political Islam, in the form of Hamas and its Muslim Brotherhood precursors; then, the Israelis switched

Narg 4 points ago +4 / -0

Wow! Thanks for posting this. I'm a SciFi fan since childhood, have read most of Dick's books and enjoyed some of the movies made from his work, but I've never seen this video. I have no idea if his theory about orthogonal time and lateral realities is "true" but it's damned interesting. [I haven't yet finished watching the 40 minute vid]

Narg 2 points ago +2 / -0

Non-government regulation is nothing new, and it works FAR better than anything government supplies.

For instance, Underwriter Labs and MET: Founded in 1894 to regulate electrical devices, UL predates OSHA by 76 years. Today, OSHA relies heavily on standards created by UL and on UL testing, on standards created by ANSI, and on other private, non-government groups. MET is a competitor formed in 1959. Both have expanded their domains over the years and have also become increasingly entangled with government agencies, but remain private, for-profit companies.

For an eye-opening look at how civil society -- that is, a society without structures that initiate coercion for funding or anything else -- can improve on what we now call "government", consider The Market for Liberty by Morris and Linda Tannehill.

https://mises.org/library/market-liberty-1 -- free PDF download of entire book

or https://www.amazon.com/Market-Liberty-Morris-Tannehill-ebook/dp/B007N7JDLA/ref=tmm_kin_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=1696794571&sr=8-1 (Kindle version is $3.50)

The arguments against freeing ourselves from coercive governance (and the attendant corruption, war, taxation, injustice, etc) are much the same as those used against the abolition of chattel slavery in the early 1800s. In other words, the arguments against eliminating our enslavement to the State are bullshit.

Narg 3 points ago +3 / -0

Government should NEVER be involved in business regulation, because everything government touches turns to shit. And by "shit" I mean "corruption, malfeasance, and other dangers to human health, wealth, and happiness."

Regulation belongs in the private sector, with competition available and with strict enforcement of anti-fraud laws or rules, including personal liability for the PEOPLE involved in causing harm.

Cue the downvotes . . .

Narg 1 point ago +1 / -0

This meme makes sense to me, /u/PresidentialSeal, and it has real punch when it connects, but for normies I suspect a second image would help make the point better.

What the meme suggests to me is that the astonishing breadth and depth of coordination among Cabal entities -- the constantly unified Media focus on whatever topic and spin the Cabal wants to aim at us, for one, and the even broader cooperation among Media, Medicine, Education, and nearly every other industry and large entity on COVID theater and the Jab for another -- is not by accident or a natural, ground-up phenomenon, but instead the result of an enormous and incredibly well-funded enterprise.

I like the image as-is; it took me a moment to "get it" but it felt very solid when I did. I can see it causing an "aha!" moment in some people, which is really the point of memes in general, imo. But again I do think an assist, in the form of an included second image, would make for a stronger meme -- or rather one that might help people get the point faster, rather than just being puzzled for a moment and moving on.

I'm not sure what sort of second image would help make the point (if indeed your intended point is what I think it is), but I believe the meme could be very effective -- on an important sticking-point for many people -- if you found one that helped the viewer connect that Hoover (?) dam image with the vastness of the Cabal enterprise. I believe /u/propertyofUniverse's and /u/MuckeyDuck's reactions may stem from the "needs a heartbeat or two before it comes into focus" factor; the meme may get dismissed by most people -- especially normies -- because the point doesn't leap off the screen as readily as memes generally do.

Just my (rather wordy) take on it. And good work, imo. As I said, I like the meme as-is.

Narg 2 points ago +2 / -0

Fellow Pede Ddrake517 points out the need for both parents in a child's life and there are many reasons why that's true.

For a fascinating deep dive on some of the reasons -- the physical reasons, mainly; the psychological / emotional health reasons are an entirely different rabbit hole -- I recommend Leonard Shlain's Sex, Time, and Power: How Women's Sexuality Shaped Human Evolution. It approaches the topic from an evolutionary viewpoint, but the details he describes are valid (indisputable, in most cases) regardless of one's view on that topic. Many of the pieces of this puzzle are well known, but Shlain constructs a profound and sweeping theory of what makes humans so different from every other animal -- and it's not just our powerful minds.

For example, the human brain, and our cortex in particular, is enormous for our body size compared to brain size in other animals. Big enough to make us very smart, but also big enough that BIRTH is a difficult and dangerous event for human mothers and babies. Until Western Civilization's improvement in public health and medical practices (yes, now badly corrupted, but that's another story), death in childbirth was a horribly common way to die. Birth is no big problem for other species, but as Genesis 3:16 points out, it is a difficult and painful process for human mothers. And dangerous.

Despite that, our brains (and thus skulls) are SO large that we are born essentially premature, needing months before we can even walk. A newborn human cannot even turn over; a newborn horse or giraffe can walk in an hour or two -- and EVERY newborn animal matures to the point of being ambulatory and able to somewhat take care of itself far quicker than do human young. By some estimates, we humans are born about 9 months premature.

Unsurprisingly, these two factors BY THEMSELVES make having a devoted partner a huge benefit to a human mother (and other factors are also involved). More than perhaps any other species, humanity survives because men and women bond so that mothers don't have to face pregnancy, childbirth (and recovery), and chid-rearing on their own.

There are a wide range of additional differences between humans -- human females in particular -- and other animals related to the need to accommodate and survive our large brains and skulls. I'll leave you with just one, in the form of a question: Female mammals, by definition, all have mammary glands and feed their young by creating and delivering milk to the baby -- but how many mammal species, other than humans, have breasts of the type that human females do? Dogs? Cats? Horses? Mice? -- of the ~3,500 species of mammal, only HUMAN females have breasts. Why?

(No, cow udders don't count; they don't serve the same purpose at all).

Narg 13 points ago +13 / -0

I've assumed as much for a long time -- that heart (and probably other) damage is universal among those who took actual (not saline) COVID "vax" injections -- but this is the first time I've seen a study that makes a strong case for exactly that.

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