The enemy of my enemy is my friend.
I think this just further supports the theory that Trump and Xi have made some kind of alliance. Xi may not be the best for his people and how he wants to run things over there but that's their business... Xi definitely doesn't want the Cabal on his tail and meddling in his own country's affairs.
Soros stating this is desperate, IMO. He needs to turn opinion against Xi... Why? Because Xi is a threat to him and his agenda. He knows the Q plan indicates Trump, Putin and Xi have formed an alliance and thus speaking out against Xi shows they're not on the same side and further supports the Q theories about the alliance. Soros is scared.
It's simple... She's embraced anti-American and very progressive ideologies in the past. Now all the sudden she's a patriot? Uhh, that's not how this works. She's essentially illustrated bad judgement and that's all I need to dismiss her.
She could be a white hat in deep cover but that's too risky a roll of the dice for me.
Threats of nuclear war, rising gas prices again, food shortages on the horizon, inflation, stock market at risk of crashing, interest rates up...
We won't make it to 2024. No fucking way. This has to be intentional misdirection.
Yes, I lean towards black hat gone white hat. His battle with Twitter and now the government is either super clever over the top and unnecessary theater to gain the trust of patriots while also exposing the corruption that Twitter is just in time for mid-terms (and I cant' find a good reason for this) or, it's all authentic and the DS are freaking out so much the government is in panic-mode so they're actually overstepping their bounds to try to keep it from happening.
To me, one of those scenarios is waaaaay more plausible than the other.
This assumes our wireless carriers can be trusted.
Or, could they just be good guys but wrong about Telegram?
We're all human here. Well, I think the Queen was a reptilian but I digress...
Because he's not permanent. It's a means to an end. He's a central figure that's shined a light on the corrupt establishment where the power is centralized.
So, we're going backwards.
Also, my wedding is on 11/11/22.
I'll let you all know if anything crazy happens.
He sounds vaccinated.
It's not a mistake! The "vaccine" is doing just as it was intended to do... Their reason for convincing you to take it just turns out to be bullshit too.
Why? What are they gonna do? Censor me? Knock on my door? If they're gonna start knocking on doors, that's the end of this grand freedom experiment anyway.
Why not curb the death from starvation first? 15,000 people die every day due to starvation related illness.
Oh I know, because you can't "cure" (wink wink) starvation with a vaccine.
Then why even take it?! The virus is mild and has an over 99% survival rate!
Vaxtards are so stupid. Enjoy that myocarditis or sudden death!
OMG is Borat safe?!!!
Superstonkers be like, "welcome to reality."
Because they're the gestapo and they know what happened to SR and were even potentially involved in the murder and/or its cover-up.
Glowfags gonna glowfag.
Because they have so much to hide and everything to lose.
Otherwise, if they were on the up and up, why be difficult? Why hide anything? Hand it all over and then some to repair the credibility of the FBI.
But we all know that's not gonna happen. LOL Glowfags gonna glowfag.
Joe Tippens protocol!!! He used Fenbendazole and it appears it takes care of all forms of cancer. Do it!!!! Treat cancer like a parasite. Quercetin too!
He should ask that those who are still fans of his leave with him.
I don't know how anyone can claim to know the motives of these people... Yeah, she is in the WEF but it doesn't mean they cannot be infiltrated and it certainly doesn't mean she is a good guy either. We don't know! But what I do know, her publicly switching sides and saying what she said in the process is not a help to the Deep State. She called out their shit all while switching to the Republican party.
I don't see how that's a play in their favor.
But could she have flipped? I think we need to give this some time.
Anyone wanna bet it's directed towards MAGA?