The FDA can't speak or write. A human being(s) made that decision. Name them. Make them famous.
Someone "Important" must have killed her🤔
You'd be buying at half what I paid for mine. I'm not selling. It's been unlawfully manipulated by the FTC "Under Color of Law". It may end up owning CNN, FOX, FACEBOOK, YOUTUBE, and MSNBC
$400k/ yr to rubber stamp what they are told. Bet they do as they are told
This makes me want to sign up for Starlink
When my kids were in Elementary School, we watched it. They would never eat anything from McDonalds again. Both are grown college grads now, fit and healthy
Damn, Cedar Key is a jewel along that desolate section of coast. Shallow water/ flats go out for miles. Yachting crowd steers clear.
I went back to my original e-mail about voting for/ against. I clicked the link and got to see my selection. AS I vaguely remember, I had also voted for an extension if needed. That was with Vanguard and Morgan Stanley.
Let's have about 10 more of those perverts knock themselves off this evening and I'll start partying and celebrating suicide weekend!
For on both proposals
I have gone to a church since covid started. The spineless bastards wouldn't even hold services, they are not christians, they are slaves to the government
She can make good money there if she works hard
Charged with Uttering? 14 years? + other charges? They must have " Uttered the un-utterable" as stated by Jesse Jackson in a Rush Limbaugh parody. This is part of the movie. Go out and show this to everyone. Anyone it makes excuses for this kind of s*** is worth completely taking off your list of people you need to ever speak to again. They are absolute waste
I vote that it gets tested by implanting these mini-brains in pedophiles' peckers. See if it starts thinking
FTC didn't do shit. A human being made those demands. 10 minutes in a room with that person and a pair of channel locks and you'll have a list of every asshole in the FTC who is involved.
I don't think that my username is secure. I know that those who want to know can identify me. Since I don't have the juice that they have, maybe it is better for everyone to just clearly identify themselves. If it's true, don't be afraid to state it
I'd bet he's some kind of pervert
Please, someone jump up on the desk in front of Nadler and piss all over his head
DWAC can buy it after the collapse
Hillary will rat out everyone if they(or already have) arrest her. The arresting organization would have to claim she died because she won't last a week if her handlers think she betrayed them.
If a document never existed, Trump mentions it, that person reports it(betrayal), they raid his house to get a copy, they charge him for crimes for having it, they all end up standing around with their dick in their hand.
Let's call them "Panty Boys"
I think car accident laws need to be changed like that too. If someone hits your car and damages it and does not have insurance, they should put their car into quarantine until the person either pays it or the car is sold to pay for the damage.
Loud and Clear, Sir!